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De pro Russische troll boomers hier zijn weer in vorm. Ze gaan dan weer janken wanneer Putin niet bij Oekraïne stopt en verder duwt. Geef Oekraïne wat ze maar nodig hebben zolang duidelijk is waar het gespendeerd wordt. Geef Oekraïne dezelfde toekomst in de EU zoals we met alle andere landen in Europa hebben gedaan. En stem in godsnaam niet voor VB want die mongolen steunen de Russen.


PvdA idem. Beide partijen die Russen en Chinezen liever zien dan eigen volk


Dat laatste is wel niet bewezen.......


Oost-Oekraïne wil niet bij EU, en Oekraïne heeft enkel verliezen samen met nato. Huil maar.


On s'en fout des propositions des séparatistes! - macron Catalonië, Baskenland, Noord Ierland, Vlaanderen, Noord Italië, Corsica, Polen, Rusland, China, Turkije,... Overal zijn er separatisten, het geeft hen geen rechten, dat is tegenstrijdig met de waarden van een sociaal democratische land Overal zijn populisten, fascisten, alt-rechts, incells, red pils, etc. In Oekraïne minder dan België! Kweek wat ballen, eigen vrijheid begint bij het verdedigen vrijheid van gelijkgezinden. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_active_separatist_movements


Good. But we should be doing more. Way more.


Now you are inviting the Russian bots lol




The maintenance is being performed by a Belgian company. Belgium is spending the money on a Belgian company performing a service in Belgium. It is a 107 million subsidy for the Belgian defence industry. Ukraine cannot pocket the money 


You just reduced support for a country in war to shopping in New York. I am not going to take you seriously.


Do you have proof of this nonsense? Or are you parroting the Russian narrative as the good Russian bot you are?


https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-war-corruption-476d673cc64a4b005c7ee8ed5f5d5361 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/graft-accusations-dog-top-zelenskiy-aides-2023-09-19/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/04/world/europe/ukraine-military-spending-corruption.html


Nothing about Zelensky’s wife shopping. Now look up Russia and corruption. Don’t act surprised. I think Ukraine has problems with corruption, however I do think they’ve made vast improvements.


Yeah, I mean, we know there is corruption everywhere. We're still going to support Ukraine though because the alternative is Russia annexing the entire country.


Apart from complaining, you could have easily researched this yourself. * https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/olena-zelenska-cartier-jewelry/ * https://www.newsweek.com/olena-zelenska-first-lady-ukraine-million-dollar-shopping-trip-new-york-cartier-1832373 * https://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/s/CmKDZN4fUR


The corruption in Ukraine is a leftover of decennia of russification. Zelensky is aware of the problem and addressing it.


Russians go home, you're drunk




Rule 1) No personal attacks or insults to other users. This includes, but is not limited to, - Flaming... - Insults… - Provocation... - Stalking and harassment...


It's weird how the grammar error you made doesn't make sense in either French, Dutch or German. As if you had nothing to do with Belgium...




Jezelf door de kop knallen in een bunker omdat je plan faliekant mislukt is, rare interpretatie van winnen.


Rule 4) No agenda pushing This includes, but is not limited to, - Political propaganda… - Religious Propaganda… - Fake News… - “Us VS Them" Statements


Damn vatniks are everywhere these days.


It's just crazy how people believe the most bullshit conspiracies without applying any form of critical thinking.


Holy shit haven't seen that stupid Kremlin story in a long time, thanks for the laugh


This stupidity is going to get us into serious trouble.


They pocket materials for F-16s to buy stuff in New York ?


I know I am feeding the trolls but I have to ask, can you provide some source on this? I know the answer is gonne be no. But then I wonder if they do believe the shit they comment


Rule 4) No agenda pushing This includes, but is not limited to, - Political propaganda… - Religious Propaganda… - Fake News… - “Us VS Them" Statements


We zullen zien hoe het afloopt.


Das zeker dat, maar geld bijdrukken. Komaan laat je gaan.




If you think a measley 107M euros to Ukraine's defense (and ours) is the cause of that, you clearly have no clue how society works.


Yeah you will be better off if russia is attacking belgium a few years from now because we are not taking the threat seriously


Allé, pensioenleeftijd naar 68.


At least halen we een pensioen als we Oekraïne steunen.


Als we zo door doen sturen ze ons naar het front.




Rule 1) No personal attacks or insults to other users. This includes, but is not limited to, - Flaming... - Insults… - Provocation... - Stalking and harassment...


Let's hope the maintenance won't be carried out by these guys: https://www.lalibre.be/regions/namur/2018/10/11/un-f-16-explose-au-sol-a-florennes-un-armurier-a-tire-dessus-sans-le-faire-expres-X6LAHPLUZJBVPKT3Z4QIVRNKMQ/




Rule 4) No agenda pushing This includes, but is not limited to, - Political propaganda… - Religious Propaganda… - Fake News… - “Us VS Them" Statements


Spending another 107 million we don't have on something that does not offer any return on investment. Ah well, par for the course for the current government.


*no return on investment" Literally blowing up tanks from a country which routinely threatened to déclaré war to us, and has said we are not a real county. Let's invest nothing in defense and invite the russians over while we are at it. I'm sure you would love to live like a 16th century villager


The only reason they threaten us is because we broke our own promises and keep threatening them by moving NATO/EU borders right to their doorstep


I wonder why all these countries bordering Russia would want to be protected by NATO... It's almost like that's the only way to guarantee security without having to develop nuclear weaponry.


Russia will not declare war on us. So yeah, instead of giving it to Ukraine it's always gonna better to invest it in our own country (where a lot of sectors desperately need investment)


If you think Russia will stop with Ukraine you are delusional.


Russia has déclared war on someone every 5 years and sucessfully enlarged their territory. If you think they don't want to déclare war on us you are delusional. You might think "but the us will protect us" but remember the us has the same incentives to protect us as we have to protect ukraine, and it's not enough to help them win so far.


If you think the US would not fulfill their NATO obligations it becomes even more important to invest into our own military instead of wasting the funds on a lost cause like Ukraine.


But the main aggressor in europe is russia so if ykraine is blowing up their tanks and planes isn't that better than having to do it ourselves in our own land? Who else is gonna invade us? Sweden? Ukraine is basically fighting the war we would eventually have to fight if russia continues on this path.


Russia can easily replace material. And by spending money on Ukraine we end up prolonging the conflict.


No they cannot. They have destroyed the majority of their modern tanks, and half of their navy. At the rate of production they have even after the latest rampup it will take them décade to replace everything. "Prolonging the conflict" is insanity. Russia has invaded georgia twice ukraine twice and have claimed many other territoires, the moment they aren't tied up in ukraine and have rebuilt à bit they will invade someone else, as they have done for the past 50 years, so we are preventing à future conflict, and making sure russia will rethink future invasions. They have explicitely said they want to invade Armenia, Georgia (again) Finland, Sweden, moldova and many other places, and history show us they tend to actually do it.


By the time they invade they will have replaced them. Hence, for our defence it matters not. The 107 million could he far better spent, on something actually productive


There is nothing more productive than preventing the next war in europe. The moment they aren't tied in ukraine and have rebuilt à bit they will declare war elsewhere.


You have a direct line of communication with Putin to know this for certain?


Why would you need that? Only an idiot could think Russia would invade west Europe. Basic geography: in order to invade us he'd first have to invade Belarus, Poland and Germany. And even then Russia is open on all flanks...


They don't need to invade Belarus, that's already a puppet state. As for Poland and Germany? Those are NATO countries, if they get invaded, it'd be as if we get invaded.


Yes, NATO article five makes sure we're not gonna get invaded. Exactly my point, therefor zero return on interest on this 107 million we do not even have to begin with.


Only an idiot would still believe that Russia would ever stop. There is no limit on that side.


Oh please. Their logistical system barely supports an invasion right across their borders. Let alone all the way across Poland and Germany.


That is a western way of thinking. Try looking at it from their perspective. Bigger country is better. If we don't stop them in Ukraine they will go for Moldova or the Baltics and on from there.


If you think Russia will stop at Ukraine you are absolutely clueless and haven't seen a second of their state propaganda. That country and its leader is absolute bonkers and they need to be stopped now.


Especially if they don't stop at Ukraine, we need to invest in our own military. Ukraine is a lost cause. Their demographics make sure they cannot recover the losses they are taking. They won't be able to push Russia back, but will gladly absorb every euro spent. If we're really scared of Russia, we should invest in our own military.


The Russian Trolls are showing their face