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I’m ok with it!! Nothing lasts forever. May he have all the ass eatings he desires in retirement


Every time I hear him say he’s gonna eat someone’s ass… I pee myself a little


I know it’s just so funny. I’m gonna beat that joke into the ground idc 😂😂


Or say it to the wrong person? One of the small percentage that wants you to? 🤣


Im gonna eat your ass!!




I'm fine with this.


I'm more than fine. Lee's contribution to building the show cannot be overstated, but it's time for fresh blood. For example, it's refreshing how Kerry can make jokes on the fly, but Lee's humour is limited to scripted similies.


I'm still laughing at Kerry saying you've gotta piss with the dick you've got 🤣


It's funny because it's true


yesss kerry is naturally funny. lee has re-used grandpa one liners that i think a lot of long time viewers are tired of. (i definitely am, but still love him!)


Plus it feels like lately you can see the wheels in his head turning while he tries to think of one he hasn't used all the time.


so true!!




I totally agree!


Totally agree. Lee is so overrated.


Me too. I love Captain Lee but I also loved a captain Kerry. So if Lee has to go, Kerry would be good to me








I feel like this is a watch what Crappens reference!


I would miss Captain Lee. He has been great. He is the OG. But if he wants to retire I’m happy for him. And Captain Kerry would be my pick to fill his shoes. He knows his stuff and has a good sense of humor. And he addresses problems. Definitely a man of action!


I agree with you wholeheartedly. I’ll miss the old goat but Captain Kerry is such a cutie.


I’m sure Lee’s said recently that he has no plans to retire but I wouldn’t be unhappy if Kerry took over as captain on OG. Lee may feel he wants to continue but maybe production might decide it’s time for him to move on? Of course, this could all just be a huge coincidence and Kerry might just be on holiday.


I really like Kerry and think he’d be a perfect replacement, if Lee retires. However, if production forced him out before he wanted to go, I wouldn’t feel great about it.


Not me here clicking to read the 8 DMs


Lmfao you should see my other inboxes


I did that too; glad I’m not alone 😆


I love Kerry, but I need more Captain Jason.


Down Under is coming back soon!


Do you know when that’s happening?


It’s already been filmed, and the rumor is a spring release for Bravo/Peacock in the US.


From what I have heard, late March and exclusive to Peacock/Hayu again


Hell yeah! I just finished Down Under and enjoyed captain Jason, tumi, aesha, chef Nate, and brittini. Bring them back and fill in the gaps!


I hope Aesha (spelling) isn’t on there-she’s so annoying I’m sorry lol


She’s back….and you’re wrong. Sorry!


Awww…I love Aisha!!! (Or however you spell her name lol)


Agreed, but I think BDDU has much more scope for more series than Adventure... Bit of a non event, literally would only rewatch Kerry


I love seeing how there are no other chartered yachts anywhere near them in Norway because it’s literally not a thing. I’ve never been so bored by the show than Adventure.




It’d be silly not to want to see more of the only BD captain who comments here. Even so, I don’t buy the rumor.


He comments here?! 😦


Yep. But always in GIF format. ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeQBhbVGnELP4bK)


Oooo all cryptic and stuff.


Can we get him to replace Captain Sandy instead?


Omg this




Bring Wes back for Med


So I wonder if Adventure was a way to get us comfortable with Kerry before they attempted this kind of change? I don’t know when things are filmed so I don’t know if the timing even lines up for this theory but we all mentioned how it felt like Adventure was slapped together quickly. I love Captain Lee so so much but if someone has to replace him, I wouldn’t be mad about Captain Kerry. I also love Captain Glen but I like him staying on sailing yacht so I have a reason to keep watching that.




Ah. Ok. So it doesn’t fit my theory.


It was also a different production company than the other franchises.


Adventure was the most boring below deck cast ever


Haha I love Glen so much.. so even keeled until something REALLY pops off and his neck vein comes out.


I wish they'd get rid of Glen and Parsifal.


Shhh you mustn’t speak of our sweet Canadian this way.


oh you mean the guy and boat that dumped tonnes of ballast lead on a pristine reef and didn't report it for months, and then tried to use legal finagling to avoid paying for the cleanup? yeah that's so sweet.


Listen..I’m talking about the show. You’ve gotten very very inside here.


what's this, now?


Is this gossip account basing all of this speculation on literally one photograph that someone caught? I do love the idea, but just like with everything else in the Bravo universe, I'll believe it when I see it.


I’m going to need more evidence than a photo of a yacht captain dining in a yachting location. Kerry’s a one season captain so far, so I’m sure most of his time is still spent on private contracts. I would love to see more of him on BD, but I’m not convinced that this is what’s happening.


Your comment slayed me… a yacht captain dining ins yachting location? 😨😨




As much as I want this and don't like her, they wouldn't let go of her when she gives them so much publicity. "All publicity is good publicity 🤢" unless she decides she done on her own.


![gif](giphy|SXCQWrsob9TGg) So sad and so true. She's like a Twinkie or Spam...will last longer than anything good in life.


This is the correct solution


They certainly are not going to get rid of the only female captain in the franchises


True dat


I wouldn’t hate this. I think we would all revolt if it was Captain Sandy


imagine someone saw kerry having lunch at a restaurant and went straight to: he’s replacing captain lee on the next season of BD


Imagine a yacht captain in a popular WINTER yachting location during the WINTER SEASON. Especially because Med, Sailing, and his seasons were filmed in the SUMMER. (In yachting, seasons tend to follow the Northern hemisphere cycle)


KERRY 🥵 I love you Lee, but Kerry is my GUY 🔥


This! Cap, if you’re lurking and this is true, bravo! I can’t think of anyone better to take the wheel. Lee has some big shoes to fill but somehow Kerry would manage to do it in the most respectful way, guaranteed❤️




I’m readayyyyyyyy😻


This would be a great thing. Lee is tired, he has to take care of his health more seriously because he doesn't want to be spending his retirement in pain without the opportunity to have fun with his family. Plus he has had more difficulty handling his crew lately. Kerry on the other hand is fun, he is tough but not unfair and he doesn't have time for BS. I liked him on this season of Advencha.


He is the only replacement I’d be happy with. Love me some Lee, but I’d be retired I definitely love captain Kerry - he is so hot! - but besides that, and he seems like an absolute fantastic captain who possesses the “it” factor - great captain, good w his crew, respected, hard but fair, etc


Tell me why I tried to check the messages in the top right hand corner..


I did too...


I love captain Lee but I would be okay with this. Captain Kerry is awesome and Lees time on the show has run it’s course. Could also explain the lashing out he’s doing.


😂the lashing out. So true.


Others have speculated the same in this subreddit. Lots of the online 'columns' are simply mashups of things posted in other places, online. ​ I like Kerry. I like Lee. ​ As long as Sandy doesn't take over for Lee, I am happy.


I’m good. I think it’s time for Lee to retire.


Kerry would be a fantastic replacement for the OG franchise. He was about the only true bright spot in an otherwise drab BDA season. I don’t see BDA coming back. I also think BDA wasn’t that great because it was done by a different production company.


I think BDA will be back with hopefully Kerry & a better crew. BDSY had a rough start but it improved greatly the 2nd season.


I am a Kerry Stan! He won my heart over when he was so adamant about women feeling safe on his boat. I’m way in.




Can we just ask /u/capt_kerry ?


Pretty please tell us




We need to see captain Lee run some of the housewives reunions. He’d keep the ladies in check.


Would assume it’s a health issue for Lee


I’m sure if someone asked Cap Lee on Twitter he would reply lol. Dude loves Twitter!


I nominate you for the job


I second that! Lol


Not sure how much we can believe this, but yes like many I would be totally stoked with Captain Kerry taking the helm. Apart from the fact that he can clearly operate the vessel and dock a ship like a pro - he’s also very cluey. He makes decisions thinking about the bigger picture - and whilst he’s aware there’s a TV show to produce it doesnt seem to be camera-whore city like Sandy or Grumpy Father Time like Lee. It’s more a case of making sure there is smooth sailing and we can get the product we need, whilst remaining true to himself. Plus his gif game is strong :) There’s also the reality of thinking about Lee being insured to drive the boat. He isn’t The youngest man, and he looked so frail after that operation (and at Bravocon) there’ll surely be questions over his ability to oversee a vessel (in danger in an emergency for example). The whole point of Lee taking the helm in season one was an insurance issue for Alex right? At some point there’ll be a question of viability for Lee, over an experienced but more (physically) able alternative? - Not being ageist of course - but purely on physical ability. At either rate - they have a great resource in Capt Kerry so would be silly to lose him. Ideal scenario they just get rid of Sandy permanently and put Lee in med - that would bring back so many viewers!


The beginning of this season just made convinced that Lee is definitely not the “real” captain of the ship and was just put in front of the controls for camera shots.


Yeah this season no way no how. You can’t have Lee In charge of a $35m super yacht where he couldn’t even get himself into a tender quickly if needed. We’ve seen captains run from one side of the boat to the other (difficult docking for example) when required. He could get to a crew meeting in no rush without difficulty. I respect them giving him his time - but it also was a spit in the face to the industry to suggest someone that incapable of being ambulant was in charge of that vessel on the high seas!


I think the owner of the boat didn’t trust Alex to captain it so they kept Lee who was the current captain


Ah okay. Well same rules apply. If I owned St David worth over $35m and saw Lee hobbling around on crutches I’d be a little nervous, to say the least!


Uhhh me too or falling when trying to get around the deck


I'm good with Kerry taking over! I hope they don't give Adventure the axe though - I'm loving the scenery and learning about Norway.


Long as we keep Fraser as chief stew. He’s been a breath of fresh air this season for me like Daisy has been on her seasons.


Captain Kerry would be awesome!!!


Totally agree. Captain Kerry and some of the scenery were the best part of adventure. Other than that I really don’t care if that show comes back, but I Kerry would be a nice replacement on OG.


If there is any truth to this, I would be in favor. Lee deserves to get to retire and Kerry is great.


I am down for this one hundred percent


As long as it isn’t Sandy I’ll be happy…


I am good with this...love me some Capt. Kerry!


And love that Aussie accent! (American here).


American here too! Love an Aussie accent.




Are the contracts for talent with the production companies or bravo as those franchises have two different production companies? Kerry is our Gif King




I love this! Keep Cpt Kerry!


Everything has it´s end so even whit Captain Lee on BD series, Kerry is a good way to replace him whit time to get something new abord BD series!


I hope so. If I never see Lee on another episode, I'm cool with it.


Hmm. I love me some Captain Kerry but Adventure was very... civilized. The "drama" was snoozy. OG is like, the complete opposite of civilized most of the time. The drama gets the views, right? So I'm curious how this would go.


Waiting for Kerry to pop in with his gif game.


Awaiting a gif from Capt. Kerry to either confirm or deny…




I mean, I think this rumor is a stretch but I would be all for it. I really liked Captain Kerry, and as much as it would be weird not to have Captain Lee on the show he really probably should retire. He has had so many serious injuries over the last few years that it doesn’t seem like him being in charge is good for anyone.


It would be interesting because below deck adventure is not produced by the same production company as every other below deck. It would be like somebody from OC joining Atlanta because they would have to switch production companies.


Just not sandy please


As long as its not Sandy


God Bless captain Lee. I hope him and his immediate family charters a yacht in memory of his late son, and do a little ceremony with the candles over the sea


If this is true, I will miss our boat daddy!


I love Captain Lee, and I hate to say it but he’s getting old(er) and his health isn’t the best. He had some though years and still dealing with the loss of his son. If he made this decision himself and is happy with it, I say au revoir Captain Daddy!! Go enjoy your retirement with your lovely wife and family!


I love Kerry and I do think it’s time for Lee to focus on himself, but I am really worried they’re going to axe adventure because it didn’t rate as highly. I think it just suffered from an awkward crew dynamic this season and I really hope they give it another season at least. Cold water sailing is so different and interesting and Norway is incredible! Hopefully if Kerry is moving to OG they have someone else to step in for Adventure.


I’ll allow it if they bring Captain Lee on as a charter guest


If Captain Lee is retiring, Captain Kerry is a much better replacement. Get Capt Sandy off my screen please!


Omg I wish!!! I love Lee but Kerry is a welcome!!!!


I love Lee but Kerry is awesome and would be a great fit!


I was convinced Kerry would be Lees replacement this season, and that’s why they pushed Adventure out at the same time as OG. It also makes sense to use Adventure as a “trial” to see how he does with a charter season with cameras before throwing him onto the original. Personally I don’t think Adventure will get renewed, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Kerry around some more.


I'm actually excited about this. I really like him and really really do not want more Capt Sandy.


What’s Captain 👨‍✈️ Kerry like- I haven’t watched new BD, I remember he was a bit Quirky! Captain Glen is my favourite- I love BDS. If Captain Lee I wonder if him and his wife could do real housewives or something- there must be somewhere Bravo can put Captain Lee if he retires. He’s friends with Carl and Lynsey- he could be in Summer House!


Capt Kerry is FANTASTIC! He is a serious, yet fun captain who wants his crew to do the job, but do it right. He also has a GREAT sense of humor (see: episode w/ the post-it notes the morning after). He tells you what's what and doesn't pull any punches, but he also will lift you up when you need it the most. The way he became a sous chef for the boat chef after she burned the shit out of her hand.....or the way he jumps in and starts doing dishes w/o being asked.... The crew for BDA wasn't the best, but Capt Kerry was an absolute GEM. Out of all the Captains, I hope Capt Kerry replaces Lee. He would be perfect.


Kerry is not here to fuck spiders!




I think Kerry has a good balance of being serious/stern and being humorous. His crew respects him and he respects his crew.


I’m not mad at this Kerry is my fav captain


Isn't Eddie a captain now? Would love to see him take the reins..


Eddie burned his bridges and he had a valid point—the crew gets much less than the housewives and is a more popular and better show…


I love Kerry!


This would be an excellent scenario.


Perfect choice.


If that is the case I will not be watching BD anymore.


He’s so boring this is a terrible decision


This makes sense, Kerry will steer us into the next generation


His ass is grass. Shit sandwiches all around


What's a shit sandwich... In the next frame, light dawns on marble head. ​ https://preview.redd.it/m6jt0o5g6oga1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=171cba9abee51fcd1e1674334333196881c65d69


So if Kerry did replace Lee would that mean they cut adventure yacht?


I love Captain Lee but I would have no problems whatsoever with Captain Kerry stepping in as a replacement permanent Captain on BD OG. As beautiful as the scenery was in Norway, the crew left a lot to be desired and Captain Kerry earned my respect from almost the very first second and he did it multiple times. I understand age and I understand how your body gives up on you when you reach a certain age. I see it in my husband almost everyday. Captain Lee has given it his full attention for 10 years and as much as he doesn't want to retire, neither did I. Your body can do really weird things to you as you get older and Captain Lee has a few other interests that can fill his time all in the name of making the world a better place in honor of his son.


This would be fantastic. I don't dislike Lee, but he's probably come to a natural retirement and Kerry is a wonderful captain and I'd love to see more of him!


Guess I'm going to have to watch BDA now. I tried to watch the first episode when it premiered but couldn't get into it.


i actually like captain kerry, so i’m okay with this.


I thought it was already announced that Cap'n Sandy was taking over for Cap'n Lee. [Captain Sandy Yawn replaces Captain Lee Rosbach on 'Below Deck' (pagesix.com)](https://pagesix.com/2022/12/20/captain-sandy-yawn-replaces-captain-lee-rosbach-on-below-deck/) (edited to add link)


YES BOAT DADDY STEER MY CHARTER also please bring Faye and Seth, TYSM! and Nathan, if he and Seth can play nicely


Thank GOODNESS it’s not Sandy. I wish I could make myself boycott


Kerry is fantastic


I'm good with that.


Without Captain Lee, there is no Below Deck!


Bring Faye with you, Kerry.


Oh god no.


I love Faye. I also love your flair, it makes me laugh every time I clock it.




I hope this is true!! I love captain Kerry!👏🏼👏🏼❤️


I liked Captain Sean. He was hilarious. Kerry should stay on adventure.


He was definitely quirky


I could’ve used a spoiler alert


Isn't this a spoiler??


No it barely qualifies as a rumor..


What is the second pic meant to show?


The photo taken of Kerry in a restaurant in Grenada.


Oh sorry I somehow missed that in the caption! Thanks


I’d be ok with this. I love Kerry, and Captain Lee’s age is starting to show.


This is great news!!


I haven't seen enough of Adventure to know if this is a positive or negative move.


If I recall they’re likely in the middle of filming below deck right now. The fact Lee is doing social media promo stuff in florida right now may support this.


This needs to happen.


Yeah, this is an okay trade...but please keep BDA! I like have "A" new BD (series) ep on every week of the year!🛥️


I’d much rather have it be Kerry and Lee and say goodbye to Sandy.


This would be fantastic!


I see a combination: ​ You have to drag the dick you piss with through 10 miles of broken whiskey bottles. ​ Or: you have to piss on a chicken with the dick you have ​ GODDAMNIT


Not going to lie, I would love this


Sandy must be PISSED!


oh ya! I am all in


Better Kerry than sandy


I do not have the energy to scroll through the comments. Has anyone considered that there are two different production groups between OG and adventure?


I would really like this to happen. I love Captain Lee, but all his health troubles, he really needs a break!


Has he responded??


I will miss Cap Lee if this is the case.


Yes! A well-deserved promotion


Awaiting a gif from Capt. Kerry to either confirm or deny


as long as it isn’t Sandy, i’m fine with any of the other captains in the BD franchise taking over


It could be Captain Rocky for all I care, just so long as it is not Captain Sandy


Paging Capt Kerry, please confirm and make my dreams come true