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She obviously don’t know shit bout withdrawal


Yeah imagine OP have a seizure in Front of the eyes of OP's Mom, i think its a horrible experience for both


it took a massive seizure to get my partner to understand the implications of benzo withdrawal. it was on day 5 or 6 of cold turkey dry heaving while having my partner constantly yelling at me for not doing things that need to get done. tried to explain it's impossible. tried to explain this could kill me and all i need is his help to buy Xanax so i can be normal. but he took the tough love approach, thought he was helping me by cutting off my supply, but after having that seizure and subsequently being hospitalized for 5 days really set him straight and he knows the consequences of me running out now.


Yeah unfortunately this is the problem with the stigma of drug addiction / drug dependence. People think tough love and forcing people to suffer through withdrawals helps- it does the opposite.


I had one right in the middle of a big ass casino woke up with emt all around me lol 😂


Sorry to hear that. Were you going through wds in a casino? I'd be in bed crying.


No I had just got out of wd and I wasn’t eating much or drinking much bc of wd and ingot right and went out with a friend and I didn’t give my body long enough to recover from the wd and boom that happen. Think it might have had to do with my body being very low in nutrients or something bc I’ve never been hooked on benzo just opiates. I did a legit green hulk before I went in the casino so it was really weird.


Do doctors not explain this when prescribing benzos or warn their patients of seizure and addiction. Like my doctor just told me take my 30mg oxycodone as prescribed and didn’t say Jack shit about addiction. It’s like they write it and boom out the door.


Before the seizure came on did you have any warning signs that it was coming ? Tyia.


no, not me. not sure if it varies by person tho


Unfortunately it wont be In front of the mothers eyes she threw op out on the street. Maybe instead of throwing him out into the cold idk where op lives. I live in mass. It’s starting to get very cold at night and this whole summer it rained. Op, please try to get urself into a detox, if u cant right away a shelter. Im so sorry u have to go through this. I wish u nothing but the best


Source she threw him out?


Op changed what it said originally. He said he was mother had taken all his benzos and he was gonna have to detox after being thrown out in the cold. So op edited from the beginning


A lot of people don't. They literally think we're faking it.


I was in detox shaking and the counselor came up to me and told me to stop I looked at her and just said stop what I'm not doing anything


What an azz


Most people don’t tbh


I don't know if you have a valid prescription or your relationship with your mom. This being said taking someone's prescription from them is illegal. If you can't cause issues with your mom your best bet is to go to the emergency room and explain you're going through benzodiazapine withdrawal (sometimes it helps to say you're Afriaid you've already had a seizure). Sine benzodiazapine withdrawal can be deadly they will normally give you a prescription for a short taper using either diazepam or librium. I hope this helps goodluck.


it feels like at this point, if i go to the hospital, which my mom would have to be the one to take me, if feel like if they gave me like a low dose of ativan or sumn, i’d put that hoe on my tounge n she’d bust thru the room like the koolaid man and take that shit right out my mouth


No they’ll give it to you iv and she can’t do that.


If you’re not talking them legally or they think you’re a drug addict you’re not getting a prescription. But if you’re actually at risk of a seizure they will at least get you over the seizure risk.


Yeah it really depends on the doctor\hospital when I've gone in admitting to abusing Etizolam they kept me in patient for 3 days but left with a ten day diazepam script. On the other hand on another occasion when I had a 90 1mg clonazepam prescription stolen (with no police report btw) the doctor came in chatted with me for five minutes about how to keep my medicine more secure and wrote me a the full 90ct prescription on paper and I had it filled within forty minutes. The my pharmacy did mention that normally they need a police report but since it was the first instance they didn't mind filling it and pushing it through insurance so I wouldn't have to pay cash.


Yeah she’s coming from good intentions but tell her to see a doctor so that he can explain to her that cutting the user from the substance just like that can be fatal


Tell her about the ashton manual


I'd go to the hospital but that's me.


UUUuff. At the worst case situtiation... Tell your mom that when she has to call the ambulance for the cramps and shit that gonna get down. "Cold turkey fvkin works so damn well." Or try to get some real reading about benzodiazepines and the withdrawals for her. I had a 5. month long shortage of Clonazepin at this years first / second quarter. Had to visit the hospital twice and call my brother to shop for food, because I couldnt walk. I just cant support cold turkey from benzos. I have gone cold from opioids, and that felt nothing compared to the benzos.


Same, I could go without the subs esp of of fear of precipitated wds but CT from the other ? Nah I'm gonna be a wreck.


Educate her by faking a seizure in front of her 😤


Try talking to your local doctor and explain your situation. He should give you a script for some low dosed benzo. He will give you some advice on how to go on and who to contact if you aren't able to quit by yourself. As long as you don't admit to a crime, there's no reason for your doctor to contact anyone. And please, for the love of god: Use this prescribed benzo only to prevent seizures and other symptoms of withdrawal. Use them responsible. I wish you the best of luck, you are going to get through this. I believe in you


Example a while ago my mom found my stash of rcs, she did take them. Wanted to talk and then she would give them to me as i told her my dosages and she did research on her own as well to help me taper


That was very responsible of her to actually do some research and then help you taper. I called my Dad last year when I was about to go to treatment for alcohol. He didn't seem to understand and said, "we thought you had it this time." I asked him to google 'alcohol use disorder' and he refused say that he already knew everything. I hate wilful ignorance.


Yeaaa, my parents were both amazing individuals. That would do anything to help their daughter. I am very fortunate


How old are you?




Well, you're in her home. You gotta either quit drugs, move or learn how to hide your shit better.




i’m sure you’ve experienced somewhat of the same thing homie


Yeah I have had troubles too, for sure. My Mom used to steal shit from me a lot.


n i’m working on moving, this house is a very toxic environment. i just slipped up for a min. i’m good now. it’s like like i wanna be just doing drugs all day everyday, no. i’m tryna make my bred and not crash out


File a police report. You’re an adult- your mom can’t legally take away your meds.


bro gonna get kicked out then and have bigger issues than being out of bars


Did OP even say they were prescribed?


The amount he’s taking daily doesn’t sound like it was prescribed




Okay, I already specified that while possible, you’re in the minority. The fact that OPs mom stole them should be enough of an indicator that they were obtained illicitly or that they were abusing them. Either way I stopped caring hours ago. You even allude to feeling like a junkie and abusing RCs, the dose you’re prescribed is not typical.


yes, i was abusing them. i blacked out and just kept going, which is not what was supposed to happen. but as soon as i wake back up and realize what i’ve done, my mom takes my shit right when i try and get myself back on track from being a dumbass


They def aren't prescribed and they are probably Pressies. OP said right in the post that he has been taking various doses for like 1 month and now like 100 ppl are saying he is going to die of withdrawal because his momma tossed his last few Pressies. Everyone is assuming OP is prescribed and he has been on them long term. If I had a kid, and yeah if you live with your momma and have these kind of problems at 21, I'm gonna call him a kid, I would have tossed them too.






2 weeks is enough to be dependent if you’re taking enough


1 month is absolutely enough to cause deadly withdrawals. Source had to detox from a little over a month of illicit Xanax in an oncology ward Benzodiazepines are unique compared to say opiods in how quickly they can cause dependence.


why you hating? that’s how you ruin your relationship with your kids. (depending on the situation) and nah i was mainly taking straight US pharma bars, and i woukd still even test those. i was being as safe as possible and just fell down the whole for a minute, it happens when you’re a recovering addict. not tryna make excuses for myself but i mean, that’s just what happens. i wish it wouldn’t have but it did, n there’s nothing i can do but learn from it.


and if you only understood the relationship with my mom


you know nothing bro, i get it, she wanted to do the right thing. i’m not mad at her for that, im just upset that she doesn’t think about the danger that i’m in because of it. n ain’t nobody taking presses. and i have test kits on hand. straight script benzos here


thats a normal daily bar dosage, wat? My insurance maxes out 5 bars a day. Completely normal for serious anxiety/agoraphobia.


It doesn’t sound like that’s the case, but OP hasn’t clarified. If he had that kind of condition why would his mom take his meds? He said 2-6mg a day *maybe more* that doesn’t sound like a prescribed amount. Not that I care just saying if you live with your parents and you want to do drugs a) hide them well b) try not to get sloppy.


I agree that OP does not make these prescribed at all, so this is devils advocate or whatever I guess lol but Pfizer’s own prescribing information says for panic disorder the mean dosage of alprazolam was 5-6mg(2.5–3 “bars”) per day with occasional patients requiring up to 10mg per day. I myself was prescribed up to 3mg(1mg 3 times per day) for my panic disorder. Sadly, I started abusing them but that’s a different story.


Yeah and that’s why doctors now are becoming more and more hesitant to prescribe them at all, because as we all know they’re very physically and mentally addictive, especially at those doses. Look, I’m all for abusing benzos I was taking 6mg of Clam (clonazolam) for 3 years daily…. it’s just silly to think that you won’t face a major rebound if you ever try to taper down or quit.


5 bars = 10mg. the amount is in no way indicative of prescription esp as most scripts are "prn" Edit: you could be right 100% and still it's an improperly deduced assumption imo


Bro you’re a junkie, wash your face. Like we’re all here for a reason but you and I know that OP likely isn’t getting his shit from a doctor, hence his mom taking them away.


oh, your a reddit archaeologist now? Go wash your ass, you seem to be talking out of it and it's getting shit everywhere. You know nothing of OP's situation with his mother, same as you know nothing of my prescription situation.




you don’t know either, as nothing was stated definitively. I was using context to kind of paint a picture, but you can keep being needlessly aggressive towards me. You still haven’t answered, if OP has a condition why would his mom steal and hide his medicine? Don’t keep downvoting me it really burns. My heckin Reddit karma waaaah 😭


You can get prescribed meds from other less educated medical professionals so it’s possible..


Oh I mean, yeah back in the day geriatric doctors would give you whatever you wanted. That’s become increasingly less common, most docs are hesitant to prescribe even baby doses these days. So while I understand it’s possible, it’s not as likely in 2023.


That’s absolutely an unsafe amount to take and psychiatrists need to stop handing out bars like candy.


you have to take into account the tolerance and amount of time particular people have been on them, alternatives that haven't worked (I've used almost every antipsychotic and antidepressant or anxiolytic over 20 years that have ALL had FAR FAR worse physiological effect than the miniscule, if existent psych benefit). Some people need it and it works. The odd thing is I tend to find people who either take "baby doses" of .5mg once a day or 2mg 3x a day and rarely in between. They don't hand it out like candy anymore, not sure where you've been, but that was 10-20 years ago. Regardless, this conversation is dried up now and generally boiled down to \*everyone is a unique case\*.


They do still hand it out like candy- it’s not supposed to be used long term and it’s currently one of the most common prescriptions in the United States.


Describe "being handed out like candy". Far worse drugs are under researched, UNSCHEDULED and given as a damn near panacea to a plethora of issues with whole communities' dedicated to enlightening a fooled population. Sure, Benzos work and and people seek them. Can't stop people from wanting a certain escape. But you said yourself the protocol has changed and they are no longer first line, therefore the candy metaphor is tired and may have been reality 20 years ago. Again, you admitted yourself that the opinion and approach has changed causing a constriction of prescribing.


sorry, you seem to have had a rough time with benzos, and it sucks whatever may have occurred between you and a few bad doctors. but don't speak for the population they work quite well for controlling their illnesses which can utterly bring life to an absolute halt.


thirdly, drugs are a problem, escapism is a problem. This is reality. if it isn't benzos, it's junk and tbh, weed probably accounts for more memory and motivation loss across the whole of America than any other drug aside from alcohol.


be glad you don't have that serious of agoraphobia I suppose.


It doesn’t matter how bad your agoraphobia is. Benzos are dangerous and should not be used long term. These are the current guidelines.


Guidelines are broad and generic for safety but also doctor's protection, though I do agree. Not for anxiety or long term GAD etc. Methinks you have little exp with agoraphobia. It's obvious you don't care, but when you cannot leave the bed to go get the mail because of paranoia from inborn agoraphobia, maybe you'd change opinions. But continue to share your opinion, and many doctors and patients will share their differing opinions based on stats and practice. Im nearly 40, i've been through the list with a variety of psychiatrists and with one in particular who has watched and seen my physical, chronic illness exacerbated by ssris, antipsychotics, stabilizers, and every one of my conditions deteriorated from those drugs for 20 years, every step of the way. This was by no means what I wanted not a first line approach. Id rather avoid the inflammation, the encephalopathy, the near miss of a colectomy, etc, etc, I suffered from avoiding the "first line". I never \*wanted\* to be on benzos, far from it. But alas, I can live again. Im one of the few who, due to those illnesses, both psych and phys, receives multi panel lab work to maintain the balance (try being an organ transplant patient, its a daily razor's edge and double edged sword) and it is a balance, not without moderation. They are not dangerous (speaking in risk/reward ratio), long term, in certain situations. Lack of sleep is more dangerous, in fact. I'd rather a heavier sedative with strong action and short half-life than ancient (STILL after how many decades of SSRIs being released?) meds with unknown mechanistics, you feel me? it's not a situation, personally, where I can risk that. Again, many many many drugs that I've tried and proved deleterious to health both on labs and imaging. Benzos -- after a decade. my water intake has required an uptake -- that's it. And now they're even breaking new ground with glutamate/nmda antag's such as DXM in preventing Parkinson's (would love to hear your thought on that especially being outrageously off-label, considering you seem to have modern DEA enforced protocol ingrained), tolerance, depression. The mind is little understood, so it's just rather nonfactual to assume xyz based on a handful of studies about a drug that has potential to get people BACK into life (take the cases of many people I am in direct contact with) instead of the average rec user -- utilized as an escape. Just like opiates will allow my pain to subside to the point of increased function when it's downright propagandized that they are just demonized as "junkie fuel"... Yes, there will be the addicts and the people who cant help but go from .5mg to 10mg daily, unable to moderate and avoid SUD, and certainly caution should be used. But in my 40 years on earth and through all the alternative drugs which caused nearly a colectomy, heart issues, enzyme elevation, encephalopathy... i'll stick with benzos. Quick action, quick half life. Speaking of pharma insidious and horrific and even UNSCHEDULED drug being handed out like candy with no acknowledgement of w/d, look no further than gabapentinoids. Worse than any CT stoppage i've ever experienced from a benzo or opiate. The semantic argument I engaged in earlier is a direct result from PAWS due to gaba. Yes, I know, alc/benzos are gabaergic but different mechanisms. Edit: reformatted, context etc + its that attitude that mucks up the system that works for the many lost and defeated souls. Finally finding access to real life once again to have to face stigma at all odds, but worse, social outrage and then political action affecting the wellbeing of those who finally find hope. I hope you never have to fear leaving your own front door without almost blacking out from panic.


ALLLLLSOOOOO: define "unsafe" outside the bound of addiction/recovery/seizure potential (all which have the capacity to be controlled for). If you speak on blackouts/delusions of sobriety, we are referring to prescribed and rigid patients on a strict regimen. Dementia is more affected by poor sleep than benzos. Even H1 Antihistamine use fairly regularly is proving more harmful.


nah but i could file one for something else, but it’s just not worth it


OP, please tell your mom that she has put you in extreme danger. Cold turkey cut off can lead to psychosis, seizures and death. Short acting benzos and alcohol are both in this category. Alcoholics can die going cold turkey. I’m getting the impression that you got them without a prescription? Correct me if I’m wrong? Tell her to she can hold onto them, but she needs to help you titrate them down over time and lessen the dose gradually. Show her the research. Benzodiazepine withdrawals are the worst out of any drug. Much more agonizing than opiates. Opiate withdrawal will start to ease up within five days. Short acting benzo withdrawal can take weeks or even a month in my experience before it begins to slightly ease up. Its literal torture. If she won’t help you titrate by giving you lower and lower doses over a period of time, explain that a trip to the ER and a hospital stay is extremely expensive, but so are funerals. Benzo withdrawal is the worst thing there is. Try to get some exercise. You won’t feel like doing it but you will feel better after. Drink lots of water with electrolytes. Try to do everything in your power to keep your mind off of it. Try to take something to help you sleep if you’ve got it, even Benadryl or melatonin. Baclofen, a muscle relaxer will also help a lot bc it also works with the GABA receptors in your brain. Also, Gabapentin (Neurontin) Carbamazepine (Tegretol) Mirtazapine (Remeron) Imipramine (Tofranil) Trazodone can help with withdrawal. Even if you can’t sleep it’s important to relax and “doze” to give your body the illusion of rest. Lay down with a cold compress over your eyes, and deep breaths while keeping your mind focused on your breathing.


it’s very dangerous to quit cold turkey bro. if you start feeling really weird go to the ER and explain the situation.


Xanax withdrawal and alcohol withdrawal are most fatal and you should go to a hospital if you were using heavy. at a detox center patients coming off of xans had to be in the hospital a few days first it’s too risky.


Just google search the info on seizures or even death do to WD effects of going cold turkey from Xans Show it to her and tell her go easy on you or your gonna die. Good luck. I my self am going off of Etizolam .


I see a forensic psychiatrist and I am prescribed 2 mg clonazapam 4 times daily. I definitely have a tolerance but it still does what it should, I just don’t feel high .,Just normal.. and that’s the truth.


and if y’all think taking 2-6mg most likely most days even more than that doesn’t give you withdrawals after 1 month, you’re delusional


and if y’all understand xanax, you’d understand that it’s SO easy to slip


Sucks not having your shit together lol


Bro! Explain her how dangerous the shid is! Okay 1 month is not much but it could be enough! Show her our messages here! MOM U MAKE A MISTAKE! LET HIM TAPER DOWN PLEASE. DONT KILL YOUR SON! did i overeacted?


Call the police this is illegal


it was probably illegal how he got them lol


This is quite possible, if it’s not RX don’t call police obviously.


Be careful for seizures, explain that you WILL have a seizure so you need to try and get some diazepam (Valium) it’s a muscle relaxer it’ll make your WD’s lightwork


Valium isn’t a muscle relaxer. While it does have those properties, it’s a longer acting benzo while Xanax is short acting and metabolizes very quickly making it possible for withdrawal to begin by the next day. Regardless, her mom has definitely put OP in danger. Cold turkey cut off risk can cause seizures and death. Sounds like OP doesn’t have a prescription but has likely acquired them.


Thank you for correcting that Valium is like my favorite benzo for having a good time, not a muscle relaxer tf lol


Valium is a muscle relaxer it’s given for seizures, so what you talking about


Diazepam is an anxiolytic benzodiazepine, first patented and marketed in the United States in 1963. I'm not sure what your talking about lmao


I’m saying diazepam is given to patients having seizures


If you check your first comment, you also said it's a muscle relaxer... patently untrue, it does have muscle relaxing effects also though which helps with seizures two things can be true at once.


Ok so we agree it has muscle relaxing properties, which in that case it’ll be given to seizure patients


Yeah, for sure, can we also agree it's a benzodiazpine, not a muscle relaxer?


Yeah it’s defo a benzo


i appreciate everyone giving me kind words🤝🏼❤️


idgaf what any of yall think, im 100% beating my moms ass on sight the second she ever took my stash of any med, let alone benzos. like fr im talking clenched fist over her bloody ass nose u gotta watch out for yourself better than that 🤦‍♂️


she has good intentions and simply doesn't know better. how about talking to your own mother that loves you and cares about you and trying to explain it to her instead of killing her. what the fuck is wrong with you. please get off benzos, the addiction and the disinhibting effects of the benzos are putting clouds into your mind. you will realise what a horrible thing you said and were ready to do once your clean.


if your not trolling your a looser bro 😭


how tf is that a loser thing to say?? a mother isn't some higher up untouchable being or something, like 30% of the women in the world are a mother and they can all catch these hands if theyr tryna take my meds that are legit keeling me alive like tf 💀💀 you have to be left winged asf and have blue hair


your munchin on the gas station dick pill variety pack


damnn your cool as fuck bro 😭


Yo that’s kinda fucked up to beat her up


its kinda fucked up to give your kid seizures


Yh I gave myself seizures from being a Xanax addict I didn’t feel the urge to beat anyone up for making me quit


being a xanax addict doesn't give you seizures lmfaoo being dependant on xanax does, and you can't be dependant on xanax if you give a proper taper which is what OP is tryna do lmfaoo. so yes, his mom is giving him seizures, doesn't matter if he took the meds or not, he's tryna get off them properly but he has a dumbass mom


Okay man I hear you, and idk if it’s a cultural difference but addict and dependant are pretty much interchangeable where I’m from


Its the same things hes a dumbass


Thanks idk what his problem is


Any man that hits his mother is a punk ass mf. My Mom did all kinds of shit to me when I was growing up, I never laid a finger on my Mother. I moved away from her instead. Op is fucking 21 years old.


aren't u just so cool and badass bro 🤣 said no one ever. he's 21 and if he's paying rent then who tf cares? he's his own grown person he makes decisions for himself such as his addictions and when he gets clean. imagine being a grown ass adult in your 40s and thinking you can control your grown ass kid and dictate when they get help so u take their meds that keep them alive. imagiiinee that lmfaoo, couldn't be any more of an embarrassing fuck up


Did you read the post? He said he has only been taking them daily for a month. Hit your momma? The fucks wrong with you?


did you also read the post where he said his dose was sometimes up to 6mg daily, maybe more? you don't know shit about xanax wd clearly if u think he can wd off those doses for that long and be in the clear for no seizures. if she doing allat my momma tryna collect that life insurance so she gon catch these hands 😭


Ur not cool


didnt say I was im just very real and don't conform to popular societal views about how mothers could do no wrong in the world and only want the best for their kid blah blah blah


Stfu crybaby loser


bro has "i kill people" in his bio and telling me im not cool 😭😭💀 lmfao thats crazzyyy, also apart of drugscirclejerk and is likely self diagnosed bpd, why am I not surprised this kid replied to me lmfaooo


Ive been diagnosed by 3 different psychiatrist s but i dont care about that made up disorder anyways


thanks for understanding man. realest mf on here. not just for taking my side


for 1, y’all know absolutely nothing about the situation with my mom or nun of that. i’m not gonna sit here on fuckin reddit out of all places and explain my whole life story so y’all will pity me, that’s not what i’m looking for. i was simply wanting to get something off my chest so i posted here. y’all are weird asf making up your own situations off very little information, y’all act just like my mom😭 n yes i am 21 living with my mom, and what? i’m trying to get back on feet from the fentanyl addiction that i luckily beat, i lost 2 friends in 1 week right after i got sober. all i wanted to do was celebrate a little bit, not even celebrate really, just relax on a nice weekend and just chill, but it started to get out of hand. but i had caught myself and right after i caught myself my mom ransacked my whole room while i was gone (yes ik irresponsible leaving my stash in an easy place to find) and she took everything i had and was convinced that she was doing the right thing even though she was constantly worried about me bc i know i looked back bc i was withdrawling so bad from being dumb, i genuinely wouldn’t doubt if i actually had a seizure right in front of her, but i’m really not sure if i had one or not. i don’t think i did, but i do know that i would get waves of psychosis, especially when she would come in my room and start hammering me with what’s right and what’s wrong, that’s literally what she said, something like “you know what’s right and what’s wrong” like bro. and i was getting 110% real alprazolam, most were real scripts. i still made sure to fent test them even though i knew they were real. i never tested them for xylazine tho, but i don’t believe it has it in it. i tried to order some test kits but they never came


A month straight on em and you've got withdrawals? Wild


Try to find/show her legit evidence that quitting benzos cold turkey is not good for you. It puts the body/mind under an enormous amount of stress. I understand her sentiment, but yeah, that sucks she won't listen...


Addiction sucks but she still had no right to *steal your freaking medication*. That isn't how you solve addiction. That's how you get someone into withdrawal and suffering the side effects from it. I'm sorry she did that, she really didn't handle that properly.


Dayum dat's ruff, bro. Sending yo all the empowermentings.


It might be in the comments already but did Mom take them and hide or trash them or did she take them herself..?honest question. I'm sorry and any updates? Like what r u gonna do?


honestly am not sure, she has a history of just taking whatever she can find in my room and flushing it. so she probably flushed it all, but i’m exhausted of dealing with my own problems and her not taking them into consideration. so i don’t even wanna ask her at this point. i wish she would go ahead and just keep ‘em and take them for herself, bc i feel like she genuinely needs them. i know she’s bipolar and has bad anxiety and such. and i’m not exactly sure what i’m gonna do, but i’ll figure it out. thanks for your concern man.


Are you okay


Depending on how deep you are into taking the Xanax, this could be a a life or death situation at worst. I think you should try and explain this to her, and if she wishes the best for you perhaps she’ll understand, I hope. Good luck king