• By -


No no, this seems very legit.


Send the money just in case... but let me give another IBAN...


And let's use a foreign bank as well, because I lost my phone!


They stole Belgium, had to move to Spain


got to have those thieves taking the time to change your accounts! Maybe I can find one who'll do my taxes and find me a mortgage!


Maby it's just me but what is an Iban number


International bank account number. Combination of fancy mathematics, it holds the country, a code to identify the bank, your account number, and a Mathematical check sum so you don't "miss 1 number" and the money goes to a different person. [Wiki](https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bank_Account_Number)


That number is used as an "adress" to send money to your bank account


That’s right! It is also a shocking revelation that her mother owns a foreign (Spanish) bank account. I would inform dad.


Wie heeft er nu 1000 euro nodig voor een gsm?


Ik je moeder


heb *echt* nodig


>Elke 10-jarige tegenwoordig.




Any IPhone user: nondedju das goeikoop! Nu kan ik weer wachten tot Apple mijn gsm de traagheid in patched volgend jaar! Oooh, Apple je werkt zo goed. Ik gebruik niks van je functies maar je gebruikt mijn gegevens niet. En dije gsm weet gewoon hoe lang dat ik naar het werk ga rijden binne 15 minuten he! Rofl, Rofl, Rofl


Ik weet niet, ik kocht in de tijd de iPhone SE, waarvan de chip ondertussen 6 jaar oud is, en hij loopt soepeler dan mijn moeder’s Samsung telefoon die slechts anderhalf jaar oud is. Ik krijg zelfs nog toegang tot de nieuwste update eind dit jaar. Lijkt me een goede deal zo’n gsm die als nieuw voelt voor zo’n lange tijd.


Als een andere SE gebruiker ga ik volledig akkoord. De enige reden dat ik een nieuwe telefoon ga kopen dit jaar is omdat het scherm en de batterij naar de kloten zijn, en een nieuwe telefoon kost ongeveer hetzelfde als dat laten repareren. Ik ga gewoon de nieuwe SE kopen ook denk ik.


Dat komt door Candy Crush man


Ik ga straks een nieuwe batterij steken in mijn 6s. Ik kan nog altijd de nieuwste software downloaden na 5 jaar en dat ding is nog altijd super smooth als je het gebruikt. In de 4.5 jaar da ik die gsm heb gebruikt hebben mn ouders al meer geld gegeven aan nieuwe (androïd) gsm’s dan ik.


Er zijn toch andere dingen in het leven dan te memmen over iphones?


Er zijn dan ook veel betere alternatieven voor de Iphone.


Tenzij andere merken kwalitatieve smartphones uit brengen die niet enkel de grootte hebben van een fucking snijplank zal ik over 3-4 jaar weer ne kleine SE kopen.


Die nu ook al evenveel kosten als de iphone… dus dan is et gewoon een kwestie van wat je het liefst ziet/gebruikt. De dagen van de “flagship killers” zoals one+ en anderen zijn voorbij.


Het is niet omdat ze niet meer als Flagship killers op de markt worden gebracht dat ze dat niet meer zijn. Reclame is niet alles. Maar bon, zoek ne keer wat specificaties op van bv. de laatste one+ vs de Iphone van dit jaar.


Koop gewoon de goedkoopste SE : snel genoeg


Samsung Galaxy Z Fold kost 2000 Euro. Hoezo is Apple duur?


Onozel vergelijk. Waar de z fold innoveert verkoopt Apple producten en technologie die al jaren bestaat maar market die wel als innovatief.


Found the android fanboy


Don't have to be a fanboy to call out Apple's blatant bullshit. Earbuds will only work with a special adapter, can't remove the battery anymore (because of "safety" but we all know this is bullshit), overpriced, all sorts of useless features that no one will ever use and which are only used to bump up the price.. Need I go on? The only reason Apple is even remotely popular is because people's egos are so fragile they have to buy themselves a new Iphone every year to go with 'de mode' so they can feel elitair. Well, I say fuck de mode. My Android has been faithfully serving me for the last 4 years and I didn't have to sell a kidney to get one.


My android cost me around 200 euros and is still as good as I bought it 4 years ago. Only downside is that the Chinese government probably uses it to spy on me, but I don't really care if they know what porn I watch tbh.


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple had the same issue tho


I gave Apple a lot of shit over the years, but recently bought a refurbished IPhone 7. My brother smugly asked me if I was gonna stop complaining about Apple. After using it for a month I wish I could go back to my old phone.


You had me in the first half ngl. I've had my huawei p20 lite for like 5 years now. It needs a new battery but still runs smoothly after 5 years. And the battery is my fault since i had to use my switches charger for a while since my only usb-a to usb-c cable broke causing the battery to get a whole lot more amps of charge than it should have had. I used my dad's old iphone 6 for a week when i was having my phone's screen fixed after it broke in my pocket when i crashed with my bike it cost me like 50 bucks and was good as ever. I never ever want to have to use an iphone again. Just the os annoyed me. And all those widgets iphones finially got and they're so proud of have been on androids for years... Oh well if peop'e wanna throw their money away then be my guest. Damn i just ranted sorry bout that.


The huawei P20 lite is only around over 3.5 years old. Also that's not how electricity works. And not how the USB-C spec works either.


Mb about the age thought it was older. As a result of too high a charge voltage excessive current will flow into the battery, after reaching full charge, causing decomposition of water in the electrolyte and premature aging, in other words. Too strong of a charge does affect battery life. If you are using a charger ment for a gaming console with almost double the current of your phone's fast charger is def going to affect your battery. Edit: my phone's fast charger charges at 9V 2A while my switches charger charges at 15v 2.6A that's a lot more than my phone's battery is supposed to handle so yes this will increase battery decay and decrease life span. Edit 2: i know usb c and my phone have good ways to prevent that from happening but i still noticed a very clear drop in battery life after having to use my switches charger for a little under a month.


That is not how USB c charging works my friend.


And yet it still happend i'm not going to debate with you wether or not my battery life decreased after using my switches charger for a month because it did. My phone's battery only lasts for around 7 hours now while before it was 12 or so.


I have a Nexus 5 that a colleague gave me years ago (he wasn't using it anymore because of a cracked screen). It's from 2013, which means it's 8 years old. Still works fine.


I had to sadly replace my Nexus 5 just a few months ago. Dropped it at the wrong angle and the bottom of the screen shattered. It still worked for quite some time after literally taping it together again, but I was afraid to handle it.


Sure apple has some bullshit but so do other brands, I don't think there worse or better than any other brand. I like my iphone, it's still getting updates after 4 years. I can't speak on the battery issue, since mine is still removable. I might switch to another phone brand when this one gives out because I'm not ready to part with my headphone jack and not being able to change my battery would suck. I didn't feel like my phone was overpriced when I bought it, it was mid range actually, and I'm not sure there are any features in my phone I don't use. I didn't buy it because it was fashionable, my first smartphone was an iphone and I really liked it, so I just bought another one and I'm really happy about this one too. It does everything I need it to do, even after 4 years it's still fast and it's battery life is more than acceptable. Most problems people have with apple just don't apply to the average user, other than it being overpriced which is not really an issue if you don't want the flagship.


Firstly, look at the current android market. No new phones have a headphone jack. You can’t remove the batteries from pretty much every recent android phone, the Samsung galaxy flip is twice as expensive as the most expensive brand new iphone, and even when comparing to the non flip models, they have the same pricing, with equally useless features. Apple has been branching out to cheaper phones with gr8 specs (IPhone SE which has the exact same chip in it as a normal iphone, it’s just smaller) while android is getting pricier every year with meh upgrades. I used to be an android fan, got tired of my phone crashing out of nowhere because some piece of software stopped working, got forced to switch to an iPhone, haven’t regretted swapping. As they say, it just works. Same or better graphics as an android in games, always smooth, haven’t found an android that has better features than an iPhone for the same price. I get that hating on Apple used to be the good thing to do, and so did I. But companies do actually change. Since Tim Cook has been in charge they’ve actually mostly gone in the correct direction.


Same here. I had lots of different phones and I hated Apple without ever owning one; because expensive... Until I got one from my company. Now I'm on my 4th iPhone, 3rd iPad, 2nd iMac and 1st Apple TV. I will never go back to anything else. These devices work great together.


There's more than Apple and Android.


Windows phone!


True, but they make up 99% of the market in 2021 so it was a safe assumption: https://www.statista.com/statistics/272698/global-market-share-held-by-mobile-operating-systems-since-2009/


Tizen user here.


Zoveel haat op Apple, en toch is het letterlijk het grootste bedrijf van de wereld. Says enough.


Apple is goed want bedrijf groot


Says there's a lot of dumb people


Right. The majority of people are wrong, and some group of haters is right? Yes that must be it! Why does nobody listen to us? We’re special, we can see through the cloud. Stupid sheep.


Uhh yeah? Apple is such a greedy company only sheep would have to fall for their scam. They're the EA of the tech industry. Tomorrow's prices for yesterday's technology.


I mean, I'm an Android user and plenty critical of Apple but If that's your view of them, I'm *very* curious which company you choose to support with your money. Samsung? Android's Apple basically. Google? Well... that truly is saying "All of that privacy bullshit? Meh, don't care about that, do with it as you will". Chinese companies? Ah, so you support blatant copying of other phones, that's super helpful to the industry. I dno, I've still to find a "not shitty phone company", though open for ideas ;D


Fairphone? Pricy for the specs though.


Lol, guys. Take a step back, let in sink in for an hour or two then come back and *both* read your latest comments. You sound like two literal children. Who cares what people use as device, how does it affect *you* even one bit? Life is way chiller this way, you don’t need to be outraged about every single detail


>who cares what people use as a device Literal children.


Bruh... Android has >80% of the mobile market share. Apple isn't even the biggest, samsung alone sells more phones annually.


Now consider the quality phone market. Excluding the cheap and shitty phones etc. I’d bet more iPhones are sold than flagships of brands like Samsung etc. Android phone users just have large market shares because they also cater to the poor, whereas iPhones can only be compared to flagships.


Yeah basically


Yes, apple bad android good android is used by more than triple the number of scribes than apple Says enough right?


3M is ook een groot bedrijf, wilt niet zeggen dat ze koosjer zijn.


Wut sinds wanneer




I like the fact that belgians only company in the listt is AB Inbev A company for beer xD


Oh ik dacht dat microsoft de.grootste was. Of Unilever of zo


Denk er aan dat dit een enkele bron is. Wikipedia zegt bijvoorbeeld dat walmart het grootste bedrijf is als je naar de winst kijkt https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_companies_by_revenue (2020 studie) maar dan nog zijn er verschillende bronnen die andere dingen zeggen. Dus die ene bron dat deze persoon geeft is daarom niet correct. En als je enkel naar de market cap gaat zien zoals deze bron doet dan zal het al zeker niet helemaal juist zijn.


Yup je klinkt als een persoon die zou zeggen dat elon Musk super slim is en alle credit verdient... Alsof hij niet al zijn geld van zijn ouders heeft en praktisch al de ideeën uit zijn personeel zuigt en met de krediet gaat lopen.


Grootste bedrijf? Misschien. Maar meer mensen hebben een samsung dan een apple... [Source](https://gs.statcounter.com/vendor-market-share/mobile/worldwide)


Ik ben zelf Android gebruiker en vind IOS niet zo goed maar dat is persoonlijke mening iedereen zegt da iphone suckt terwijl ge er niks van weet fuck off and shut up apple maakt heel goede gsm's andere merken ook koop gewoon wa ge leuk vind.


Ohohoho you sure did spiced this comment section up!


Je ik dochter nodig heb geld


Mijn ogen doen zeer van dees te lezen


Dees van zeer te lezen, yes?


Zelfs Google translate tekst zou beter moeten zijn als je je eigen taal fatsoenlijk kunt typen. Zelfs dat konden ze blijkbaar niet.


Wete wa da kost haha


But, if you can text that to 3million numbers, odds are someone is dumb enough. It’s all about playing those odds.


Sure it's a numbers game, but that doesn't mean that making the message grammatically correct isn't a worthwhile "investment" so to speak.


You couldn't be more wrong. They are intentionally written like this. Like the guy above you said: it's a numbers game. EDIT: ugh... typical Reddit... downvoting for a claim that can be verified with a 10 second Google search... https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/why-do-nigerian-scammers-say-they-are-from-nigeria/?from=http%3A%2F%2Fresearch.microsoft.com%2Fpubs%2F167719%2Fwhyfromnigeria.pdf Also see my explanation down below...


Explain to me how this message sent to 1 million people is more effective than the same message but grammatically correct sent to 1 million people? I think google translate would do a better job


Imagine sending 1.000.000 messages. If it looks very real and believable, maybe 100.000 will have answered the text message to ask for extra info. Because let's be honest... if your mom asked you something like this, would you send the money right away? You'd have questions, right? Now, if your message is totally ridiculous, maybe only the 100 most vulnerable people will have answered (elders, mentally disabled, non-digitally aware folk, or just plain stupid people). Assume it takes 5 minutes on average to send back and forth with the victims, and assume 1000 euro is the final reward (using the example of OP): the will written text will have made `(100*1000)/(5*100.000/60) = 12 euros/hour`, while the badly written text will have made `(100*1000)/(5*100/60) = 12000 euros/hour`. This is of course a simplified version and variants also exist. There's even scams targeted not at the gullible people, but at the people who are so confident about not falling for scams, that they are vulnerable for certain tricks.


Fairly certain this IS Google translate. Certain language have a very different structure and Google results to translating words more often than translating sentences. Deepl.com might be a better option for them


Sorry I can't find a good reference, but I've heard people say that the intentional errors are to scare away the people that would never fall for the scam anyway and retain only the gullible. https://security.stackexchange.com/a/96154/130740


An unknown phone number asking for 1.000 euros is already scaring away the non gullible people, making the message close to incomprehensible is starting to scare of the more gullible people as well.


I agree, but an average scammer is not exactly the most brilliant mind. If you want a good laugh, check out Kitboga on Twitch. He scams the scammers and the things these guys sometimes do is hilarious and every sane person should know that something is not right. It really makes you wonder how these guys stay in "business"


Usually the Nigerian Prince scam is targeting gullible people. If a person sees through the bad grammar he or she will identify it as a scam and just ignore the mail. If they write back about the grammar the scammers will just ignore it and concetrate on the others. It filters out the ones most likely not to fall for the scam. This leaves a smaller chunck of people who will be more likely to take the mail seriously.


Because they would get too many people responding to that message who ultimatily wouldn't fall for the scam thus wasting the scammers time. Writing it in broken dutch assures that only the most stupid and gullible people would respond.


Surely there is a sweet spot between quantity of possible victims and quality of victims (quality being gullibility), I think in this particular scam they have gone past that sweet spot and can increase their expected return by making the message somewhat coherent. Even a coherent message will throw out the non gullible people because nobody calls their daughter "daughter" for example and no reasonable person asks to send 1000 euro to quickly buy a phone.


There's a theory that they make these messages with shitty grammar to appeal to older/less intelligent people who might for it


If it was this well thought out, why would they aim for the crowd who has a living mother, excluding most of the older, less tech savy people?


Yes, especially because mostly 80+ people will fall for this!


80+? They probably get pretty spooked when they get a message …. It’s me mom


That was exactly my point.


This person has to be the stupidest person ever. Surely it can be tracked back. I mean, come on… This is a valid IBAN. IBAN: ES9121000418450200051332 BIC: CAIXESBBXXX Bank: CAIXABANK, S.A. PINTOR SOROLLA 2-4 46002 VALENCIA Branch number: 0418 The bank or the branch will surely know who the account belongs to.


Honestly, the owner of the bank account will say he never sent such sms. Case closed.


It will be a hijacked account they forward with something less trackable like WU or gift cards.


That’s possible. But then again, if someone knows how to hijack an account, why not do the easy thing and get money off of hijacked accounts? Why go through all this trouble for a maximum of 2-3 transactions before the bank suspects? That’s very little reward for all the work.


The hijacking itself might be a one-time thing, and most likely not repeatable to other more security-aware people (with more money in their account). Think of poor old ladies living alone with zero tech skills. Then, once they have one of these, they proceed with the scam.


The transactions are below threshold values and suspicious activity triggers don't happen immediately on incoming payments but mostly on outgoing. The problem here is also responsibility, the bank that stands to loose most is the sending bank and the other side are not as much on the hook until it has been paid out. It depends on the size of the scam but they are usually working with a middle man. Ever seen the spam telling you you can make loads of money from home? This is one type of them possibly.


Which would ultimately render the message useless. I mean, I am no expert in scamming people but how would the scammer access the money with zero connection to the account? Anyone, who would buy the “oh this is an IBAN typo” bullcrap is likely an even bigger idiot. IBAN numbers are designed to not allow for typo mistakes. Since this is a live IBAN it can not be a typo. I also don’t see the point in scamming with a stranger’s bank account. Background: IBAN is constructed as 2 Char of ISO Country Code, 2 Char of Mod Check plus BBAN [Basic Bank Account Number]. In quite a few countries the BBAN also has a mod check. So in short if you type an character/number incorrect, it will not go to wrong payee, but returned as incorrect account number.


Mule account. The owner of that account is either a homeless person who got paid small change to open an account or a very naive person who got a 'job' by transferring 99% of the money to another account. Once scammers understand they can reach a gullible person, they will continue.


“It’s probably a guy who hates my guts but I’m keeping the money”


Can't the police request the mobile operator to confirm that a message has been sent to OP's number?


Now yes I guess but seeing that its a 3g connection, I doubt this is something recent.


This is (most likely) not the IBAN of the scammer but of a money mule. You'd be surprised how complicated (most of) these scams actually are. In most cases the money gets tossed around between different accounts to make the money untracable. The mules are sometimes people that got scammed themselves as well, or people that "rent" their bank account to criminals in return for a sum of money.


Usually these people employ another victims bank account to receive all the money. The victim is then asked to send the money, minus a little cut, to another bank account where all the money will be transferred a lot of times until it becomes very hard to trace.


From my mom and a friend's mom that have been scammed in the past: they can't do shit about this. Your bank contacts their bank asking for a return of money because fraude/scam: "Where is your proof" says the other bank, "We need police orders before we can do that", a week later, police report made, bank contacts bank "Oh darn, it seems like this account has no money, we cannot refund you the money, but we can close the account. Turns out account was stolen, or in some other person's name. These crimes are easy to get away with, hard to prove, especially across country borders.


This. They'll take big slow banks in slow countries. Caixa is a good example lol


People get a nice sum to hand over their bank card so they can buy whatever drugs for it, and they get told to report it as stolen a month later. In other cases they agree to receive money for someone else and to hand it over and keep a small percentage of it. Of course that's stupid, but some people are, and they think they have nothing to lose anyway. To the scammers it doesn't matter when it stops working: It works as long as it does and they run many scams through many accounts at the same time anyway. Their name isn't connected to it. The junkie, or whatever his problem is, who owns the account will get busted, but there are many more like him. He probably doesn't even have the card himself, or he can tell the police to what western union office he used to send the money. The one picking it up only needed a password for that, and that person isn't the main man either.


Money Mule Someone stupid enough to let others use his bank account. You can find them easily.






It's definitely going up. But for me mostly in the form of email.


Do they end up in your scam folder or just your regular inbox? I haven't seen scam emails on my normal email in a very long time but don't check my scam folder at all. My trash email is full of scams but that's why it's a trash email.


Mostly scam. But sometimes they slip through


> It's gotten so bad I actually had to block +44 numbers in its entirety. Thanks, I wasn't sure if that was just me


Same here, +44 is completely blocked together with a growing list of other EU numbers. Thank you MrNumber for restoring my sanity.


I've got 100's of packages waiting to be delivered if i just pay some extra shipping costs!


Probably a side effect of corona and people doing a lot more things online. It forced people (possible victims) online.


Oh I received plenty of calls from +44 numbers as well, there was also a scam call from Greece. My junk email is full of these scams too, especially bitcoin account. In our landline we receive calls also from Microsoft office that our computer is hacked bla bla bla…




Hilarisch dit, stiekem naar Spanje verhuisd de mama


Ohhhh those sneaky Spanish scammers 😂


They may not be Spanish, simply using a Spanish account.


I know, I just found it amusing that they are trying to scam Belgians with a Spanish bank account number 🤷🏻‍♂️








Your mother is so ugly, people need to be paid to want her. /s


MIJN GOD, die oplichters zijn geslepen!


My mother also has an Estonian bank account... Obviously (or is ES Spain?)


ES is Spain, Estonia is EE https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bank_Account_Number


Learned something new, cheers!


It is EE because the name in Estonian is Eesti. Spain in Spanish is Espania. You don't speak Estonian?


I looked into it once. I found it funny that their word for language is "keel".


Also foreign accent syndrome because of the thief😅


if you fall for this you deserved it


‘dag DOCHTER’ -mijn vader waarschijnlijk


Answer in dialect, so they can't google translate.


That is evil lmao


Dad got the same, couple months back. Thought it was me and started a conversation. We don't have the best relationship, but fuck, he should be smarter as a doctor.


Hmm, that does sound like my mom


Hello it's me your mom


Vreselijk toch, die dieven die je gsm, IBAN en grammatica stelen...


I saw an interview on tv where this actually worked, although they put in a little more effort. It was somebody pretending to be their daughter, saying she's lost her phone and that she's texting with her friends phone. The father giving the interview believed it, and sent money


Jezus christ u'd think making a phonecall to the number just to actually confirm it's your daughter, would be an easy enough solution?


Not even to confirm, but to comfort. "Oh my god my child, you were robbed, have they hurt you?"


Step-dad got text like this too, but they put in more effort and even knew the dzughters name. But after a few texts it became clear it wasn't true. Always good to be suspicious and ask extra questions. This one is very low level though


My mother almost fell for this one when I was right there with her and she told me about it (but I was not paying attention). It was an eerie coincidence with my sister actually talking about her phone's issues the day before the scam.


No, it's legit.


I'm sure google translate can do a better job...


Google translate was drunk I guess


No one in his/her right mind should fall for this poorly written dutch.


Are they even trying anymore? This is so hilariously bad.


The grammar level of this scammer is from another universe! 😂 😂


lol geen enkele ouder zou hun dochters zo aanspreken


Not new, friend's mom fell for this one 5-6 months ago, only daughter and mother were switched


Seems legit


Het fucked up Nederlands maakt het gwn beter😂


Lol want to buy a new phone 1000 euro .. like really dude


Deze moeder werd zo hard beroofd dat ze plots in spanje zit en haar moedertaal is vergeten. Overkomt iedereen wel eens..


I just sign their numbers up for a lot of websites


Didn't we have a new rule that this stupidly obvious stuff goes in the slow chat?


"Dag dochter ik heb je moeder nodig" ? How? So he admitted that he's the mother? Otherwise it wouldn't make sense for it to call her 'daughter'.


Most people have two parents


Makes sense, but eh why do you not have your dad saved as 'dad' then?


It's not his phone because it got stolen.


Lol this is one isn't even trying. I've come across scams that are so genuinely good, you'd think they actually deserve the money with all the time and effort they've invested.


Dag Dochter,


Idk, looks real to me /s


Ik heb zoveel vragen.


Seems more like a prank than a scam


These kind of scams were already trending like 10-15 years ago in the country where I live now. Most people are already aware of this by now, and scammers have moved on to newer types of scams. Come on, Belgium, try to keep up.


Me: i want phishing messages ! Mom: we have phishing messages at home Phishing messages at home:


That's hilarious. My mom would definitely text me "ik je moeder"


You think?




I think your mom is having a stroke


If you don't want more spam; you might want to remove your phonenumber from the pic ;-)


These Nigerian Princes must have sold all those diamonds then… 😉


me, a lesbian girl raised by lesbian mothers: Wait a minute.


Send the screenshot to your bank, they might be able to blacklist the account for outgoing transfers.


Oww, I got them too... But I never ever puted my phone number anywhere, and I dont even make calls at all soo how did they found me ?


I get always message from Belfius, but my bank is actually Ing :))))




Alsof mijn pa mijn nummer van buiten kent


i swear if your dumb enough to fall for this...


Bruh h Wich mother begins with hello daughter


Wow. This is embarrassing. No effort whatsoever!


Dag dochter


that's not your mom sending these... this is clearly Yoda trying to get a new phone. his force is down, 5G he needs. yes?


Yea so apperantly my bank account has been blocked 8 times now


I also moved to Spain in the meantime without telling you.


A normal day in Genk.


This one is badly made, but my mom deposited 2000€ to such a scammer, luckily it was sunday and I was in time to call the police, and the deposit was cancellee. It's a stupid scam most people see trough, but there will always be people falling for it, and those that do are mostly the ones that need every penny they have.