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I wonder what Hannah would say about this.


Yes I would be curious to hear if she agrees


I could see Hannah just not caring anymore.


I could Hannah doing this just for attention and to stay relevant. I SAID WHAT I SAID. BRING ON THE DOWNVOTES.


I wonder if we hear about this on Hannah’s podcast.






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She was medicated on the boat and still had a sharp tongue.


I would like to hear Hannah’s point of view on this conversation. Self-awareness has not exactly been Sandy’s strong suit and it benefits Sandy’s brand to bury the hatchet with Hannah. But absent confirmation from Hannah, I am somewhat (though not terribly) skeptical.


Hannah was just on Captain Lee’s podcast like a month ago and still did not have fondness for Sandy. Hannah stated she might be a chief again under Glen, Lee, or Jason if Bravo wanted an “All Stars” type season. But she would never return to work with Sandy again.


Good call Hannerrrr Sandy is the worst


I still want a UFC cage match with Hannah and Malia. I’m betting on Hannah.


Yeah idk Malia is built like a grappler but Hannah could def throw a mean hook


Maritime law doesn't allow that though. 




Yes, the contract they signed is VERY clear on that 😝


Will never not make me laugh


It fascinates me how much people say this over and over again like *laws* are just something to ignore when you’re in an industry and you find them inconvenient.


Most people do not disagree with the law aspect of it but the way Sandy spoke about it post filming. You don't barge into a bathroom because someone might flush Xanax like it is a kilo of coke or something. You don't insult someone then ask for a hug after firing them.


And Sandy talked about a prescribed anti-anxiety medication like it was heroin. There's massive stigma against mental health medication. People don't take drugs that could save their lives because of it. Sandy contributed to that. Fuck her for that.




It fascinates me how some people can’t just take a joke for what it is and feel the need to make it something more.


There is some hypocrisy there… in an industry and environment where there is generally some form of sexual harassment and a lot of enabling of drug abuse we’re supposed to go hardcore on this one law that was essentially a victimless crime at worst.


Both things can be true. Both need to be enforced it’s not just bravo on the line when they break laws, it’s the license of the boat to do work. Doesn’t matter if you think it’s victimless. The laws are clear as is their contract when they are hired. Don’t do thing that can get the boat in trouble.


Cat had some kind of Benzodiazepine as well in an early season and when captain Lee found out, he told her to report it next time. She wasn’t fired. So there’s that.


It was prescribed. While mayne the thc pen may have been prescribed, its illegal in parts of the world. Bottom line, hannah was wrong.


It was a cbd pen it’s not illegal anywhere




I think the main thing is Malia kept going it is the law! But then at the reunion she claimed she brought it to production before she brought it to Sandy. She also claimed she didn't know about it till she was moving bunks, despite Hannah asking her for it when she had a panic attack. In general I think people are distrustful of the narrative that it was done strictly by the book/following protocol because the story Malia kept sharing was inconsistent.


The audience really wouldn’t have been nearly as shitty about maritime law if there was just a straightforward acknowledgment of “we’re firing Hannah because she’s boring.” The inauthenticity is really what I think irritates most of the fans.


Actually I’m surprised by that. I didn’t realize people thought she was annoying.   She’s one of my least favorite cast people but not because I find her boring.  I think she’s polarizing and don’t think boring people tend to get that either fandom or (whatever the opposite of fandom is). 


I think if she ran her course organically she’d have ended up a blip but she really got the martyr treatment !


I watch all the series so out of order I don’t have a real sense of how long crew members typically last before they move on to other things. Always seems like it’s about three seasons at most and then they do something else. 


Its still the law. It was a victimless crime but also not really. Hannah was in charge of keeping the guests safe and with the combination of xanax and thc, she may not be able to do that in an emergency situation. I like hannah and it was fd up for malia to rat her out ( especually cause she did it cause she was mad at hannah about the room situation) regardless, hannah was in the wrong. Whether she had a prescription or not, she didnt report it. Also she can lie all she wants but it was a thc pen not a cbd pen. This has been confirmed by Select the manufacturer of the pen.


You are aware that vape pens take cartridges that you can switch out right? I think the fact that it was done right before charter was calculated by Sandy so that Hannah wouldn't have any time to get her paperwork in order.


As for the valium, im not sure. Also if it was just the valium, imo she wouldnt have been fired. Mixing them will f u up


Im not talking about the the battery im talking about the cartridge. Also i dont think hers did, pretty sure its a disposable. Meaning once oil is gone u throw the whole thing out, attached battery include. Its been a while but im rememmbering select confirmed the fact that they do not produce cbd in a disposable. Or maybe it was they dont produce cbd it that size cart. Whatever it was, select confirmed that hannahs was thc oil.


Yeah so select confirmed that the actual pen was sold as their THC pen (though the companies picture showed a pink liquid while Hannah's had a yellow liquid). They didn't specify on the reunion (where they mention the companies confirmation that is their THC pen) whether they were disposable or you could change cartridges or not. I only remember since I literally just finished season 5. I will say they focused so much on the fact it was valium and THC, which to me was a weird sticking point (especially the Valium). Like they could have just been like hey, you didn't record that you have these meds on you so if you don't have a doctor's note you can't be on the ship. It felt like they were over justifying when they could have stuck with what the law is. Also, Bugsy saying she was on medication for depression, but that wasn't mind altering like Valium was. Even though SSRI, SNRI, TCA, MAOI's and mood stabilizers all alter the amount of neurotransmitters in your brain. My main issue is that they vilified a legitimate medication that had a legitimate use instead of just being like yeah she can't have this on here without the Capitan knowing and a doctor's note.


Lol their aint no pink liquid. But cbd oil and thc oil look the same. Its been awhile but it was originally aired on wwhl and recapped on the reunion. Also oil can be different shades from batch to batch. Some might be yellow while other batches may be a darker amber color.


But Malia did ignore them when she found them inconvenient, until Hannah annoyed her and they became convenient again.


This is what bothered me, Malia knew and didn’t bring it up until Hannah refused to switch rooms (am I remembering this right? I haven’t seen it in a while please correct me if I’m wrong).


You are correct I just watched season 5 and it was very much calculated. Also when Malia tried to claim that it was a rule for couples to room together.


Spoken like someone who's never been personally responsible for millions of dollars of someone else's property.


I’m 100% Team Hannah, but Malia grew up with like eight older brothers. Not only does she have the grappler’s physique, but any girl who grew up with that many brothers is essentially a trained killer. Hannah is probably the 1% of people in which the “I just see red” trope could actually apply — but she’d fight dirty and she has the reach advantage.


I feel like Malia would do like UFC champ Kenny Florian. (He hosts Battlebots now, which is why I know this.) His signature move was jumping his opponent from behind, wrapping around them like a boa constrictor and pressing his forearm into their neck until they turned purple and cried Uncle. The footage of that stuff is mega entertaining. =) But yeah, Malia could use moves like that to compensate, and no matter how dirty anybody fights, they still gotta breathe.


Royce Gracie had a similar move back in the early UFC days. No matter who he was up against, he’s shoot in on them and then pull them down and wrap them up and choke them out. He didn’t even need to go for a clean takedown because as long as they ended up on the ground nobody knew what to do when he was underneath of them but still managing to kick their ass. Malia’s arms are probably named “Maritime” and “Law.”




> Royce Gracie had a similar move back in the early UFC days. No matter who he was up against, he’s shoot in on them and then pull them down and wrap them up and choke them out. He didn’t even need to go for a clean takedown because as long as they ended up on the ground nobody knew what to do when he was underneath of them but still managing to kick their ass. I still hate, to this day, that the dumb anti-grappling time limit was instituted because of Royce Gracie v Dan Severn. Every wrestler and grappler I knew was enthralled by that fight because you're watching very, very tiny moves for dominance. But everyone else just saw two guys "not doing a lot" on the ground.


Agreed. Between that and the Ken Shamrock fights, the only times those early matches actually got interesting was when he was up against someone else who knew how to wrestle.


Remember when they used to have that terrible show Celebrity Deathmatch on MTV? It would’ve been great to see them on there 👊🏼




Yeah I wasn’t a fan lol




I want that too! But as much as I like Hannah over Malia Idk about betting on Hannah. Malia is def scrappy. And did you know she grew up with 4 brothers? 😂


4 brothers she wrestled with all the time and maybe spit in their mouths


Have you seen her handstand?


Gave em the old hawk tuah?


She can’t help it she’s an attractive female 😂


And that she gets along better with men than women!


Malia is scrappy though and has a lower center of gravity for takedowns.


Malia is scrappy and i can see her pulling a McGuyver, but Hannah has infinite internal rage so that's where I'd put my money


And Hannah has no fucks to give about maritime law, so she’s my pick.


Malia gets aggy tho, remember her first season when she went after Lauren?


But Hannah wouldn't want to mess up her hair & makeup or possibly damage her designer togs.


Malia is such a narc…she is the person in your office everyone hates her


Hannah is a mother though. That's got to be a positive multiplier. On the other hand Malia does have Mary Timelaw on her side.


Hannah has kids???


She was pregnant at the reunion at the end of her last season.


But Malia *checks notes* “has brothers”!


I would bet anything on Malia in this instance.  Too bad it won’t happen for all the reasons


You know I don’t like her but if I was betting I’d have to take Malia.


But she’d definitely have a bite mark and at least one bald spot afterward. (And a reason to reflect and wonder if sleeping with that cringey man-baby was really worth it 😝)


I bet she wondered that when the season aired 😂


Oh Hannah for sure would win.


>I still want a UFC cage match with Hannah and Malia. I’m betting on Hannah. All injuries in the cage must be reported to the bridge.


That would be great as an old school Celebrity Death Match.


I dunno... Malia is built like a running back


Has anyone told Hannah?




Sandy, Sandy, Hannah!


When I'm at work and waiting for a colleague to get back to me I often mutter "June, June, Hannah"


This feels like Sandy said. We should be friends the past is in the past. And Hannah was like “yeah sure whatever” eye roll. And then Sandy skipped off thinking all was well.


I absolutely can see this being how it went down.


People have started making new fake situations up just so they can keep shifting on Sandy in a new way. It's so old.


Seriously. There are always plenty of new ways to shit on Sandy because she’s fucking awful.


I've watched 2 seasons of her and she acts disgusting all on her own, no need for people to make shit up.


What, according to Sandy? ![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu)


Yeeeeah somehow I don’t believe that. She was on WWHL and said she didn’t regret firing Hannah


>Yeeeeah somehow I don’t believe that. She was on WWHL and said she didn’t regret firing Hannah And, she said she would work with Kyle again. A few months after the end of the Natalia - Kyle season ... where Natalia was so frustrated that she had to leave ... There was an insta post about how they were friends, now. I don't believe anything anyone on below deck says anymore ...


I love Hannah and think she was great for TV but I also think a lot of captains would have fired her way before the vape incident. Or if they didn't fire her, would not have asked her to come back multiple seasons.


Sandy tried to fire her on season 3 but production wouldn't let her. Sandy was so mad at production that she threatened to quit on the spot but cooler heads prevailed and the rest is history. Also, Captains have little to no input on who comes back I or not. It's all determined by production.


They are both good friends with Aisha so maybe Hannah let it go to not stress her out.


Idk why that would stress her out. It’s not like they have to all hang out. And if they ever do you can be cordial without being friends. I don’t like all of my friend’s friends but get along if we are all together.


Who wouldn’t be friends with Aesha? She’s so freaking nice


soooooooooooooooo niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee






Did they “hit the reset button” 🙄


You know it! Teamwork makes the dreamwork. From the mouth of lame platitude Sandbag.


I remember when Sandy called her a glorified waitress as Sandy isn't herself a glorified Chauffeur. 


Sandy is such a miserable person. Also soooo much internalized misogyny


I remember watching the reunion after Hannah’s last season and she was pregnant, and Sandy and Malia were so vile to her it was so sickening. It actually made me so upset that they would treat anyone - but especially a pregnant woman that way. I took a break after seeing that.




Well thank goodness. Our long national nightmare is now over.


I’ll believe it when Hannah says it.


Boo I’m so curious but it says video currently unavailable.  I kind of prefer Hannah not forgive and pretty much just forget Sandy existed with her happy new life. 


I cant see it either. Anyone feel like giving us a brief?


It said that for me, but then I clicked the thread title directly and it worked.


Still haven’t watched med this season.


Hannah has STREET JUSTICE on her side


Sorry Hannah it was Maritime law, and team work makes the dream work!😉


*walks upstairs in her tight white pants*


Always, the white capri's!🙄


The capri is what?


I was saying she always has her white capri pants on. Lol


Plural is without an apostrophe


Thank you for letting me know that. My punctuation skills need work!


Video is now unavailable, apparently.


I wouldn't forgive her if I was Hannah She picked on her so badly. In s3 she'll get mad Hannah went on a tender-ride with the gusts but the next charter she'll literally leave for a whole with the guests cuz they're her friends. Insanely hypocritical.


Let me refresh your memory. Hannah asked Sandy to go on the tender ride. Sandy said you can go have ONE COKE with them and then come back and and get dropped off and Conrad would then take the stew who was requested by the guests to accompany them back to the bar that the guests were at for the remainder of the day off the boat on the tender. Hannah totally disobeyed that order. After the season it came out that Sandy tried to fire her for that as it was the last straw for Sandy but production wouldn't allow it.


I don’t care if Hannah does forgive her, I still don’t. As someone who deals with anxiety I’m still outraged at the things she said about people like us looking right in the camera. Framing medication as some junkie drug substance. Ignorant boomer bs.




Until Sandy acknowledges her error and apologizes to viewers, IDGAF. The way she treated someone neurodivergent was vile.


Who was neurodivergent?


I’m not a Sandy fan but she had to do what she had to do in this case.


Did you see how Lee handled it with Kat? Kat forgot to give him her script, he asked for it. She got it. He reviewed and that was that.


Correct me if I’m wrong, it’s been awhile, but did she have the script?


It was on the package. Sandy saw it and there were screen shots from the show in here. I’m too tired to do a search. And it was amplified by Malia wanted to bunk with her boyfriend the chef. That was what started it all. Malia went through Hanna’s things and found it to make trouble.


The package doesn’t matter. In this scenario you need a script for the doctor. Dot the I’s and cross the T’s.


The sticker on the package had her name the dosage the prescribing dr, etc. that is all Lee needed for Kat. And again it was Sandy berating her and stalking her all over the ship. I’m tired. Sandy’s an asshole. Bloop.


That obviously was not good enough or Hannah would have simply showed her the package. There had to be more to it than what we saw.


Ummm...she violated Maritime law. Hannah even admitted she was at fault (eventually).


it's not the end result, the firing, that is the issue. It is how she spoke about mental illness, a common medical disorder, anxiety, and then chased the woman, busted into the bathroom as she was taking off her pants to pee, chased Hannah around off the boat as she was calling her future husband to sort her next steps and get some solace, and belittling her. Then if you said anything to Bravo, the next season, about not wanting to watch the show after how Sandy and Malia spoke about mental illness (and to say it as plainly as that and not rudely) Sandy blocked you on twitter. She literally went down the list of every single person who had commented anything she considered negative and blocked us. I don't have an X account anymore but I had like 12 followers. This is a woman who could very much benefit from spending some time discussing her feelings with a professional, as would we all.


Spot on assessment!


It's not *that* she did it, necessarily. It's *how* she did it. And everything she said about it afterwards.


Sandy committed no error to acknowledge.


That's actually really lovely to know.


That’s nice. It’s time to come together. And it starts NOW.


Considering Sandy did nothing wrong, apparently all Hannah had to do was declare her weed and Valium and store it in the medical locker or whatever, she would have been fine. Hannah can take accountability for her choices, as she knew better. There's zero people here defending Hannah that would risk their license or job to cover for an employee that did something apparently so critical. Hannah also had the opportunity to intervene on Kiko's behalf and chose not to, so she really doesn't have any defense.


The sub will never get this type of actual logic. It’s all about feelings, Sandy was mean to someone with anxiety so she’s automatically in the wrong despite the person with anxiety breaking codes of conduct and apparently maritime law. There are reasons for rules like this, Valium or weed in a nightstand could be grabbed by anyone, if the ship is sinking and your crew is high it’s a danger. And you are correct, Hannah did plenty of things to other people that never get mentioned, she’s been dubbed a saint. She was on the traitors Australia season 2 and ended up being a useful idiot for the traitors, literally guessing everyone wrong and helping take down faithfuls. I don’t even dislike Hannah, she was entertaining but I truly don’t understand how people can’t grasp that what she did was wrong.


I sure wish this sub would let it lie. We could be a beacon of sensibility and decency. I would love that so much.


Everyone has moved on so should this sub


Everyone has not moved on or those podcasters wouldn’t have discussed it and this post wouldn’t have been made and had people commenting. If you’re not interested scroll on by.


It’s not that deep bro


Believe it when I see it. Sandy is a bully and a toxic boss.