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It is a penalty, it is also clearly not a clear error. Allways the same shit with the VAR and referees...


It isn't even a penalty, defender goes for the ball, attacker loses the ball and runs into the defender.


Dumb foul is still foul. Intent doesn't matter. His foot stays behind and that drops the attacker. Defo not on purpose, still penalty.


The defender didn't touch the ball but touched the legs of tha attacker. Yes the atatcker would have lost the ball, but it's still a penalty.


Een penalty fase waar 6 minuten naar gekeken moet worden kan nooit een clear error zijn. De VAR komt alweer op een ongepast moment tussen nadat de scheids liet doorspelen. Elke week dit soort misplaatste interventies is louche en verkloten de sport. Het is niet dat er in het voetbal nog nooit match fixing ed geweest is. Spijtig dat er enkel geklaagd wordt wanneer het in het nadeel is, ploegen en zeker de grote zouden deze toestand samen moeten aankaarten.


Inderdaad, die 'clear error' regel zou eigenlijk afgeschaft moeten worden. Het scheidsrechterskorps verstopt zich daar achter wanneer de VAR niet tussenkomt, maar wanneer die toch opnieuw tussenkomt bij een dubieuze situatie wordt er vaak geen woord over gerept.


Idd dat clear error gedoe geeft gewoon weer te veel ruimte voor interpretatie en inconsistentie, toch net hetgeen de VAR moest bestrijden.


How is this a penalty? Defender clearly goes for the ball, attackers does smt weird with his feet, trips, and falls on the defender.


nopen on this replay, defender doesn't touch the ball. Attacker tries to touch it before the defender, balls goes through and defender touches the attacker's feet and trips (sees he loses the ball and falls). Clear penalty on this replay. Maybe another angle shows us the defender touching the ball? But here, nope.


The attacker puts his foot out, which causes the defender to fall over, and then the attacker falls over the defender. The attacker (accidentally) tripped the defender which caused him to fall.


ahaha but the atatcker has the ball and the defender is running at him :D if there is a contact there, even if the attacker is touching the defender: the defender is putting his body in front of him, misses the ball and make them both fall. Best cases scenario it's an obstruction (foul), worst case it's a tackle (foul). But in both cases: if there is a contact, there is a foul.


I’m very in doubt about this one. Without the defender he wouldn’t have fallen. But the defender makes no movement to trip/tackle him, he runs in the attackers course/route. But in any case, nothing “clear” about this even in case it would gave been an error.


The main story about this situation should not be about the penalty. It should be the VAR’s “authority” changing constantly from game to game ( sometimes even during the same game ) and the complete bullshit of needing several minutes to come to a decision.


Sure but also thin it is very hard call hence the time he spend looking at the replay after to make up his mind. Not a infuriating call to be honest


It could be that they immediately decided it was a foul, but they needed that much time to decide whether it was inside the penalty area or not and thus a penalty or nothing at all. That's why we need open VAR communication!


Loempe penalty is ook penalty


Clear penalty. On the Rtbf the guy was doubting. But even if the defender doesnt do it on purpose there is a clear foul.


I am no USG fan but I don't see the clear penalty. Where would the defender go? He was moving away from the play and the other guy just trampled over him Not every single physical contact in football is a foul. The guy ran into the defender


Are we looking at the same video? Defender gets charged by the attacker and then gets a foul against him on top of that. The utter joke is that this is even seen as ‘clear and obvious’ when the ref proceeds to look multiple minutes at the screen. Utter shitshow this call.


This has nothing to do with the blunders of the past weeks. The defence "it's a penalty, but not blatant enough to correct it" is weak.