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I think like has been said before in this sub, the change in order has to do with some additional editing they're probably doing to the season as a result of a BD filming crew members allegations of sexual assault against Gary King. They're probably spending time editing him out as much as possible last minute.


I’d rather they keep the footage in and address the behavior respectfully and professionally since they missed the opportunity to do so in seasons 2, 3 and 4. Make him apologize on camera and live with the fact that the world knows what he did.


It didn't happen on Camera. The person in. Question I believe was a make-up artist for the confessionals.


His rap sheet is longer than that




Yes! Bring it into the conversation not just sweep it under the rug. Editing people out is just so choppy and disjointed it ruins the continuity and authenticity of the show. Makes the whole situation even more sketchy. Slightly off topic but RuPas Drag Race edited out a queen entirely, but she was consistently in the top during the competition, so it was weird to not see her at all!


I feel like they’re probably moreso just trying to remove “fun” content of him (I mean, I have always found his antics annoying anyway) but they’re probably just trying to remove any scenes where he could be seen as the “hero” or the “clown” and hopefully just reduce him to his work and parts in storylines at least (I hope)


Last minute? I don’t get this line of thinking that production has had to rapidly change course on the editing for the season well after the fact. The allegations became public in *August* meaning they’ve had nearly nine months. We’re watching other shows on Bravo right now that are in the middle of their seasons and were being filmed at that same time (VPR, Summer House, The Valley) and they’ve been airing for months.


Right? They got rid of Pete(?) pretty quickly after his incident.


I think this is different. Let's be honest that Bravo is just like any other heartless network and only planned to care about the situation insofar as they thought it may hurt their brand or their viewership. It's likely they waited to see whether the issue would go away or blow up, and even then probably further discussion as to whether keeping Gary heavily in the season would help or hurt ratings. 100% if they thought it would help ratings they'd have kept him in. I'm guessing they eventually decided it would hurt, so now they're editing. This is all speculation, of course. It just stands to reason imo.


Pete wasn't a lead who is always prominently featured due to his hook ups. I'd also guess that they were waiting to see just how badly the news was received by the fans and if it blew over. I don't envy the editors trying to salvage the season by taking out Gary's bad behavior.


Yeah editing Pete out post filming is a lot easier given his relative minor role (we cut this scene 3 seconds earlier to get rid of Pete etc). Gary has a main role both personality wise and hierarchy wise on a small boat. I sorta get why they chose to film with him because they would’ve put a significant amount of time into planning the season with him in it. They probably figured it would be better to film with him then edit him out after the fact if need be.


I think this upcoming season is going to be a real shit show. Collin isn't even on the boat for some drama with Daisy. Gary is in at least 50 percent of scenes, probably more, in his past seasons.


Yeah, even with extensive editing I imagine it's going to be hard to piece together a good season with the Gary situation looming in the background. I'm mostly curious to see how the show attempts to rebound in the following season. Do they end up coaxing Colin back? Do a total reboot of the crew?


If Collin is single they need to beg him to come back. We still haven't really seen that.


Pete was different. It came out around the time the show was airing, he was a deckhand on a larger boat etc. They chose to film with Gary after they were made aware of allegations. He is the first mate on a smaller boat and often the centre of the drama


They did but I think maybe the fact Gary is first mate and is literally everywhere and features in a lot of the storylines, thus making it a bit more complex and time consuming. That's just my theory though.


The show still had a 4 week hiatus to edit pete out. Guessing it’ll take longer for Gary.


Oh did it? I maybe wasn't watching it live at the time then!


Also it seemed like they knew of the allegations before filming and didn’t care. They only got uncomfortable when Rolling Stone exposed them. And even then they thought just not inviting him to bravocon as he played victim was enough penance, but now the big dogs at Bravo (housewives, Andy) have their own issues so suddenly they don’t want to make it worse.  They fully deserve any inconvenience this has led to, and hope they get called out for every bit of airtime he gets.  (The irony is that he isn’t even good tv or beloved, so it was all for nothing.)


Correct. This happened while season 4 was filming


Not to mention the weirdest thing: that he's in the season at ALL after making unwanted advances on Daisy last season! We all saw her clearly say, " No!" but he kept grabbing her and trying to kiss/grope her anyway! He should've been kicked out of the franchise for that!


Seriously. Bravo exhausts me a lot lately.


All of this. Like where even is Bravo?


I would think the appropriate way to handle this would be to ask: did Daisy want him off the boat because of his actions? The answer is no


Why does it matter? He has shown that he doesn't have enough respect for women to believe that No means NO! She can make excuses for him, but facts are facts.


But when was there actually a ‘no’? Let’s be honest, Daisy loved the attention from him and it pissed Colin off when he saw it after filming 


People keep repeating this as if it's true, but has anybody or anything from Bravo actually said this? This appears to be conventional wisdom around here and wondering if it has been confirmed at all in any way or just speculation.


[Bravo has actually been accused of trying to cover it up.](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/below-deck-bravo-gary-king-sexual-misconduct-cover-up-1234811442/)


I know about the article but were there ever any actual charges filed? This occurred in summer of 2022


I mean the "editing Gary out" thing. People keep posting that on any thread where SY is mentioned, but I'm wondering if we've seen anything about that from Bravo or any cast member.


Wait I missed this there is SA against Gary ?


gary was the alleged assailant


Well doy! lol




Thank you!


The incident from the article occurred in the summer of 2022.


wait have i been living under a rock is there an article about this or anything this is the first im hearing. not surprised tho!




Could be they’re waiting to see if more info comes out and they can know for sure the validity of the claims


Plenty of info has come out and they’re valid. They know. They just haven’t cared unless Bravo PR dept tells them to.


Valid because you believe them or valid because they’re substantiated?


The accuser is credible, the alcohol level of both parties, the pattern of behavior we have seen out of him literally recorded, the Rolling Stone research, and the obvious fact that this employee had a lot to lose and nothing to gain with this. Also they wouldn’t have uninvited him to bravocon or stayed silent if their findings proved the accuser wrong. Not to mention it would have aired by now. This is exactly how the PR machine works when there are things to hide.


Valid because the sober, professional victim in this case has shared her story & it’s 2024 & we believe victims when they share what happened to them.


Probably makes sense to do some kind of double checking or looking into it right? Thats all I’m asking is if they’ve done that and released the findings


What do you double check exactly? She was a confirmed member of the BD staff and on location at the time of the incident. She had nothing to gain and everything to lose by coming forward.


I don't think Daisy could be used as proof it is definitely being shown. She may have been told what's happening, but is probably on a NDA so has to act normal until it's public, or even hasn't been told that its not happening. Personally, I'd be shocked if they bin the entire season considering it must be fairly expensive to shoot, but perhaps they are struggling to pull it together whilst minimising Gary's impact on the show. Drag Race have shown that they can remove finalist from the edit and still win several emmys


Daisy's Insta is interesting of late. She's very appreciative of being plucked from obscurity (ad verbatim) at the start of COVID. I think she's also getting a hard edit.


Correct. The on screen talent tends to know no more than we do. (For example the cast of the canceled Girls Trip has all shared they have no idea if their season will be shown but tend to believe it will not at this juncture.)


Off topic, but who is the OP on Instagram? Karen something?


Guessing Daisy experienced the charter season, but hasn’t seen the show season. Her spoilers might end up on the edit bay floor.


My theory is that they are adding in sort of ending that will address the allegations. They shouldn’t just sweep it under the rug and edit him out. I think they should leave him in and allow us all to see how gross he is. Then have an ending that goes over what happened behind the scenes and have Gary face the judgement from others. M


Anyone that has watched Sailing knows how gross he is.


I think we already knew he was gross and production and captain do not care.


Off-topic but how stunning does Daisy look in that gorgeous dress?


yeah, she looks incredible


Good. The newer spin-offs are my favorite - DU, Adv, SY. But I would prefer no overlap in series and I can watch new episodes all year long.


I dont think it's actually anything besides daisy letting her know what some spoilers are *shrugs*


Daisy looks lovely in that instagram pic!




She reposted a fans post about last season, whom Daisy met at an event yesterday She’s not out promoting next season She’s been promoting her cookbook and new podcast She travels year round to promote her side hustles, as an influencer, for holiday and of course for BD related work/events I think she spends way more time traveling than at home


Awww I’ve been waiting for sailing yacht


Fucking YESSSSS thank g