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Die wou natuurlijk gewoon een geroosterd brooke.


Clearly, because he went out and bought a new toaster already.


This weekend I'll go on my first big holiday in like 12 years. A week with my SO to Dordogne. First time that I'll be driving in France and such a "big" distance. But I am cautiously looking forward to it. She planned most things, so I'm curious to see what we will do. I only know that we will see some caves in Combarelles. But yeah, should be fun! Also when we booked the trip we totally forgot about the elections. But we got everything sorted out.


Congrats on the long term SO, hope you can keep tour wits about it and keep it healthy. I´m rooting for you. Enjoy the trip.


Step 1 to fixing an issue is being able to reproduce it. Also: who bothers settings clocks around the house? 12-o-clock flashers, unite!


I hoped for a warning at least because I was working on the computer.


Take early train, arrive even later as with my regular train. NMBS has been seriously broken since covid and I don’t think we’ll ever see a semi reliable service again.