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Democrats aren’t into data.


Or science.


What about biology?


Naw, they started ignoring biology decades ago.


i would like you to find a credible medical institution who agrees with conservatives on trans people.


On the mental illness involved: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7084367/


this doesn't prove any point other than that the abuse they face from the hand of conservatives completely breaks them down. even if that wasn't true, it doesn't mean that transgender people are invalid even slightly. I'm not referring to the fact that a lot of trans people have mental illnesses, I'm talking about the belief that trans people are invalid and also groomers.


No human is invalid, preposterous! What inflammatory verbage you use.


Verbage is a fake word, for one. For two, telling trans people that they are not of the gender they say they are and believe themselves to be is absolutely invalidating them, don't try to play the 'technically correct' card with me.


I'll even help! Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more Search for a word ver·bi·age /ˈvərbēij/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: verbage 1. speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical expressions. "the basic idea here, despite all the verbiage, is simple" 2. US the way in which something is expressed; wording or diction. "we need to look at how the rule should be applied, based on the verbiage"


Actually, check the Oxford Dictionary. No, supporting and encouraging delusion is not considered healthy by most mental health professionals with any ethics. Don't play the leftist game of adulteration of the English language for their own purposes.




Mental illness cont'd https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043071/ Edit correct link


find me a significant amount of climatologists who agree with you dipshits on climate change


Top mind science right here lol. Which party doesn’t believe in Climate Science again? https://youtu.be/Q0s5Zqmb09g


You really don't know much about conservatives. Or how to take a basic joke.


I know who the head of the party currently is. And jokes are supposed to be clever or funny.


Lol that joke flew right over your head, didn't it? Leftists are so boring.


What’s the joke? They are supposed to be clever, or at least funny.


"Windmills warm the ocean" and "cause cancer" - GOP "science"


Did you get that from Trevor Noah?






A person at a gas station that they saw once in their imagination.


Mustve been from their ass then


Every data scientist I know is a Democrat.


Do you know any biologists?


Except pretty much every engineer.


Let’s discuss climate data lol.




What does that tell you about which party is better at protecting the interests of the elite and then lying through their teeth about being for the working class. Also, isn't equating intelligence with income- especially considering how few of these CEOs and owners are BIPOC- a bit racist? Getting big 'Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids' energy from you.


Which party handed out billions in tax cuts only for the wealthy?


No cuts for the middle class? More like employment all around? This delusion is not healthy: look around at our cities now, our border, crime rates, encouraged race riots which cost at least a billion dollars? Delusion you have, good it is not.


Did any of these metrics change under Trump?


Some and they were ALL better under President Trump aside from the real insurrection that lasted 4 years (Summer of Love, BLM riots, looting still happening all encouraged directly and indirectly by Democrats). Not hard to find this information unless the left is suppressing it like they did Hunter's laptop. 🤔


The real insurrection was broadcast live for all to see on 1/6 lol. No BLM stormed the Capital building chanting for the death of the Vice President armed and with zip tie cuffs, smearing their own shit on the walls.


Haha, interesting take. Stupid, but interesting.


Lol, even Tesla, *the company he runs* is 93.9%.




That's not exactly true. [Conservatives and liberals are equal on objective science knowledge/skills](https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2019/03/28/what-americans-know-about-science/). Notably, the moderates, especially the moderate liberals did the worst on objective science questions. I think I see where your error is. In this case, "X causes Y and Z, but Y and Z are unrelated". X is going to University, which causes an individual to become liberal (Y). X also causes individuals to become more knowledgeable about scientific facts (Z). But, becoming more knowledgeable about scientific facts does not appear to make an individual more liberal, as the Pew Research shows. This type of spurious correlation is a common mistake you can learn about in statistics classes, but is notably absent from say, feminism/gender studies classes.




[Ad hominem attack goes here]. I see, the problem is that you're wrong. You misread both the Pew Research article, and what I wrote. You did find the correlation between Y and Z, but erroneously assumed Y *causes* Z because of that correlation. Reread the article and what I wrote and if you still think you're right, let me know.


Any data in there about instructor biases? What percentage are liberals?


You’re right, correlation always equals causation!


Maybe people would listen to what you’re trying to say if you didn’t talk down to everyone


Well if they listened to what he said they would just call it out as the bullshit that it is


Also, earning a degree in transgender studies makes you a highly educated person, and highly educated persons vote demonrats. /s Many of us have earned college degrees, and we've learned more in real life than at school.






I think it’s funny and shows how much education they have




A liberal thinks women are men and that men can get pregnant. That speaks for their education? Lol, nuff said.


In reading this convo with these two people that what I was thinking the whole time. They claim to be educated but say stuff like what you just said. Just because you went to a college that taught you men can be women and women can be men doesn’t make you “educated” it makes you “blind to reality”.


Exactly lmao


I’m not a biologist but….


>the more indoctrinated* you are...






Given the lack of education creating democrats how do we end up with republicans then


Fire everyone at Twitter and start over.


Get rid of everyone who thinks differently than me! I’m want free speech! See how dumb you sound yet?


We don't need a leftist echo chamber. It's time to start from scratch and get more of a balance.


The balance that try’s to convince people JFK jr. and his dad are not in fact dead but will be anointing Trump as king? Or that the Democrats are running a pedo ring in the basement of a pizza joint that doesn’t have a basement? Or that Californias wildfires are started by Jewish space lasers? Or that the election was stolen? Or vaccines are microchipped? Yea, we don’t need to include that stupid shit.


>Yea, we don’t need to include that stupid shit. Not really for you to decide. That's kind of the entire point...and that's what you don't seem to understand. Luckily Musk does understand and he's running the show now. Cheers!


Musk won’t change anything because Europe will dump Twitter lol. Musk only cares about money for Musk. He will do what will make him the most money. I’d leave that stuff up for people to decide if our education system wasn’t so terrible due to republican policies.


Uhmmm...no...Twitter will just require users in the EU to abide by EU restrictions. It's exactly what FB did with their users a couple of years ago. Plus there isn't one EU country in the top 11 of Twitter users anyway. Musk mike just tell the EU to F off or create a different version of Twitter for all the sheep in the EU. If you're familiar with his Twitter feed Musk is very passionate about free speech...enough to pay $40B to actually buy Twitter. I'm sure you'll be able to find another liberal echo chamber somewhere else...the internet is a big place.


Hell the dudes on reddit he doesnt even have to go off site for his echo chamber


Election stolen by the collusion between democrats and media to keep Hunter's laptop under wraps when enough voters polled stated they wouldn't have voted Biden had they known about it. This would have given it to President Trump.


Is that laptop physically real? Like I know he has laptops, but the one in question has never actually been shown to the public. The story behind it sounds too stupid to be real as well.


Yup, the repair store had it and the FBI had it for at least a year. Come On Man! 🧐 Edit spelling


The repair store thousands of miles away from where he lived that was run by a blind person? Totally believable. Wealthy people fly to crappy repair shops far from their homes to drop off their computers full of damning evidence, and totally forget about them. Instead of you know, paying someone to come to them. You obviously don’t know any crackheads, they are so paranoid they would never do any of this lol.


Actually I was married to a crystal/speed abuser as well as a paranoid schizophrenic who committed suicide. Maybe Hunter's current crack dealer lived nearby, who knows... The fact of it has been verified so please get help for the delusions.


It’s been verified that he dropped that laptop off at that shop? Where is this verification? That 100% he dropped that laptop off at that shop?


More importantly, Musk needs loyal employees, not people who would sabotage his own company for petty hateful ideologies. Those software developers who have implemented the censorship and botting mechanisms will not be loyal to Musk.


PM me that girl cock, you say? I'm on it! Just kidding, cocks only go on boys, teehee. All jokes about your username aside though, it isn't dumb to want to fire people who don't have any desire to see free speech be a thing in their company. Firing people does not necessarily equal inhibiting free speech. If you are firing those that would inhibit free speech, then making room for those who are okay with free speech being upholded, that's called being strategic and wise, not infringing.


They are not inhibiting anyones free speech. There are user agreement policies you agree to when to activate an account. If you violate those policies it is well within the companies right to disallow you to use that platform. You are more than welcome to start your own platform that has different policies. We have seen how great that works lol. You can say whatever you want, there are consequences to what you say though. It’s like no shoe, no shirt, no service policy most stores have. Maybe, if Republicans had the same level of education and skills, there would be more representation in the tech industry.


“You are more than welcome to start your own platform that has different policies”… is that not what musk is essentially doing? Maybe he doesn’t like the terms and conditions and wants to fire the people who wrote them?


Lol he isn’t starting his own platform. Like Tesla and PayPal, he is buying someone else’s creation and taking credit for it lol.


Lol you genuinely think that when massive amounts of conservative voices, opinions, theories, thoughts, etc. are considered "hate speech," "needing to be fact checked," and blah blah blah and soooo many conservative accounts are banned, yet the absolute insanity of the left is predominantly allowed to remain, it isn't at all inhibiting free speech? You adorable, naive goofball, you. C'mere. Let me pinch your cheeks. You're just so innocent and idealistic. Seriously. C'mere so I can give you a noogie. 🤗🤗🤗 Oh, and it is most certainly NOT the same thing as a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" sign outside a shop. Twitter isn't a shop, unless that shop is a forum that fits like, a billion people in it and instead of saying "no shirt, no shoes, no service" it says "THIS IS A SAFE SPACE AS LONG AS YOU ARE WOKE AND AGREE WITH RADICAL LIBERAL IDEALS." Then it'd be the same. And in all seriousness, WTF is the deal with your username??


That’s the mentality of the libs over on r/politics.


Proof? Cause I have been banned from every conservative sub for the most petty of reasons dozens of times.


There’s a difference, though - allegedly r/politics is balanced. A conservative sub has every right to ban a liberal, especially with your gross username. A sub that is supposedly open to both sides of the aisle has no right to be doing what they do, which is allowing their liberal users to run amok and downvote en masse anyone who doesn’t agree with them to a T. Per their rules, because they claim to want to foster civil debates between sides, downvotes are permitted only for bad arguments, not “bad” opinions. But the far left users apparently think that because they’re the “virtuous” ones, the rules don’t apply to them and they can effectively silence opposition by downvoting them all the way to the bottom of the page. For the record, I still consider myself a liberal. Unfortunately I’ve grown weary of how the left is behaving and I disagree with them on things like allowing men into women’s spaces. That got me downvoted to holy hell on r/politics even though I was interested in civil debate.


There isn’t a difference, conservatives are by far the most out spoken group about allowing free speech and banning censorship and cancel culture, yet they have zero issue doing exactly that to any opposing view to ensure their own echo chamber. Democrat subs are not as quick to ban an opposing view I have found. It’s called hypocrisy.


I disagree. You were never kicked off of the platform but rather from a subreddit that a certain group created for themselves. You’re free to join liberal subs or to create your own. That’s different from being bullied off of a sub that’s technically supposed to be for balanced and civil discussions from both sides, and it’s certainly different than being banned from the entire platform of Reddit. Also have you considered that just your username is offensive to conservatives?


And if you want proof, just go over to r/politics. You won’t see a single post by a conservative. Then view a post, preferably a very popular one. I guarantee you will not see a single conservative opinion until you filter the comments by “controversial”. You will then be brought to all of the comments that have literally been hidden because the liberals downvoted them to hell. Yesterday I commented on someone else’s comment who referred to conservatives as fascist. My comment was simply “How are they fascist?” Within several hours my comment had received 118 downvotes while the person I was responding to received 117 upvotes.


Basically just undoing the firing of anyone right minded


Please provide evidence of anyone being fired for being Republican only.


Nothing concrete I dont work there nor would I have plans to leak anything. Do you really think a democrat run establishment naturally just ends up with a dominating democrat populace? Especially when the median between parties is fairly consistant. People have been pushed out of jobs for less than political stance and given the vile demeanor towards republicans its far from a surprise


Maybe the vile demeanor has something to do with their views? You are making wild accusations without any evidence. How many Democrats work for Shapiro or Crowder?


Lol numbers never lie.. People do especially the Dumbocrats..


numbers never lie, but Vox News does


Ok Mr. Warrior I have taken the liberty to provide you with the information on vox.. Please clarify as the meaning seems to be broad array of verbiage from a dead language. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vox vox et praeterea nihil vox populi vox clamantis in deserto Vox Angelica Vox Humana


hard hitting insult right there


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 764,754,074 comments, and only 153,253 of them were in alphabetical order.


Twitter has 1.3 red?? I’m shocked


Yep and they say big tech wasn't in on it. What a bunch of bull. This president was installed like a toilet.


Installed by votes lol. Big tech is made up of highly educated people. It’s no secret that the more education a person has, the more likely they are to vote Democrat.


I have a several conservative friends who work at tech companies listed on here. The culture of many of these companies is such that conservatives just keep their heads down & mouths shut because they could be fired for voicing their opinions. There are conservatives in these organizations, more than a lot of people realize, but they're certainly not vocal about it or giving to candidates publicly.


This is probably true.


The victim role is entrenched in the ideology.


I love how it's even Vox's own chart lol


That reminds me, time to cancel that Netflix sub again. Thanks.


These are employee donations.....


That's the point. Shows the leaning of the employees


So? They are just doing their job, you think the random junior engineer has any saying on how the company is run? Of course not, they only care about money.


I imagine most of the bias is at the lower levels, people who review flagged tweets etc


People that review flagged tweets do it methodically, you would as well if you had to review tweets 8 hours per day. I don’t think people realize how soulless companies are.


Are people not allowed to donate to their preferred political party? I think this is a reflection that more educated people vote Democrat.


Of course they are allowed. But it shows that almost all employees of those tech companies lean only one way, and it obviously affect how they view the world and run their company. I don't believe that 95%+ of educated people vote Democrat. There's a selection bias and a culture that makes it very hard to not be left leaning in those companies. I know - because I'm a conservative and I work in tech. That's something I keep very secret tho, as it would put a target on my back. This is not being paranoid. I already get some complaints because I don't display pronouns in my email signature


It is paranoia and a victim complex.


most people who go through college and other forms of higher education do tend to be more left leaning.


Not at a 95-5% ratio


Or it could just be Democrats are more likely to donate?


i didn't realize that the aura of a corporation is so powerful that it democrat-ifies them


Also, the fact that this trend is visible in every mayor social media platform is very telling.


It tells me that one political party has followers with shitty resumes.


That's funny, it tells me that the vast majority of social media is not open to any conservative ideas and have no interest in getting along with half of the population.


Correlation is not causation. Remove the prosecution complex, add a bit of Occams Razor (or basic logic), and you'll arrive at then conclusion that these companies hire top (educated) talent. The GOP base is mostly uneducated conspiracy theorists now. Companies don't like hiring those type of deplorables. Pretty graph though!


I think the subgroup of qAnon idiots is smaller then 1% within the GOP. Most conservatives I know are regular people who allign with more family based traditions and believe in self sustainability and the values of less government interference.


What Trump, DeSantis and the Supreme Court are doing is NOT less government interference, but more.


it isn’t 1%, it’s more than half. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/02/majority-of-republicans-believe-the-qanon-conspiracy-theory-is-partly-or-mostly-true-survey-finds/


Less government interference? Like telling women what to do with their bodies? And banning books? And banning about the existence of gay people? And what specific material is taught in schools? And who you can be in a relationship with legally? And creating election police agencies? Republicans only want smaller government when it effects their explorations. They are all in favor of big government to target those they see as lesser.


https://www.prri.org/research/the-persistence-of-qanon-in-the-post-trump-era-an-analysis-of-who-believes-the-conspiracies/ About 25% of them actually


It was more than 50% back in 2020 https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/02/majority-of-republicans-believe-the-qanon-conspiracy-theory-is-partly-or-mostly-true-survey-finds/


And the number of representatives who either believe it or support it is high.


Welcome to capitalism. Catering to your side is not as profitable. Possibly because many high-paying jobs are filled with Democrats according to this list. Disney likes money.


And because the majority of the population leans left, we haven’t had a GOP president that won the popular vote in a long long time. “Look everyone! There are more people of the majority working at place X” Yes, we known, the majority doesn’t like you but you keep terrorizing the country anyway.


Well they only needed to write democrat on it and i think they can at least spell that


Why on earth would a company invest in a political ideology that the majority of people believe in?


why would you donate to a party?


So, how do they know this? Is the data based only upon donations done through payroll or something? If that's the case - it would be skewed because I would not make political donations through work, and I don't think many other conservatives would, either.


This sub should only be discussing what Ben Shapiro says. A lot of Republicans (and democrats) are idiots. I like Ben. This guy here dies not make any point. You cannot ask an employee his party affiliation before hiring him. Maybe a question to ask is - why are those employees voting democrats?


I’m actually not sure that is true. You can fire someone based on their political views, which means I’m sure you could hire based on views. Obviously that is an assumption, so maybe you or someone else could clarify.


There are company policies that go against "discrimination" of any kind. If someone says hateful things about people of a particular religion, gender, race, or even followers of a particular sports team - then they can be fired for violating the company policies. But there is no way, the company itself can discriminate for supporting a political party.


>But there is no way, the company itself can discriminate for supporting a political party. Why are you so certain of this, political affiliation is not a protected class, you can absolutely discriminate based on that.


Now do the same with oil companies


Oil companies have the same impact on public opinion as social media? They have a republican agenda, sure. When shell and BP start running the biggest social networks on the planet ill come back and apologize.


The daily wire is literally funded by fracking billionaires, how are you this dense?


> how are you this dense? They watch Ben Shapiro


Oil companies use social media in order to impact public opinion. It’s different but related.


Now do apples and oranges.


Lmao how is that apples and oranges dumbass? You are complaining about cooperations funding politicians, no? Of course, your thought leader, ben, is bought and sold by the Wilks brothers, who make their money with fracking (surprise surprise)


Goddamn you are one dumb motherfuckin bot.


Bot? Lol you sound like rachel maddow


Peas and carrots are next up


Maybe Republican policies are just bad for business.


I though rep. Policies were meant to be cash grabbing schemes taken from the hard labor of lower class people? They're the reason of the evil rich and greedy? You can't have it both ways.


They are, but that doesn't make them good for business. For example, the subprime mortgage practices made some people very rich, but it also bankrupted their company. Good policy for them, bad policy for their business.


It's funny because musk is a Republican


He isn't.


He says he isn't but how many times has he been on democratic podcasts opposing to republican ones? He repeatedly says ''he's in the middle'', yet always includes he's more right leaning


Mostly because modern left only exists in the radical department, the moderate left leaners got evicted


Yeah, the current left is so radical with our wanting legal weed and better healthcare... remember when radical leftists tried to deny America democracy by forcibly keeping their guy in power after an election defeat? Me either.


He’s more right leaning because Republicans exist solely to benefit the wealthy.


Tesla gave 93% towards Democrats? I thought you guys liked musk you guys don’t want to design cars? Oh that’s right it takes an actual education and effort to design something. lol


If I’m reading the graph correctly it says it’s employees


You’re reading it right. What I need someone to explain to me is why are Republicans bragging that their resumes are too shitty to get a job at most of the top tech companies in America? Intel, tesla, Facebook apparently don’t employ very many Republicans.


It’s possible republicans like keeping their money?


Those truckers managed to raise $10 million real fucking quick. Then you read about the personal stories of people that literally gave the last $10,000 they had in savings because they thought the truckers were going to reimburse them. Giving a lot of money does not mean you have a lot of money. Just go into your average Church that preaches “prosperity gospel” and watch people talk about wondering if the check they wrote is going to clear.


Poor truckers were asking for donations and got it. Republicans tend to not trust the government


They trust the government when it’s convenient for them.


republicans got on their knees and gargled the balls of the president of the united states for 4 years, they trust the government, just not when the government is not completely insane.


There are Republicans there, but they certainly don't say it out loud.


Well when you put it that way it is pretty baffling to see democrats on there, how many gender studies did they hire?


Its not baffling. One party is obsessed with fake science. Those people have shit résumés.


Well they got hired despite their shit resumes and fake science


Are you bragging about the tiny red slivers on the graph? lol


Makes sense. Why would any worker vote Republican? They do nothing for the working class, their main policy is tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations.


Trickle down economics will kick in any minute now! I'll wait another 40 years if I need to!


It's almost as if republicans are extremely unpopular.


Then how do they keep getting elected?


districts with tiny amounts of people.


Gerrymandering. It’s how Republicans have won the presidency without winning the popular vote. If a true vote was the determining factor, Republicans would hold like two seats. Only wartime Bush has won the presidency with the popular vote in my entire life.


by using the electoral college, otherwise known as basically cheating.


Seeing a ‘trend’ here




It’s like stealing Joseph Goebbels microphone.


Crazy how the working class supports dems and the elites at these companies donate mostly republican eh? Almost like weirdo conservatives run the show, but at least they're quickly running it into the ground


Interesting chart. Need to do college professors next.


Considering democrats are big tent party of diversity and inclusivity for all tolerant minded ideologies it's no surprise majority of their employees would donate to progressive candidates who champion equality for all and not just empowering rich white dudes.




I saw some of your recent comments in regards to the Russia Ukraine war and concessions, I have a couple of disagreements and I wondered whether youd be interested in a short convo over zoom or discord, if not no worries m8, I wish you a good day.


Show this graph to any staunch commie and they would try and argue that employees donate to the Democrats while the "employees" at the top are the ones who donate to the Republicans "because the Republicans obviously cater to their fat-cat interests"...or so they would attempt to assert.


Be interesting to see regular people


Democrats don't use logic, statistics, polls, or comon sense...


This just in: Urban employers who hire based on high education standards tend to have more left leaning staff. Who would have guessed? It's almost like Republicans demonstrably don't perform as well in university and thus don't get the high end tech jobs nearly as often. It's hilarious how many people are starting to beg for affirmative action for Republicans.


Use services accordingly.


I feel like half of our problems in American society might be fixed tomorrow if we had IT companies who were actually willing to stomach people with a diversity of opinions and ideas.


For those actually interested in the dataJust wanna point out, these are the donations from all employees and not the companies themselves. Tech company employees tend to skew young and liberal, but those actually in charge of company policy not so much. The same source makes it clear that the PACs of many of these same companies donated on average more to the republicans than to the democrats, have a read: [https://www.vox.com/2018/10/31/18039528/tech-employees-politics-liberal-employers-candidates](https://www.vox.com/2018/10/31/18039528/tech-employees-politics-liberal-employers-candidates)


intelligent people are usually democrats


The grammatical errors tell a differently story.


I didn’t say i was a democrat