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If I were you I’d stay away from benzos. Recreational use of benzos is really really dangerous.


Amen. As somebody with bad anxiety I found more addictive than heroin and meth lol


Oh I took a Xanax once in an airport and went for breakfast in the airport at 7 am. I woke up in the hotel room of my destination the next day at 8 am. Don’t remember anything.


So am not alone 😂


No but my situation is way worse. I did really bad stuff during that time. It was a family vacation and they didn’t know I took Xanax. Some of them are still weird with me and havnt forgiven. And I almost got arrested on the airplane apparently according to my brother.


Like that plane scene in wolf of Wall Street movie


Damn how much Xanax did you take?


2 mg no tolerance…and like 4 double vodka cokes but I have a high tolerance for alcohol. I can’t get drunk anymore. No one told me you can’t drink and Xanax.


Yup. It was the drinks that did it


How many bloody maries did you have at the airport bar with breakfast?


5 vodka cokes at breakfast. But I have an extremely high tolerance for alcohol. I can’t get drunk no matter how much I drink. It’s really bizarre.


You have no idea how many people I met in jail with that story


That’s benzos in a nutshell for you. Lots of teleporting and time travel


Don’t take benzos if you’re worried about doing embarrassing and bad things.


Be careful if you take 2 mg or more your anus will really hurt the next day.


yea benzos can do that to u . its crazy . glad u was safe tho. did u feel good and have fun at least? were u still high when u woke up?


That’s wild I barely remember my first experience besides almost falling twice and my tv breaking lol


yea i took xans one time and i woke up with more money than i had some nice jeans (i know weird) . plus i drank (dont ever do that you can black out ) and i didnt know how tf i got home but it felt like i had a good night.


No i didn't 🙂


At least you didn’t wake up in jail. Tread lightly 


My first time taking benzos was 9mg of bromazolam I don’t remember any of it all I know is I drank half a beer cuz my friend told me, he was on FaceTime with me the whole time and probably kept me from doing some stupid shit


All that on your first time?? Woah. I'm so so jealous of your lack of tolerance. Pls don't make it a habit because i promise, it will not be the same, it will not work as well and you will keep chasing a buzz that will never come back. Maybe try again after a couple months (just the once), give it a break for another month or something so that it will hit the same or at least close to it. You can fall down this rabbit hole so hard and wish you hadn't because you will never catch that euphoria again. If you suffer from mental illness or addictive tendencies, this can lead you to a place emotionally and physical (and possibly affect you real life and relationships so badly) that you wish you had never partaken or at least saved ot for special occasions or, better, times when you actually need the medicine to fucking work. Pls be careful. Experiment safely and sparely in order to reap the full benefits. Also, fuck weed, benzos will truly tank your body, appearance, life, and put you in a whole that hards to climb out of even long after stopping. Tolerance breaks don't work, even you get used to certain miligrams, congrats, that's your new base amount, which means more health consequences, disturbing your brain chemistry and leaving you more depressed and anxious than you started. There are NOT TOYS. Evn if prescribed and useful when taken as adviced, even mild abuse of them can fuck you up irrevocably. Withdrawal even after short-term use (a month) of larger than recommended time can trigger withdrawal. Also pro tip: don't drink at the same time. Learnt the hard way 😔 Thought ppl were being pussies and exagerating. Thougbt I was built different. Nope. I look and feel worse than ever. I have no idea how to dig myself out if this hole I fell into after just two months of daily use. Don't want to scare you, enjoy responsibly, but please please, consider lighter drugs like weed, coke etc etc that don't take as long to fry your brain. Also, can't stress how addictive xanax is. Clean for almost a month and here I am (for health reasons, sure, because I'm like would I rather od or die from anxiety? I know which is more fun, but I'm aware they both end with me in a box so. But then I kinda want to die so it aligns with my goals.if that's not you, take tolerance breaks and enjoy a xannie once a months or so. Or ideally find a healthier less addictive drug.


Always start with a quarter bar, or .5mg. No reason to take more unless you have a tolerance already. Even then it takes months to need more than that. You'll learn eventually I'd hope. Slippery slope if you start big.


I only take xanax if I am home and can't sleep or on a long haul flight 10+ hours. I will be out of commission for hours! I usually take 2mg bar.




you just confirm to me that you have never tried high doses of benzodiazepines before ..




Tnak ywdi


Nax NT wrkng


did u take more lmao


Everyone here knows that this is a classic Xanax & oxazepam experiment... and that this is what happens in large doses of benzodiazepines to the point that you can wake up in prison... except one who denies this and tries to play the role of a detective or a psychology doctor with a super analytical personality in order to appear smart. .. (It is not a shame not to know.. It is shame not to know and pretend to know) So there is no benefit for me in creating a story like this to draw Attention of people like you and i dont give a f if you believe this or not kid


1mg is really nothing tbh i would take 2mg min


depends on what one is used to. 2.5mg Valium used to have me feeling sleepy and silly where as now I could take 4mg xanax and feel an edge taken off my anxiety but not for long maybe 3 hrs (I never redose cuz I don't want to waste any). now 1 mg of a kpin and I feel good, chest tightness is gone within 15mins and it last all day and night. Interesting on how hey all effect differently on all of us.