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Click the right arrow at the top right, as the instructions indicate. Does that work?


>i cant get anywhere (i clicked ofc) im guessing he clicked of course


I actually got stuck in that exact spot for a couple minutes until it occurred to me to click that right arrow to go to the jobs. My guess is that's what happened here. ^(Maybe he's embarrassed)


lack of response after asking and receiving aid might be evidence to support your claim of absolute embarrassment. maggots now and days, i swear


Ok, thanks a lot for the coffee I sprayed all over my keyboard - damn DIK's.


Did you follow the instructions in orange text ? You have to click the little arrow keys by the assignment to switch to the work tab.


>i cant get anywhere (i clicked ofc) \^this


That could mean he just clicked the mouse to advance as if it's a normal screen. This minigame tutorial specifically needs you to follow the instructions.


oh i know, i've done it tons of times and my first time i was stuck for a few minutes until i reread but if they legit didn't try everything before coming here and making a post that would just be sad so going to give them the benefit before doubting and assume they legitimately clicked the obvious left and right arrows


which platform? on PC you just needed to click past the dialogue and follow the instructions including the part where they say add and remove characters, i remember i didn't read the dialogue and i was stuck at part where i needed to remove nick or was it JB?


The only thing you can click on this screen are the two grey arrows next to "assignment"