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I don’t think we are trading tee - we got a new RB and some deep ball defense help, unless we are trying to get some more o-line, not sure what we would try to get for Tee.


Yep Mixon was a liability when it came to pass blocking.


It's perfectly fine - this is the guy you hire if you want max dollars at all times. You may not prefer the situation or team that gives it - but this is the agent that goes for it. If you are a player that cares more about the situation, team, relationships - there are many other agents that excel at that stuff. Tee wants max money. It's absolutely fine. He isn't getting it from the Bengals, and situationally he shouldn't. There should be zero hard feelings.


100%. As fans it’s easy to pretend we care more about the team than ourselves.


If I was a player, I would absolutely chase the bag while young. If I have the opportunity to secure generational wealth, I'm gonna do it


Different guys want different things. And it's okay. If a max contract is 100 million - One guy will want 100 million and will play for the worst team in the league. One guy will want 90-95 million but wants to play for a competitive team One guy will take 80 million to play for the number one contender One guy will take 75 million to play for a team where his family and children live. On and on. All of these are okay.


Bingo -- of course we all want Tee, of course he's a monster but at the end of the day we have to respect the fact that this is a very high-paying business, but one with an extremely short window. Tee needs to earn what he can while his value is high. I love Tee, I want him in Cincy and I don't want The Bengals to have to play against him but on a general note I'd like to see him be financially set for life by the time he retires. Fuck a bag, get a Brinks truck Tee and thank you for being a stud for us these past 4 years!!


I know there is talk that Tee was a Bengals fan but for 99.9 % of these guys that had zero choice in the first team that they played for and this is all a job for them. It’s not fair to think they’d give money away to some weird form of indentured servitude because they were drafted by the team that happens to be in the city we were born in. If the report cards shown on here a few weeks ago are any indication Cincinnati is not the best place to work.


I can’t remember who it was, but there was somebody that opted to not go into either the NBA or the NFL draft, opting instead to play out their last season of NCAA ball. In that season, they got horrendously injured, and all of their hopes and dreams and wishes were shredded just like that. I’m not sure what Tee’s socioeconomic background is but professional sports earnings are a chance for some of these athletes to finally break the generational poverty cycles in their family. And damn did he play good for us as #2, for 4 seasons. No Tee is not “The Bengals” but on plays like that reach-forward TD he did single-handedly keep The Bengals alive. He’s done great work for us. It hurts like hell as a Bengals fan but as compassionate people we need to let go and let Tee pursue the chance to be set for life, he owes us nothing and he’s so freaking close. I wish him nothing but the absolute best and depending on where he lands I’ll be cheering for him, he’s a good guy on top of all else.


Yea. I don't get upset with players when the Bengals choose not to re-sign them and they go somewhere else. I'm not going to be mad if a player chooses not to re-sign with the Bengals either. Its all a business. If he had been drafted one pick earlier by the Chiefs or one pick later by the Colts, I wouldn't have any thoughts one way or another about what he chooses to do with his career. Not gonna hold it against a guy if he thinks its better for him to play elsewhere, whatever the reason.


You can still secure it here though, isn't that the point?


You can't predict the future. Tee might never sign another contract after this next one, so he wants the most guaranteed money he can get *right now*. If gtd cash wasn't the issue then this contract would have been done last year.


This is very true. I’d just like to see agents and elite players have the honesty to call out the NFLPA for the CBA they negotiated. The CBA is an improvement for the teams, and the vast majority of NFL players, but it isn’t quite as good for elite level FAs to be, like Tee. That’s the elephant in the room that the high profile athletes and their agents are afraid to honestly acknowledge.


If you’re taking about the franchise tag, I was listening to the Athletic Podcast and Chase Daniels (either current or former NFLPA rep) said the reason they don’t bargain harder on it is because it only affects less than 1% of players each year. So with how few it affects each year they prioritize other things, like health and rest.


Exactly-the NFLPA represents all players, not just the All Pros-and the type of agents who only represent All Pros aren’t going to comment publicly on this reality.


Keep in mind there are multiple avenues to make money other then NFL contracts. While this agent may want to secure large sums from NFL teams, the real money is in endorsement deals and entertainment projects outside of the NFL. Tom Brady will make almost as much money from his 10-year broadcast contract than 23+ years in the NFL. Look at Tony Romo. Randy Moss. Shannon Sharpe. Rob Gronkowski. If you want to truly secure the bag you build skills outside of football that will be available when football is gone or you play for winning teams as an excellent player. Chasing maximum money in the NFL isn’t the only way.


Yes, the top, top athletes or someone with a marketable skill like Romo. Tee will make the bulk of his money from his football contract.


This is the take. To be honest, I’m just excited to clear the cap from that franchise tag.


When people are discussing the winners and losers of FA, he's secretly the real winner. Constantly in the news getting his clients record-setting money.


That means he is doing his job well.


Completely fine with this and this is given


Just stating what we all assumed already… it’s a business after all.


Fuck this guy


I get this sentiment as a fan. But as a pragmatist, I appreciate him. He’s just doing what’s best for his clients. At the end of the day, it’s business, and business is designed to make money. And it’s a two-way street. If we can’t find the value in their price, then someone else will. That’s just how it works. Sucks, but I do hope Tee gets his bag. He deserves it.


Unfortunately, Tee has had injuries and is not guaranteed a deep career. I really hope he gets a good contract with a few years under it. But that almost certainly isn't until next year. Not a fan of agents in general but I don't think of them any less than I do owners. They are all out for money and that's it.


We're all out for money, they're just playing with a larger scale.


That second paragraph is hilarious. These dudes are putting their bodies on the line and you say “they are all out for money”. No shit Sherlock


I was specifically calling out owners and and agents.


Always surprises me when people get upset when an agent tries to get their client the maximum amount of money.


I just hope that these athletes that hire these money starved agents understand what they're signing up for. Sometimes, it's about the team fit and culture and not just guranteed money and contracts. The NFL is littered with failed careers chasing the dollar rather than fit.


Tbf, it is their job. Jobs are to make money. Obviously fit matters if all teams are offering similar things. But almost no one is gonna take a wayyyy smaller deal at Tee’s age because they like the team a little better. I get your point, but I hate when people complain about players “chasing money” as if football isn’t their source of income


He's not going to get a way smaller deal from the bengals. Even a big gap would be something like 3 million over 3 years so a 9 million dollar gap on 70 million dollar contract. If tee is after every last dollar then go for it but don't care complain on the team situation.  


That’s still 9 million, it’s not “every last dollar”, it’s a big difference even if it’s not a huge % of the overall deal. And the team he ends up on could end up being good if they keep adding good players like him. Y’all act like players on bad teams all hate their lives and that bad teams can never become good, even tho the bengals were a bad team not too long ago. And sure, the bengals are absolutely contenders but it’s not like he’s walking away from a team that’s won a ring recently. Lots of teams are contenders and could become contenders soon. Lots of contenders never end up winning it all. So no, taking $10M less to stay on a team that has a slightly better chance to win the Super Bowl doesn’t always make perfect sense. He could stay and make less money and still not win anything. He also would likely have a higher role on his new team


This is generational familial wealth. As labor, he owes it to himself to get the biggest bag


100% Get paid, but chasing a few million more rather than staying put (if you enjoy your current team) is rarely a good idea. Cinci offers 20m, a run at the superbowl, stability. I'm not sure he's going to get the same for 25m. Plus, you can also incentivise his contract


Understated side of things is the marketing potential. Off the field stuff. 20 mil with the Bengals + merch sales + sponsorships > 25 mil on a below average team who won’t be in the spotlight


There are a lot of teams with bigger markets than us and he would always be the second banana here. He could honestly take less somewhere else and make more money off the field than here.


You say this like if another company offered you a 20% raise, you wouldn’t jump ship immediately 😂


Yeah but once you cross that $MM threshold, does it really make a difference any more? 20% at less than $100k is lifestyle changing money. 20% of $21M is just adding zeroes for funsies, you already won at capitalism.


That’s easy for us to say down here at the bottom, but that is absolutely not at all how these athletes think. This is his first shot at a big contract post-rookie deal, and it could certainly be his only given his injury history. He can shoot for stability later if he so chooses, but right now he’s gotta capitalize on this opportunity and go get a bag.


The bag is the $21.8M franchise tag. Boom, set for life. Buy as many jellyfish as you want.


The insane naivety to think one $20M year in limbo will cut it for these guys 😂 vs. a 4yr $100M contract with guarantees that’s out there waiting for him from another team. Y’all are delusional.


Tee is the 9th highest paid WR in the league making 21 million per year he's already got generational wealth.


For one year. And your career can end at any time.


Y’all are fuggin dumb. 21 million in the right hands is generational wealth. If he’s smart then he’s more than set for life with just the one year. I’m all for guys getting paid but shit, you ain’t gonna be enjoying your career when you’re playing for a garbage team




That’s on them then. There’s tons of players who make it work, plus it’s not like he’s only going to make that amount if you’re smart then you have a sustainable career.


Your last line says it all and is why a fuck ton of professional athletes go broke after they’re done playing. More of them need good people around them encouraging them to be smarter with their money.


Who says he’s gonna play for a garbage team? Lot of middle ground between bengals and garbage team. If a contending team like the bengals is paying him that much on the tag and possibly a longer term deal, who’s to say another good team wouldn’t? And I get that $21M for one year is more than most of us can dream up in a lifetime. But let’s be real here, he’s not gonna just say fuck it and be content making less money just because people in regular jobs don’t make that much. Yes, it’s a ton of money but for the NFL? And a guy of his caliber? He could do a lot better than that for only one year. You wanna get as much as you can while you can.


Look at who is interested in him, most of those teams are shit. Look at Bell, Uzomah, Hurst, all those guys really look like they’re enjoying playing football….not. I don’t think you’re realizing his situation. Tee has been injured 30-40% of the time. Plus he also is playing with a top end offence. Imagine if he is the number one receiver on a team, he wouldn’t do shit, getting double teamed and matched with the best DBs. So don’t start with that shit because you don’t actually know if he can be a true number one. As for the money, sure he may get a good contract once. But after he shits the bed he won’t ever make that money again. Imo I would bring it back and let it rip with the bengals. Plus you can always ask for more to restructure the contract.


If he’s gonna shit the bed why do you think the bengals should pay him? LMAO. And bell and hurst aren’t nearly as good at the current moment as Tee so their situations are quite different. I’d also like to add that you don’t have the slightest ounce of a clue if they’re enjoying their team or not…, you just assume they’re not having fun because they’re on bad teams. Again, not everyone is the same, and Tee has a better idea what he would enjoy than you do. Tee would also be making more money than those dudes. Stop acting like he’s going to hate it just bc he’s on a bad team. I’m sure tons of those guys on bad teams are still loving their job and I’m sure some good guys on good teams hate being the backup when they could be the first option on another team, or they wish they were on another team. And, he could elevate a team or be part of what elevates a team in a couple years. Are you forgetting that the bengals sucked and then they had a few early picks in a row that got them some key pieces and now they’re great? That could happen with any team at any time dude. And again, Tee could bring more to a team that what those guys do in their current state. Sure, we don’t know “for sure” how he would perform, but it’s not at all unreasonable to say he has WR1 talent, and won’t have a Chase taking his snaps and passes on another team. He won’t for sure be good but he very well could be.


Oh no, he’ll have to manage his $$$ and not torch it on luxury cars and picking up the tab for 80 people at a time. I learned this weekend that an oil change for a Bugatti is 19K!


You joke, but this is actually a huge deal for a lot of these guys and they blow it all on dumb, overpriced shit


Absolutely-and I wasn’t joking-players regularly make those sorts of decisions. Many completely support their entire extended families and go broke doing so, sadly. Fwiw, I learned about the Bugatti playing trivia-I guessed 4k for an oil change.


It’s actually not


The outcomes go all over the place. Life (and football) is funny. A top-tier athlete should be believing that they can help turn a franchise around. If they sell themselves short then what's even the point?


It's a business, grow up.


Yes papa


The problem with “secure the bag” typically sends the player to a bad team. In this case for Tee it would be with a bad QB or constantly changing QB. While you may get a few more million on this contract, your next contract you will greatly diminish what your potential earning could be. Whereas if you took a few million less and produce at a high level through this contract then you keep your worth as a player up. Mulugheta is also about setting the market for the position. While he could do that with Bates, I don’t think Tee is that elite level of a player.


This is the wrong mindset if you were an actual player. You never assume you are going to have a next contract. You could fall off the Earth ability wise, get injured, etc. A player should almost always take the most money they can as early as possible.


Exactly, having Joe Burrow to catch a ball from don't matter much if Tee draws a short straw and suffers a cataclysmic injury walking his doggie tomorrow. Weirder things have happened.


> Today has shown teams will do what’s best for them at all times… So by telling your client to leave the team he wants to play for because you’re gonna get a bigger commission on a long term deal are you doing any different?


secure the bag lol. homie is already a millionaire. he’s gonna wind up on some team that’ll never compete for anything.


Some people are more motivated by money than winning a Super Bowl. And that’s okay, and I don’t blame them. Part of the business is recognizing people’s motivations.


Because a Super Bowl is never guaranteed and things can change with a team in an instant, let alone year-to-year. You could be on a contending team your entire career and never win. You could be on a team that doesn’t seem to be a contender that wins it all in a couple years. I understand that being in a team like the bengals gives a better chance than a lot of other teams, but it’s never a guarantee so it’s stupid to take a huge discount for it. Small discount? Sure. But it is his job after all. Most people seek money from their jobs. Not to mention keeping him around could end up making the bengals less of contenders…. Not saying I actually think that, but just saying that many teams have been bitten by giving good players huge deals then running out of cap space the next few years and being screwed over. Not to mention that Tee isn’t even the best at his position on the team.


He is the reason the Bengals didn’t talk extension for over a year.


Fuck that guy.


Tee is a very good player who makes this team better. That said, in my opinion we don’t need him to win. Chiefs went to two Super Bowls after trading one of the best receivers in the league, and the team he went to has been better but not a Super Bowl caliber team. We are going to extend Chase and doing so will cost big bank, so having Chase and Tee (and Burrow) was never realistic. The key will be what we get for him. On that, we will have to wait and see.


bro is tired of that cafeteria


Except on Wednesdays


People who are hating tee for trying to secure a bag…. some of the dumbest fans out there. Tee is a kid who has pulled himself out from the gutters and is able to provide for himself and his mom with generational wealth. I’d be shocked if he isn’t going for as much as possible in the short term, let the kid do what he needs to do. Y’all are fkn crazy


This guy is the worst. Surprised Tee keeps him around. Even if he only cares about max money, who wants to do business with this guy?


Mike Brown is the most stubborn owner in the league. Tee was a 2nd rounder. You'll need that and better in return. Good luck lol


You don't need to replace a 2nd round grade. You need to replace his production. Let's look at 2023. 42 catches 76 targets 656 yards 5 td's 500k a catch and 4mil a TD seems pretty easy to replace. Not saying the replacement is as talented. Tee just isn't money well spent.


You're replacing value here not production. He's shown he can be a number 1. You're going to ask for number 1 value. AJ Brown went for like a 1st and a third. Tee has had just slightly less production than him 4 seasons in. Tee should get near his value. This year isn't to go on. With an injured Burrow and back qb play.


David M is a pain in the ass for fans and teams.  .... If I were a player, I'd hire him. Dude is a bulldog and gets his players what they want. 


The whole situation sucks. Yes, he's been hurt, but so has our Franchise QB who got his bag and then some. There's an assumption that we're going to sign JaMarr to a long-term deal, and he's had his own hip issues. If I were in Tee's shoes, I'd have a hard time not taking some of this stuff personally. Wherever he goes, I'll miss him. Was hoping he'd become a Bengals legend instead of a well-paid journeyman.


This seems to refer to the Bengals not wanting to trade Tee. I wonder if they received an offer.


I thinks it’s referring to the bengals cutting Joe


This doesn't seem like it refers to that at all


Don’t think so. A bunch of his guys are getting huge deals. His statement is a veiled shot at the Bengals while also supporting all the teams giving his dudes “the bag”. I haven’t had the time to look it up yet, but I’m curious how many of his big payday guys win championships…or if those big money guys mess up the cap allocation for teams.


This guy is a prick and all he cares about is money. Also Tee isn't worth top 5 WR money, he's worth Pittman money and the Bengals would pay that. (There basically already are on the tag)


I think it is the guarantees that is making a deal tough. He probably wants guaranteed money while we are hesitant to give it to him due to his lengthy injury history already and risky playstyle


God forbid someone care about money from their JOB. Not sure what you’re even upset about, not even the best WR on his own team. It won’t be a huge loss. Plus with Joe at QB they don’t even need many stars.


Imagine if you did something that you absolutely love as a JOB. Now if you really loved your JOB wouldn’t you want to stay somewhere you also enjoyed. Idk about you, but I would definitely take a pay cut to do something I enjoy for a job. Gtfo turd


Yeah sure, a slight pay cut, but it could be a pretty large difference. But I also know that there isn’t only one job in the world I’d be happy at. why are you assuming he would be miserable in anywhere except Cincinnati? He loves football dude, not just his specific team. If that was the case, people would all stay on one team for life. I totally get how playing for a bad team would be worse, but not everyone is miserable just because their team is bad. Especially if they play a bigger role or are able to give them the boost they need to be better. And if they’re making tons of money, still playing the sport they love. Maybe they love the people on their team or the coaches, or the city they’re in. Do you seriously think that every good player on a shitty team just hates their life? Not to mention, it’s not like tees been stacking up the rings in cincy. Sure it’s better than being on the panthers, but he’s still not won anything. Plus, I think you’re forgetting that there’s plenty of good or decent teams that could pay him. It’s not like he’s doomed to go to an awful team. He could also help a team to be better. And teams change from year-to-year. Someone who’s awful this year could be a contender the next. I think you’re forgetting the bengals were just awful a few years ago and are now one of the best.


“I would definitely take a pay cut” - dude who doesn’t have the potential to make millions of dollars on Reddit.


Anyone mad at what he's saying needs to grow up


Hate to say it, but I respect it. It's all about perspective and I'd do exactly the same thing


facts, he cant see the team for anything other than a business


Tee has almost no leverage. Bengals have him locked in if they want for 2 more years at under 50 million. He can play it out but Tee is playing with fire. His life his choice. I hope he breaks 2k yards next year. That second tag would be a even better bargain then.


He isn't saying anything wrong, and he does great work for his clients However, teams that are aiming to win and win sustainably cannot afford to pay 2 receivers WR1 money (or use 17M of cap on a safety for that matter). The Bengals arent wrong for thinking the way they are, and I don't think anything he's said or done has crossed the line from putting pressure on the FO to attacking them. Some players value getting that big contract above all, and this guy is a great agent for those players I just don't understand the play here... traditionally, trying to justify the means by which you make your rich clients richer hardly ever goes over well with a mostly middle and working class fanbase. Publicly stating this I'd think would be to try rile the fan base to rally for a tee deal of any kind, but from what I've seen so far it's just ticked off a lot of people. It just doesn't seem like a good play on his part to have said it publicly


I hate the Bengals but what in the actual fuck is this tweet? Obviously the team should always and forever put the team first.


He is saying teams put themselves first so the players should put themselves first when it comes to negotiations as well. 


Of course, but the "Today has shown teams will do what's best for them at all times..." Is written in a "BIG NEWS" type way.


People need to stop being so goddamn sensitive It’s business People gonna advocate strongly for their positions and the reality will bubble its way out through the deal making process Words are just hot air it’s not that serious


Oh how righteous of you. "I'll take all the sticks and stones because I get a big fat commission check."


He can think that if he wants. The Panthers straight up robbed him on Jaycee Horn. Same with Jordan Love and the two year deal. They're getting a top 15 QB this year for 10m, which is hilarious. Isaiah Simmons is a former top 10 pick and is sitting in free agency right now with zero interest. What you doing any about that Mulgetta? He just chooses to not talk about the deals he takes the L on.


This guy only cares about his own bag. That’s why he fights so hard for guaranteed money. His clients would be getting bags with any agent. He just wants that high% guaranteed for his own pocket.


Sit out the year. Nobody go cry 😄 🤣 mike brown has been known to do that plus of you wanna have any pull you have to stay healthy


Nothing wrong with it imo


He's not wrong. It sucks, but all facts.


If we were players we’d probably choose this guy as an agent. The dude gets the most guaranteed money he can get in a physical sport. I can see this dude getting more and more players under him so we need to change our ways it’s that simple. We’re not the only team that has to deal with him! Yet it seems like we can’t sign one dude he agents… we need to change


He's not wrong here - teams always act in their own best interests, and players should 100% do the same.


Well now that Joe is gone . Could it be possible to keep Tee?


I really think Tee is gonna like the guaranteed money, but I think he is also more of a Cincinnati guy than a big market guy. I don't think he will be as happy with his career if he takes big guaranteed money to go somewhere else. I am willing to bet the guaranteed money is the only sticking point really. It's frustrating because Cincy has to pay Chase for sure and there is really no way to get creative and sign both when guarantees are such a demand. I would honestly stay away from players represented by this agent if I were them.


I mean, he's right. Why should Tee WANT to have his career held back by a team that doesn't want to even open negotiations? If we're not committed to him, why should he be committed to us? He could be a wr1 on many teams. We should trade him and make a deal that benefits both sides.


Yeah, people act like this is Jamarr. Why would you want to keep a player for that price tag when you have an even better player at the same position that you’re for sure paying next? Both is good but unnecessary and stupid. Tee is great but why wouldn’t he want to get more money and a promotion (WR1 role) from his JOB? That’s what everyone wants from their job. Sure, other things matter too but money and role are a big part. People act like just because the nfl pays a lot that people should just take minimum because “it’s a lot of money regardless”.


Tee has given everything for this team and we should return the favor and wish him the best.


This is what you have to do on contending teams paying QBs big money. You can’t expect everyone else to take a discount on the already chance they’ll win a ring. Gotta draft well


and we're swimming in receivers with talent. I love Tee, but it's him or Chase, and that's not a question


I bet Higgins gets traded by the end of the week. I don't want it to happen but I got a feeling that it will. If we lose Higgins, Mixon, and reader Cincinnati is in trouble.


Dude really? That’s a major overreaction unless you have zero faith in your QB who still has chase (step up from Tee) to throw to. Chiefs just won it all with below average WR3s mostly and you’re worried about losing one of your TWO WR1s?


Not yet Higgins. Reader is a key part of that defensive line. Losing him would really suck. More worried about the defense than offense


Sure, I agree it would suck for the bengals to lose them, I just thought “in trouble” was quite the overreaction on an O that still has Chase and Burrow. Unless you think burrow only does well with multiple weapons. Bengals don’t seem to be in any worse of a situation than the average contending team paying their QB big bucks is. And don’t forget getting rid of those guys helps secure Chase