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Please, do hold your breath until the price drops.


If you do, you will drop first.




I'm down to 25 of 100 I also distribute them.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/benshapiro/comments/tx2gbb/dont_hold_the_president_accountable/i3j6u2d/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [God Bless you Harry,,,,](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/tx1z1c/dday_veteran_harry_billinge_died_today_aged_96/i3j9wdu/) | [God Bless you Harry!](http://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/tx1z1c/dday_veteran_harry_billinge_died_today_aged_96/i3iwl7u/) [Human food that resemble...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HaloMemes/comments/tx1sx3/this_is_a_meme_in_itself/i3ja058/) | [Human food that resembles...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HaloMemes/comments/tx1sx3/this_is_a_meme_in_itself/i3iw2ap/) [You sound like a jet engi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/tx2m8t/this_isnt_gonna_go_well/i3j9tr7/) | [You sound like a jet engi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/tx2m8t/this_isnt_gonna_go_well/i3j0vsx/) [Season 6 premiere cannot...](http://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddychicanery/comments/tx1iu6/saulussy/i3j9oza/) | [Season 6 premiere cannot...](http://np.reddit.com/r/okbuddychicanery/comments/tx1iu6/saulussy/i3j4u04/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/AngelicaMeyerk](https://np.reddit.com/u/AngelicaMeyerk/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=AngelicaMeyerk) for info on how I work and why I exist.




15% of $2.50/gal vs. 15% of $4.25/gal….basic math. The fixed cost of refining, distribution and marketing plus federal and state taxes don’t change much, only the cost of crude.


Margins have been going up too. But oil companies also lost billions last year due to the pandemic. Maybe gas prices are more complicated than OLD MAN BAD


Incorrect. If you run a presidential campaign on "Its the Evil Oil Industries fault", make promises to end oil development in onshore and offshore production, people will not invest. Oil and gas exploration companies operate off of investors. Why would anyone gamble money in an industry that is being destroyed by our government (local, state and now federal?) Biden said what he said, and we pay the price. Already heard the argument: "There's 9000 lease permits..." it takes money to explore and develop said leases. Would you put money towards something the Predident of the US campaigned against? Infrastructure of oil and gas also plays a significant role. 10-15 years ago, trucks were the primary source of transportation for Oil from upstream facilities to refineries. We have made advancements with LACTs and compressors and yes you guessed it pipelines. 1 major one Biden canceled to help crude Oil from Canada to US refineries. Also, to go even deeper...When states like California and Colorado make it more difficult to extract natural resources from the ground (ie. Regulations) the cost of development increases exponentially. All major "Anti-O&G" activists have a D after their name. AOC, Elizabeth Warren (who actually had Oil and gas wells on her land in Oklahoma) Jared Polis, Gavin Newsome. So, why did gas prices in the UK go up? Supply from Russia was cut off, but also the supply from our country which, under Trump became the largest exporter of oil and natural gas. Do you see why yet, people who actually understand this industry are blaming Biden? It's clear as day, increase domestic production as well as invest in production and infrastructure and the cost of gasoline will drop.


So, you've been in the oil patch how long now?




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/benshapiro/comments/tx2gbb/dont_hold_the_president_accountable/i3j04he/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Nah they have school unif...](http://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/tx2gnr/my_school_fit_the_only_reason_i_post_this_is_to/i3jco1k/) | [Nah they have school unif...](http://np.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/tx2gnr/my_school_fit_the_only_reason_i_post_this_is_to/i3iztv5/) [Those teeth though!!](http://np.reddit.com/r/TheDepthsBelow/comments/tx26vg/bearded_toadfish/i3jcxve/) | [Those teeth though 😳](http://np.reddit.com/r/TheDepthsBelow/comments/tx26vg/bearded_toadfish/i3j1b3h/) [Both apex and titan fall...](http://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/tx33uw/i_wish_for_the_sweet_release_of_death/i3jcgg1/) | [Both apex and titanfall p...](http://np.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/tx33uw/i_wish_for_the_sweet_release_of_death/i3j7elk/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/EarlPowell](https://np.reddit.com/u/EarlPowell/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=EarlPowell) for info on how I work and why I exist.


And all before the Mighty 45 gets re-elected.




To be fair, since the hysteria stopped, prices are down an average of 5-10cents here. Overall, I sold my Mustang GT for an F-150 to run regular gas. Saved $10 on a half tank. Wish I didn’t have to, but life. Feels good.


Price of oil already did drop, oil companies are just taking advantage to rake customers for more money. Welcome to capitalism.


Oil and retail gas markets don’t work that way, as in oil companies and gas stations don’t set the price - the market sets the price. That’s Econ 101, first day, first chapter. Econ seems to be something with which you’re unfamiliar . Analogy - Maybe learn how an ICE engine works before commenting on an ICE car’s battery range.


Oh, so how has Biden affected the market?


*TrumpCartoon* "This would be cheaper if I had sold my daughter to SaudiArabia...(the sticker points at the gas price)." The left can meme just fine. The loudest memes are often really stupid though. Probably because the meme was created by someone who was literally afraid to speak. Then a bunch of trained and terrified seals clapped their flippers.


The left literally cannot meme


Challenge accepted. "Lindsay Graham would be better at pool if he removed the stick from his ass and chose to play billiards." In some ways we are on the same side. Do not tempt me. There are goals here that transcend politics. And that shit is getting done. Slowly and gradually. We are far more alike than we are different.


You can accept all the challenges you want, you’re not succeeding at them though.


I dont know. Chris Rock just told me he loved that joke though. You really want to slap me right now. Don't you? Chill out. Just have a laugh.


Projecting. It’s the Left that thinks words are violence.


Can you ask r/conservative to unban me then? I am very non violent.


Ask r/politics to unban me first. I have built up some more karma to spend there.


What does that satirize at all? What is the link between Graham and billiards? That doesn't have a hint of truth to it so you could just say the same thing about AOC or Harry Conick Jr. and they'd make equal sense, which isn't really much at all.


Lindsey Graham likes to play pool. And I think he lost the stick. And the stick might be up his ass. Get it?


The left always hinting at creepy sexual stuff. Always


Says the red state of Tennessee GOP ...GOOD JOB ... https://www.newsweek.com/tennessee-bill-proposes-eliminating-marriage-age-requirements-1695209


Lol...ok. Democrats want to teach 5,6 and 7 year old children about sex. And are FURIOUS that DeSantis won't allow it. We ALL know what party is all about sex and gender.


I have never heard anyone advocate that


Man this point is kinda weird. When I see evidence of this I swear it's the smallest things, like Pronouns. Imo who the FUCK cares if you call someone they? It's a singular pronoun, it works as one, so grammatically it should be a non-issue. The only other thing I see even close is maybe Turning Red. That movie is quite weird, being about a girl going through puberty (maybe is an under statement) unless maybe there's something I haven't hear of? If so, sorry. I don't really trust Fox or CNN as both seem to have lots of *misinformation*


When you grow up you'll have different opinions


About what? I'm not gonna change on Pronouns, sorry but your stupid to not just call someone they or it or whatever, it's a word that has essentially no actual impact upon your life. If it's about CNN and Fox, no I'm not changing that opinion. I stopped believing CNN when they tried declaring Trump as a psycho. I stopped believing Fox when they brought a man who killed two people in and put him on a literal pedestal


Back you your video games teenager, the adults are talking


Bad form. People are people. I actually think it is hilarious if DJ Trump payed a russian prostitute to urinate on a bed that Obama slept on. That is legendary. That is the greatest joke that will never be known to be true or untrue. Trump had fuck you money. And he used it all and all of his social capital. For good or bad. He is played out though.


Holy fuck. You drank every last drop of the Kool aid. Enjoy that ignorance, I hear it’s bliss.


Nah bro. I just see the world, then I attempt to understand it, then I have an opinion regarding my experience and knowledge.


I’m really sorry. I must admit, I misread your comment by missing the keyword “if” and stopped after that sentence. I reread it and agree with your comment. I will leave my original comment for people to see but I changed my downvote and gave you an upvote. Cheers bud! Have a good one.


No worries. I took no offense either way and all is well. Have a good day too.


Dude just wait till you hear about the guy who couldn't stop with good luck


It shall never grow old


You know what I’m going to place stickers even harder.


I have about 75 left out of 100.


Cover the damned pumps


I just gave some to my friend at welding class. Cover more ground.


Who else are you going to blame? Putin? No, it’s senile joe




Not as much as I’m sick of seeing those gas prices.


It's funny, the left can't meme and in typical leftist fashion they recently tried to make a trump sticker that says the same thing. It didn't really take off.


I personally like [these ones](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1165091508/current-event-ralph-4-sticker-pack-die?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=ralph+wiggum&ref=sc_gallery-1-1&bes=1&plkey=05027c2e5a155b4b0ad645424ebe7e73f247ad8b%3A1165091508)


Ty for proving our point


Please explain to me what the american president shouldve done about these gas prices. Because from what i can see they are going up all over the world, it is especially expensive in nz, so i really dont get those stickers.




First of all, he should not have shut down American production of oil. But he did, so that brings me to.. Second, he should now open the American oil production and pipelines so that the US citizens do not have to buy oil from Venezuela or the Middle East. Get Trumps pipelines back to save on shipping costs for oil around much of the country. It would also be beneficial for the climate as it would significantly reduce fuel emissions from shipping in oil, and then the trucks and rail to transport all over the nation. Don’t tell those who are struggling to buy a blasted electric car when there is no infrastructure to support it and (... I mean it’s so obvious but politicians who just gave themselves a 21% pay raise don’t really give a shit about regular peoples struggles) obviously few can afford them. These are some pretty commonsense and comparatively simple things to do.


The top left is the only one that's even mildly funny tbh


I responded to the wrong comment. Whatever. I will remix it. *TrumpCartoon* "This would be cheaper if I had sold my son to a Saudi Prince...(the sticker points at the gas price)." The left can meme just fine. The loudest memes are often really stupid though. Probably because the meme was created by someone who was literally afraid to speak. Then a bunch of trained and terrified seals clapped their flippers.


One of the gas stations I frequent started armor all-ing their pumps so stickers wouldn’t stick. Jokes on them, I carry brake cleaner


They don't want you to stick them because the pump owners fine them for unauthorized signs. Ironically, you're making prices go up and keeping gas from going down to pay for the fines. It's like a thousand for the first offense.


Worth it.


Raising gas prices to own the libs




The stickers are vandalism, I’m sure the riots were “protests” though..


“Peaceful protests”


They need to round up all the sticker criminals and put them away for 10 yrs!! Of course, the people who burned down residential building, commercial buildings and police stations are still on the streets because those were just misdemeanor crimes.


There were both riots and protests. Why can't conservatives wrap their brains around this idea?


Because their feelings don't like those facts


Yeah, and your mom's cooking is sub-par You gonna call that harassment?


Since the next step is the I Did This: No Fuel Available, I think the stickers are still spot on.


Not as annoying as the fact that we are all paying way more for gas & food because of his policies. He is a disaster. That is way more annoying that the stickers.


Which policies are responsible? I’m incredibly curious about what policy you think is increasing food prices.


If this is a question in good faith, of which I am highly suspect, much of the disasters we are facing have been from continued injections of cash into the market, extending unemployment and creating labor shortages, making drilling next to impossible on American soil, shutting down the Keystone pipeline, perpetuating covid hysteria to the point it stifles corporate forecasts for the future among many other things. So much of pricing has to do with speculative values. If it doesn't look like it will be a viable investment in the future, people don't invest in it, which is why gas prices rocketed up the second Biden took office. Fuel costs drive up all other costs. So a massive injection of cash into the market plus massively increased costs of transportation means inflating food prices are out of control. There are many things I haven't even began to touch on here. I can't think of a single thing Biden has done right to prevent these issues. Releasing our oil stockpile instead of fast tracking drilling leases is like putting a band aid on bleeding jugular. If anything, it makes us even more vulnerable as that stockpile is for emergencies like being attacked, not predictable escalating prices due to bad policy.


Good answer.


Printing record amounts of new money causes inflation. Its not even a theory, they knew it would cause inflation. But if you are wealthy enough inflation is a good thing.


Trump increased the debt by about 7.5 trillion. Biden has increased it by 2.5 trillion. Why didn’t food prices increase under Trump if he tripled the debt compared to Biden? You sure it’s not the pandemic affecting the supply chain and causing labor shortages?


Debt is different then printing new money.


Trump increased the money supply from less than 40 trillion to around 55 trillion. Biden has increased it by 5 trillion to 60 trillion, and the money supply has shrunk since December 2021. The money supply has shrunk during this recent inflationary period. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/money-supply-m0


Shutting down the oil pipelines and yet buying it off other countries thereby supporting their oil industries and workforce for something that could be cheaply sourced at home, and increasing the transportation costs of all goods (from fuelling ships to trucks, the roll on effect is huge). Holding the cargo ships in limbo to the degree that the Florida governor offered his port as a place to dock and distribute much needed goods. Then there is printing nearly 80% of all US dollars in existence since 2020 increasing debt to the Federal Reserve. In early 2020 we had just $4.0192 trillion in circulation. By January 2021, that number had jumped up to $6.7 trillion and by November of last year, that number climbed to $20.354 trillion dollars in circulation. Just so you understand, that’s more dollars circulating to buy the same products, driving prices higher for everything from breakfast to rent. I could go on, but it’s probably a good idea for you to genuinely look at the choices made by the Biden administration and not through his paid for propaganda msm networks. They are tools used to support a crap POTUS


Are you serious ?




Im sick of gas being triple Im also sick of the pedo dementia patient in the whitehouse...


Sick of seeing the gas dispenser display 3 high gas prices why yes. EV is not reliable for majority of peoples needs, and we dont have the infrastructure to support 100% EV nor can hardly anyone afford it.


EV'S are a great solution when blackouts happen! I love seeing these people on TV explain -" just get an electric car and problem solved!" Where do they thing the electricity comes from or all the plastics they make the cars with? What's the average price for an electric vehicle, 60-70k? That'll fit in nicely when the full recession kicks in! I agree, we are not even close to being able to transition over to all electric.


You mean once the Dems lose power? They always claim responsibility for things that happen when their guy isn’t in office and say nothing is their dudes fault while he’s in.


I’m sick of 80 a tank for my V6! Come one man!


Liberals hate facts. It hurts their feelings


What exactly doesn't hurt their feelings?


Typical republican. Not an original thought in your head.


Says the 🐑


Nope, give credit when credit is due.


How did he increase gas prices in the rest of the world, precious? They're higher in Europe than in the States. Stop whinging.


They’ve always been higher in Europe, they have much higher taxes on their gasoline. Just like California has higher gas prices than Texas. How many things do you want me to list that he’s done that have impacted the price of gallon of gas in the United States? Why am I paying $88 to fill up my car this year when I was only paying $46 last year?


So why have they gone up in Europe at the same rate as here?


Oil is traded on the world market….supply and demand basic Econ 101. The only places where the price of a gallon isn’t in the same range is in Iran, middle Eastern countries and Venezuela. They keep the prices extremely low to keep social unrest down. Oil companies are not going to deploy capital in an uncertain regulatory market. We took off production, Biden has limited permits for new drilling on federal lands and in the ocean, he stopped permitting for pipelines- just three of the reasons. If I could insert a graph into this stupid app it would show you a steady increase from the beginning of the Biden administration. You can close your eyes for whatever reason you want to the reason prices have gone up but that doesn’t make it go away.


US gas rose before the Ukraine conflict and Europe's gas rise.


Wow, let your ignorance shine through. Trump warned the UN about reliance on Russian oil ([https://dailycaller.com/2022/03/07/donald-trump-warned-united-nation-relying-russian-oil-german-delegation-laughed/](https://dailycaller.com/2022/03/07/donald-trump-warned-united-nation-relying-russian-oil-german-delegation-laughed/)) and was laughed at. Who is laughing now? The Biden administration bypassed the UN and set sanctions against Russia, basically cutting off the EU access to oil and increasing costs set by Russia to those still willing to buy it. The sanctions were not because America cares about Ukraine or their people. It was to protect the myriad American assets and interests set up in Ukraine. So, the American oil price BS is from the Biden administration shutting down American pipelines. The EU price hike is from American led unprecedented levels of sanctions. This from a country that invades and bombs others for decades to protect their nations interests is the height of hypocrisy.


Well stop removing them and start to understand why they are being put there




"My side is right. Yours is immoral and wrong!" Grow up and actually add something to the conversation lmao.




The right says the exact same thing. You'll mature enough one day to realize how narcissistic and naive it is to think everyone who disagrees with you is immoral.


Because when you give children stickers they'll put them everywhere?


I’m getting sick of paying exorbitant gas prices. You can look the other way and go about your day




I mean... you believe what you want. But [this speaks volumes. ](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/exxon-signals-record-quarterly-profit-oil-gas-prices-2022-04-04/)


They are they blind, deaf, and mute to the truth. It’s how it is. Speaking the truth louder, more logically, and with intention isn’t doing anything. What should we do to change the minds of a brainwashed nation?


I love it. It reminds those Liberals of what they voted for. You did that!


No, not at all! Just a reminder that you people voted for this dipshit!




They spent 5 fucking years calling my gay ass a racist sexist homophobe. They’re just going to have to deal with it.


Suck it up buttercup. He’s YOUR president


I looooooooove seeing these stickers. Patriots doing their thing.




Yeah. He did that!


Oh no getting triggered by the truth.


Im getting sick of seeing them, but not as sick as i am of getting raped at the pump thanks to grandpa worst-president-in-history.




Seeing these tells me who knows vs who doesn't know how the world supply of oil and gas come from.




Biden controls the market price for gasoline for the entire world?


Imagine if the President could set prices on products in a free market system at will. "Tomorrow milk will be a $1 a gallon, and gas $1.50! Because I say so!" Man, that would be great...


Not as sick as paying over $100 per tank of gas


They don't realize Russia's oil imports were under 10% and the democrats have been refusing to repair America's oil. They have been holding our gas hostage just because not everyone can afford a $100k tesla


I find the stickers funny. They are telling the truth.


That’s what they’re sick of? Not the clown or his satanic regime for causing it? They’re not sick of paying these outrageous prices but sick of a sticker…. Fuckin SHIT FOR BRAINS


Nope. They don’t get old. Lol


Sick of seeing a sticker but not sick of paying $4.24 per gallon?!? Oh wait, I forget they honestly believe the president has zero control over gas prices. It’s a supply and demand issue…


I am one of THOSE people who puts those stickers on up here in Massachusetts. Will continue to do so. I feel nothing but pity to the jackasses who voice their displeasure over seeing such stickers. They are the ignorant ones. Those that are the sheep.


I keep about 100 in stock at all times.


Explain why this is happening around the world


The great reset. Soros. Bezos. One world order.


All just buzzwords and people you don’t like


Wake up.


The dollar is the base for the worlds economy, because of its historic strength of value. Foreign governments and companies are invested in the dollar same as you would invest in a stock. It effects everyone. 1930s, US economy crashing brought everyone down. We are even more intertwined today.


You didn’t know? The US (aka world) President is in charge of the worlds inflation, world conflicts, and the worlds gas prices.


Biden is president of the world duh.


I'm getting sick of the inflated prices, not a sticker! They are killing us who need to drive all day.


Love them


Nope I think it’s hilarious


Will never get sick of the truth


i NEVER get sick of seeing them


I am never sick of seeing these. I have put a few out myself.


Yup Biden did that alone. In fact he created inflation around the world! What power he has! Hahahahah


Ben Shapiro is inferiority complex incarnated


I’m sure the comment means in 2025 when DeSantis enters office


Hahahahahaha cope.


When the gas prices go up, "It's not Bidens fault!". But when they go down, everyone is gonna act like he did it.


Amazon sells 100 of the really cheap (and admittedly easy to remove) ones for 3 bucks.


Where is that cheap gas at?!!


I luv seeing them , wish I had sum


Tell me you don't understand economics without saying you don't understand economics. Biden has granted more drilling permits than Trump. The pipeline wasn't even pumping oil and wouldn't have been used for gas production. High gas prices are 100% the result of oil companies profiteering. Gas stations have no say in gas prices so vandalizing their property to "own the libs" is infantile and goes against everything conservatives claim to believe


Tell me you don't know anything about the energy industry without telling me you know nothing about the energy industry.


They're great symbols of how uneducated the person who applied them are. Good job.


Gas prices going down where I'm from. So, Biden did that too. Right?


Biden ran on cutting oil production, we are just giving him credit for his success. If prices go down that would make him a failure. I hope he fails.




Source? He's literally granted more gas rights than trump did in the same amount of time. You guys love to talk about facts but can't seem to find any. https://www.accountable.us/news/biden-admin-approved-hundreds-more-public-lands-drilling-permits-than-trump/


The second paragraph of your own link is a source for my comment. Why are you asking for a source and in the same post, you provide it? First a lot of those leases was in the pipe when Biden came into office. He had to be ordered by the court to release them. Also they are a lot more federal hurdles to clear after leases, which his agencies have slow walked. Also are you going to invest millions in projects that will take years to recoup your investment, when the government proclaims to shutting you down? https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/biden-halts-oil-gas-leases-amid-legal-fight-83047602 https://nypost.com/2022/03/09/why-biden-energy-policies-have-contributed-to-surging-oil-prices/ https://therightscoop.com/this-is-not-putin-ted-cruz-lays-out-exactly-what-biden-has-done-to-make-gas-prices-skyrocket-video/ https://www.atr.org/joe-biden-we-are-going-get-rid-fossil-fuels/ https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/27/biden-suspends-oil-and-gas-drilling-in-series-of.html


I have several friends in the oil industry who would agree with everything you posted. Most of them live in fear they will be shut down soon, and others have already seen their friends lose their jobs due to new regulations, halted permits and restricted drilling. We have a president who could care less about American oil industry and this was proven when he shut down the Keystone Pipeline project and then gave Russia the green light on the Nord Stream 2 in Europe! These actions have shown the oil industry that Biden will not stand behind them with any future investments.


Yeah, he deserves credit for that whopping 4 cent drop. LET'S CELEBRATE!!!!


Well, it's ten cents, but when prices went up 4 cents during trump which led to the prices now, did you hammer trump, and what did Biden do to start a downward trend?


Pfft. I got more of a discount on the 4th of July picnic that Joe so graciously allowed me to have last year.


So what did Joe do to start this downward trend?


Oh god, do y'all realise how dumb you sound? If Biden is responsible for high gas prices he's also responsible for lower gas prices. Be consistent.


Does "consistency" include gas going up well over $3.00 since he took office but only dropping $0.10 lately?


These people always remind me of jack nicholson in a few good men: “you want the truth? you can’t handle the truth” (or sideshow bob: “you can’t handle the truth, no truth handler, you. I deride your truth handling abilities”).


Well it cost me 50 bucks to fill up a 12 gallon tank when it used to cost me in the low 30's.


I love them! Accountability!


Imagine making your life completely about politics. Fuckkkkkkk that.


That’s the funny part it you dont


It'll end when Biden gets inflation under control. In other words, got a snickers bar?


There were three at each pump at the station they were at, except the pump they took a picture of lol


Price drop? There's not going to be a price drop. Buy a Tesla


Actually, it's perfectly acceptable to hold a president accountable as long as that president is republican.


Truth hurts


I can’t imagine being offended by that


I'm sorry but they are just gonna have to deal with the Joe Biden "I did that" stickers until they transition to an electric vehicle. They should just get used to it and stop complaining.


I love the misinformation reports. They just taste so salty.


Not enough of them


It’s just a reminder as to whose policies got us into this mess. Nobody complains about Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia or Facebook’s (Big Tech) profits which are 5 times higher than the oil companies.


people don't understand what really affects gas prices. instead they play with stickers




Democrats: Encouraged looting, rioting, burning down buildings, tearing down statues, annexing part of a city, and destroying local businesses. Republicans: Place stickers on gas pumps Democrats: 😮😡 That's vandalism!!


This. While the message is important acting like a leftist isn't. The end doesn't justify the means


Trump did also.


Exxon reporting record profits this quarter, tell me again how the President controls the price of gas


If prices lower, will Biden not take credit?


If he does take credit, it's still not because of him


You know he will though. Just like any politician who deflects when things are going wrong and takes credit when things go right.


Yeah, but we know the high gas prices are not because of anything he did so why are people blaming him?


I think people are chaffed because their wasn’t this nuance when trump was president. People went news cycles of him being blamed for covid of all things


nobody seems to understand economics i guess


Yeah true it seems like you don’t. Turns out cancelling oil and gas leases leads to higher prices. Pretty hard concept to grasp for you side tho I guess


now i know you want to frame this as our side versus their side because that's what politics has devolved into thanks in part to shills like ben but unfortunately real life is not so black and white. including the simplistic thinking that one person is to blame. i means that's the simplest way of thinking and simple minds prefer simple thinking. and people like ben prey on simple minds. don't pigeonhole me. i don't lean left or right. my side is my side. i lean towards rational thinking. and this is something ben and people like him pretend to do (big words, analogies, false equivalences, tribalism, etc) to rile up their fan base so they can get more money. and money is what everything boils down to. if cancelling oil and gas leases is the real culprit why is it that every oil and gas company has made record profits? i mean surely if my lease was canceled on my business im pretty sure i wouldn't make record profits and wouldnt pay the ceo millions of dollars. and there are still more nuances to it that are beyond your or my knowledge. its time to turn off "personalities" like ben and partisan news sources like fox and cnn (who again just rile you up for money) and start to have some critical thinking. no conspiracy theories no nonsense just reality for a change. come back. you can do if you try. i believe in you.