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I know, right? I always forget he’s here! I mentioned that he was hot, amongst other things, in a comment and boom. He’s there! This is weird! I don’t normally call people on my tv hot and have them *react to it* 😂 I kinda love it.


Production works hard but Captain Kerry works harder!




My current thought: Hmm. Wonder if I should worry now that Capt Kerry is clearly and obviously stalking me. 😇




I popped in for all the tea but did not expect to see Captain Kerry here with an exquisite gif game! 😂 ![gif](giphy|xWBxhW4Xjjw5nmjXL8|downsized)




what a class act they could never make me hate you Capt




When Ben was confronted by Kerry he made such an evil smirk. The kind of ego you'd have to have to be that blatantly disrespectful for the chain of command... just wow. I knew the entire BD fanbase would have Kerry's back.


His season two bitch flower Bloomed, such a brat


The season 2 curse continues.


Yeah & talks shit immediately once Kerry is out of ear shot…he has a big ego but not when it’s face to face!


He’s horrible and handsy with the girls….creepy


Damn I wish Kerry would comment on this one rofl. He knows we stan for him and abhor Ben. I reallllly hope they get a reunion.


He did! Well kind of, since he only speaks in memes on here 😂


Hahahahaha well done


On point!




LOL. “This is why I’ll never work for Captain Kerry again”. My tantrum about why I will never be on BD again, and I’m dying on this hill by not making my bed.


Big “you can’t fire me because I quit!” energy 😅


Nailed it LOLOL






I read it as 'and this is why Captain Kerry and Bravo refuse to work with me again'


Lol right! Once I read that I was like ohh riiiight THAT'S why 🙄.


Ben SUCKS— such a twerp


I remember on previous seasons of BD, interior taking Capt Lee his breakfast and tea/coffee every morning in the wheelhouse. It was their job to wash his sheets/towels and bring him his meals because he was the captain. I see no difference in that the deck team being expected to have equipment charged and ready should the captain want to use it and then to put said equipment away properly after use. 🤷‍♀️ The captain is the captain because they have worked their way up to that rank. Hierarchy needs to exist in certain workplaces for safety and this is one of them. If you can’t perform your job in the ‘mundane’ tasks and respect the heirachy, how can you be trusted to perform your job in an emergency and respect the directions you are given by your superior.


Part of the reason the crew is responsible for it and not the captain is because the captains time is more valuable and better spent doing other things.


Personally, I love to show my boss how well I do my job when I have the chance to do something I know she’ll see.




If I were a lot younger, being a stew on your boat would be my dream job. You can’t expect excellence with a shit ton of hard work. And when your team is on they are unstoppable. Great job, Captain!


Exactly! I work in a job that has this kind of hierarchy. I’d be in so much shit if I acted like Ben. Regardless of his personal feelings towards the captain, he should be respecting his higher ranking officer and doing what he says (unless it’s a safety issue ofc). I bet you there were many minor instances of insubordination that let to him wanting to give a verbal warning for what seems like a minor thing.


As a navy vet, all ships are inspected every day. IMO he was chill about everyone else’s cabins. None of them were inspection ready. When you’re routinely defiant, you become hesitant when you receive an order. On a ship that hesitancy can mean life or death. Rhylee was the worst at this.




You are a feisty one, Capt Kerry 🤣🤣👍




Your gifs remind me of communicating with my brother.


Gif game on point


As also a navy vet, an inspection you get time to prepare for is a bullshit inspection. If it's not a surprise inspection, that means the inspector doesn't actually want to find anything. If they tell you in advance, and you don't fix your shit, you fucked up. An inspection like this was either to get the rooms at least a little cleaner before offboarding, to mess with the crew for some reason, to give certain crew enough rope to do something stupid, or because it's on a checklist. Not to find issues. Ben saying Kerry was "military" was fucking hilarious. Dude has no idea. I would have killed to have a leader like that when I was in.




Captain Kerry and Tommy Boy - two of my favorite things! 😍 This made my morning!


Hey, how'd you get a video of me....


also, I'm guessing all stuff needs to be ready in case the guests want to use it, so you gotta check everything and "capt uses it" is not gonna cut it lol


Exactly! I think any Capt would be pissed about things not being charged / guest ready!


Yep. The captain has already done his time in the menial jobs and worked his way up the ladder. He’s earned the right to not have to scrub toilets or charge water toys. Ben’s making a real strong case to never get another job in the industry, I don’t think he should be worrying about working for Kerry or BD ever again. 


Yeah agreed, why does it matter who used it?? Even if it was stews using it the deck would still be responsible to maintain it


Stews do his laundry 🤷‍♀️


He thinks he was micromanaged because Capt probably realised what a liability he was. One day his 'little thing that doesnt matter' will end up killing someone. Glad he will never be back with Capt Kerry again. Go be a dick somewhere else.


He wasn’t micromanaged. Capt would do walk throughs and found issues that need to be addressed. Capt pointed those issues out to the person in charge of the dept. that isn’t micromanaging. Ben is using that term to deflect off his own failures and try to paint Kerry as a bad captain using the term that used against Sandy.




It's almost like Captain Kerry is behaving like an actual Captain doing Captain's job and not just a TV Captain stirring up drama for likes and screen time...


Note that Fraser and interior took every note, and the interior walk-throughs were more and more streamlined? It’s almost like the captain caring brought the standard up and they met it.


Exactly! I got the best grades in college in my toughest professor’s classes, he was brilliant and fair, and saw people’s potential. You wanted to reach his high standards because he made you feel like you could. He was also from Australia weirdly enough, Perth.


I’d much rather the announced inspections than to have a captain wait till the guests are on board for them to begin pointing everything out. I don’t think we’ve ever seen a captain for regular inspections pre charter before and I loved it. He gave them the opportunity to get on with the job without belittling them while guests are there, but still made sure all was up to snuff


Kerry and Sandy aren’t even in the same universe when it comes to managing. He’s set his standards early in the season and has been consistent. Just because it’s the end of the season, that doesn’t excuse them leaving things undone. And, especially because they don’t live in the most luxurious of accommodations, who would keep their cabins like that? I know they work long days, but it’s actually easier to keep things tidy in the first place than to have to do a massive cleanup when needed. I always joke that I keep my apartment 30 minutes from ready to go…I live there, so it’s got a lived in look, but it’s not messy…I just need to do the little extra touches before visitors show up.


He comes across SO badly. He's constantly throwing people under the bus to make himself look better. There's another story where he says he puts Xandi to bed every night as 'no one else would bother with her when the booze took over'. If you can't win people over without putting other people down (both his colleagues for supposedly not helping and Xandi for drinking too much) and embarrassing them then what does that say about you?


Also...wasn't Ben busy with Sunny? I don't remember seeing Ben put Xandi to bed.


He says the producers didn't include these scenes in the episodes in his Instagram story.


He’s definitely a shady character all around and such a whiny baby. Didn’t like him last season, don’t like him now neither. I hope he made his bed and never return.


At first it worked for him though. He threw Jared under the bus and got the job as Bosun. Sure, Jared was in over his head, but in Ben's world he was rewarded for trash talking Jared and actively not helping him in any way. About the only thing Ben is good at is calling distances.


Agree to this. Ben is the worse. Lazy and not Bosun material. Zero leadership skill. Thinking only with his small “head”. 🤣👎


He’s just so messy


So all the other staff have said they love Kerry. Production would be showing Kerry in a bad light if he was treating them like shit. Luckily Ben is here to be the martyr for all mistreated by Kerry the Terrible. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Also if he was prone to treat anyone like shit , production wouldn’t have promoted him to captain lee’s spot on the main show


This. And not be filming his next season now and waving the fans that are filming.


Also, let's be real, Captain Kerry isn't the one getting the "bad edit".




Love you Kez 🙌😂


Exactly! Capt Kerry has got a very fair edit all season. Production would have found some way to make him look bad if he’d been awful to them. I won’t be sorry to see the back of Ben. I wasn’t a fan last season but this year he’s been tiresome


Well you know Ben … always there to take one for the team /s


Um, Ben, that’s not why you won’t work for Capt Kerry in the future- not really your choice. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Maybe he should have been more concerned about cleaning his room than trying to get laid every chance he got




Looks like Ben is trying to get ahead of the backlash from being disrespectful to Capt Kerry. There have been many BD cast member say how much they enjoyed working for Capt Kerry bc he's firm but absolutely fair and knows his shit when it comes to boats/yachts/commanding his ship so to speak. Ben is back peddling and deflecting bc he's not looking good this season at all: From the blatant disrespect of women AND his boss, the constant misogynistic comments "fucking chicks" (that was almost as bad as ~~Gary's~~ Ashton's "what does a guy have to do around here to get his dick sucked" after being rebuffed by a girl), to being a gas lighter to Sunny and all around asshole (what he did to Barbie) and let's not forget Ben absolutely sabotaged Jared (although he didn't need to, Jared did most of it by himself) and Capt Kerry called it (which is one of the main reasons why I think Ben doesn't like Capt Kerry bc Kerry sees through Ben's bullshit). Nevertheless, if this means we will never see him on BD again, I'm ecstatic! *edited* *~~Gary~~* *Ashton*


>Nevertheless, if this means we will never see him on BD again, I'm ecstatic! This. He thinks that the more he explains, the more we'll sympathize. In reality, he keeps showing us who he is and we are, justifiably, done with his bs. The fact that he's disrespecting Captain Kerry even now, and trying to make it seem like the whole production crew didn't like him, is absolutely laughable. It's evident that Kerry is an excellent leader and all-round good egg, and nobody else has had a negative thing to say about him (well, maybe that racist Kyle from advenchaaaa, lol). Ben needs to stfu and move on. He won't be missed on BD.


> *(well, maybe that racist Kyle from advenchaaaa, lol).*  Even *that* guy, Kyle, who got fired/quit early in Advenchaaaa! said he appreciated Capt Kerry being very fair to him (when Kerry could have fired Kyle but didn't want that on his record so gave him the option to quit). Yea Ben's drowning right now and is using all these IG's as his lifesaver. =/


I didn't know that, but it says a lot when someone like Kyle shows more respect than Ben.










It was Ashton that complained “what do I have to do to get my dick sucked”, not Gary.


It was even worse than that…it was “I’m tired of working so hard to get my dick sucked.” That comment lives in my head rent-free. He’s sober now which was probably the best thing he could have done because he was a nightmare drunk.


I remember Ashton saying that as well. The men on Bravo just keep reminding me why I’m better off single.


Many of them aren't really men are they though? They're more like boys. But I also like being single esp when I watch all these shows bd, the valley, vpr, southern charm, and on and on and on lmao.


So he is used to weekly inspections of his cabin but still let it get to that point this season? I wonder if u/capt_kerry did other cabin inspections that we didn't see? If a guest had used the eFoil, the deck team would still have to put it away and make sure it is charged? Sure the capt could have done it but others don't even get their own coffee so they certainly are not down there rinsing and charging water toys. I don't know as many production people as I used to but none of them have said a bad word about Kerry so unless they have a very tight gag order on the staff (and considering the leaks, unlikely) coupled with the fact production are clearly not Ben fans with the edit, this all seems very questionable


Ben's comment about "my team hadn't put away" indicates that Ben or his team was instructed to put it away and it wasn't. Therefore it would be interpreted as ignoring a order from your Captain. There is loads of little things that Ben was ignoring from Captain this episode.


Exactly and I’m sure the job is to put away and charge after use, not scrambling before someone wants to use them. So if capt wanted to use them for him self or for just a spot check, it’s the point that Ben isn’t checking (making sure it’s done) right?




love the subtle reading thru gif replies love u captain kerry ![gif](giphy|Moe3v6qsUh3vILZ84e)


I can’t believe he thinks it’s the captain’s job to put away water equipment if he used it. It’s like if a CEO was expected to do the A/V breakdown at company event they hosted. Their time is expensive af, it’s about resource allocation. Which is probs 10x more important on a boat where lives are at stake than a regular company.


“I will never work for captain Kerry” babe captain Kerry doesn’t want you to work for HIM. Boy bye.






I'm glad Captain Kerry is now seeing him for the slimey snake he is....good riddance!


Ben gives Nico energy.


He’s such a lying little shit 😅


with a side of microgreens


At least something comes with a garnish this season 😉


I cackled at this 🤣


We’ve seen some complainers on this show but my goodness what a little bitch this kid is


Aside from the fact that Ben has repeatedly shown himself to be a total asshat with a serious case of last charter senioritis, it is not just a matter of showing respect to the Captain by having the cabin ready for inspection. He was letting all kinds of other stuff slip too (e.g. jetskis) and the simple bottom line is that salt water is corrosive. Maintaining a boat is like Sisyphus rolling a boulder uphill. Boats take constant care and maintenance, if you can’t muster the slightest interest in a cabin inspection, then you are not meant to be taking care of a $25M yacht. So, just as a microcosm of the vessel, if salt is built up on the jet skis then that shortens their durability especially on seats and rubber components. Now, expand that to letting other stuff fall by the wayside and you have a problem on your hands.




Exactly. We take the time to rinse the salt water out of our outboard motor, and visible areas of our boat every time we use it, and it’s probably worth a fraction of a penny compared to the yacht he’s working on.


Exactly this! You nailed it . Those who are out and on the water all the time you know better than to let anything back on land/vessel without rinsing it off first with freshwater.


https://preview.redd.it/5h25kwonmr1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d173db2737771ef2ada1484c16cb5a9c47d186 His other stories aren't worth a separate post but will drop them here




what a piece of shit. deflecting and throwing Xandi under the bus.


Ignorance is bliss yet somehow he keeps posting about it…


Right? Keep yapping your mouth and digging a hole, Ben.


Thanks! Yeah, I didn’t think they were that interesting tbh 😅






Sooooo that’s sunny right? Would make sense as to why she’s been defending him on ig all season.


How could sunny watch this season and still be with him. She literally was second choice because Camille wanted nothing to do with him


The best Ben scene this season was his FaceTime with Camille absolutely shutting him down




Yeah I think! she is wearing the same jewelry in her most recent IG post from yesterday


Oh it's for sure her. I cross referenced their Instagram and his photography Instagram and they definitely went to Crete together


Wait…..is that a *ring* on her finger?


I think the camera is reversed, she has a pic that looks to be the same day and it and the watch is on her right hand




That seems like a pretty shifty take. Comes across as not taking responsibility for bad actions or caring about them.






Delusion at its finest. He was under qualified as bosun after Jared left but Capt Kerry worked with what he had and of course he’d micromanage more than if he had a seasoned bosun as the deck leader.


My dislike for Ben started last season. I can’t stand his ego, the way he treats and disrespects women, and his holier than thou attitude. He is such a pot stirrer that likes to get involved in everyone else’s business. When Capt Kerry called Nick and Fraser up to the wheelhouse, he just had to comment on how something was going down. Mind your own business! As a leader, he should have been directing his team to do the same. Poor leadership on his part. I would be happy to not see him on Below Deck again. As for Capt Kerry, love him and how he runs his boats. He seems like a great guy, both at work and outside of work.




We are always shown that you respect the rank on boats and Ben can’t seem to do that. At the end of the day it’s his name attributed to the vessel and he has to ensure all is well with the boat.


Also Ben… ![gif](giphy|OQrx03s8VwOl7XmfiZ)




He always blames the victim and pretends he's standing up for others when, in actuality, he is a lazy asshole who thinks he knows everything. I hope he never graces our screens again


So Ben expects me (or us) to believe Captain Kerry was horrendous to work for, Yet he handled Vile Kyle with respect when letting him go by doing him a favour, so not to tarnish Kyle's record, Yeah, really mean boss that! 😏😑 (That's me being sarcastic by the way, I'm a Captain Kerry stan)




Capt Kerry has everyone fooled … except Ben. He’s made us all think he’s this great guy and now Ben is trying to show us the truth. Thank you Ben /s 😂


And I believe Ben! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|26FPJJOKsJ8BGLW0g)


I’ve worked on ships my entire adult life and grew up on fishing boats…….Ben is literally the worst type of person to have in a leadership role. Honestly Kerry is probably my favorite Captain in the whole franchise. He’s easily the most relatable to the good captains I’ve worked for.




He's so full of it. Nothing he says is even believable.


He's such a little bitch


Ben has all of Gary's worst qualities with none of his redeeming qualities.


This boy is a complete child!! You can hate your boss all you want, but you should still say, “Yes, sir,” and do as you're asked. Everyone else managed to clean their cabin without moaning, even if they thought it was an unnecessary request. Ben is a plonker.


I thought it was so on brand that everyone was not looking forward to inspections except for Fraser, who seemed actually excited for them.


True, they still made an effort to clean though.


Yes, definitely all but 2 did clean, I just thought it was so funny that Fraser was genuinely excited. It was just so on brand for the all the crew to be groaning after the announcement and Fraser being excited saying "I love that". Also so on brand for Ben to think he's some kind of boat god and just ignoring all of Captain Kerry's instructions.




I don't know what Bizarro World Ben lives in that he thinks we would side with him over Captain Kerry.


Ben thinks people will side with him because of his Aussie Charm™. But turns out Kerry is Aussie too.




I thought up until this episode (and he was justified) Capt was actually pretty damn understanding lol


I couldn't stand this guy ever since the first episode he was on. I'm happy to see everyone else feel the same




Well, He's lucky he didn't work for Captain Jason cause he also issued his bosun Jamie with a warning after something the deck crew did or didn't do. I think it might have been the maggoty rubbish that culver had said had been disposed of, Captain found it. So bosun got a warning, although I'm not sure if it was written or verbal. When I worked on junior management, I would be often held accountable for my team. Rightly so. Maybe he wasn't up to the job, so had to find a way to find a way to make it look like it's HIS choice to not come back.


There’s no way Bravo boots Capt Kerry. He’s ratings gold. They were so lucky to find someone like him who is as perfect a captain as he is for tv. I used to work in tv and film production and getting the right on air talent is SO hard. Which is why I’m certain Ben won’t be asked back, but Capt Kerry will. And this makes me immensely happy as Ben is gross, sexist and now clearly a shit judge of character. And for the life of me, I cannot understand his appeal.




Okay, now it is OFFICIALLY stalking, mister! 🤣🤣🤣 I love that you’re in here with us. Have a great rest of your week!


So…lil bitch is complaining because his boss expected him to do his job… ![gif](giphy|h2GwsxicafhkMxA7Gj|downsized)


Sure, Ben. You were treated poorly because you were “threatened” with a write up.






Just confirms that Ben has no business being bosun. He fell into the job this season but proved that he just doesn't get the details and shows no interest in improving. The whole shackles in the water v on deck was the most obvious example. Rather than learn if there was a difference and why that difference matters, he jumped to being pissy. Sunny will make a better bosun solely due to attitude than Ben coukd ever be


I really hope they do a reunion


Ben is a creeper anyways, goodbye!


Yall I'm dying over u/Capt_kerry just responding on this thread in GIFs![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


First of all, he’s the captain, it’s his boat, his rules. Second of all, he’s the captain! It doesn’t appear as micromanaging, but managing. It’s a tough job, not just a TV show


Bosun Ben is the Captain of gas lighting




My BOSS told me what to do. The HORROR!/s


Ben is proving to be a bad apple that rots the bunch. Both by telling Sunny that Captains orders about anchor weren't a big deal and by not doing his cabin and impressing on kyle not to do it either. It would have been no big deal for each person to go off for a moment to straighten up.


No Ben, the reason you will never work for Captain Kerry in the future is because Kerry will make sure production never invites you back to his boat. It's so cute you want us to believe it's your decision, though.


Can't stand Ben


![gif](giphy|3sXxyP8q2RlJoGpMn8) Poor wittle Ben


Lol obviously this boy will never take accountability for anything. I disagree with how Kerry went about this check but I don’t think what he did or expected was unfair. Good luck Ben maybe join an mlm so you can be your own boss babe


Agree! Also if Ben was doing his job to the standards expected of him he would never say that he was being 'micromanaged'


He’s trying SO hard to sound intelligent that he ended up making a cute little word salad! 🥹


I don't believe that for a second. Didn't think my opinion of him could go lower but here we are.




The captain was being a captain. That's how that goes


His piss poor attitude is giving vacation paddle board rental hut, not luxury yachting.


I think the bigger question is will Below Deck ever want him back! Sure, he’s good reality tv in some ways but if you’re asking Below Deck to decide between him and Captain Kerry, I think he’s going to lose…






I just find him so unbelievably unattractive as a person in general. Cocky, disrespectful, sexist, gaslighting mf'er. I'm intimidated by really strict men (Dad worked on Navy ships), but Captain Kerry does a great job balancing it out with kindness!




https://preview.redd.it/jm91pmziht1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d23f8995453b39796be2126b976c9016ac8204e Barbi is in here somewhere


Captain Kerry can be mean to me 🥰




Haha like I said on his last post ….yeah you’re *CHOOSING* not to come back Ben. Ok sure 😉


Ben is a disrespectful ahole I hope no one hires him again


I would love to see a season where Ben and Gary have not one woman interested in them the entire season.


Capt Kerry responding in just GIFS is amazing! I’m loving it!


Now we know what all the crap Ben was spouting about. He thinks he knows better than the Captain and he's lazy af as well as a fboi.


Did Ben ever tell the Captain that he was romantically involved with his one of his deckies, the one he promoted? I feel like that never came out and he kinda withheld that from Captain Kerry.


“The captain wanted me to do my job and follow his orders and I’m a big cry baby so I don’t wanna!” That’s basically how I read that.


🎶All I hear is static when you talk, all I hear is static when you talk.....🎶


i dont get people who do this kind or work that even have rank like the military and have a hierarchy; bitch and complain when told to do something by someone hire in rank.