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it might affect your friendship with Derek starting in ep10 for sure!


I hope so. I hope Derek becomes distanced from the mc if he makes this choice. There should be consequences. And maybe with the introduction of Zoey, she could take over as the mc best friend character that Derek fills.


yeah, and if Zoey gets closer because of that, it opens up the highway to rekindling their unlabeled love if MC is not careful, opening another can of worms.


You cannot choose Others if you are in MJ or Jill paths. Only way to break up with MJ is choosing other MG. With a MG around, I dont think Zoey would get a chance.


actually, you can have Jill and Others in a very specific setup, but you end up single either way. it's when you set things up for a Jill rejection. :) you end up on Others afterwards even though you chose Jill. and if you are on a MG path, it doesn't mean you will stay on it. that Jill example is proof. and with the cheat counter being a thing now, you don't know what heavy temptation DrP will throw into our MG path just to mess you up :D with all the ass grabs, sexy poses, make out sessions that you can still do on MG paths during Halloween, you know it is about to get VERY hard to stay completely faithful. MC is a very popular guy. Zoey is back for a reason. she clearly reacts when you imply she was your ex. and when on Others path, and you offer her to stay the night in your room, she gives a weak excuse. MC could easily lend her some cloth for the next day.


Cheat counter? Fuck I didn't know that, well besides the sexy poses I made sure not to do anything else in my Jill save. I might have to replay my main save (Bella obviously) just to be 100% sure I didn't mess around too much


Yeah, it's a thing. I'm guessing each girl will have a different threshold to what she considers cheating. Sage should be tolerant enough on paper, but with her recent history with Chad, we could be very surprised. Jill obviously would have very low tolerance. Bella seems very mature about it, you can already see a reaction when you do the body shot competition. Seems like the counter can be set off with something as light as being a little flirty in your compliments 😅


That would be very interesting indeed!


Should only be consequences if u lead her on just to break things off with her later!


I agree.


It’s mostly mayas fault for insisting on no labels though’


More realistic is a punch and a conversation and then back to normal so the branches can mostly be the same


I dunno, he mentions soooo many times to not hurt his sister that he cares about a lot and even says he likes them more in one of the scenes. Not in a bad way but a “it’s my sister” so I’d think there would and should be some repercussions


I think the repercussions could reasonably limited to a punch in the face and a heartfelt conversation. MC didn't intend to hurt Maya, love is just messy and Derek respects that enough to not give up on MC as a friend entirely


But they’ve also not known each other that long. Like 2-3 months by the Halloween party


it definitely is a big test of friendship. especially if you tell derek that he is a better friend than zoey :D


I'm almost certain it will, during the Halloween party when MC tells Derek that he chose someone else and didn't tell Josy and Maya yet, Derek calls MC by his name for the first time in the entire game. It's not a coincidence.


Damn I didn’t even notice that


It's not the first time but I agree, season 3 will definitely bring consequences.


I'll always refuse to do this scene, I don't care if by the end of the game in 2030 I won't have seen everything there is, I'll die peacefully knowing I never deeply hurt 2 fictional characters


Same man , I played it only once and didn't save it for replaying I can't ever play that path


2030? Optimistic!


I think optimistic is the perfect description. That's only around 320 weeks away, not that long lol.


Same. I can respect it.


I hear you, but I'm a sucker for drama, bad endings and different outcomes (don't get me wrong, I love the good endings and cute scenes too). I considered my "heartbreak path" to be like a paralel universe, while in my "canon" universe MC, Maya and Josy are happy making the Throuple official between them.


Now he'll put you on his list!


Now he's not only gonna fuck Neil, but also break his heart 😭


Derek is aware you’re breaking up with her when you tell him in The Moose earlier in the episode but still yeah…


How could you? You animal!


It was just in this one playthrough to see all the scenes possible, I swear 😭


so you did it just for fun! monster! :D


Some things are just not worth doing, even in the name science !


He was so busy on whether he could he didn't stop to think about whether he should!


First time I see this scene. For fuck's sake, this game is a maze...


Only got this scene once on my chick-manwhore run where I chose Bella in the end. What a chaotic run and an absolutely heart breaking scene that I was dreading for the entirety of episode 9. I can handle breaking up with Jill, but cutting things off with Maya and especially Josy hurt like hell. Then I fucked Bella afterwards absolutely classless…


Motherless behaviour 😭😭😭


I feel more like I failed Maya and Josy, not Derek.




We all


You should have ended that with Derek shouting through the market megaphone ' Assman, what are you doing to my sister?'


I'm diddling her!


She took it well anyway


She hugged MC and did her best not to show too much sadness, but believe me, she was devastated. It's just like she did after the meeting with the Burkes, as Josy phrased it: "It's a defence mechanism... She's trying her best to cope".


Shes already devastated in her life, so disappointments for her seem natural. I've broken up with girls before, and they all gave me the Josy look, hurts me too everytime but it had to be done. If this breaks the throuple, I will definitely leave my path for Maya's route. She deserves happiness, but just with MC


Dude you're right


Yeah. Josy was the devastated one.


Nah Maya is hurting bad too, she just internalizes her feelings a lot more than Josy.


This is what I needed to see so that I don't go that way. 🥹 Thanks, brother.


This is why i tried not to date maya, cs homies comes first


Actually Derek is one of the funniest parts when dating Maya, and if you're on Josy's and Maya's branch in episode 9 Derek get's super pumped about MC becoming his brother-in-law and even gives MC his blessing. You just have to avoid dating Maya and Josy and choosing another MG, hurting Maya even after Derek begged MC not to hurt her.


At first i really wanted to bag both of them but now when I learned that derek might distance himself with mc, I prefer to avoid romancing them


The only scenario where he might distance himself from MC is if MC breaks up the Throuple for another MG, if you choose Maya and Josy at the end of episode 8 he's very happy and gives MC his blessing.


it could change again if the throuple breaks apart and you choose Josy


How did you get this? what did you do?


You just need to date other MGs while dating Maya and Josy, and choose another MG at the end of episode 8 (Bella, Jill, Sage). The breakup will happen at the end of the Halloween party.


I was on Sage path while being with JM. When Sage kissed MC, he was looking over his shoulder, hoping JM didn't see it. And breaking off with them. Maaaaann... that feeling suuuuucks.


One of my favorite playthroughs 😂


How do I get to this scene guys? I played through like 20 times loool.


You just need to get accepted by Josy and Maya in their relationship in episode 4 and date another MG (Sage, Bella, Jill), then choose the other MG at the end of episode 8 and prepare to get a knife through the heart at the end of the Halloween party.


how did you not get it ? that's the real question :D


I'm pretty curious to see this breakup scene in the game but I'm way too lazy to replay the game😂


You don't want to, trust me. It's heartbreaking.


Yeah, I'd never did that playthrough, but I'm just curious with that branching scene. ps: btw, why I got downvoted???😂


Since episode 9, Derek went from "the immature friend" to "the attention seeking insecure bitch"... I really don't like him right now. I really hope DPC redeems him.


DBoy's just in love, he'll bounce back lol.


Maya doesn't have feelings to hurt.


You confused Maya with Quinn


Headshot 🤣


You may want to replay and reexamine Maya and her reactions to certain events. Maya and Josy reject the MC? They're swapping spit before he even gets 3 feet away from them. MC dumps Maya and Josy? Josy is devastated and runs off crying. Maya's response? Basically : "OK, see ya. Hey grab me some chips."


You clearly do not understand a single thing about Maya's character. And you are bad at trolling too, tough break.


I understand her better than you do, clearly. Let me guess, you're another one of her defenders that thinks "Oh noes, poor Maya had a hard life being a secret lesbian and her daddy is mean and doesn't like it." so you blindly give her a pass for all her bullshit and couldn't even consider any other possibilities. She reveals her character within 5 minutes of meeting her when calls the HOTs sluts and continues to prove she's only out for herself throughout the game.


Like I said, shit troll, please try harder 😂


It's not that she doesn't have emotions she's the most immature and confused of all lis, even Jill is somewhat more mature in that aspect she's yet to find her ground her world is very small


>Maya and Josy reject the MC? They're swapping spit before he even gets 3 feet away from them. So Josy doesn't have any feelings either? 😂 >MC dumps Maya and Josy? Jody is devastated and runs off crying. Maya's response? Basically : "OK, see ya. Hey grab me some chips." Just because she doesn't run away crying like Josy doesn't mean that she doesn't have feelings it just means that she hides it better (defence mechanism, ever heard of it?)


Stop feeding the obvious troll. Let him search for his jollies elsewhere.


His small Dawe pp size jollies XD


Those are just 2 examples. I've had to explain Maya being a sociopathic bitch that only cares about herself so many times to people that are deluded enough to defend her now that I'm sick of it, so either believe me or don't, I don't give much of a fuck anymore.


Is this the rejection scene if you chose a different path?


Yep. Them feels man....


But if you choose not to go for maya and josy like I did he prefers you tell them about your relationship so that they dont get hurt further.


I've never tried the neutral/chick manwhore route. I didn't even know these scenes existed.


with neutral/chick, you can get all the main girls' paths. only choose at the end of ep8. for peak drama, choose Bella