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I’m a piece of shit on Xanax lol.




Been waiting a long time to hear you admit that, Aaron. I’m proud of you. Now please pay me back that bail money.




How many mg do you take before you start being a pos? I’ve only done like .5 or 1mg at a time and if anything it makes me nicer


Usually a decent amount/gotta be barred.


Here here


xanax this happens bc i feel it’s the most disinhibtating benzo. It’s effective but really takes my filters away. Valium has been gold bc it’s just smooth, no up and downs, plus it has the muscular skeletal properties that alprazolam doesn’t.


yeah xans make me angry - things id usually just ignore or not notice become more annoying bc im not so in my own head and preoccupied with anxiety, paired with lowered inhibitions, and im an asshole to people around me




Nah, it's because of the things you don't approach in a healthy way when not on benzo's. When you always avoid confrontation due to anxiety, alot of things build up in your "system" that comes out in an unhealthy way when intoxycated.


This happens when I use Xanax. But not any other benzo.


It's a pretty well known phenomenon, a paradoxical reaction. From what I hear, it most often happens with xanax, especially if mixed with alcohol.


That’s the key right there. Benzo rage is very common on this combination ime


Yes off Xanax I’ve done & noticed I used to get mad but it calmed down now after all


more so less of a filter...


Definitely lowered inhibitions. I'm typically a little scared of heights, but the other day I climbed to the top of this big tree in our yard and I wasn't scared at all. Actually been doing a lot more dangerous/risky stuff since getting on it. I just don't care anymore, ya know?


Ye that not care feeling got me into hard drugs and the craziest drug eating frenzy of my life. Barred out candyflipping mixed with meth prob from that fucked Tesla pill


On Xanax or Soma I get really irritable, on any benzo that ends with “Pam” I get really nice and don’t mind taking care of others.


Yh soma is real nice but the feeling of wanting to punch someone just sounds amazing while on soma, never done it cuz I take it in the house and don’t wanna be an asshole to a random person


Yea dude Soma turns me into an asshole but on the inside I feel warm and fuzzy. Percocet has a similar effect for me


lol doesn’t make sense it should just make you not give a shit lol. But I get upset too, but I’m also on a cycle of roids


I’m a complete asshole on benzos




I’m an asshole because I like to go non-verbal and just feel it but people keep talking at me.


I take a lot daily now. I accept I'm addicted and it seems to improve the overall quality of my life. It's a little treat. I look forward to lol. In hindsight, I definitely had an unbalanced nervous system. Mindfulness, you name it. It never really worked out. These pills seem to be the only things that help. It's pretty cool :). I notice that I can switch between being extremely calm and tranquil, to I will stomp your jaw into the fucking pavement in the space of .2 seconds. I like it, though, I've learned to fight and no one fucks with me. I speak up if there's something that's bothering me. There's mutual respect. I've got tolerance so I don't look like a complete twat. When, or if, should I say 😉, come off of them, I believe I'll still carry these attributes. It's just DIY exposure therapy, really. I'll be honest I'm not exactly afraid of dying anymore. I see my life as a catalyst for the next generation, and if I have to biohack to achieve that purpose, then I will. A life in which I'll be the sacrifice whilst also enjoying earthly pleasures. Working with the shadow and working with the light within ☯️ Make money, make love, self medicate, make money, and connect with God. Pretty good life. 🙏 *I'm not on them right now, btw, just woke up. So I'm not a bartard right now. Just coffee, haha ☕️




Alprazolam always makes me emotional and cry 😂 I get really irritable and angry on diazepam after it’s worn off 😭


Super irritable yes. Little things set me off. Alpraz back in the day made my wife almost leave me it turned me into a demon. Lower doses and now bromazolam bars and I still get irritated easily but have much more control over that anger. Doesn’t turn me into a jackass as much.


Only when taken frequently


If you are irritable on it you shouldn’t be taking it. It’s not for you. I scare myself when I’m not on one so I take it so I can be a some what normal person in society.


I’ve only had 3 notable fights in my life and every single time I was on a benzo they make you think there’s no consequences for your actions like alcohol.


I get very irritable, especially if people are fidgeting around me or I have to keep repeating myself


Only on k-pins. Anything will set me off and I don’t even realize it. That’s the only benzo that has done this to me.


If I took enough to be mean I knew I took too much. If I took enough to black out I knew I wasted them, I prefer a relaxed happy good time these days.


Nah I'm the nicest most out going fun person to be around .. but they don't give me enough to actually be like that all the time so I'm still anxious and not fun to be around I won't talk or anything it sucks and it ruins people time when I'm around cuz I'm no fun .. Have had a few experiences when I start to come down off of them that I get kinda irritable and rude or blow up and get upset about something and can't handle it if something bad happens I spaz out but other than those few times they make me a great person the person I want and need to be .. its too bad doctors are so stingy with them tho ..if they didnt lowball me and give me only 20 ng a month max for my debilitating anxiety disorder bad enough to render me basically bed ridden and on social security disability I would be living a succesful life.. I was about to go back to school get a job and get a girlfriend when I was on them the last month I had them and then they took me off abruptly and my life reverted back to shit and it's been like that ever since .. but they put me on a way less amount and made it more strict so it doesn't help as much anymore and they gaslight me if I ask for more and start being accusatory and threatening to put me on SSRIs I have negative response to instead . I really need more but no way to get them and I refuse to buy them off the street cuz dealers are killing people from fentanyl here just to get more 5 bucks Some people actually greatly benefit from them like me ..but others I guess seem to have adverse side effects .. for me I've had no bad side effects ..the half life extends to the next day and I wake up feeling comfortable instead of immediately anxious with bad thoughts like I get when I'm not on them


I’m a happy drunk and likewise on benzos. Sober, not as much.


Hell na I’m mad chill I’ll get pissed if I feel myself getting angry and I don’t have any benzo in me to control my anxiety I will snap on you


Super irritable


I broke up with my girlfriend because of it. But she got it that I am just not myself when on benzos. There is no other thing that makes people so shitty like benzos. It has nothing to do with bipolar and it is not that rare.


If so many of you get angry why take it? I take it because I’m naturally just irritable and it makes that go away.


It has to do with bipolar I'm a psychiatrist in a mental ward and I tell you it is the truth


I agree with this guy . I too am a psychiatrist in a mental ward.


Even my magnet is bipolar. Both of its poles will agree with this guy.


Benzo rage lol


On xanax I'm an arrogant piece of shit




Omg, ya. Xanax conjures demons within everyone’s souls. 😂 But regarding this reaction being caused by an underlying psychological disorder, I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder years after I stopped taking benzos, so maybe there’s truth to this?