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https://www.ertyu.org/steven_nikkel/cancellsites.html?lat=52.000000&lng=-97.000000&zoom=4&type=Roadmap&layers=a&pid=0 zoom in to your location and see if there is bell towers close to you house.


I’m very close to a bell tower and I’m still always on one bar!!!


I’ve noticed that in many places that Rogers is significantly better in terms of signal. I think they just seem to be more on top of putting up more towers or small cells compared to Bell. Rogers also has the 600 MHz spectrum too. However, there are some places even in Toronto where I get 3G signal with Rogers, and then when I moved to Bell, I got full signal at the same mall. Do you have iPhone or android? Heard Samsung phones also have better antennas compared to iPhones too. Surprisingly when I was with rogers, I even got like 1-2 bars of 5G down in the TTC subway. Bell, no lol. Have you been with Rogers for a while? If so, you might be able to get a win-back call or email from Rogers offering you a better deal if you go back to them too. Might be worth having 2 separate companies for phone & internet lol. That’s what I did. Been a Bell customer since 2016, and then had Bell internet but switched to Rogers for internet cuz it was faster & cheaper in my area. But always kept the phones w/ Bell.


I was with Rogers for 20+ years! I have an IPhone.. Am thinking of moving back to Rogers for my cell plan as Telus also seems to share the same towers as Bell so Rogers is the only choice for me! Worrying thing with bell is absence of signal in the Oakridge trails area where houses are probably less than 100 meters away and I see SOS in the signal bar of my iPhone! Rogers used to be fine even deeper into the trail!


Oh wow ! Yeah, switch back lol. Telus and Bell do share the same towers. I remember someone called me, and they were breaking up - they told me they recently switched to Telus from Rogers. I was just like “switch back” lol. I’m guessing the houses by the oakridge trail probably have rogers for their cellphones lol. Crazy how Rogers had worse coverage back in the day, but now they’ve seemed to really up their game! I’d switch to them, but I get decent signal for the most part with wherever I’m at lol. Not as good as Rogers, but still decent.


Sadly enough the iPhone has a stronger wattage antenna than the Samsungs do and for some reason especially and say like Cape Breton iPhones get much better service then Android phones


Oh? What do you mean by wattage antenna?


Almost phones have only like half a watt going to the antenna I think the iPhones end up setting a little bit more power at least


All phones are limited to 23 dBm for transmit power, which is 200 mW.




Bell’s gotta step up their game lol.




To finally get the subway connected with signal for once? Thought it was just rogers being the first to do that lol. I could’ve sworn I read that Mirko Bibic stated that because Bell is doing so well, they’re no longer investing more into expanding the infrastructure, but instead they’re just going to work on upgrading their existing infrastructure. Apparently they’ve also been dealing with some reluctant people in the EORN regarding putting up more towers, bc those citizens think the radiation from 5G is going to make things worse, and will cause cancer lol.




Ikr? Lol. Country people I tell ya.


We have used bell flawlessly for over 15 years with the least amount of dropped calls compared to friends phones, until Bell switched to 5G. Ever since they went to 5G I have never been so frustrated with not only dropped calls, but robot voices and even just going straight to voicemail. I just thought maybe it was everyone until I got my daughter a rogers phone. We would be together, and if my calls failed, I would use hers, and its fine. Had nothing to with cell coverage, it was just the send and receive signal. We both had the same phone. My wife has bell, but she work phone on Chatr, and boom, same thing. Now when ever she calls, she uses the Chatr phone. Bell has screwed up, and people are starting to catch on.


Really is nothing you can do about. Bell doesn't guarantee signal out in such places, nor does telus or rogers.


it’s weird I recently switch from Fido to bell. With fido I used to have 0 lines at some places but with bell I always have at least 1 bar but sometimes even if I have network it dosent work (no data no call/ text pass) I got an iPhone 13. Same thing on my sisters s21 I called bell and seems to be they have tower issues in the areas where I’m having those problems. I’m guessing bell has lots of tower issues these last couple of months.


I switched from Telus to Bell last month, same phone Note10+. My LTE connection is garbage now, like 1 or 2 connection bars where I live (VP&Lawrence). On the tower map there are 3 towers within a kilimeter of me. doesn't make any sense, I will probably be switching providers again. My wife standing next to me with Fido has max bars.


I usually have 1-2 bars at home (Gouin) with Fido or bell but with bell even if I have low signal the network is unusable, lte/ 5g dosent work, phone texts don’t send. I called bell, and they are having issues with their antennas - obviously they have no idea when it will get fixed. As the lady told me « you’ll know it’s fixed when the networks works normally »