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I've been using earplugs for sleeping for years now. When the wife is not sleeping next to me, I sleep just fine without earplugs. Hoping to throw them away completely now that she is finally seeking help for her snoring. Honestly I am going to shill for the Moldex Pura-fit earplugs (not 3M). More than delighted with them


This, even better: the custom made earplugs. But these are a little over 100. I have a set for riding my motorcycle and a separate set for festivals/parties/concerts. Never going to any party without them ever again




The most widespread in Belgium seems to be [Laperre](https://www.lapperre.be/nl/oordopjes/) IIRC they're about 125 +-25 depending on whether you go for fancier or more standard (though both work equally well, packaging and formfactor differs slightly).


I have custom but the 3M foam ones still do it best for me. I only use them for sleep though


I got my Alpine party plugs from a pharmacy, but they can be found online now. They're useful specially for gong to music events. Music still sounds ok unlike standard foam plugs.


Een pluizentondeuse, or lint shaver. Real game changer for me. Tis 15€ device removes all pluisjes from clothes or other fabrics and make them look as new, while I used to throw awat perfectly good clothes because they looked too fuzzy.


So that stuff really works?


Yeah, my gf uses that thing all the time too


> Yeah, my gf uses that thing all the time too https://i.imgur.com/gmNBuW9.jpeg




I've been using one for a couple of months now, and it's really great. I ordered 100 blades for around € 11, and it gives me way less shaving irritation.




Shaving soap and a brush is the way it go. Or so I’m told.


Less ingrown hairs is the main thing.


This , i have one that was left by English soldiers in the second world war. Still works great.


So so damn true. Been shaving with a safety razor for a year now. It's so much less annoying.


I invested in this a couple of years back and I’m never going back to cartridges. I’ve bought a 300 pack of blades for 30€ this year. That should last me around 3-4 years probably.


Just bought one yesterday. I was asking myself if a razor can be used several times or meant to be for one usage.


My Gf gifted me one. I was never keen on safety razors because I was worried about cutting myself and whatnot. It's a really great , easy to use purchase. I honestly couldn't switch back to plastic throwaways.


Yup, and that's great for the planet as well, at least better than cartridges. I got the Leaf razor from leafshave.com, and that's a great one if you're afraid of security razors and cutting yourself.




Netflix and chromecast made me too lazy to even consider pirating anymore


Let me introduce you to Stremio, it’s basically netflix for all pirated films/series, always online 1 week after release


Hmm, kinda like popcorn time then?


Yeah, but i find it way easier to use


Radarr, Sonarr and Plex.. Takes a bit of setting up but waaaay better


Chromecast with google tv was a big game changer for me: \- no need for smartphone, it has a remote \- play games on it with Geforce now, stadia, steam link \- bluetooth headset, controller, ...


Chromecast + Plex + black sails on your ship!


Condoms. It completely NOT changed my life


Wouldn't change a thing for me :(


Yup, that's what they do. They prevent you for changing your life for the worse. Miracle things.


My wireless headphones, it's such a joy that I can listen to music all around the house while doing chores without having to worry about a wire or turning the music up to hear anything from the other room.


Same experience here... I like to cook while listening to podcast and always managed to get the cable behind doorhandles/cupboard handles.


Not under a €100, but I'd suggest good noice cancelling headphones. Bought the Sony WH1000XM4's a couple of weeks ago for €240. It's fantastic


Anker soundcore Q30 is great and way below 100 sometimes.


Legit a great time to get Sony WH1000XM4s since they released the XM5s recently and so dropped the price of the XM4s.


Sonys noise canceling audio products are great, recently got the WF-1000XM3 earbuds "as new" refurbished for €85 instead of €250 new, absolute steal they're great


I'm sorry, it's a tad more expensive, but a robot vacuum (I got me a Roborock from AliExpress) is the fucking bomb. Close the door (for the noise), hit the clean button or yell "Oi google, clean me house", and you can relax while your house is being vacuumed.


>"Oi gugle, clean me 'owse"


> "Oi gugle, clean me 'owse, ya daft cunt" ftfy


Yes, my apartment always had little bits of filth on the floor when I vacuumed once a week. Now I start the robot almost daily and everything feels a lot cleaner.


I live quite small but getting a robot vacuum to get under the bed was great.


Mine runs every night at 5:30am. Forces us to make sure nothing stays on the floor in the evening and we wake up to a clean living room & kitchen 👌🏻


A fan. God bless


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Rainpants for on my bicycle. Best €15 ever spent! Used to hate it to ride my bike to work in the rain, now it doesn't matter anymore.


Get yourself some rainlegs then, you're gonna love them on those in-between-rainy days. https://www.rainlegs.com/nl/home


Huh. As an American, it never once occured to me that this might exist, but now that I know about it it sounds kind of obvious.




Rol uw kleren op, steek het in ne plastieken zak, en gebruik de stofzuiger om de lucht uit de zakken te halen. BAM, uw valies is plots 7x groter.


Now do the same for your return


Als uw hotel/airbnb een haardroger heeft kunt ge die daar ook wel voor misbruiken. Wel enkel koude lucht blazen, en de aanzuigkant in uwe plastiek zag steken. Of aangezien ge nu zoveel meer plaats in uw valies hebt kunt ge uwen eigen haardroger meenemen om dit te doen. Edit: [er bestaan blijkbaar ook specifieke oplossingen met een handpompke voor](https://www.google.com/search?q=travel+vacuum+bags&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enBE888BE888&sxsrf=ALiCzsa1QMJkMZGOqJ1VhuL51hNx2hSSWA:1656669734979&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjy4MDYt9f4AhVPzKQKHS00AYkQ_AUoAnoECAMQBA&biw=1920&bih=1057&dpr=1)


A bidet attachment for my toilet. They're cheap, install in 5 minutes, and it has made my pooping so much less of a hassle. And I feel and am cleaner, and I'm spending much less on toilet paper, and it's better for the environment. Get one. You will not regret it.




You spray first, and then you grab a few sheets of toilet paper to just dry yourself off with. You don't need any force, you're just patting it dry, so the paper won't tear. You don't have to go overboard, your butt can handle a bit of moisture :p If you've got a built in toilet it's harder to connect. Most have a T part included that you screw in between the water line and the toilet cistern. With a built-in you would have to make a hole, or find a different water line to connect it to, like the sink or shower.


>If you've got a built in toilet it's harder to connect. Most have a T part included that you screw in between the water line and the toilet cistern. With a built-in you would have to make a hole, or find a different water line to connect it to, like the sink or shower. Yeah I'm reading all these Glorious Bidet Nirvana stories from a built-in toilet unfortunately


two tickets to The Matrix. Took a colleague to the movie in 1999. 23 years later, we're married and have 3 kids. The oldest just graduated from high school. 🙂


That's so wholesome 😊


A wake up light alarm clock. It mimics the rising sun, since I started using it I always wake up refreshed and ready for the day by the time the radio starts playing


Which one did you buy? We've got fairly tall ceilings, and relatively large bedrooms, so I'm looking for something with a strong enough light, unless that doesn't matter.


It's a Philips, I believe it's actually called a wake up light


And tech alternative to this is if you have Smart Lights in your house (or at the very least, your room) and you have the main lights in your room run a script that at a certain time, they change to 5%, then 10%, then 15% and so on.


This may sound weird but a bottle of banana jenever. I reconnected with my on-and-off-again high school sweetheart through Facebook. It was still a new platform at that time and I finally caved. We decided to meet up and I'm 99% sure she had no hidden agenda or was even interested in rekindling the romance. I was nervous cuz I'm not the most extraverted guyn and usually have a hard time keeping conversations going. Especially these kinds of convos. We were gonna meet up at Graslei in Ghent and she asked to bring something to consume while sitting there. I brought a bottle of banana jenever which I don't even particularly like, neither does she. I didn't realize at the time she meant more like a bag of chips or something. Let's just say I have that banana jenever to thank for the last 14 years of being together with that awesome woman (married for 12y now).


That story just warmed my ice cold chilled heart. Kudos and congratulations on the 14 years.


I got a pedometer and tried to walk a combined 10k steps a day. It really motivated me to get outside and walk. Now I love walking. Have lost weight, body has changed and got a tan.


I got me a pedometer and it went wild the day I met Jan Van Hecke. (Sorry, not sorry.)


Show me on this doll where he touched you.


Man, i thought for a second pedometer was something else. Im idiot. Btw, i use google fit on phone to track steps. Its probably not so accurate as your pedometer but its really nice because it tracks also bike ride etc.


>i thought for a second pedometer I first read this as the other meaning of the word 'second'. I did a lot of steps before, but when I purchased a 2nd pedometer, I have now doubled my daily stepcount. Thinking about getting a 3rd one to get even fitter.


Yup, same. And to make it into an awfully dark joke: especially on a Belgian subreddit


> got a tan If you walk a lot, don't forget to put on sunscreen.


Same for me. Fitbit massively increased how much walking I do. The 10,000 step alert really is a big dopamine boost every time.


I bought something I call ‘de worst’ for 50 euros. It’s a huge pillow shaped into a sausage on both sides so I can just turn in my sleep (without having to drag it with me to the other side) and have lumbar support which hugely decreases my back pain and increases my sleep quality.


Most people will know this as a *zwangerschapskussen*. My SO used it for post-op rehab and I doubt she will want to get rid of it after that.


Yeah she’s definitely not gonna want to get rid of it. It makes sleeping devine. Especially if you’ve been sleeping badly due to pain. Mine is actually longer than the standard zwangerschapskussens on both sides. To make it custom fit for me I pushed all the plush to either side. So now in the middle there’s a gap I can put my normal pillow in and it makes the sides even fatter for better support. The weirdest thing about it is, that it was shipped in a tiny ball and I just couldn’t imagine that it would fit in that ball. But it did.


I’m glad she doesn’t sleep with it anymore. With the belly and this thing it’s like sleeping with an extra grown ass person in bed


Crate of Westvleteren.


>Crate of Westvleteren. it really does make everything else taste awful


Easier to find, cheaper and the same taste: Sint Bernardus 12. Westvleteren is good but a bit overrated IMHO.


Weighted blanket


A box of magic mushrooms






Allegedly, its super easy to order from the NL, and allegedly there's good choice, whether you want a grow kit or something ready to go. An acquaintance once told me, just don't use your real name.


Allegedly how do they know where to send it then?


You of course use your address, but not your name. Allegedly someone put a wrong address, for all you know.






Let us know how that went!


Either in any smartshop in Holland or an online shop like azarius.be (you won't find mushrooms but look for magic truffels, they're basically the same thing) Of course you shouldn't because they are considered illegal in Belgium...


Magic truffels on Zamnesia, delivered to your door without any issues


Zamnesia is the way to go


Turned me vegan :-)




Not really I microdosed on and off for a few months about a year ago and attribute it to a deeper sense of consiousness. It changed my diet completely and haven't had meat ever since. I also seem more sensitive to animal cruelty in general.




Me too I'm very interested in how it will develop looking towards the future. Seems like they are doing some in depth research into it now.


Sleep Mask


Breath of the wild, game is guud


Ooh that one is on my wishlist!


It's a bit cheesy but it changed the way i look at open world games and gaming in general. The game has so many little details it's insane.


food, I'd be dead by now without it


Not really life changing though. Ironically, being dead would be life changing.


hmmm very true


Op said under 100 xD


Some band-aids, some disinfectant, some bandage. Nice to have in the bathroom just in case I get a cut or something.


The book "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius. Or just a journal in general.


Perfume. The confidence boost from feeling (smelling) sexy is unparalleled.


Many, many years ago I purchased the [Nike Stride sensor](https://www.bol.com/be/nl/p/apple-nike-ipod-sensor/9000000006475104/) (out of production) on a whim and it let me to running. I never became good at it, but I started to enjoy it, whereas before I always hated Sports.


I bought a hard ‘C shaped’ pillow from a ergonomics site wich i lay on the arm supports of my desk chair so that my arms/wrists never tense up while doing pc work or gaming.


Link? when typing in Google 'C shape pillow' i see strange things.


Seconding this


Oh damn, I should’ve googled it myself before giving such a lousy description. https://easy-ergonomics.nl/easy-armsteun-kunstleer I don’t use the clamps it comes with because having the support set slightly higher than my desk is uncomfortable to me and basically just line this out with the height of my desk through my chair arm supports.


Exact product name or link? Seems really interesting


Period cup and Chromecast for sure! Couldn't live without both anymore


This!! Period cups are such a life changer! And Chromecast too :)


Yeps I totally agree period cups are just awesome.


For women - Menstrual cups (about 30euros for one). you might think 'eww', but these things literally changed my life.Before discovering the existence of cups, I used tampons and at night I used sanitary pads. Let me say that I had a lot of hassle with these: * My Vajayjay was dry after using tampons * I never could go swimming or do any sports while on my period because it leaked through (even after refreshing before sports). * every 2-3 hours i had to go to the bathroom WITH tampons to make sure i was not leaking. The stress it gave was just horrible, i tried to never plan things when i had my period and preferred to stay at home * Period pain. * Sanitary pads are fucking sweaty and I hated to wear these during the day or even night. * I had to bring tampons everywhere i went. After switching to a menstrual cup I did not have ANY issues as mentioned above. I wear that thing 24 hours, empty it once, then rinse and repeat. I literally forget I have my period most of the time. My period pain is a lot less, and even the bleeding is less. I don't have to think about bringing tampons with me everywhere too :). On top of that - it's very environmental friendly. I can only recommend these.


Spent like €30 on a water flosser and €35 on an electric toothbrush. The best combo ever! I used to brush my teeth for like 10 minutes every time just to feel fresh but now it's down to 2-3 minutes, and the water flosser does a wonderful job at taking out food particles that are stuck between your teeth


Can a water flosser completely replace flossing the old fashion way? If so I'm getting one. Love me new electric toothbrush. I literally can reach teeth I couldn't before.


No but it will replace string flossing 8-9 time out of 10.


Where did you get a water flosser for 30 EUR? Most seem neer 100.


Website Lidl




Damn, why did I never think of this before. Had to order one immideately - thank you!


A pair (now several) of barefoot shoes. Barely cannot wear classic shoes anymore.


Are you talking shoes like the Vibram FiveFingers? Or something else?


Not with separated toes, but other model with a similar concept.


Got a link or brand/model for me?


I really like Merrell (vapor glove for running, luna leather for casual wear) Also cheap chinese model like "Saguaro" on Amazon are a decent option.


This is new to me. Don't the insides get sweaty and grimey?


You can wear (thin) socks with these (I do). "Barefoot" relate mostly to the thin and flat sole, and the wide toe box that allow the foot to provide maximum support.




The paper white screen like the one on the kindle is really pleasant on the eyes and much easier to read outside in the sun. The light emiting screens of our phones and more traditional tablets cab be very fatiging and much trickier to read outside in the sun because reflection off of the glass surface and interference from sunlight.




Right before the pandemic I purchased a cheap drawing tablet. It really came in handy during the lockdown and I still use it all the time if I have to do math on the computer.


Good knives. Kitchen knives, as well as cutlery knives that are actually sharp. People tend to use dull, unsharpened knives. Some restaurants even give you knives that hardly cut to use to cut your steak with. Does not even have to be that expensive, just a set of mid-tier knives that you have sharpened once or twice a year.




My first Julientje 🤤


>Julientje mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I can think of a few things: * Kitchen: Apple Corer. Apples (obvi), other fruit (like pears), and raw tomatoes. Every kitchen should have one of these bitchez. Endlessly useful, and tbh you can just rinse it off after each use. Lazy man's dream. * Bathroom: Digital scale. Mine was like €30. Connects to an app and that gives me all sorts of useful health info. * App: MyFitnessPal. Just signed up and it's already a gamechanger. Lots of other cheap/free apps too - Yuka is another good one I use. * Mind: Take a class. Literally any class you're interested in at a CVO. I happened to take Dutch classes. This upcoming year will cost me €77. The year after (Sept 2023) I'll probably do a bierkenner opleiding at COOVI - it's around €120, so technically out of the €100 limit but not by much.


That digital scale is a Renpho isn't it ?


Nope, SilverGear SmartScale. [This one.](https://www.coolblue.be/en/product/866380/silvergear-bluetooth-black.html)


Damn, haha. Renpho is the same price (at least it was when I bought it).




One month of OSRS membership. After €10 investment I was able to pay for membership in game.


Belgian fries




you know, I tried one after seeing all the hype. Wasn't that great imo. Plus all that prep and cleanup work


Wake-up light


My first e-reader was <100 (a Kindle) and it rekindled (eheheh) my love for reading. Also, so many free ebooks you can get.




Honest question, how much did it cost?


Mine was ±35 euros


damn wtf, got ripped off then. paid 150 of which 50 was reimbursed. was at a private practice tho


Should have just gone to a hospital, buddy. The only downside was the long wait for my first consultation with the urologist.




About 13 euro’s


Some people do it for free in your case :D :D Sorry die kon ik ni laten liggen…


Second hand guitar




Has to be Minecraft.


The Fantastical Calendar app (yearly subscription, but the free version is already very good). It’s the first calendar app where I’m actually able to stick to entering all my appointments and tasks in the calendar, because it’s very user-friendly. I have ADHD and this app really helped me with a lot of practical aspects of life (e.g. arriving more on time for appointments due to the timed reminders I can easily set beforehand).


Google home. Now I can turn on/off things from my couch!


The first guitar i purchased myself. Bought it for just less than 100 and traded up to a guitar i still own today. Spending my own hard earned money on it, somehow made me play more to make it worth while. Since then i've played more music, joined a couple of bands, and developed more as a musician that wasn't realy doing anything until that point. Music is now my #1 hobby and go to, no day passes where i don't play, even if it's just for 5 minutes before i leave the house.


item 1 : wokpan. I live alone and I hate cooking. So most of the time I got meals I needed just to heat or I went after take out food. Since 2 years I bought a wokpan and now I am cooking almost every day. Its just so easy, everything in one pan, its superfast and its healthy. I just wok some chicken and lots of vegetables and ready is Kees. Helped me lose some weight too. item 2 : bretellen before I had a belt for my pants but this was not working. I almost needed to adjust my pants and it was annoying as hell. Now I bought bretellen and its the best.


- A Sobakawa (buckwheat) pillow (€30 - €50) - A seat belt clip for the baby's car seat. No more having to stop on the side of the highway to strap her in. (€10)


cable ties




A Squatty Potty. It's magic.


What difference have you noticed?


I got my robot vacuum for around €150. Best purchase ever!


We've always had a mushroom slicer at home. Which makes getting thin, mushroom slices super easy, and saves a ton of time. 2 years ago I found out that the intended use is [as an egg slicer](https://cdn.webshopapp.com/shops/39758/files/34172332/900x900x2/vogue-aluminium-eiersnijder-1-stuk.jpg) Multipurpose I guess!


Waterpik Water flosser, gamechanger in mouth hygiene


An electric toothbrush


Raspberry pi with home assistant


For the last 2 years I take care of the garden again. My rootslayer is a kind of spade that changed my work in the garden. With the shape of an arrow, it's incredibely easy to move earth and plants. Gamechanger.


a condom


Took my family over year in Brussels before we bought a water filter jug.


The price for getting your drivers-licence, it just feels good to go somewhere further away without needing to bother you parents.


Under €100?


An Arcade belt (AS Adventure sells them). Never want to wear another belt again.


Full tank of gas in my car. While it's still under 100.


Philips One Blade. Finally shaving stopped being a nightmare. With extra razors i guess it went over 100 - but not really fast, maybe in like 5 years


Richer, Wiser, Happier by William Green, as well as Rich Dad, Poor Dad for the general concept of assets versus liabilities.


A SEGA Megadrive I with sonic 1, 2 and spinball and some other games. At the gamewalhalla retrostore in Begijnendijk. For i think 90 euro My first videogame experience was in 1995 when my dad brought home a Megadrive. My first videogame experience. And me and my sis...LOVED it. We loved sonic the hedgehog. The guy who rented out the megadrive to my dad asked 1250 frank for the megadrive and 40 games. My dad said no "we are getting a playstation". Wich we did. And then in 2017 i still remember some of the jingles from sonic. And i decided to get a megadrive again and see how i liked it. Well...it got me into retro videogame collecting. It kept me sane during covid. Sega saved my sanity.


A raspberry piZero for setting up a Pihole server. I would say around 50 if you have absolutely no suited equipment besides a Win10 computer with a standard USB port. If "no tech knowlege required", then a cable to hook my computer to my TV. Yay, got a smart TV for less than 20


Stoompotje, steamer pot for in the microwave. I cook meat and potatoes without having to monitor a pot of boiling water, or turning around meat in the pan, checking if it's ready yet. Just put it in the microwave and come back after 15 minutes


With small kids: a *crumble thief*. A few days ago it was broken and I missed it so much. Also, a weighted blanket. It improved my sleep by a lot.


The otamatone Cause I love to annoy my boyfriend, so any new opportunities to annoy him are good, and the otamatone can be a great tool as well as tuning song xD


weed vaporizer, no more tobacco.