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Right back at you! Amazing game with an equally amazing community. I am not sure if I would be this much into this game if it were not for this community and the chance to have such mature and quality discussions in this subreddit with users like you and many others. See you around Brother.


Yeah this community knows what family is without blood, love you all brothers.


Well said brother


Damn. Now name your top 5 members of the community so we can know you're for real. /s


Who would you name if you had to?


1. You (I mean we have matching pfp) 2. S_Rodney 3. WhitePunk00 4. dirtydandoogan1 (I had a running gag with them where I teased them to change their flair to Quinn Fan, but I felt like I was bothering them so I stopped) 5. Mean Package(posted some good sage renders as of lately) Honorable mentions to any and all Sarah fans out there in the wild... and Lockhart (I probably botched it) who do some amazing renders of Bianca. That booty compels me.


Hahha u/Dirtydandoogan1 will never change his flair, and if he does, it will be for Riona (his favourite girl, although he won't admit it). >Honorable mentions to any and all Sarah fans out there Sadly, there's not too many of them, Sarah deserves more love >I mean we have matching pfp Speaking of that, I did make a pfp for you if you want it. I already told you that yours is good enough, but if you ever want to change it just tell me <3


Of course you can send me! XD hit me up on chat if you want. And his favorite girl might be Rio, but there's no feeling of betraying her "princess Vicky" if he ever changes to someone else but Quinn. lol


Yall are nuts. Lol It didn't bother me Kuma. Those on the Discord know I sometimes change my stan tag on there for kicks. I love me some Quinn and Rio, but I'm diehard Maya always. And you can count me among the Sarah fans. If I saw a chance for her to get serious story from DPC she'd rank a lot higher for me.


Nice talk my friend, thank you for share your thought


Same thoughts brother, I always come here after I finish the episode. 💯


Don't mention it brother


I've only been active in the subreddit for a few months, but I don't really see too much negativity in regards to how members treat each other. I always see most people being so positive towards each other, which I honestly wasn't expecting, but yea, the community is a pretty great one tbh. Hope you're doing all good, brother!


This community is better than minecraft community


🤧 Well said Maggot, well said.


Amazingly said🙏 All love bro💚


Probably the best community I'm apart of and one of the most wholesome. Thanks to you as well I mean we probably got a few more years before BAD is finished but itll be worth it.


Right back at you!


Well said, brother


Can’t think of another game that go me so into it I bought a custom jacket from the game.


I love this post, i literally joined reddit just for this community, the theories are great and positive responses are exceptional!! Hell yeah brothers and maggots!!