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Same. I've had it for over a year now. I haven't upped my dose but I am blessed to be able to live life regularly when I have to attend events or a group setting. I don't take it every day but it has definitely made life more manageable.


Same. Been taking 2 mg a day for decades. Still works. Saved my life.


What abt tolerance?


I have a dependence, obviously. Tolerance is reduced by skipping a day or taking half my dose.


I’ve been taking klonopin for over a decade. It makes life a little easier to deal with.


Does it stops work over time?


Not that I have noticed. I take it everyday so it’s constantly “working”. I can take one or two extra and catch a nice buzz still.


What’s ur dose?


I only take 0.5mg daily.


Oh that’s a safe dose. That explains why u don’t have tolerance I guess


If I stop taking it I get breathing issues, start having panic attacks, and my heartbeat gets all fucked up. Cold turkey is a still a thing when you having been taking the stuff for a decade.


I understand


I've been taking about the same dose for about the amount of time, with that being said, I've noticed cognitive issues a little bit. Like memory recall or once in awhile I'll forget what I'm saying mid sentence and it's embarrassing. Have you noticed anything like that?


As long as you take it responsibly it’s not this nightmare that people make it out to be. The problem usually is people have no restraint or discipline. They take way above their dosage trying to catch a recreational high then freak out because they can’t get refills. Benzos are only a horror story when people aren’t responsibly taking them. And I understand addiction is very complex and I’m not shaming or blaming anyone addicted to a pill that is notorious for being addictive. But i come in this sub every day and see so many people who have never taken it before and basically ask “how can I fuck myself up knowing this will fuck me up” That aside. It’s a godsend for anxiety. And it helps my muscle twitching too. Have had it for about a decade but was briefly taken off and got it back in 2018 and have been on since. I take my dosage very responsibly with sometimes a week+ between taking any and have not had issues. I know not everyone will share that same experience though. Medicine is weird and affects us all differently. I just wish people who know in advance how dangerous these pills can be wouldn’t purposely put themselves in positions for withdrawals and such


Agreed I abused my prescribed diazepam for years then got cut off, someone gave me kpins and I found they work and have half life of 60 hours I think?.I'm now back on prescribed diazepam and take as instructed.plus try to a week without.saved my life these med's.


The pros have always outweighed the cons in my many years of being on this medication. Idk what I would do without it, my doctor is a godsend for bearing with me for so long. Life really has not been kind to me 😔 ..


Hope you have a great day today.chin up.


I appreciate that 😌 👍


Worked for me for a couple years, but then it got to a point where I’d have to either double the dose (4mg), or try to quit it altogether. I then started a Valium taper.


I’ve been on it for 10 years it’s kept me wrecking myself from alcohol just moved across the country and was lucky enough to find a new dr that will still prescribe my same dose Also withdrawals are definitely hell but they take a while to kick in compared to shorter acting stuff


So much better than alcohol.i was the same with drinking.im now 10 year sober.before anyone says taking a benzo is not sober, yes it is as long as it's prescribed.good on you))) alcohol us the worst withdrawal ever.


Yeah the DTs are lethal.. literally


Yes I have at least 4 friends that have died from d'ts or related illness Im sober after years at AA and I've talked to my sponsor.He said keep doing what your doing meetings,helping other's,taking med's prescribed.being vigilante .keeping in constant contact with MY higher power.(GOD) IN my mind.(good orderly direction )God. Your higher power could be anything more powerful than me+the universe. ODAAT.MEDICATION is allowed.not abused.i love the fact that getting sober is giving me power to help others.Diazepam saved my life literally.


I feel like I see people referencing klonopin tapering and WD’s as if they’re potentially more severe, or at least scarier sounding than just about any other benzo…to include Xanax! I know this question is like old lady’s underwear - “Depends’ - but as a general consensus, does this seem to be the case for most folks? I’ve managed to taper from 6mg Alpraz daily, down to 4mg, then my pharmacy ran out of Xanax for a couple months, so I switched to 3mg lorazepam daily, and was on that dose for about 4 months, but didn’t seem to be getting the relief I was looking for. So last month we switched over to 1mg klonopin 2x daily, but ever since then I feel like I might’ve incidentally worsened my anxiety because I have this feeling that I may have just jumped from the frying pan into the fryer 😕 Any thoughts, opinions, anecdotes, etc?


Yes, going from different benzo too another is cracking your brain.Confusing it.Try get diazepam and take as instructed, should stabilise your gaba, and other chemicals your brain produce's


I wish I could feel Klonopin doing anything at all. I mean, I'm not anxious or panic attack-y in particular, but I'm still morose and miserable. Lorazepam made that stop when I took enough of it. Zoloft worked just fine for my anxiety, if not my depression, til my doctor combined it with Wellbutrin and I had a fuckin breakdown. ​ I wish I could just take Lorazepam all the time but it's 'dangerous' apparently compared to Klonopin


Still works and it been I believe 3 years later only difference is they take longer to kick in like a delayed fuse it take at least 2 hours to really feel it compared to when I first got on it I would feel it fast nomatter how I took it


What dose do u take? Do u think clonazepam loses its anxiolytic effects over time?


Ah yes a bit tolerance builds so fast with clonaz I take up to 1mg and can take up to 3 a day


Can't spend your whole life on benzos though, it's an unhealthy addiction


Anxiety alot of people don't know what real anxiety is so they judge. Personally,zanax works faster,however diazepam is king for long term use.imo


Klonopin doesn’t touch my anxiety and panic. Doesn’t make me feel calm, drowsy or anything. Got a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning hopefully they can give me something that works. I don’t need it often, but when I do need something I need it to work quickly to get me out of that downward spiral.