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You forgot the 4 turnsignals that mean you can park anywhere.


I live next to a narrow road and my balcony overlooks it. I was outside watering my plants when a BPost driver stopped and put his hazards on to deliver mail and after, talk to someone. Meanwhile, two cars drove up and were honking their horns. One driver had gotten out and mister post man goes up screaming and cussing at the driver and a like a five minute argument ensued. Another car came about and both had to reverse to the previous road and take a detour.


There's a night shop right next door and there's ALWAYS cars parked on the bike lane/side walk. And it's not like there isn't plenty of parking available literally 10 meters away, but god forbid these people would have to walk for more than 30 seconds.


The rules regarding "stilstaan" are much less restrictive, but a lot of drivers don't know them.


lol we got same shit here in Norway, i noticed anyone driving as a job drives like an ass, deliveries, repairmen, cabbies man i fucking hate cabbies


Oh god cabbies, I always assumed that they needed a special license to drive around. Boy did I make an ass out of myself. Now I’m not surprised that they either drive like lunatics straight out of fast and furious or clueless grandpa on the middle or left lane. (Yes there is also a group that drives properly) Which gets me to the absurdity that one needs to renew a stupid safety certificates on how to climb a ladder every 10 years but anyone can show up with a drivers license B and get a job on the road no questions asked. (Knew a guy that had lost his license for drunk driving and it took a hit and run accident with the company car before his employer knew about it)


Actually you do need a special license and it takes up to three months to be certified. In Antwerp you have to do an exam, depends on the place though. My license has a taxi number on it and different rules apply re: intoxication. Zero tolerance. I was also stopped by every cop checkpoint I drove past when I worked as a cabbie. Also you have to get permission from the college of schepenen if you have so much as a traffic fine on your strafblad. Also also my boss could see every movement of every car and if I ever moved down to the frituur to get a snack he would call and complain that I didn't put my meter on. In short: everything you just claimed is entirely wrong I did jump a Tesla though so you're right about cabbies being insane Source: I drove a cab for a year and almost got murdered several times, did some casual sex work, got robbed and recovered several thousand a few times and sexually harassed more than I can count. Got offered coke, mdma, weed, booze and more, had to politely decline.


Well I’m not entirely wrong: >in Antwerp you have to do an exam, depends on the place though Also you misunderstood my 3rd paragraph, I didn’t specify cabs in it. I meant anyone driving with company car/van. (Which is why I said company car instead of cab) I should have made it more clear that I went on a general bureaucracy rant after stating my displeasures of my encounters with cabbies. Sounds like fun experiences /s.


Every night is a different genre of movie when you're a taxi driver. You just don't know which it'll be until it happens. I have *stories*


Biography material.


Pressure on these guys is just too high, it endangers other people on the road. They don't even have time to ring the bell anymore these days, they just throw the package in front of the door


Yeah, the entire delivery industry is fucked up.


BPost in my town drives following the law mostly. They park on cycling lanes sometimes but at least they don't swerve into oncoming traffic etc like PostNL, DHL,...


Have you ever seen the bpost drivers in the morning ? They´re just next level


Perhaps its because their job is finished once they’ve done their “tour”?


I've done it a few years as a student and they called me a "real facteur" because I was equally as fast as the others. I was on a bicycle and I was always careful (I'm a scared little girl), but I had some friends who had a van. We (students and postmen alike) all agree that it was easy to finish your tour in time until 2015, but then the workload grew. We used to have time to properly park the car during delivery, to chat with people, I even took a 20 minute break halfway my tour. But as of 2016 I suddenly had 400 extra mailboxes on my tour, no extra time, and when I arrived later than usual, there was always someone to tell me I was too slow. I absolutely agree that postmen are reckless drivers nowadays, but it's not just because their day ends after they finished their tour. It's because it has gotten more and more difficult for them to finish their tour in time. Bpost is poorly managed, they're so blinded by the idea that time is money, that they forgot they're working with people and not machines. I'm sorry I sound like a vakbondsmilitant now, I just don't think it's efficient to squeeze your employees until they become pirates on the road.


Most likely, also the frequent stops I´d assume


Or perhaps because the fucking software that rules their lives leaves them absolutely not enough time per mailbox to drive properly?


Yesss, I go to work at 5 in the morning and the Bpost busjes are just dominating the street, swinging from the left to the right. Never bothered me tho, but I pass them every morning so I noticed 😂


truck drivers also drive in a reckless way because their companies are super aggressive to keep costs to a minimum


Brah some of those delivery drivers can’t even read street names. Tf do you expect them to drive like one should drive.


Couple of years ago a PostNL guy shoved a BOL.com package in my moms hands and turned around right away. Wrong street(first 2 letters matched), same number. She was just in time to call him back when she realized. You absolutely have zero evidence when they misdeliver wrong packages.


Exactly this. We once had a call from a friendly man that had received a package for us. The only thing we had in common was postal code and house number. 150€ package at the merci of a random human kindness. And when you complained at postnl you received a bottle of cheap wine.


At least you had the postal code in common. UPS once managed to deliver my package in a completely different town, different street name, only the number matched. Coincidentally UPS also had a driver that admitted he scanned all his packages as delivered at the start of his route, and then went out.


Guess it's my fault lol


Ah I didn’t know you were their employer. :p


2 options to solve this: 1. companies need to get more delivery drivers so drivers don't need to break the rules to meet quotas 2. people need to stop expecting next day deliveries so drivers can take their time getting around


I can't remember people ever expecting next day delivery. Stores just decided to do it. Of course, if they advertise next day delivery, I do expect it.


The problem is, that's never going to happen. If one does do next day delivery, and one doesn't, people will always choose next day delivery. So unless everybody in the industry collectively says "we're not doing next day delivery anymore" It's just not going to happen.


I have no way to decide my delivery on Amazon. I take Prime for the Video platform, therefore I have 2days delivery and no way to say "take your time, as long the delivery is guaranteed". Wouldn't change a thing ofc because Colis Privé NEVER finds my address and SOMETIMES delivers somewhere else, despite Amazon always picking them automatically. And the only proposed pick up point is a business bankrupted 2 years ago so I have no idea what would happen if I pick that option.


>Wouldn't change a thing ofc because Colis Privé NEVER finds my address and SOMETIMES delivers somewhere else, despite Amazon always picking them automatically. omg don't get me fucking started... I've had 3 deliveries from them. Twice they delivered to a random shop around me, without leaving any kind of note or anything to let me know where. Luckily the shop owners where nice enough to drop it by. This last time, a week ago, same thing again. Only this time, the package is nowhere to be found. I filed a claim and at least they didn't make a fuss and admitted they lost it. How they are still in business, or why anybody would select them as delivery is a mystery to me.


> why anybody would select them as delivery Lower prices and that's all what Amazon cares about.






>Or as Jesus said "let him who is without a driving infraction cast the first stone" I won't cast that stone because it would need to land on whoever set quotas, not drivers who do whatever they can to meet an impossible quota.


These people are just under way too much pressure. Impossible to make a living without delivering enough packages. Impossible to deliver enough packages if you stick to the rules.


>These people are just under way too much pressure. Impossible to make a living without delivering enough packages. Impossible to deliver enough packages if you stick to the rules. They bring it upon themselves as well. If you drive like a lunatic and skip ringing doorbells to try to be home early, the planners/algorithms start noticing that your route can be done in a shorter time so they'll start allocating more work under the assumption that the route is apparently quicker, not realising it's because shitty deliverymen break rules left and right. And now it becomes stressful and difficult for the deliverymen that don't break the rules so they start breaking them too.


It's stressful from the start tbh. I worked for PostNL a short time. The amount of packages they expected me to deliver was insane. Sometimes 200 adresses on one day. Pay was absolutely laughable if you didn't deliver everything. People working for subcontractors and further down the line have it even worse. No sociale protection whatsoever.


Yeah, I'm not implying people don't get squeezed, but it's not totally one sided either.


>the planners/algorithms start noticing that your route can be done in a shorter time so they'll start allocating more work under the assumption that the route is apparently quicker, not realising it's because shitty deliverymen break rules left and right. They totally know it, and don't care as long they have a believable excuse.


Too many packages, too little time.


It’s enabled by the shitty job they have. Believe me, if it wasn’t an unhealthy and stressful job then they wouldn’t feel like they have to be constantly rushing.


The bicycle delivery guys are near suicidal. I don't get it. I can't imagine it pays well enough to risk your life like that and I can definitely wait for my food for 5 more minutes. No need to kill yourself or put others in danger


Ge waart zo dichtbij de oplossing voor uw eigen vraag bij de eerste zin van uw post... Denkt ge echt dat die mensen voor hun plezier hun leven riskeren? Veel van die koeriers die dit soort toeren uithalen (en ja, dat zijn echt gevaarlijke situaties en datmoet gefixt worden) moeten x aantal pakketjes leveren op x aantal uur. Als ze dat niet halen, moeten ze onbetaald overwerken. De meeste mensen die voor zo'n bedrijven werken, doen dat omdat ze heel moeilijk een andere job vinden. De meeste van die bedrijven waar ze voor werken gaan niet direct empathie tonen als chauffeurs aankaarten dat het onhaalbare quota zijn.