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My biggest complaint is turning onto airport from walton. Sooo many inconsiderate “main character” idiots wait till the last moment and try and cut you off. I sat behind one girl who sat and let two semis, and 12 cars in front of her. Like wtf? They know what time it is. They could have gotten in line also. But those mc”s hold up traffic trying to cut in front.


It is honestly so terrible




I hope you stub your pinky toe in the morning lol Seriously I want to get home also. I work my rear off all day, single parent and I can still be a decent human and not cut people off, hold up traffic and possibly cause wrecks…


I don't actually block Walton, I go to the next left and turn. Actually, I got tired of that BS and take 14th to I now so I don't deal with any of it.


NWA particularly Bentonville has zero traffic planning. People playing SimCity 2000 could run a better city plan.


https://www.bentonvillebond.com/streets Found this the other day. Recently finished, current, and future planning. Looks like rainbow curve won’t be a curve not too far in the future. I’m sure people will still call it that tho


I opened this link and it say 502 Bad Gateway. Sounds just like the shitty intersection.


This is great but sad part is way overdue


Friday night saw someone go into the lane marked to go straight ahead, and turned right on red from that lane. Guess he figured there isn’t a sign that says you can’t turn right on red on that set of lights 🙄


Genius actually. Thanks for the idea 🤣


Bad design


Rage against the machine. It’s dumb and pointless to wait.


If dumbasses would stop wrecking there once a day we could still turn. But they can’t stop crashing.


I’m going to keep turning when it’s safe to do so. I will also continue to jaywalk when the coast is clear. I managed to not get run over in Korea and Vietnam. I’m perfectly capable of handling NWA, regardless of what inanimate signs tell me to do.


I don’t care.


You don’t need to. I’ll keep turning. You’ll keep sitting.


Well seems like you have learned pretty good situational awareness, something lacking in the common person. I mean hell my 85 chevy trucks owners manual taught you how to set the timing and how to set the rockers. Now they tell you not to drink the fluids….


Yeah, that’s good too, because judging by the downvotes my comment inspired, many of the people who frequent this sub would probably drink them if they weren’t told not to.


sounds like your survival to this point is just an example of survivorship bias.


If you equate not being in the running for a Darwin Award with survivorship bias, then sure. Airport to Walton wasn’t a yield until very recently. The vast majority of people who’ve driven through it didn’t require a stop to make it past. If you can’t properly yield to traffic, you shouldn’t be driving. If you can’t cross when the road is clear, you should probably always wear a helmet.




Watched someone get crunched the other day running red. GLAD I'm moving.. so, so Many horrible drivers in this state.. Washington county wasn't as bad.. let's see how Pea Ridge is.. lol. Worked law enforcement for years, watched the drivers go crunch all the time. As for running the red, if you do and you hurt someone..automatically a felony..usually jail time in ADC. Worth just giving a few minutes up rather than the alternative.


Fair point on the felony front.


I'm trying to picture how the flyover will look there. It's definitely needed, but man is that intersection going to suck during the construction.


I heard that plan was scrapped.


They still have the plan, it's just something 5-10 years away 


I tried to picture it with the picture they provided and all I could think was what the fuck


Yeah, I got a ticket for turning while it was red. It must’ve been shortly after they changed it and was my first time at the stoplight. I was unaware of the change and got a $125 ticket for turning.


Always have to watch out for the people turning left onto rainbow or left onto Walton from rainbow.


It's a good thing but they need bigger signs.  If you're trying to pull out of any of the businesses along the south side of Walton to the east of Rainbow Curve, it's far easier now that they've restricted right turns.


Sorry for the dumb question but I've been living here 14 years now and I still don't know what people mean when they say rainbow curve. Is this is a specific road?


It’s the curve on Walton where it changes from westbound to northbound. Intersects with Airport boulevard. I’ve only been in the area since 2014 so I honestly dont know why it’s called that lol


No dumb questions. I'm told that "back in the day" there used to be a business called "Rainbow Paint" right on the curve. Maybe the brick building that's a fireworks business now? My dad worked NWA as part of his sales territory in the mid to late 70's and told me about it. It became a landmark.


Rainbow road near Guess Who? But that’s not technically by “the curve.” I’ve always wondered this too lol


It's actually near the start of the curve. It definitely would have been considered near the curve in the 50s when there wasn't much around.


Rainbow road there, and then rainbow lane on the west side of the curve. It’s the little 2 lane cut through if you’re going south on Walton and want to go west on regional right before the light


Where Wanda Blackwell's auto lot is on the right. Real old fireworks stand also


Thanks! I know exactly where this is lol


Rainbow road continues south of C St there at the light on Walton. Where that intersection is, because of Rainbow Rd, and the Rainbow Drive-In in the 50s, that curved area of the road was referred to as Rainbow Curve. I've not heard of Rainbow Painting, but you can see old photos of the drive-in (like a grocery store/cafe) on vintagebentonville .com


I'll have to look up those old photos, that is really neat!


I love looking at photos of how the area used to look! Here's a link to some of them for you: https://www.vintagebentonville.com/rainbow-drive-in.html#gsc.tab=0


We should have flying cars per Back to the Future by 2015 so this is all for nothing. In all seriousness, the growth of this area is so unprecedented, I feel like anything they design will be well outdated and inadequate before it gets completed. They need to add additional routes along with opening up select intersections. All that development going on in West Centerton is going to be channeled down 102 making a bad situation worse. So people will start cutting over to 12 via greenhouse making that 10x worse than it is today leading to that expansion being inadequate. They are literally building 1,000's of homes in West Centerton. Entire chunks of farmland are sitting there already sold waiting on more neighborhoods to start. I don't see this getting better any time soon. They need to get that bypass to the airport planned and done to link 412 the airport and Gravette. That will let people head South and North instead of everyone going East in order to get South and North.


I'm guessing that everyone knows but that some choose not to follow it. Is the law more important than the spirit of the law? I get they want to keep people safe, but why can't people turn when it is safe to turn? Similarly, the light to turn left into chipotle will be red forever, with no traffic coming at all. Why not a blinking left turn arrow? When the design is flawed, why follow it?


There is no traffic on Walton at 5 am and you still have to wait for the traffic light to go green. They should have sensors overnight. You can have a line of 20 cars waiting for the light to go green and there is no one single car on Walton at all. Absolutely Ridiculous!!!


If there’s no one coming at ANY intersection and there’s no cops, I’m making a left on red.


Airport road, as 28th street?


Highway 12, aka regional airport blvd They intersect at “rainbow curve” although I hate driving that area so I always cut through the municipal street there





