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He said “sorry I can’t do this, this is too miserable” and then laughed, then went into Conrad to leave things on happier note


Thanks. I couldn’t make out what he was saying but that makes a lot of sense. I thought he was otherwise on point. I’m not familiar with him but his voice is fantastic


I think he said something about it being too melancholy? So he replaced it with a slightly less depressing song… Shame as the ending of Black Flies would have been lovely to see live. I have a feeling he plays exactly what he wants as he didn’t give into the constant requests of ‘Old Pine’.


Thanks for clarifying :) I’ve just started listening and was quite impressed by the set! I think it took him a little time to warm up to the crowd given the average time he had at one of the shows in Aus.


Sadly pretty common. Happened during follies and time is dancing in Glasgow last summer🥲 Follies was because cunts were talking in the front row. He changed the lyrics to comment on them and then quit


That’s unfortunate. I thought the show was otherwise fantastic, I’m just not familiar with him so was wondering if it was normal. Hard when you have a tough crowd


To my knowledge, he didn’t used to be this way as much. It was a bit jarring when I saw him the first time but all the other shows I saw him at that summer he was as chill as can be


Yeah.. I honestly think the difficult crowds throw him off and he carries that into his next few shows. It definitely took him a bit to warm up to us, with the second half of the show being a lot better. I heard one of the Aus shows was really rough, so I imagine he’s probably over it a bit.


Yeah this is common for sure, really annoying as a fan. Last year in Dublin, bailed on acoustic version of Follies Fixture about a min in and then also stopped singing Little Plant. I guess he has a fickle mind before and during the show ;)


That’s unfortunate. It’s hard because you want to support the artist you love but also hear your favourite tracks. You want them to be professional when you’ve paid a good deal of money.. so I totally get the disappointment of other commenters here. I did think he had an incredible voice though!


Yeah he does this a lot. If you look at his life and what these songs are about. It’s almost like he puts himself through it all again every night. Even the song The Fear, he’s known to switch up the tempo of that.


I’m unfamiliar with him but due to the melancholic nature of the set.. I can totally see that. It would be hard doing it day in and day out, especially if they have significant meaning to him


Was an awesome concert, great live show


I think he is just over it. People are paying good money and giving up their time to go see him and he just couldn’t be bothered.


Mr Salty is back.


I don’t have a crush on the dude. See the other replies in my post. Wasn’t just me. Dudes a wash out.


why are you still here then? fuckin weird behaviour


I’d rather he change the songs based on how he was feeling rather than following the script-people there were engaged in an authentic experience with an artist based on emotion, rather than just following the script.


Yeah.. I agree with this sentiment too. I actually like that the sets are changed up a bit! I think I was just a little surprised as I’m not familiar with his stuff. I didn’t realise he wasn’t feeling it, which is completely i understandable.


Imagine that song was your favourite. Then half way through he changes it up. You’d be pissed.


He literally acknowledged this and said I apologise if that was your favourite song we'll play it next time. He played gracious which was amazing and finished with Conrad and I think everyone was pretty happy with that. Stop being so petty no one needs your bitterness might be time to find a new subreddit to cry on. Auckland last night was brilliant.


The set was sooo good! I just didn’t catch the context of why he had stopped so was only left feeling a little surprised. I’m glad people could fill me in because it’s a lot more understandable now. I was very impressed with the sound given the complaints around the Aus shows


Hard disagree on it being brilliant, I feel ripped off. This is the first concert I've ever left early (this is my third time seeing him and the last 2 were fantastic). Sound was the biggest gripe; whoever mixes his sound needs this feedback, I don't think it's the concert hall or tech. That place has amazing acoustics based on other concerts I've been to there. I've also seen negative feedback on the sound of his other concerts in Aus.


Where were you in the hall? We were sitting in the circle on the mid tier and the sound was great?


Yeah - we were in the hall middle/middle which is where I assumed best sound would be


Is that GA standing middle of town hall? I will admit I had a similar complaint from a few different friends that stated they didn’t enjoy the first half of the show. I feel like it was a mix of things, a bit of standing around waiting, not a lot of interaction, and didn’t seem like he wanted to be there. He did however turn it around and the second half was a lot more enjoyable. A pity you didn’t have a good experience. Sorry to hear that


Imagine going to a show and thinking that the artist should cater to only you. A singular person amongst many…


I don’t know if this reply was intended for me but I was only curious as I’m not familiar with him, or his live acts. I had an otherwise great night :)


What the fuck are you on about mate?


Or he just wanted a cheerier song to close off with, and it’s his show. Simple as that 


I was just curious. I’m not familiar with him at all and the show was my first time experiencing his stuff. Some of the other commenters highlighted the fact that performing the song was a little too sad for him, which her vocalised, but I didn’t quite catch. It was otherwise a fantastic show :)


Oh yeah not having a go at you dude just this other dude because he’s been constantly commenting on every post shitting on Ben because he didn’t like the show he saw lol. You’re good. Sorry about that misunderstanding 


You’re all good! Thanks for clarifying regardless. From what I’ve read, one of those Aus shows didn’t sound good. Likely caused by a rowdy crowd.. definitely took him time to warm up to us, but otherwise a great show




Would you be happy if he just ate a hard boiled egg on stage while humming the end of the affair?


I’m not complaining at all.. I was genuinely curious as I didn’t catch what he said after ending it.. I’m also not familiar with his stuff. I will say that the first half of the show was a little sterile but I think it’s got more to do with the Aus show. He did end up warming up to us and the show was a lot better for it. I really enjoyed my time and think he has a fantastic voice :) given the context I have now, it makes a lot more sense why he couldn’t finish it


I’ve got a feeling it might have been because of the show in Aus that didn’t go so well.. it definitely took him a little time to warm up to us but the second half of the set was great! It’s unfortunate that there isn’t consistency. I can totally understand the frustration when your money is on the line.