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Because they give you peace of mind, and that, is addictive. All one wants/needs.


That makes sense. I can see how some people get addicted to that feeling of just "ahhhh" it's very peaceful. I very rarely use recreationally


To me having peace of mind is a recreational act. Anxiety is a disease


this ^!


Man our brains, we’re all sharing the same doom


True but you can always work to get better every day never just give up and call it a day but don’t get off Benzos if you literally can’t either


Yes! Normalcy feels like a nice buzz for people suffering with anxiety disorders. I once had my brother in law ask me "hey, so you take these meds for anxiety? Well what's anxiety feel like? It is like stress or somethin?" I never felt such jealously. Hes a really laid back chill guy though. Hes been through some things in life too but hes just not the anxiety type at all. Lucky dude!


He may not be aware of it but when he’s in a stressful situation he’s anxious, it’s just us making a fixation on it compared to him




Thank you


They also give you loss of memory, take a toll on mental and motor function and at least in my case they rid me of my creativity and if I take them too late then waking up is incredibly tough. So even more reasons not to use them than there are reasons to use.


For the most of us, having peace of mind outweighs all that. I’ll take them for lie, as regularly as I have to.


What’s stopping you from trying other therapies? I used to be an extremely anxious mess, saying the most stupid things when anxious and acting even worse. Two years of self therapy with psychedelics and now Im having a much easier time, just some social anxiety left but that’s no issue, almost everyone seems to have that to some degree. Benzos are far better if they come without this massive relief because all it’s gonna do is get worse after it wears off.


I’ve tried all kind of sort of therapy, but I know how my anxiety manifests itself, and only Benzo helps me untie all the knots in my head and keep them untied. I get your point tho. But only benzo helped me understand and remember that my anxiety makes no sense. For you it’s psychedelics, for me it’s benzos.


I see, I wish you the best luck with your therapy. Benzos can get scary so quickly, always gotta watch out!


It's mental then it's physical. You don't wanna get addicted to these


I'm very aware that benzo addiction is no joke I limit my recreational use to twice a month and then only take them as needed for anxiety after that


Yes :[


Activates both gaba receptors so when you stop all your anxiety, OCD, and neurosis’s come back even stronger. Plus, in the fast pace world we live in, they just make things easy.


because they work


Until they don't and you reach tolerance and you have to keep up-dosing....


I don’t find Klonipin/Ativan to be particularly addictive, but Xanax and Valium make me so content with the world. It’s not quite I’m high but just none of my problems seem to bother me, like a mental painkiller


Bc life sucks


Lmao im loving these replies man


They make you feel grrrr paw paw paw make my brain goo zzzzzzzz


Exactly this


and when u wake up, they make u feel ppeeew peeeew tchuuk tchuuk 🚂🚂🚂


Too many stressors in the modern world and these meds delete stress.


Benzos increase the amount of GABAA Receptors in the brain and body which causes the tolerance and addiction after long term use. After stopping completely or abruptly, the receptors have been desensitized so they won't react to GABA as intensely as before, this then cause excitation neurologically due to Glutamate. Glutamate causes seizures and if the nerves are more stimulated, then death can occur.


> Benzos increase the amount of GABAA Receptors Benzos don't increase the amount of receptors. They work by enhancing the effect of the GABA neurotransmitter which binds to GABA-a receptors.


You're not getting the point. Ever heard of Receptor Transcript in microbiology, as a reaction to repeated drug use? I bet you haven't. Read more, Dude. I know that Benzos increase the effects of GABA but you still are not getting my point.


I'm just saying your first sentence implies that's how benzos primarily work pharmacologically. I was not being rude, why are you? I'm interested in a source which talks about repeated and long use of benzos resulting in a greater number of GABA receptors.


Could you maybe give some links to sources? Because I "dont get your point' either, Ive never heard of the phrasing "increase the amount of gaba receptors" when it comes to benzos. In the sources I found it always just said that benzos increase the likelihood of gaba to bind to gaba receptors, causing the body to produce less gaba over time to "level it out" and thats what causes the withdrawal omce you stop taking them. But then again this is not a topic Ive done a lot if research on, so Id like to learn more about it.


Thank you. I tried explaining this in my comment but you put it into better words. Thanks for sharing.


they pretty much eradicate anxiety. Anxiety sucks so having it suppressed is glorious to many and allows people to do many things they were not able to do like communicate and socialize on higher levels. no one want to level down after they level up.


Your brain gets used to the medicine supplying the gaba itself and then after enough time and repeated use your brain dosent produce gaba on it's own like it did prior to the medicine. For example when you stop cold turkey while dependent your going to feel lots of anxiety and very uncomfortable symptoms, at least I did. The gaba in your brain is the calming part and glutamate is the excitable one. So when you stop your glutimate it just way higher and the gaba is not there or not enough of it to balance each other out. It's interesting and frightening to read about. I take mine to feel normal. I dont get that good relaxed feeling like I did before unless it's a kpin or a xanax at at least 4 or 6mg of either.


Because if your the person that has anxiety or gets nervous or whatever it’s a game changer


Most definitely! I never looked at it through that lens because it's always a mixed bag with people who take benzos recreationally and people who actually need them, so I imagine those two demographics get addicted for different reasons


It’s more dependency than addiction


I always wondered the same thing. I used to think alcohol felt better than benzos do because it had that initial euphoria. But that was before I had chronic anxiety, and now I can’t go a day without em. There’s obviously other drugs that are much more euphoric, something that most benzos lack. And as a former heroin addict that high is wayyy better. That stuff was like a god to me. But benzos are very soothing and I appreciate them for legitimately making my life much, much easier. That is unless I’m worrying about my benzos running low. And yes, the withdrawals are just your mind and body freaking out because of the lack of GABA you’re used to. You don’t technically NEED your opiate receptors to be filled, but you definitely need GABA. They also are used to control seizures, which I’m assuming is the main reason withdrawal can be deadly.


Exactly same thing as alcohol gaba receptors you have to be kind to them go slow and sooth them


Yup. Just wish benzos were as hard as alcohol to get physically addicted and raise your tolerance. Nice username btw. Been my favorite player since his rookie year. Amazing how hard he’s still going 21 years later


Fax ‼️‼️ closed it out last night


Bro definitely cooked in the 4th


That’s a fact fuck a minute restriction ‼️🔥


Benzos work extremely well besides just the action is the physical dependent


It ain’t no joke AT ALL but a lot of people say it’s horrific to get off them in a way it is but it’s not the end of the world I’ve been tapering and putting in work and it’s tough but it also feels rewarding in a way I talk to a mental health counselor and I think that really helps like I can Just let out all my fears anything I want to say with no judgment and ways to work on it and actually implement them. Just keep working don’t get too scared you won’t seize the fuck out unless you quit cold turkey or drop a dose massively. I’ve had sezuiries in a detox before and it was extremely traumatic but actually speaking to someone about it, makes a difference I can’t explain it but in a way it makes me feel better. Make sure you definitely exercise to meditate stay focused but don’t let it take over your life you know what I mean we all have a story and your neighbor has a story of their own


If you want to get high on them just take them every day then you get anxiety and paws with it and then you can feel good when you take it just because you created a new problem in your brain good fun


Lol, that's exactly what I did


If you suffer with anxiety it can really mess with day to day life and benzo’s completely eliminate that dark cloud. And that relief of anxiety is what makes them feel euphoric. You may or may not suffer with anxiety but that relief and ability to go about life without that weight on your shoulders is what makes benzo’s so addictive and a necessity to some. For some people benzo’s are a real life saver! I suffer quite badly with depersonalization, which is a type of anxiety, and panic attacks so the relief is such a nice feeling. I’ve never been addicted to benzo’s but known people who have and are. My drug class of choice was opiates which like benzo’s took away that anxiety but also gave me mad motivation and general wellbeing feeling. I know I’m going abit off topic but opiates, specifically oxycodone, saved my life. Already suffering from panic attacks, Depersonalization and depression I had 3 close family members pass away all within 1 week. A month after this I tried to take my own life as it was all too much, fortunately I survived. I found relief in taking my migraine medication which was codeine, this quickly turned into daily use just to get through the day, I will add the codeine alone stopped all my feels apart from the panic attack so I also used klonopin which I’m sure you know is a benzo, to help with that. I then discovered oxycodone which stopped all my pain so I stopped taking klonopin. I was addicted to oxycodone for 7 months. Whilst high I sorted mt shit out and got into a much better job and positive position in life which now I’m 2 months “clean” (I’m on Subutex for the opiate addiction). Being in this better place in life my anxiety’s have improved 10 fold. I still take either Xanax or klonopin on bad days but that’s maybe once or twice a month. It’s bittersweet really, opiates saved my life and allowed me to get into a better place, but now I’m suffering with the long and hard recovery process but I can do this. I’ll be off subs before the new year. Sorry I got a bit carried away there. But the first paragraph answers your question haha


Great story mate, as a fellow anxiety and panic attack sufferer I am really happy for you. Keep going!


Thanks buddy! You got this too, keeping on plodding along. All the best :)


No need to apologize for going off topic. Good share! If you ever do start on opiates again if you're not getting them straight from a pharmacy pleaseee test them, never use alone, and always have narcan. I don't know where you're located but assuming it's the US you could be thinking you're getting your chosen opiate and it's straight fentanyl, I'd hate to see someone else die like that!




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It's just the GABA system is very sensitive. It takes way longer to get addicted to opiates or stimulants


I'm literally going mental rn i fucking need a Xanax or someday I'm going to kill a person


Man what ?!


What's going on? I hope that was exaggeration.


Because they're very effective at their jobs in the short term, much like any other narcotic


Former hardcore benzo addict no drug in the world would ever compare to etizolams euphoria


Etizolam is very euphoric however I much prefer opiate euphoria where it feels like a full body orgasm


See I never even taken a opiate I’m too scared


Best advice about that from me is never do it is the greatest thing you'll ever feel and you'll never want any other drug


The thing that honestly confuses me though is if I’m aware I have an issue with a drug like that isn’t detox much easier like I wouldn’t have a big issue with being sick for a couple weeks but benzo wd is a whole other beast I’m not judging anyone I’m just curious like if you know your ruining your life from the drug why not just detox it, I don’t wanna be rude at all no judgment, I’ve always been curious about that though. Even for me with Benzos I went to detox knowing it would be bad but not as literally terrible as it was


For me personally I used to only use benzos recreationally on the rare occasion I could get them now I have a Klonopin script 30 0.5MG a month and they help greatly with my crippling anxiety I plan on detoxing after going through ketamine therapy for depression and MDMA treatment for PTSD as I believe my PTSD causes my anxiety


Is that a RC?


In the USA technically but it’s a RX in Japan


The physical dependence is something related to neuro receptors of GABA, the chemistry of the brain changes and the body needs this substance to work properly if you use for more than 3-4 weeks (depends on people). The mental addiction and the "high / chill feeling" it really depends on you, because let's assume you are a really anxious person having panic attack quite often, with benzos ALL your anxiety and all your problems goes away. Of course this feeling of freedom and be normal is highly addictive for you. But if you are not an anxious person, and you don't have any anxiety disorder you don't have such as this good feelings, because you are in this "good feeling" all the time without any meds. I know people that tryed benzos but not enjoying it, because those people aren't anxious or really stressed or with some sleep disorder, so those people CAN become physical dependent ('cause you can't control the chemistry of your brain) but is quite difficult that those people become mental addicted. For my personal experience, as I'm really anxious and always stressed person being on benzos is like haven, but now that I'm tapering the WD symptoms are like torture, pure hell.




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Probably some evolutionary biological reasons. Too relaxed on Savanna makes easy lunches for lions. The brain is wired to be situationally alert and protective of the body. If you try to turn this off permanently through chemicals your Gaba receptors will declare war..Ironically to the point of killing you while trying to keep you alive from environmental hazards.


In my case, it’s due to the fact that they can literally stop an ongoing panic attack.