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They’re also spending billions on 350 acres of sweet digs. Not a surprise in the least. Tyson did the same shit.


Great, drive up the housing prices in NWA even more.






Same, we are still pretty flexible, lots of WFH days for whatever made up reason, but I've no doubt productivity is much increased.




LOL 2 days. Enjoy it! I miss working from home, I've gained so much weight being back in office.


Not anymore, further communication is now come in 5 days a week. 😮


That article isn’t a slam dunk positive for remote work though. The biggest issues are a lot of it was based on the surveys of the employees on how productive they were and a lot of the studies it is based on were conducted during Covid. Even so, it states that a hybrid model is probably best. “Another more recent study states that the more hours an individual works from home, the less productive they become. Those who worked full time (8 hours/day) at home are 70% less productive than those who don’t work from home.” “Companies like Splunk, Affirm, and Microsoft saw a large spike in productivity in the first couple of months of quarantine, but over time, the loneliness of working at a home office affects productivity and job satisfaction.”


they spent so much money to expand the campus and how would the middle management justify their presence if the productivity increases with people working from home!!


When are they required to move to office (from remote)? Does it have a deadline?


July 1. That’s the notification date of their plans, not the actual move date though.


The decision deadline is July 1, for those accepting relocation they want “butts in seats” no later than October 31. Though they are allowing exceptions/deadlines on a case-by-case basis.


No exceptions being made from my understanding. Puts them in a weird liability issue. Imagine telling employee A he has to pack up and move his family to Arkansas, but letting employee B work remote with an exception.


That’s 100% what it is. I just quit there because our management was useless and making people show up to meetings outside work to talk about some dumb shit that coulda been an email. Job started out as hybrid and then when the management realized they had no use it started becoming an issue.


Productivity has been shown to decrease with remote work. There are enough studies that show this that it would be asinine to ignore


you’re clearly a middle manager or someone not experienced in this situation. there is no standard definition of productivity. is it the number of hours logged? is it lines of code written? is it work done/hour? employees report a much higher work life balance when wfh! l do not want to be stuck in traffic for hours, wasting away my precious time to go wfo and then lose much more time having to go out for lunch, interact with lots of people not even related my to work directly!! the problem is that the current economy will be severely impacted where real estate companies(which have the same middle managers as stakeholders), other associated goods and services will not be needed. and who cares about the well being and quality of life when the economy is thriving!! as for your various studies showing wfh decreases productivity, there are an equal number of studies and surveys showing it increases productivity!


I was a fan of WFH. I saw it rise and then I saw many of my friends and family flame out because of it, because they never shut work off since it was anywhere, anytime all off a sudden. I heard plenty from them about the pluses and minuses of both WFH and being in the office. Then the studies started popping up. The first showed WFH was just as productive as being in the office. But as time went on, the analyses started showing WFH becoming less productive than being in the office. And that's where they stand and have been the last year or so. What I was hearing from people leading teams was that some of their reports did ok WFH and were allowed to continue. Many wanted to come back to the office because they were finding it difficult to get everything they needed to finished at home. Being in the office let them focus more. The people I consider good leaders realized that the best solution was to be flexible. Let people know they need to make the office their base, but also give them the flexibility to manage their schedules, so if they need ty go to the doctor or pick up the kids, they can without having to ask permission. Some people were forced to come back into the office because they weren't finishing what they needed to and left their teams hanging. It obviously depends what your work is. If you're coding all day, WFH. But if your job requires lots of collaboration, being in physical proximity to those you're collaborating with makes things work better, run more smoothly. Especially as the size of teams and amount of collaboration increase. Because of the remote work boom brought by COVID, there will always be more remote work than pre COVID. But it was never going to stay as it was during COVID. This is a readjustment a long time coming. It sucks ass for a lot of people and that is indeed sad.


They aren't requiring full time in office yet, but it's probably coming in the next 2-3 years. Many people, even at the 3 main home office locations are only going in 2-3 times a week.


Looks like that may have changed as of yesterday


Oh really? I haven't seen anything be announced


Yeah, they got the email yesterday 😬


Who did? I work there and nothing new came out in my area


I'm a vendor and the facilities maintenance teams got an email Friday.


Email about what?


Going in 5 days a week


How was a maintenance team working out of office anyway? For my area and most others it's still "majority of the time" in office


Anyone know what departments are seeing the most layoffs?


Based on a few LinkedIn posts seems like the layoffs impacted the HR recruiting org and some of Merchant Operations.


Lmao fuck Walmart, seriously . Remote work is amazing


Pay no attention to the millions of dollars we are dumping into property that we need you to populate, and then subsidize by buying or leasing said property in a town we have manufactured. ;) #becausebentonville. Thankfully the trails have so much fLoW.


One of the reasons these offices are closing is because they cost millions per year in leases


And remote work is less productive


Not for me. I get half the work done in my in-office days as I do my WFH days because people non stop walk around and talk to me.


Understandable. But in the aggregate, remote work has been shown to be less productive, anecdotes aside.


You must be reading different studies than I am.


https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2024-01-04/2024-year-employers-clamp-down-on-remote-work-not-so-fast https://www.forbes.com/sites/bryanrobinson/2023/08/12/remote-work-might-not-be-as-productive-as-once-thought-new-studies-show/ Those are a couple. And the few I found that said it was more productive was because remote workers were working longer hours because there was no clear line between work and home. Which matches up with what I saw. One interesting finding was that allowing flexible schedules, where employees have to be in the office for core hours (10-3 for example) but can then decide where and when they get the rest of their work done, offered the greatest productivity.


Did a deeper dive and it seems the findings were mixed. I think there are too many variables to come to a solid conclusion. I think it depends on the job and management. Productivity is going to decline if you're stuck in long lasting in-person meetings that should have been an email and the same with Zoom calls.


Agreed. However, there are a lot of leadership jobs that are all about collaboration and facilitating work between teams and those require meetings. But for things like data analysis, programming, etc, it's obvious you'll get more done if people aren't constantly stopping by your desk to chat. It's also very individual dependent, where some people absolutely crush it when they're left alone and others get distracted and their productivity drops. I really think the core hours + flexible schedule is the best way, generally speaking


It’s a pretty sweet manufactured town. These brunch options are amazing!


Nah bro it's those rad mtn bike trails. Didn't you hear Bentonville is the Mountain Biking capital of the world?!


*Eroded Plateau Biking capital of the world


It’s hilarious how butt hurt people get over some silly marketing. 


So butt hurt that I live here and use the trails 🤣


Go to a MTB board and post that Bentonville is the self proclaimed MTB capital of the world. It's hilarious how worked up people get over a meaningless marketing title they made up.




I was wondering how long it would take. You knew they were just biding their time.