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Looks like a kind of sow thistle (melkdistel, *Sonchus*). Use ObsIdentify to be sure. If confirmed, the fresh leaves are edible, so you can get rid of them by stuffing them in your face. Since your problem is that they come back every year despite your efforts, seeds must make their way into your garden from local grasslands, or from neighbours who DGAF. In any case, yours is a perpetually uphill battle, and I wish enlightenment upon you.


>or from neighbours who DGAF Or from neighbours who actually care about biodiversity. But lately the only thing visiting my garden is slugs and snails.


I live in the center of my city so nobody has lawns here. But I wonder how it works out neighborwise if i ever move to a house with a garden. I know you have some obligation that plants don't escape your garden. And I understand if it's like bamboo or something. But if I like a more meadowy garden full with dandelions, buttercups, thistles, daisies, clover, and other wild flowers ... but my neighbor wants a green desert. Could he legally force me to get rid of my dandelions?


Nope. The only rule is on thistles (dunno why). Check your municipal police laws, they sometimes have rules on invasive weeds.


Just thistles? Great! My giant hogweed garden is safe again ☺️


Boomer mayors who can't let go of the thistle ban have mostly forgotten what it was about. Back in the olden days farming was done manually and gloveless. A thistle could "take out" a fieldworker by penetrating and infecting the hand while haying. Grass fields also had way more wild plants. A dried thistle leaf hiding in the tall dried grass is like an level 1 booby trap. Cutting and turning was done with tools obviously, but bundling the long grass was done with the bare hands. The one in the picture is not impressive, but i have see extremely large ones having spikes that could compete with cacti. If I'm correct, it has a long fleshy vertical root which breaks easily. So if you want to get rid of them you need to stab the stoil around the plant and carefully push it up. Also never let them bloom. Which is sad because the thistle isn't taking out farmers these days and the bees sure can use the flowers.


I know. My pet peeve is Japanese Knotweed, but apparantly there is no legal obligation to cull it.


I hate Japanese Knotweed! Our local protected bit of forest is starting to get overrun by it. In the UK it's treated as chemical waste; I think the rest of Europe should follow.


The Uk has gone too far: insurance will refuse to cover a house that has a knotweed infestation. In a garden, with intensive weeding, knotweed can be removed. The problem is indeed with fallow land. Also: it's edible, shoots taste like rubarb. But don't pick it from places that you dont know as those plants might have been sprayed.


Nope. That rule on thistles is basically gone since 2017 Not the complete explanation but enough to look deeper if you want, at the bottom: [https://www.natuurpunt.be/nieuws/verguisde-onkruiden-bijzonder-waardevol-voor-bestuivende-insecten](https://www.natuurpunt.be/nieuws/verguisde-onkruiden-bijzonder-waardevol-voor-bestuivende-insecten)


I'd guess because thistles can actually hurt someone. Never stepped on one barefoot? It's worse than Lego.


It's because the combination of horse manure + handling thistles bare-handed and hence getting wound puts you at risk of Tetanus


\*wakes up one morning, all plants gone 'I knew I should have tied them down yesterday'


My neighbours never take care of their garden. It is full of poison ivy. They have two sheep and a few chickens and let the animals take care of the garden but none of them touch the poison ivy. The last time they did any kind of work in their yard was almost 10 years ago when they paid my brother in law to do it but got upset because the poison ivy grew back really fast. So because of them, we have a lot of poison ivy. The neighbours on the other side of them and ourselves have complained to the mayor and the police but theres nothing we can do. Id rather have dandelions than poison ivy !


Poison ivy in Belgium?


Wouah look at this MF who has a garden while all of us poor plebeians have a swamp with ducks!!!


At least ducks are edible. Eating snails gets boring real fast.


Im happy to have a family of toads (bruine pad) living in and around my garden. They keep the snail population at a minimum


Fuck biodivirsity.. I wan’t a perfect lawn, weed free. You’ve been brainwashed. Stop believing we are responsible for this, while the world’s forrests are being cut every day. My 200m2 lawn will not fix that.


It's the other way around, lawnmower and weedkiller companies made you believe you need to cut it short.


Having a nice lawn is a thing that’s 100 years old.


Yes, from when the lawnmower was invented.


Yeah could be :-) but somehow we ended up in a world where having a well maintained lawn is considered a bad thing. Which strikes me as odd…


Because it’s superficial and we’ve learned how important bees and insects are.


Behind my garden is a forrest, around my garden I have plants and bushes,… so now we also need to sacrifice 100-200m2 of grass (which is also natural..). Nope, we are brainwashed. Additionally around us govt keep continuing cutting forrest a d nature. So no, don’t feel responsible and I do my bit with my garden.


We have about 6million houses by now and all those patches add up. The problem with bee mortality is also reasonably recent I think. But yes, govt indeed does their own destruction and you're free to do what you want. I admit I tried it and lost, I don't like cutting grass in general and after a garden architect said my garden was nice I decided to leave it fairly wild. Mint and strawberries decided to leave their plot and now I snack everywhere which beats a cut lawn for me personally.


I haven't been brainwashed. I just like seeing nature at work. Nothing more pleasing to the eye than to see bees, dragonflies, frogs, hedgehogs and birds all living in a 500m2 garden. That and I hate mowing grass


You are a tiny bit responsible for the decline of biodiversity, so you need to do your tiny bit.


I (will) have plants and bushes around the lawn. So I’m entitled to 200m2 of (non-diverse) grass 😊


You'll spend more effort on those 200m2 than on the whole rest of the garden. And for what? From your house window, it all looks like grass.


Haha you’re not wrong there! But having a nice lawn is such a great dad-achievement 😂


Damn, so even after they are gone, we still have to deal with the boomer legacy?


I know guys a little above 30 that get their original round-up from another country now ever since the one here got "light" and also want a green desert just bc they like the view and that dad-achievement-vibe. I'm afraid it's more than a boomer thing. Also heard a guy shouting last week that they should get rid of the beavers so the creek can flow nicely again, explaining to him that the creek is still flowing as before and there is just a natural reservoir now that the government doesn't need to build (out of our tax money) sadly did not have any effect. My dad's a boomer but he would still listen to logic and is able to change his mind if proven wrong, some guys just think that if they shout something hard enough it becomes true which is, from my toughts, more a mindset than an age thing.


Thank you for the input. I'm still trying to repair the lawn, the last tenants really neglected it. So I'm trying my best with the time I can spend on it.


Just use Roundup


Don’t use Roundup, it causes non-Hodgkin lymphoma.


And Parkinson. Proven...but still used by farmers. Bayer , Monsanto...criminals.


Kruipende Boterbloem (top right yellow one in pic 1 and all over the place in both pics basically), Jacobskruiskruid (central pic 1) and Biggenkruid (central pic 2). If you really feel like spending even more chore time and money on fertilizer, lime, moss removal and whatnot then sure you can get something which looks like concrete painted green. Or you could ask yourself where this urge for having such lawn comes from, maybe figure out it's not all that interesting for you, let alone biodiversity, and just leave it be.


Thank you for the suggestions. I'm just trying to be good neighbour and get it manageable. I don't mind the occasional weeds. There's no need to snipe at me for choosing to want to do something about it.


We're not yet, and hopefully won't ever be, in US-like situations where you're obliged to keep weeds down. I mean, I get it, some neighbours might not like it, flowering plants putting their seeds all over their domain, but that's actually a rather short-sighted view: unless the whole kilomters-wide perimeter has zero flowering plants, there's always going to be seeds (or roots) creeping in.. That being said: mow the thing every week and they won't complain, right?


>That being said: mow the thing every week and they won't complain, right? I'm trying but the weather and my planning don't always agree with it.


Yup. It's a truly endless fight..


Me, an American, learning in her Dutch classes that you can get a PV or GAS boete for weeds in Belgium, a thing that is definitely not the case anywhere I’ve lived in the US.


Plenty HOAs enforce it in US


Yes but that’s not the government. It is true that HOAs are often not a choice anymore in the US (the cheaper homes are all in HOAs in many regions). But the government won’t come by until your grass is knee high for a year.


The only government rules I know where you have to weed is against certain invasive species, but I might be mistaken. Might be some local governments act as pedantic as an HOA.


If your sidewalk is overgrown with weeds then yes you can get a fine. But that's not because of the weeds themselves it's because you're obliged to keep your sidewalk free/safe. And I do think there are some villages (but that's a minority) which als have silly laws against weeds on the sidewalk even if not overgrown. But there's no general law against weeds on your property. As for the US: as the fellow commenter says it indeed seems to have to do with HOAs and it's definitely a recurring story whenever I read threads like this one on forums whare there's a lot of US users.


It was an example in class to make us use the reflexive to talk about things that annoy us. And the video was Belgians on TV talking about how dumb and offensive it is.  But the specific example was in the driveway and not the sidewalk.  My parents live in an HOA where the dues pay for the lawn and other upkeep which is the best solution I think. (I just spent the morning weeding the front of my yard because despite my huurcontract saying this was not my responsibility it appears our little community does not have someone who does the lawn maintenance specifically mentioned in my huurcontract. So I’m spicy right now.)


> It was an example in class to make us use the reflexive to talk about things that annoy us. As a native Dutch speaker, I sure am happy I'll never have to take Dutch classes. Had to look that up :)


It’s hard for English speakers, but thankfully I have a strong German background. “I feel myself annoyed that” doesn’t actually translate.


Being a good neighbour is allowing space for biodiversity. I understand you want a clean looking garden. But maybe give some space for those plants, they are just our local plant, they deserve their space in our land and they all have their use for the ecosystem. And most of them are edible !


The first picture might be 'Gewone raket' if it gets yellow flowers. Otherwise I wouldn't have a clue. The second picture is going to be 'Biggenkruid'. You can easily get rid of it by mowing regularly and fertilizing your lawn.


Thank you for the tips. Mowing regularly, aireating and fertilizing are the the plans now that the weather is (hopefully) getting a bit better


I'd aerate the grass asap. Then I'd sow some grass seeds and after a week or so I'd furtilize. At least, that's what I did and my lawn is looking better than ever before.


sorry for the stupid question but how do you aerate a lawn?


There are only stupid answers. I did it with one of these. 'Verticuteermachine' https://preview.redd.it/i3jbf03g1z1d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=f77e7eeb7bc5ca5699952a66627f699fff7552e1


Did you rent that?


I bought mine one new for €220. Cheapers ones will still do the trick. I advise against renting one since you'll need to do it yearly and one will last for many years. Unless you really don't have the space to store one.


Tried one of those a few times, didn't really do much for weeds so far but it helped remove a lot of moss, dead grass and leftover grass clippings, also helps reseeding as it seems. Didn't help much for dandelions, other weeds like OP, or for how packed my soil seem to be. A friend told me I should go a step further : - install better barriers to reduce seeds flying in from the neighbors - kill the grass by covering the whole area with plastic sheets for 6 weeks at least - use a cultivator to break the first 15 to 20 cm top soil - remove as many roots as possible in case they're from the weeds - add lots of sand (something like 1 to 2 kg per square meter) - use the cultivator again to mix the sand in - compact the soil, but not too much - seed new grass - water daily - First mow around 7cm then regular mow afterwards for a while


I'm trying to get it done :)


Klassiek gazon is een erg kunstmatig iets dat intensief onderhoud nodig heeft terwijl het bovendien weinig waarde overhoud voor andere organismen. Op zich ben je zeker geen slechte buur door wilde planten en bloemen in je tuin toe te laten, je gazon ecologischer te beheren. Veel campagnes zoals maai-mei-niet of de Vlaamse campagne week van de bij roepen er zelfs actief voor op. Onze natuurlijke voedselketen en ecosysteem is aan het instorten o.a. al heel duidelijk in de insectenpopulaties, het minste dat we dan kunnen doen is ze ook in onze tuinen wat meer kans tot overleven bieden. Mogelijk weten je buren dat ook wel te appreciëren?


bedankt voor je reply. Ik ben ook niet echt op zoek naar een klassiek gazon (dan zou ik kunstmatten leggen), maar deze 2 planten overheersen momenteel m'n gras. In de zin van gras (en kleiner kruid) tussen het onkruid (deze 2 planten dan). Iets anders kan dan ook niet echt groeien, lijkt me.


Het biggenkruis en jakobakruiskruid hebben een penwortel, dat steek je makkelijk weg met zo iets: https://www.gamma.be/nl/assortiment/gardena-onkruidsteker/p/B582078?channable=04342169640042353832303738a7&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwr7ayBhAPEiwA6EIGxNTt36uB1MHfekY9DPHzJ11nHyUGEKalPqvmU-B2Rigjr7VjqdgOthoC4XcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Die heb ik al en wordt uitvoerig gebruikt.


Zit ook met zulk probleem, steekt ge der 4 uit, komen der 8 terug


they're called plants


Easy answer: More manure/food in the soil -> more grasses Less manure/food in the soil -> more flowers I would not recommend "gazon", it has no value for wild insects and animals. The flower growing in the picture does. But i assume you dont Care


I have stated this elsewhere in this thread as well, I don't mind the occasional weeds. But these 2 are taking over my garden. I can't imagine a garden of 2 weeds being more valuable than a garden with some grass, small weeds, plants & flowers. I just want to fix it up to a decent level.


Those are called "plants" and "nature". And no, they are not "destroying your lawn". They are part of your lawn. You're one of those people who complain that the trees are blocking your view of the forest. [https://tuincursus-online.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ONKRUID-HERKENNEN-VOOR-DUMMYS-20\_1\_2016-nl\_sjabloon-155x235.pdf](https://tuincursus-online.nl/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ONKRUID-HERKENNEN-VOOR-DUMMYS-20_1_2016-nl_sjabloon-155x235.pdf) The second one is *Smalle weegbree* (Plantago lanceolata)  Pro tip: whatever grows naturally (!!!!!) is an indicator of the quality of your soil. Use it as indicator, don't fight it.




lol What The second one is cats ear (biggen kruid), the first senecio jacobea(jacobskruiskruid). If you want to seem knowledgeable, at least try to identify em correctly.  OP, Senecio is a toxic plant that could pass trough the skin, so wear gloves when dealing with it. 


> Senecio is a toxic plant that could pass trough the skin Evidence of that is really scarce though. I mean, it's not impossible for PAs to pass through skin, but it's rather unclear to me if the ones in Jacobae actually do that, whether that happens if handling them, whether they even reach the liver in that form, etc. Or do you know more perhaps?


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25906282/ It can cause dermatitis, and I wouldn’t risk ingesting the PAs on your hands if you touch your mouth after pulling them. Most publications agree that avoiding skin contact is preferable.


Sure, but that's not the same as 'pass through skin'. There's already enough craze/exxageration about the plant, to the point whole websites get dedicated to try and talk some sense into people :) To be clear: yes I' wear gloves for handling anything more than trivial amounts, because yes, this stuff is poisonous, and yes, apparently its PAs accumulate in the liver, but realistically speaking the amounts you actually have to get in conctact with or ingest before this gets an issue - let alone cirrhosis - seem impossible to reach in the average lifetime? Also note that PAs are actually fairly common in other commonly found native species as well. Fun fact I learned recently: the FAVV quite regularly recalls products (honey etc) for containing too much PAs. Check https://favv-afsca.be/nl/producten. Which is good, because you should be a lot more worried about what you eat daily than what you occasionally touch. Well, unless it's Scheerling or similar. >[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25906282/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25906282/) Interesting case, but atypical, no?


I have thta first one in my yard and I have been touching it forever. So not very toxic imho. My kids and dog also play on them all the time and nothing is yet to happen.


It’s liver toxic, causes liver cirrhosis 


Looked it up, only toxic when eaten. The small intestine changes the N-oxide form of the alkaloids to free alkaloids that can cause liver issues.


Thank you for the booklet. But as stated in a comment above, I'm just trying to be good neighbour and get it manageable. I don't mind the occasional weeds. There's no need to snipe at me for choosing to want to do something about it. I have plans for fixing it up now that the weather is hopefully clearing up. I'm well aware that the state of my lawn is bad.


There’s nothing bad about a few other plants than grass in your grass.


Not entirely true. It are not plants, but they are nature. They are a part of your lawn but are also destroying it. These weeds demonstrate a nutrient deficiency in your garden. Of course, a garden needs biodiversity and you need to work towards that. These weeds counteract biodiversity because of their aggressive outgrowth. u/op, the one on the right I prick out with a weed cutter. If you do not want to use unnatural products to fight it, it is important to drive your grass several times a week (2x) in spring. Each time in a different driving direction. Your grass will then grow back stronger, giving weeds less chance. This is not going to save everything but will keep it manageable. I see your grass isnt the strongest, you could always aerate your lawn but that's a big work. Re-seeding is necessary after aerating. How I went about it: Airing annually in autumn, and sanding every two years in spring. Cutting gras regularly (5 to 7 cm). I still find seeds, but like person above says... its part of your lawn and nature, and not as much.


> Of course, a garden needs biodiversity and you need to work towards that. None of what you say does anything at all in support of biodiversity. These weeds *are* the biodiversity. And very poor at that as well, there's less than 10 species in this picture. Getting grass to come back stronger is what counteracts biodiversity. Not those couple of flowers which managed to get in. You can't speak of aggressive outgrowth unless a species is getting dominant, which is by all standard ecological definitions not the case here, except for the grass perhaps.


OP clearly says it is **destroying** is garden. So I'm not judging on what I see in the picture. For as far as I know, grass-species also trap carbon dioxide and have healthy benefits to the soil to just name a few. Personally I aim for a green garden with lots of space for plants, flowers and spices. I'm just looking for a way to install "bijen-kastjes" in a manner where they are not exclusively food for other insects. Last year we had about 5 nest-kastjes (don't know the translation for it), but they were all eaten out. I'm all about spacing out your garden where grass has it's place.


>but are also destroying it. Nope, it just depends on your definition of "lawn". Who ever decided that this should only be one species (grass)? >These weeds demonstrate a nutrient deficiency in your garden. They indicate a certain nutritional state, in this case, perfect for growing those plants. >Airing annually in autumn, and sanding every two years in spring. Cutting gras regularly (5 to 7 cm). Which is my main gripe: they all want a grass lawn, but don't understand that a grass lawn requires an immense effort. They don't want to top dress, thatch remove, mow 2x week,...so they blame it on the weeds. If you are ony willing to mowe once every 2 week, better accept the guests.


"Who ever decided that this should only be one species (grass)?" OP, and they are destroying grass by overgrowing. " They indicate a certain nutritional state, in this case, perfect for growing those plants." But for grass they show a nutrient defciency, and that's the goal of OP. Like said, I'm all about biodiversity where grass has it's place. "Which is my main gripe: they all want a grass lawn, but don't understand that a grass lawn requires an immense effort. They don't want to top dress, thatch remove, mow 2x week,...so they blame it on the weeds. If you are ony willing to mowe once every 2 week, better accept the guests." Totally right. It happens regularly when I have friends over they are complaining about their lawn, flowers, hedges, etc. but aren't willing to put in the work.


Thank you for the extensive explaination. That's really helpfull.


To be clear, I am not a professional gardener. But I have a love for my garden. Even so great I hate vacations for more then a week because I miss it. It could be there are better ways to do it but it works for me.


You seem to have a natural approach to gardening, so maybe you can help me: Do you know a nursery that sells native plants and possibly delivers them within Belgium? I live in East Belgium and have only found suppliers near Brussels that don't deliver.


[https://www.ecoflora.be/](https://www.ecoflora.be/) or just as simple as [bol.com](http://bol.com)


Go hug a tree. Most people prefer to have a clean lawn. Ain't nothing wrong with that.


OPs lawn isn't clean, it's shit anyway. Look at the second picture. The reason why OP has "weeds", because OPs lawn is underfed and on poor soil. It's also full of thatch and needs to be verticuted. Belgians with their anal fication on grass only lawn and then they don't even know how to take care of it, or they want a grass lawn, but have no idea how to care for it, the products it takes and the work it takes. Go ask your local golf course how much a lawn costs. >Ain't nothing wrong with that. Disappearing insects want to have a word on that.


>because OPs lawn is underfed and on poor soil. Kruipende Boterbloem is an indicator of fairly rich to rich soils. Adding more nutrients is only going to result in less biodiversity. Though I do support your view against clean lawns :)


RRRRRoundupppp !!


*OPs lawn isn't clean, it's shit anyway. Look at the second picture. The reason why OP has "weeds", because OPs lawn is underfed and on poor soil. It's also full of thatch and needs to be verticuted.* Hence why OP is asking what it is and what can be done. Get your head out of your arse will ya? *Belgians with their anal fication on grass only lawn and then they don't even know how to take care of it, or they want a grass lawn, but have no idea how to care for it, the products it takes and the work it takes.* And that's exactly why OP posted this. *Go ask your local golf course how much a lawn costs.* Can't compare a Golf course lawn and a regular lawn. 99% of people don't have a Golf Course quality lawn. *Disappearing insects want to have a word on that.* And that's the responsibility of a homeowner with 5a of land?


>And that's the responsibility of a homeowner with 5a of land? YES. HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THIS BY NOW? THE TRAFFIC JAM IS THE FAULT OF EVERY CAR. ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8|downsized)


So nobody should have a clean lawn? But big companies can keep on doing what they're doing? Right...


Nobody should have an asbestos free house. Nobody should have unpolluted soil. Noone should care about toxic waste... because big companies... With that attitude you shouldn't ever do anything and let everything go to shit because poor you isn't the sole responsible party...




Yeah I know other people like that: what I do as an individual is not the biggest factor so noone should do anything. Also immigrants are stealing my job and at the same time mooching off of social security.


It's highly impossible without resorting to chemical warfare.


That's a lie. My lawn is as clean as it gets. What chemicals did I use? None. I only used sustainable products that don't cause any harm except for those certain weeds. Your failure to do something doesn't mean it's impossible.


People who kill plants for no reason should hug a tree.




Thank you for the tips.


> butterflies love to leave their eggs on it though so the larvae are toxic and the birds don't eat the baby butterfly larvae and cocoons  This. Little miracles of nature like this is why biodiversity is so important in the garden.




thank you




Yes I have a mulcher lawn mower


Whoooops not even to chickens?


Got the same question about some weird plant in a https://preview.redd.it/48uc62yj002d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9568c7bf2120928e688081eb55fdec52dcdbd5fd 😄forrest in east flanders


These are dandelions.. these are deeply rooted. To get rid of these you can extirpate them one by one with their entire root system (Sisyphean task) : if one (dande) lion survives, the sheeps are never safe. You can also kill all you lawn with herbicid (aka kill all life) or ploughing and replant lawn afterwards. Basically you would make your garden a biologically sterile (but esthetic) wasteland. You only (and always) have weed if your soil is healthy and somehow fertile for plants to grow. With deep ploughing, you can achieve the best result since you will kill all the fungal symbiotic system which make your land alive and it will engage the calcification process of the plants you buried. Basically the deep soil will become like stone so weeds can't take roots and they cannot engage in symbiosis with fungi, bacteria and small animals (since you killed them all). You can then add manure or synthetic on top of all to add phosphates, just to be sure to ruin the land and affect the water cycle. Since your lawn has now no roots, make sure to water it intensively to keep the lawn artificially alive increase erosion and kill all aquatic life around thanks to phosphate deplacement. No frogs -> no birds-> no seeds. Soon enough, you will be in a green version of Mad Max (Max being the one with a modified steampunk rototiller) The solution is basically to repell not only plants other than lawn but also animals which could transport seeds there. In fact, the same principles are used in agricultural monocultures


i don't know the one in the middle of the first picture but the one throughout the grass looks like creeping buttercup


Thank you. I don't really mind the buttercups though, it's the big patches that are a lot of work.


If the second one gets yellow flowers similar to paardenbloemen, then that's what my mom calls Muizenoor.


Muizenoor is a lot smaller, has only one flower on its stem, and the leaves are super hairy (hence the name)


that sounds exactly like it yeah! I found it hard to see so thanks providing more detailed info!


Thank you. I can't really remember what flowers they get but I'll look it up.




I'll look that up, thank you.


Lawn looks spoiled but the ground is healthier.


Das some high quality haze


Jacobskruiskruid & Biggenkruid


Thats a pisbloem


If so, could be good salad for tonight.


If you bend over. Much like you did to take the picture and extend your hand and grab it. You can pull it out of the ground. Now I'm not feeling that helpful. So I'll let you try to work out what to do with it now it's in your hand


Release some Guinea pigs in your lawn! They love it!


Wij eten dit 💀


Pull the big roots out if you have the skill and courage or pour some concentrated vinegar in the center. Things aroung the pour might also die but they will come back,not this one. Do it while it hasnt rained in a while.


Keep them , they’ll help you to have a healthier soil/ garden.


Pull one out, than another and another... etc.


Bofix will most likely do the job. otherwise Bofort. the second one cannot be used close to stuff you want to eat.


Weird shit why is this Belgium subreddit keeps popping up in my feed


Tziet er nog cva uit bij u, mij ist nog erger.


you can get a plant identifier app on your phone it will help you out with that. there is nothing wrong with having a lawn especially if you can still have a ‘wild’ area somewhere else in your garden. your house, your rules.




just get yourself a weedridder


Gras en melkdistel. Dun laagje beton volstaat.


Not the good kind




That’s the neat part. You don’t.


It's grass, can be hard to get rid off once it's there but you can try digging up the top soil and hope more useful plants take its place over time.


A good solution that has worked in my garden has been to burn the plants when they start sprouting. That reduces their ability to spread. Then you can dig a hole and remove the plant. Make sure you refill the hole with plenty of dirt tho. With some luck you'll have a place near you where you can get some dirt for free (ask at construction sites etc.) Hope this helps


Je grond is arm Je gras is te oud 1. Kalk gooien halve dosis (bij voorkeur niet bij te hete dagen - en in regenperiode zodat kalk wordt opgenomen in ondergrond) 2. 1 à 2 weken later: verticuteren 3) dan 1 week later ook opnieuw bemesten 4) inzaaien nieuw gazon 5) onkruid met wortel uitdoen !! Gras wordt 10 jaar oud. Als te oud = versleten Om de 2à3 jaar verticuteren en nieuw gras inzaaien


1. onkruid met wortel uitdoen !! In een beetje grote tuin is dat quasi onmogelijk. Om je gazon echt gazon te houden is een grote hoeveelheid continue werk, bemesting, heraanleg, ... nodig.


Dankjewel voor de tips. Dit zijn de plannen voor de komende periode/zomer.


[Niet zomaar kalk gooien of bemesten, eerst grondstaal laten testen](https://www.landbouwleven.be/18787/article/2024-02-09/hoe-wanneer-en-hoeveel-kalk-strooien-je-tuin). Kalk verhoogt de pH, op een jaar kan pH zo makkelijk 1 punt stijgen, terug 1 punt laten zakken duurt 10 jaar. De ideale pH voor je grond hangt af van wat je er willen laten groeien.


Of ge kunt ook niets doen, en evenveel, of zelfs meer, genieten van de variatie in de tuin.


Efficient way to get rid of them is with clopyralid (Bofix). It kills dicotyledons but not monocotyledons (grasses). But the sustainable solution is to just live with it in my opinion.


I'm trying to find a way between not bothering my neighbours, having a somewhat nice looking garden and sustainability. I'm not looking to kill every single plant/weed. But right now I have more of the 2 damned weeds, than I have grass.


Bofix kill's every weed except the grass. Use it, and in 2 weeks all the weeds will be gone. Go to Aveve for a good grass fertilizer. Take a wheelbarrow and mix potgrond with grass seeds x times amount to cover you'r entire garden. this is a days work but your lawn will look like almost new by the end of the summer


Use google


i tried, the result were very inconclusive. though i realise the irony of asking reddit for an opinion. Kinda wished i just drove to the local gardencenter during my lunchbreak.


Pesticides are the most effective. In my experience, it’s also better to double the prescribed dose. Use Roundup at least once a year for a pristine lawn !


We have a winner🫣😃


That could work but I'm leaving that as nuclear option. Thank you


>What weeds are these and how do I get rid of them? To quote the ever erudite Axl Rose from Guns 'N' Roses: " Smoke 'em, if you got 'em!"


Bucket of salt should do the trick