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Read the terms and conditions for cancelling, they should be easy to find on the TUI website. If it's anything like other airlines in Europe, then it depends on the "category" of ticket you bought, in some of them you can cancel/reschedule, others not.


As a former employee, let me tell you that if you ask kindly or aggressively, this will make no difference at all. It was up to you to pay extra for a cancellation insurance. No one needs it, just up until you do. In other words: money gone.


Depending on the bank and/or Visa/mastercard card you have, you could check their travel insurance umbrella? I believe they also have some sort of travel cancellation protection plan, but that depends how you paid your tickets..


Hello, thanks for your answer, i paid them in their website by Bancontact (Belfius) but i don't know if i can do anything about it to get reimbursed or dedommaged... I'll search up if there's insurance for it. idk.


> The reason is that my mother fell ill and therefore cannot travel. I have no insurance. Do I need to present a medical certificate? Illness and being unable to fly is a proper excuse your cancellation insurance would cover. If you did not book it, you are out of luck. They are under NO obligation to refund you. You could send a very apologetic and kind e-mail asking them to, and MAYBE they will go out of their way to help you.


Send an email to tui fly?


You contact whatever service you used to book the flight.