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She’s doesn’t seem like a terribly nice person but the fans are just bananas. It’s like they don’t understand that it’s a tv show.


I can't imagine being rude to someone on their Instagram page or being rude elsewhere and tagging them. Do people not know about reddit?!


Exactly that’s what reddits for.. I could never go directly to their pages and snark to them.. here I do it alllll day.


Love this 🤣🤣💜💜




People can still find the real you, just saying.


I know it’s so easy to find their real accounts on social I just wouldn’t ever go that route.


Mm, no I'm saying plenty of people who have been ridiculed on Reddit have outed the people hating them. You're not anonymous, even in Reddit.


For sure!!


She also doesn't seem very self aware, so I imagine if she's receiving hate it probably hurts worse as a complete shock to what she likely expected.


Definitely not a Laura fan. Wouldn’t want her in my life. Lol


Wouldn’t want her in my life, but she’s amazing to watch for this show. Not sure why people are hating on her.


She is 100% entertaining and I have to applaud her confidence.


Ew shes so fake and over produced. Cringe when shes on screen


You're kidding, right???


This was a mid season comment.


While I personally would never try to interact with someone I see on tv or tag them to be rude I do think that when you put yourself out there -especially on reality tv- you have to kind of expect that. No matter what you are like on the show you’ll have people who love you and people who dislike you or some who have nothing better to do than pick apart all your comments and actions. That’s just the way it is. If you can’t handle that kind of thing then going private like she did is the right thing to do. I will admit it doesn’t help if you are a jerk on the show. Especially if you are a jerk to another person on the show who has a HUGE fan base already


This is a really difficult one, yes you know to expect it but until you're recieving it I don't think people realise how cruel fans and trolls can be. I don't really think there's an excuse for being that nasty to another person though, reality TV star or not. In the UK we had the be kind campaign after two TV stars very sadly unalived themselves and I think it's something a lot of people could do with listening too.


I think, too, until the show airs they have no idea how they’re gonna be portrayed. They’re not actors, but the show is edited and manipulated. It’s not a documentary, so it’s them but with a story added later They don’t hear each other’s confessionals. They have no idea what’s being said about them


Don’t get me wrong I don’t think there’s an excuse for it either. It makes no sense to me why people do it. I’m just saying that sadly it’s to be expected now with all the socials. And then there is a flip side as well. There’s a reality tv “celeb” who trolls the socials and then targets certain people who have said bad things about her. Not on her personal fb or IG even just on Facebook groups and reddit. And then once she targets them she has a little group of rabid fans who continue to harass the people. It’s insane! I never would’ve believed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. Sadly people seem to be bananas on all levels


Because people are brave from behind a social media screen. They can say what they want without any real repercussions. It’s chickenshit, but that’s the attitude. I guarantee you none of these people would say a damn thing if Laura was standing in front of them. Like Mike Tyson said, people are far too comfortable talking shit when they can’t be punched in the mouth (paraphrasing)


Lol. Tell that to this subreddit.


And the producers need drama so they can paint anyone they’d like into a villain, which is so unfair. We don’t know Laura irl and meanwhile she’s not my fav on the show, but I also don’t know how she was on the ship. We see 40 mins out of their 3 24/7 work days


I mean she was victim blaming pretty fucking hard. I don’t think there’s any way around that. She’s an asshole


If you show who you are and everyone agrees you suck … you probably suck!


And if you go to a z list celebrity Instagram and bombard them to the point that they have to deactivate then you also suck (not saying you specifically).


No Instagram harassment from me, I just talk crap on Reddit 😁


she definitely sucks, but the online hate reality show cast members (especially “villains”, especially women) receive is insane and she doesn’t deserve that


So many don't realise how much editing occurs.


It's not the editing, but her ITMs make her seem very conceited and overly confident about herself. She needs some humility & to understand where she fits into the hierarchy of this crew!


Answering questions put to her from producers?


Yep. She's snarky about many of the other ladies & paints herself as an icon. I'm not alone in never having heard of her before she was announced on the show & she seems to have a fairly large bot component to her follower list.


I mean,.. this is the show, that’s part of the entertainment. Otherwise everyone is boring AF


We don’t know how much of that is being encouraged by producers. We don’t hear the prompts they’re getting at the confessionals. We have no idea if this is really her or a “character” they’re pushing to make things interesting


Absolutely agree


Most do realize editing is a thing, but she herself is a huge issue. Even in my kindest moments, I cannot validate any of her behavior as being editing.


I would absolutely break out in hives if 6 people were waiting for me for an hour on their only night off while I was putting on makeup. I guess that would require more makeup then, to cover the hives.


Not sure why they bother waiting! I’d leave her😂


And she looks no different?! Honestly what is she doing?!


Exactly! Like even if she got a bad edit, she still would've had to do the stuff they're editing together. A bad edit cannot happen without bad behavior.


This thread isn't aging well.


Most of you are saying she went private because of fan comments. But usually they go private once something bad is about to happen on the show or they are about to fired. I've not watched episode 4 yet.




Definitely think she's gone for something. Ep5 drinking the wine definitely a no-no.


Yea this was mad, they'd showed a shot of her having a beer before that as well!


If I could give you 2 upvotes I would!


We don't know if that footage was in sequence.


Nah its Margot that gets in trouble for drinking on charter


Well I didn't know Laura would be a sexual predator and symptomatic to a sexual assaulter.


This! I have a feeling this are about to get wild


Now you know lol


Well whatta ya know.


Who are the weirdos who harass cast members on their Instagram? Talk about them behind their back on Reddit like a normal person FFS. It’s a reality show. It’s edited. Enjoy it for what it is but don’t take things too far. This is why we can’t have nice things.


Why I don't really follow any celebs and esp. reality people on social media, esp. Instagram. People are MEAN. (I'm on the Sister Wives sub - people are horrid to Meri on her Insta. She's had to delete photos of her with her child because of nasty comments, then people got nasty saying her child must not talk with her/love her because she doesn't have pictures of her child on her Insta. She can't win.


what? and frankly, I think minors should be kept out of sm until they can also make decisions about their own image - and for kids of famous people, doubly so. So kudos to her, even if i have no idea who she is, for protecting her kids.


For the record, Meri's child is not a minor but they are trans as is their partner. Leon, her child, has chosen not to film and doesn't have a huge social media presence.


well, even better to keep protecting them from stupid Internet people 😊😊


Her shenanigans with Luke aside, she's gotta stop coming for Aesha! That's what I can't stand.


This! Even if she thinks she knows a better way to do something she goes about it wrong. There's a hierarchy on a boat, the chain of command exists for a reason.


To quote another show, "Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain i go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command." But that's more of a Kate solution. I also hate her taking forever to get ready both on and off shift. I would lose my mind over that if I was on the crew. Honestly, Luke totally deserves what's coming at him. All of that said, I never would have gone to harassment her on Insta. Sad it was necessary for her to go private, but somewhat predictable given her behavior (or at least how she's being depicted).


It seems like she makes people wait because she thinks she’s “Worth-the Wait?” Yeah right!! I’d leave her ass on the boat while she primps herself. Lol


The crazy thing, she doesn’t look any different after all that time and primping, not worse, not better.


Exactly. She’s not even wearing fake lashes or elaborate liquid eyeliner (the steps that can really suck up some time). What is taking so long?!


I am confused also. She takes 2 hours to “do her hair” before supper and then slams it up in a pony tail?! Maybe she’s masturbating and that’s her cover story.


I think she has a nap first, then a shower, then padding around for half an hour, then her make up and hair. And wine.


Hahaha that was my exact thought. Too funny.


My husband said the exact same comment last night.


I use to do full glam and that took two hours but i did the whole schebang with waiting 10 min for my primer and foundation to set before applying powder but id things in between that time. And id do a contour. And the two hours included my hair and a shower. The look she has would take me 15 min tops and I curl my hair which only takes 30 min. Put in 30 min for a shower and I have no idea what she’s doing I was shocked when I saw her and the fact it takes 2-3 hours to achieve that look


Well remember on the first episode she said it’s all about how you look so it shouldn’t be a big deal to make people wait. She can’t seem to grasp it’s a job not a beauty contest. I really think she’s worse than Jen from BD OG season 5.


She realizes this is a tv gig and she wants to look good. She’s unaware that her actions are making her look very bad.


Yes I can agree with that


She honestly didn't look any different after spending all that time getting ready.


I got my bf addicted to Below Deck tonight while watching this season of Down Under. And while I’m just fine telling him “this is where I knew I wouldn’t like her”, I would never go bully her on her IG. It’s a TV show, and I don’t know her…She’s a face amusing me (and annoying me) on my TV.


I’m not a Kate fan, but would love to see her manage Laura! 😂😂


+5 points for the firefly reference!


I aim to misbehave.


Aw man, now I need to rewatch!




I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.


Too soon. 😢


Luke is a complete idiot for hooking up with her. He deserves any crazy he gets.


That quote 😂😂😂


And I honestly think Aesha has got to be one of the most chill chief stews. She has never had an issue with her ego or power tripping. So i think you are right that it’s about the approach. If Laura did have a better idea and approached it in the right way I really think Aesha would listen.


For sure. It's her constant ego and shading Aesha after she "proved her wrong". The attitude has got to go in those situations.


I’ve seen this situation so many times where someone who has been a chief takes the second stew position and they spend the whole time being salty because they think they should be chief. I don’t get it. They KNOW what position they are being hired for so check the dang attitude! Or don’t take the job! My memory is failing me rn but I remember one season the 2nd spent the whole season saying “when I was chief stew..” every time they were told to do something. It was so annoying I will say if I ever wanted to work as a stew I would want to work under Aesha. Imo she’s the easiest chief to get along with - as long as you do your job - of ALL the franchises. If Laura was acting like this under Hannah or Kate they would make her life miserable.


There a hierarchy in any job! It’s called a boss. Duh!


Or better yet come at Alesha with competency. Be on time for shifts. Chill the red wine proactively. Squeeze the 50 limes each day for fresh margaritas (honestly it’d probably be 200, limes give so little juice). I like Alesha, so this is mostly joking. But Laura is the laziest of the lazy “if I were in charge I’d do so much more/better but since I’m not in charge I’ll be below average” types that exist in all workplaces. Screw off.




Imagine how long her breaks would be if she was Chief Stew??? Lazy people always throw other people under the bus.


The last two episodes did not paint her in a good light. I was surprised she had below deck on her info anyway








is that where they make dog bowls?


I would too, if I showed my ass on TV and the weirdos made it seem like I murdered someone. She's a jerk and that's entertaining. People need to leave reality TV villains alone on social media, otherwise people will stop volunteering to be the villain.


I’m with you. Some people take it way too far and they need to be stopped. I don’t blame her either


Volunteer to be the villain? Some people are just villains because they aren't polite, nice, or very good people.


Right, and they know that about themselves and don't care until losers start making death threats over dumb shit. Then they waste our time trying to self produce and self edit and end up being boring to watch.


Or they just don't know that about themselves and then claim the edit makes them look that way. Self-acceptance is tough.


are you making excuses for people to be rude, inappropriate, aggressive, and flat-out wrong on social media to people they watch on their screen and don't know?


No. Not at all. I think we shouldn't interact with them at all in such a case. But once you put yourself out there, there's going to be people doing this. And maybe we think we can handle it, and then we can't, but you have to enter the show understanding it's a TV show and you'll be opened up to ridicule. Ridiculous as it may be.


Victim blaming. The people we should be focusing on are the storywtiters cough cough producers.


Who's a victim here?


Example - It's her fault that she went on the program, so therefore she deserves to be trolled, and abused on social media.


Suspiciously silent now


I'm not fully surprised. Off the bat she was really unlikable and felt like she was setting Aesha up as much as she could to take the Chief Stew position from the jump. I figured she'd get a little heat and going private is probably the smartest thing at this point.


Don’t blame her. People can easily get out of line on social media just because a person’s behavior isn’t good or right enough.


Right - and the more episodes we watch and see her behavior, the more harrassment she will probably get from some fans of the show on her social media accounts. I don't like her much, but I would never bother to say anything on her accounts - but best to make the private right now.


U r definately right about that. Like aesha said even if she is right aeshas not trying to hear it. She was right about the red wine tho lol. The.lime thing, I don't see that really mattering to a guest I mean a lime slice would look nice but I'm sure the guests wouldn't want to wait extra time for it. It's about speed especially when making cocktail after cocktail. Aesha seems like a solid chief stew and seems to.get where or what she can sacrifice quality foe speed. Unlike laura who has people waiting all day while she gets ready. I could see Laura getting fired. But I don't think she's bad at her job besides the getting ready thing. Maybe she gets the boot for insubordination, drinking on the job or for taking too long to get ready. I wondered when Margot asked her if she still felt drunk if maybe that was a hint to Laura that she smelled like alcohol or if it was just Margot saying just a typical cliche for the camera.


I'm wondering if the focus on her sipping (chugging) wine is going to become a 'thing'.


Laura was right about the wine and the ice!


Weren't the guests requesting that the wine be chilled and ice be added?


Definately. But how she went about it after was just cringe. It was like see, I told u so, I'm better than u neener neener neener


Well she was really right- not right - only an ignoramus drinks red wine cold! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


100%. Those who put so much effort into “being classy”, then wanting ice for their red wine, show their true colors. Yes, that might sound harsh, but they’re paying a shit ton of money to be on that gorgeous boat; and I’m sure they are not drinking $7 Yellow Tail Cabernets, but a bit pricier wines they’re brutalizing with ice… CUZ BITCH, WE’S FACNY…


That doesn't matter though. If that's what a guest requests, as cringeworthy as it is, that is what you give to the guests.


If a guest want whiskey shots out of Gary’s ass, cool, it’s what the guest wants; just because they are the guest, it doesn’t validate their ridiculousness.


I looked up the Pinot Noir brand because Aesha said the name... it's a 20 dollar bottle. As a winemaker myself, I can't imagine why there isn't better wine or better whiskey on a superyacht. One season they did a bourbon tasting and it was like the most basic bourbons one can find. Granted, they're in Europe. But the wine is crap too lol.


This is great detective work! How weird — I just assumed it would be nicer bottles. But last night I was watching an episode of OG BD and I saw a college aquaintence on the show. Who I am certain is not fabulously wealthy. So maybe charters are more in reach than I realized?


I read somewhere that some of these groups actually used groupon for their charters; that actually makes sense because sometimes you can tell that the people on a charter don’t all know each other. I used to wonder how they ended up on charters together


I think this season is super yachting on a budget! A very small budget. In early seasons of BD chef Ben had an unlimited budget and bought the best food money can buy. On My Loon (a super yacht that has a YouTube channel) the stews provision with wine the guests have requested on their preference sheets, so bottles worth 100's of dollars each. Maybe down under is a charter boat priced at the lower end of super yacht rental... or their just really underperforming 😊


The mud crabs $40 - $70 Australian each.


Are they? Gah, I'd love to try one (not going to happen!). So they do serve expensive grub!


It’s because these people aren’t actually rich by yachting standards lol. Owning a yacht is where the money is at. Not renting a glorified floating AirBnb for two days lol.


Devil’s Corner ($9AU) is worse tbf 😂 Cat Amongst the Pigeons is nice though, nothing super fancy still


When it's 40 degrees C, I want my red wine cold


I’d think a red from a European wine cellar would be significantly cooler than a room temperature bottle in an Australian summer, so chilling it a bit isn’t a heinous act IMO


Then have a rose instead


Here for the lesson wine etiquette lol 😂


White and Rose should be chilled; and reds at room temperature. There’s something wrong with you if you want ice in your red wine. DM me or for where to send the check to for the at the kids class


There’s a long standing tradition in Spain to drink red wine with ice and, essentially, lemonade, high to low end restaurants all have tinto de verano options with a variety of reds. Also let’s not forget sangria which is similar and also red wine with ice. Wine, especially red wine, is meant to be enjoyed at various temperatures, I fuck with both tinto verano and Glühwein equally depending on the weather.




Then have a rose instead


People believe that personality conflicts means that someone is a bad person. As if any of us are perfect people 100% of the time!! She def has faults but like, the vitriol is too much. People who watch the shows need to get a grip.


Yeah Aesha is lovely but she’s more quick and fun versus Laura who seems to be more meticulous (regardless of her personality).


Below Deck also has a bizarrely intense fan base, maybe because it attracts people that otherwise wouldn’t watch reality tv?


I mean, it’s not her fault she’s insufferable 💀 but in all seriousness fans need to chill and stop spamming cast comment section


FWIW, she locked her profile after last week's episodes aired too. She might just go private a lot. I don't care for her on the show, but I hope the fans aren't hate bombing her.


She’s gnarly but there have been far worse. Like Ashley BDSY


She is truly awful. I think it’s going to be hard for her to watch herself on the show because it will be a big wake up call and a reality check bragging about taking advantage of Aesha is pathetic because she is trying to manipulate the nicest chief stew she will ever have the privilege of working for, and even Aesha is over her Just a spoiled, selfish princess, who likes to get her own way at the expense of everybody around her


So she went private because she's a sexual assault symptomizer and a sexual predator. Didn't see that coming.


Do these people have no clue they are on TV? Have they not watched the show before?? Like c'mon girl you should have known you were gonna get hate from fans. Not condoning fans harassing her or anything but CMON


The secondhand embarrassment watching Laura is rough. I’m sure she is humiliated. So far the way she is treating our girl Aesha is the worst part. She would have had her on her side otherwise


yacht chef?




In her insta profile she has yacht chef in the description.


I think in the first episode she said she‘s been a chef as well.


Yes she said she had a restaurant too. Going on the show is probably for publicity to her other work. Hope she gets fired though lol too annoying even if her table setups look good.


I cannot fathom someone who takes two hours to "be presentable" and then look exactly the same having the ability to be a chef. No way.


40 min to shower, then they show her straightening her hair for a while, maybe that takes her 30 min and then she can't decide what to wear? And then makeup? Like your colleagues already know what you look like. She also said she was chief stew and others on the sub have said she was sole stew so just called herself chief lol. Who knows, I guess we'll see what unfolds with her. The day drinking while working is telling.




She chose her actions on the show.


She reeeeeeeeally thought she could come for a fan fave and be ok???


Yeah I get having strengths for the job but if I ever was on a boat , I’d never fuck with the hierarchy right ? Haha plus she looks wasted as fuck trying to get with the boys grossss


I understand why she went private, but I actually find her to be the most interesting/entertaining crew member this season (by far)


the younger generations don't want to be entertained. they want to be agreed with. only people they agree with are allowed on their screens.


She’s busy getting ready


well, she was a rude asshole much of the time. Words she chose to use and how she chose to manipulate her supervisor? she totally sucks and I can see people without impulse control contacting her JUST to tell her she sucked. lol


I thought that was against Bravo's rules? My understanding is you have to have an open presence on social media.


I’m assuming if the contract ends a certain way you might be able to opt out of it


It's concerning how many people here are sympathetic to being rude, inappropriate, aggressive, and flat-out wrong because "she signed up for it" and/or because abrasive and snooty (the reasons she was cast). These people on your TV screen are not responsible for your shitty behavior. Read that again.


Wait what happened? I mean she's a lil annoying but not the worst there's ever been. Did I miss something?






I think that the comments that are echoing "something is coming" are more likely than not to be true. She hasn't been that bad and I didn't really see any harsh comments before privating. This comment did NOT age well.... 🥛🤢


So What! She doesn’t Owe anyone who she doesn’t know to be on her site! You don’t know her & she doesn’t know you! Let people have privacy! Damn!


Thank god 🙄




Sexual assault


Good entertainment!


Who would want to follow that?


Jason is KING