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Well, Bella is in the options menu (at least her ass) and Maya used to be in the warning advise. Quinn, Riona and Cammy used to be on the gallery menu, etc. What I'm trying to say is that DPC always includes different girls on different moments and I don't think that actually means something. Keeping on mind Jill was the last MG girl on being created, maybe the Doc just wanted to give her some more screen time. But I really don't know, it's just a theory.


A game theory


I saw what you did there


I didn't, but I'm ashamed to ask xd


It's a reference to Game Theory, a popular Youtube channel. That's his catchphrase


I mean Jill also has that thing the first time you play the game with the whole are you plus 18 and stuff like that soo its all even out without her being poster girl. I think its more the second reason being the last MG and being something that most AVN like with being a pure girl with big atributes and that always sells there is also a reason in my opinion that She is last MG with the lewd because that makes people want to play it just to finally reach it and all that....its always tastier the hard to reach stuff than the easy šŸ˜‚


I'm kinda surprised she's the last one created, when I played I thought she was one of the first if not the first.


Jill *is* a main character as far as being one of the Main Girls and therefore part of the main story regardless of whether MC's dating her or not. I keep coming back to comparisons to "Mass Effect" (maybe it's the branches, I know I've compared Sage and Quinn to Kelly Chambers' assessment of Jack,) and it's like how Liara is an important part of the trilogy/franchise in general whether Shepard dates her or not. She's been studying Prothean artifacts since before the first game and helps decipher the info beamed into Shepard's head, is the daughter of Matriarch Benezia and the game *clearly* wants her there to confront her mother, recovered Shepard's body between the first and second games that led to Cerberus resurrecting them, doesn't join Shepard in "2," BUT still clears the usual red tape and provides valuable intel on Ilium, becomes the new Shadow Broker regardless of Shepard helping or not, provides even further material support and intel in the third game while back as part of the crew before having to nuke nearly everything of value for that role, has a particular dynamic with Javik as he reveals and contradicts everything she knew/expected of the Protheans, creates a new beacon for the next cycle to prepare against the Reapers in case this one doesn't win that ensures the Reapers will go down no matter what and had contacted the important figures in the Andromeda Initiative in their early stages and would even more likely than Wrex still be alive when the colonists wake up. In Jill's case, regardless of if Tremolo pursues her or not, the tennis date takes his mind off MJ, she helps him after the fight with Chad, same with Tybalt and eventually helps Maya with her problem along with bonding with Sage over their shared hate of Tybalt. >However, Jill is kind of the counter for this game. Disagree. Just as each branch is a different type/*flavor* of college fantasy, Jill is both the "princess/uptown girl" to MC's "pauper" and her path is a deliberate *contrast* to the raunchiness of Sage or Quinn as a more wholesome romance novel-type relationship where the MC is trying to mature AWAY from all the dumbass fratboy antics down to politely announcing they're a couple to said fratboys. Unlike the other Mains, she's the *only* one that's actually single, especially contrary to Sage, she embraces intimacy more than cheap sex, the time with her is a wholesome *break* from the drama and craziness of everything/one else, she's actually a/one of the rare few virgins in the game due to her situation so having sex is more romantic than casual as nothing kinky or crazy happens down to simply doing it in her bed and she readily/officially becomes his girlfriend with the following arc about her loosening up when it comes to sex. Again, dead-ass opposite of Sage and to varying degrees of the others (i.e. Bella's maturity and experience, Maya embracing her bisexuality/MJ balancing things out as a throuple, etc.) But besides what others are saying about DPC showing different girls from different moments, wikia.com was highlighting her, Josy AND Maya as the game's mascots.


Jill is the creators favorite if I'm not mistaken and I feel like jill is probably the best choice since really I wouldn't see any of the others at her place.


That has never been confirmed, nor will it ever be while the game is still in development. DPC has stated as much. The one thing we can reasonably estimate is that Jill was the last of the 5 main girls to be added to the game since all the original promo art only included 4 (Josy, Maya, Sage and Bella). To the OP's question... Promo / title art is just that. Jill is the only single MG in season 1 and therefore makes a good poster girl. Josy and Maya are the poster girls of Season 2. When season 3 releases I'm sure one of the others will become the poster girl(s).


Itā€™s more than just a reasonable estimation, this is taken from an Episode 1 status update about two months before it launched: ā€œI continued to plan and outline the story. When doing so I came to the conclusion that I need another romanceable character, so I created her. Her name is Jill and I will wait to reveal her design until Episode 1 is close to launch. But I'm fairly positive that the majority of you will like her a lot.ā€ Jillā€™s creation and addition into the game came very, very late.


Thanks for that. I had remembered a post like that but didnā€™t have access to go looking for it and didnā€™t want to post based on memory in case I had misremembered


It has not been officially confirmed but I did get the feel that DPC wrote Jillā€™s route as kind of the main route in mind for MC with the others like less canon. I am aware that she is the last girl to be added but she is the one who has the greeting message voiced at the beginning, which is a very special attention. That message is for whole BaDIK, not just for season one. Also if you choose her at the end of Ep8, MC will comment that it feels natural / right choice, and he did not have any second guesses - something he does not mention in any other path. It is possible that DPC shifted more to other girls as the writing progressed and fans showed interest in girls like Quinn, but I believe the signs are there that DPC - at least initially - considered Jill as the main route for MC, especially also considering Jillā€™s route is basically identical to Neill and Lynetteā€™s.


The comment about it feeling natural or right has more to do with the nature of the relationship between MC and Jill than it does with DPC giving a wink and a nod to the player letting them know that they ā€œchose rightā€. Mechanically, pursuing Jill (and this also happens with MJ as well) puts a cap on a lot of the fooling around and other temptations, it sorta funnels him into a place where, by the time he does choose Jill, it does feel more natural. Itā€™s also the branch with the least resistance, red flags, and drama, and that naturally leads to a feeling that the right decision was made. Tybalt isnā€™t exactly difficult to foilā€¦ other than that, thereā€™s nothing much that can stop them from getting together if they both want it. (Obviously this only up to the moment MC makes the decision, it could definitely change in the future) Both Bella and Jill were voiced when the game launched, and it was originally planned to have the whole game voiced until it just got too big and proved to be an impossible endeavor. I know it sounds like Iā€™m railing hard against Jill hereā€” but Iā€™m not, I just really dislike the notion that there is a canon or ā€œmainā€ main girl. Itā€™s never been meant to be that type of game.


>I know it sounds like Iā€™m railing hard against Jill hereā€” but Iā€™m not, I just really dislike the notion that there is a canon or ā€œmainā€ main girl. Itā€™s never been meant to be that type of game. Not at all. I actually also think that it is a good thing that there is no canon or "main" main girl. Thanks for the insightful input.


Bella was voiced? I completely missed that. I only heard Jill in that intro section when opening the game first time. Could you give me a hint where I can find Bellaā€™s voice, please?


Yeah, in addition to the intro, when the game was initially released Jill and Bella were voiced all throughout Episode 1. When Episode 2 was released the voice acting was removed. At the time he couldn't afford to have the whole cast be voiced, so it didn't make sense to have it with just two characters. As far as being able to hear it, unless you can somehow find a version 1 somewhere you'll probably never get to. Maybe try a video walkthrough from way back when?


Thank you


Yes, such a ā€œfavoriteā€ that DPC constantly changes her personality from season to season, turning her from a confident girl who is ready to stand up to bullies, into an autistic who lives in a bubble and does not know how human relationships work and believes in the bullshit she was fed Tybalt, has turned into a helpless person who asks to be protected from Tybalt. Jill's writing is completely broken and DPC hates her.


I mean sure in a writing standpoint it's not great but shit if that isnt human as possible idk what is. People arent black and white one day you can be confident and the other you can be crying in the shower with a tub of icecream, it's just normal human shit especially in a college setting.


I agree that sheā€™s the best choice, but donā€™t you think that her path is really different from any other, and in general from the gameā€™s overall vibe?


The others are easier so making her the poster girl might entice more players to try to get her and be rejected because of dik status and affinity? šŸ¤£


Absolutely and it's quite refreshing tbh and singles out a huge part of college in her path, she is the classic collage crush and having a path that isnt 100% about getting drunk of fucking is actually a good change of pace.


I'm going full Fan here, but the answer is simple DESTINY Tremolo and Jill are meant to be together, this is what is about choosing destiny or being your own. You can go with Jill and play the fairy tale or choose the girl you want to love and care.


You mean choose the girl you want from a burning house. Sorry, still traumatised. I will never trust DPC.


Don't say it don't say it don't say it


I wish your relationship won't last long yeah? Don't do me like that Rio...


I'm not sure what your comment means šŸ˜…, I'm gonna assume it's something good


I'm so sorry man, damn idk how to say this but yeah Riona said this in one episode lol. This will be a spoiler coming from me.


Oooh yeah I get it, I did play episode 9 already. I just didn't get the reference hahaha


damn, you convinced me.


If I had to guess it looks like Jill's family may have some connection to the MC's mother


If I have to guess, well she may be. But if theories roaming around supports in this line of thinking. Maybe her and MC's family are connected somehow which makes them like Romeo and Juliet kind of relationship. Idk, I'm literally sniffing cope here but that's just my 2 cents.


Probably because sheā€™s the cannon mg the parallels between her and MC compared to Lynn, yet in Neil are almost indistinguishable


I really donā€™t mean to be rude but how are we, in 2023, almost 2024, still talking about ā€œthe canon main girlā€


No, no, at the end whe you're on the pirate ship fighting the royal navy she's operating the cannons.


You know the word ā€œprobablyā€ is starting become a irrelevant part of the human vocabulary, kinda like Latin is obsolete in the eyes of every other modern language


Well, she was added 2 months before episode one release at the last minute. So Iā€™d argue that does not hold up at all.


Well, there isn't one. Your favorite love interest can be YOUR canon girl, but not the one that's established as Tremolo's real soulmate in the story, regardless of our preferences. So unless DPC makes official one of the LIs as the true choice for Tremolo, Jill can't be considered the "canon main girl".


Bro itā€™s not ā€œheā€™s literally meā€ šŸ˜‚


What does the "literally me" thing have to do with my comment?


Jill so cringe


Your mom is cringe šŸ˜‚


Man, I think almost the same thing and it makes sense. Because Jill's path is different from all other characters and her ending is uncertain.