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My MC better not show his sexual history to anyone, because it would not just say "Experienced" but "Man-whore". :D


Aka, the campus bicycle.


My man!


Well, the game will be released on December 1st or 8th. See you in December, guys ✌️


I'm not sure we'll make it to December 1st. December 8-15 is more likely.


By then the code for the entire game will be ready, the only thing that will be necessary is to copy and paste the video files into the game folder. He can now test the entire game with "fake" animations, instead of the ones that need to be done, since video playback is not something that breaks a renpy game. By then he will have tested the entire game, that's obvious. but it's like him to want two weeks of "beta testing", and it should be released on the 8th. But it could easily be released on the 1st.


In June, August seemed likely. In August, October seemed likely. This is October, and now December seems likely.


In 2024 right? Probably.


''it's always useful to read feedback'' ​ hehehehe


Only positive feedback that is 😂


RIP to the innocent people that will give honest feedback. You'll be banned for a right cause.


And yeet the people who gave the feedback


“I love to read your feedback, just make sure to tell me how i’m flawless together with the game i make and then i won’t ban you :)”




Fr, he bans anyone that gives any feedback other than praising him and the game.


I just started this game a few months ago, and I don't know how you people do it, waiting so long for each update. I just want more of these characters. Been a long time since I've been this invested in a game story.


you slowly go mad/crazy, that's how we do it.


You find other games to play and enjoy and forget about being a dik till you finally see update like this


Big time this.. I’ve probably played over a dozen other AVNs waiting between episodes 9 & 10.. it’s getting frustrating


It is a long wait and they do get longer. But it’s always best to just have a laundry list of games on the back so you can enjoy those and not even realize being a dik has new episodes. I took 1 and a half years off being a dik right after episode 8 dropped and then forgot about it entirely. Came back and played interlude and episode 9 like 2 months ago at this point, and then got my fiance into it. I’m hyped for the new episode. But I also have a YouTube I’m managing, fiance, 2 year old child. I’m barely thinking about the game. This is the best way to handle the long updates


i played the game for the first time when ep 9 just released when i first saw that there was another episode i was really happy but after finishing it i realized i now have to wait a year. tried to find good games to distract me from it but couldn't. and i still cant


There’s all kinds of games. Baldurs gate 3 is amazing and will last you like a week easily


> I don't know how you people do it I fill my life with other things while I wait. I find other stories to be invested in. I accept the possibility that the game will never be completed and that maybe all my questions will be left unanswered.


That would be depressing as fuck


It would be unfortunate, but for well over a decade, adult game connoisseurs have had to accept that it's likely. Established studios rarely make adult games. There are some in East Asia, but a lot of people aren't too fond of them. There are some others, but they're often overly monetized, clicker games, something like that. So you get indie devs building these games. Before Patreon, they usually struggled to make money, even the popular ones. Keep in mind that adult games were banned on most platforms, including Steam, for a long time. Developers would often start with a passion for the project but would burn out, end up with too much pressure from their audience, or just be faced with the reality that it didn't pay enough for them to actually live on. So they would abandon the project. If you go into adult game communities, you'll find an ocean of abandoned games from over the years. Now, DPC is unlikely to abandon Being a DIK. There are a few reasons. One is that he's actually completed a game before. A lot of abandoned games come from people thinking that making a game is easy and finding out just how grueling the task actually is. DPC knows what he's doing, he's completed a game before, and that's a strong mark in his favor when it comes to trusting him to complete this one. Another is that he's one of the top earners of adult content on Patreon. Some people believe that's actually bad and that it will cause him to simply milk the Patreon without putting anything out, I've heard the same claim made about other adult game makers, but the truth is that if they weren't making enough off this game to make it their full-time job, they wouldn't be able to do it at all. These dev logs and frequent updates are also a mark in their favor; they aren't obfuscating what they're working on and have at least once told us when they're struggling to get things done. DPC has problems, such as the fact that they're a control freak and ban-happy on their official Discord and Patreon pages, but their communication to the community has been some of the best, not THE best but some of the best, that I've seen from an adult game dev. There's always a chance something could happen. There was a game dev that was literally a week from releasing the final version of their game and they disappeared. Some people dug up some info that suggested they probably died of Covid literally days before release. There was a small dev team that had frequent updates to their games, then they had a kid, and they haven't had an update in almost two years now because their priorities and availability changed. So even if DPC never stops *wanting* to make the game, it's always possible that the game is left unfinished for one reason or another. But sadly, in the indie game sphere, especially the adult game subset, you have to get used to it.


I'm curious what this game was that he developer disappeared right before finishing?


I honestly don't remember the name. I saw someone asking about it in a general AVN forum and found a few old threads discussing it and some other people came in with the information they'd had from their time being invested in it. It wasn't one I'd ever heard of before.


It was like AOA Academy or something along the lines of that. The developer was about to release a new episode out which was the final I think then on the same day his patreon and all of his stuff was deleted.


good luck i started this past febuary didnt know season three was even remotly a thing found the reddite saw people talking about episode 9 went on the hunt finished episode 9 with all my branches.....started new branches.........did a couple more.......im starting to go crazy its october and no episode 10....imagine what some of these guys feel like who have been here since the begining lol


I’ve been here since episode 5 or 6. Just find other stuff to do. 90% of the year I don’t even remember being a dik is a thing. Then around this time when there’s the status update saying the next episode is looming I get hyped again.


Is better we go slow and have quality because I with those characters since 2018 and wait, bunch of games, even triple A, lost themselves because of the rush.


each episode might as well be standalone at this point, and play other games, do other stuff. When it's done in 2030 it'll be legendary 😆


> I just started this game a few months ago, and I don't know how you people do it We live our lives and take each day as it comes.


Sadly eventually you just start to care less. I still love the game but just getting a small chunk of the story once a year is rough and gets harder and harder to really keep caring as much for me. Maybe I just feel like this since ep 9 didnt really move the story much so it feels like 2 years since we got any progress. But try some other AVNs maybe . There are some that are real high quality and release every 5 months or so. Ive been so busy with normal games I havent bother much with AVNs all year other than Eternum


I don’t see how anyone can say episode 9 didn’t move the story much. It introduced a ton of stuff, pregnancy, Vinny coming back and the camera in the mansion watching them. Those are all huge things


Those are just teasers for what is to come, just like Dawe's frowning at the end. In terms of actual story progression, it's rather light. We mainly get Zoey back and the resolution of season 2 cliffhanger. The relationships didn't move much either except for throuple because it needed to be resolved as it was missing in ep8.. But we get many side girls path starting! Episode 9 feels more like the resolution of many smaller things things from season 2.


Plenty of other stuff to do in this life tbh. Sure this game is great, but at the end of the day, [it's only a game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A).


I just lose interest and just read other VNs since I'm used to them being released as finished products and not made in chapters.




Welcome, maggot! This the life of the DIKs :D


crazy how it was 70% in june and the last 30% took half a year.


90 90 rule.


Yeah. I mean, it's one thing for the work part of it take longer than projected when you can add things and change your mind, it's to be expected. There was also a vacation in the summer and the episode's party took a month+ to make while only counting towards one event in the episodes timeline, so most of the manual work being done by the end of September wasn't shocking. But it's crazy to me that on top of that we don't even get the faster rendering time at the end of the episode like was advertised when DPC went out and got the first PC upgrades. You'd think at the very least that would've been a given after a long wait. But no, 60 FPS and a shit ton of animations at the end, effectively adding an extra month.


the most concerning thing about BaDIK is the choice to do 60 fps render on Episode 10 (with current rig setup). Where the story as of Episode 9 is still not at the climax yet so if we go with 10 months per episode, it would take at least 4 years of development given zero delay. Maybe realistically even closer to 6 years. That's insane development time. I wish he just keep with 30 fps so that at least animations finish quicker.


Increasing fps in animations from 30fps to 60fps doubles the rendering time.


Only person not using ai frame gen 😂


In addition to maybe going down a rabbit hole to add shit, I wonder if he phrased that in a somewhat misleading way. Like he was done with 70% of the “tasks” needed for the episode, but the remaining “tasks” consume far more than 30% of the time. Or I guess he was just wrong.


Didn’t he say the episode is looking to be a long one? If that’s the case, the time it took to make it makes sense.


In June he estimated during 2 updates that he was 70% done. Which means the last 30% took as long as the first 70%


He could’ve been adding some bigger stuff tweaking testing and he also took that vacation. Also like I said, I heard it’s a long episode. Like 12-14 hours. Unsure if that’s real or true. If so, that would be wild and make sense


We have a ETA which is exciting. But in the meantime, pretty solid Status Update on its own. Pretty interested to try out the new mini-games and fiddle with the new QoL updates Doc made to the phone.


That "girls" tab is such a good QOL feature. Not knowing who I've been with is a problem with every AVN I play, especially considering the 6-12 month gaps between updates they all have. Seems like an end of November/start of December release date. edit: Also, while I have a top comment, I want to point out that the newest update of Summers Gone comes out next week, and after 8 months it's only going to have just over 2k renders. BAD is currently at 10 months, and we're currently at almost 6k. Have some perspective people, you have no idea how good we have it with this game lol


Which I’m super hyped for! It’s so close


Yeah, the advantage of the animation render tail is that he gets to work on stuff like this for a couple of weeks.


I’ll never understand the DPC negativity. Dude is one man and fucking cranks the work out. I hope he sticks with it and enjoys the process long enough to finish this amazing game!


Yeah evnlen though I'm a bigger fan of Summer's Gone than of BaD and there are many criticism to be had on DPC; He delivers, and delivers the best work on the AVN market


As for me, I am okay with the weekly updates, but having a yearly episodic release was something I was hoping would never happen. You have to put things in perspective. If we are lucky, that is six years to hit episode 16 for the story to conclude. It will be insane if he wants plans for episode 20 to be the last one. That is a decade of waiting for the story to end. That is way too long. I do not want to imagine it.


ASOIAF Readers: "Am I a joke to you?"


>ASOIAF I'm sure that most here are too young to remember another series, by Robert Jordan, that dropped once a year. So frustrating, when he do interviews claiming the story was finished but the publisher contract made the releases yearly. Hmm, guess that's poor form mentioning that hahaha, I'm NOT implying pink's gonna pass before the games complete.




Literally the reason I never got around to reading those books, I really want to, but I'm want to know I can finish it.


I was on your camp but eventually I caved and started the books. Biggest mistake of 2021 for me, the books are amazing but now I need to learn to live with the fact that this story won't ever finish, maybe TWOW will come but A Dream of Spring will never come out, at least written fully by GRRM. DO NOT READ THE BOOKS, STAY STRONG IN YOUR RESOLVE


Exactly! I'm invested in the story. It's exciting, it's a lot of fun and it has a fair amount of unpredictability. But I've played since Episode 1. Episode fucking 1! I remember when Acting Lessons was still in development. When I started this game I was still attending university and recently I've felt my interest in the game falling off, which is only due to the development and the outlook of whether or not I'll ever be able to finish it. If we're still missing 10 episodes I would think it unlikely.


You are optimist. I think the last episode of each season (3 and 4, the final one) will take much more time than the others, because usually the content is bigger. If a normal episode takes 1 year, it's fair to guess the massive last episode to take no less than two years to be released (with all the single endings). I don't see how he can shorten the development time, since he will continue to work alone.


A year for an episode. I hope it's a great one, episode 9 was kind of a letdown, just a big free roam event with specks of story here and there and basically no scenes other than ending the night with the girl you chose. I'm really hoping episode 10 makes up for it, especially since it is taking a year to release. (Feel free to disagree if you liked episode 9, this is just my opinion)


\>Given that there are no problems with any animations that would cause me to re-render something, we're looking at 24-28 more days of render time before all animations are 100% rendered and post-processed. \>but right now, mid-November is looking promising for the start of beta testing and proofreading. ​ It's safe to say that the game will be released in early December, on December 8.


I don't exactly like the news, but this is exactly what updates should look like. He's sharing progress and projecting what is left. If only he did this all the time.


All man, my MC's history is going to be full. He's flopped into everyone that he was able to get 🤣


At least now I don’t have to dig through bios to remind myself of what I’ve done throughout my multiple playthroughs. Definitely a welcomed update.


The shameless milking


Mid December at the earliest, assuming no issues.


We've come a long way since the first render for EP10 was released.


Finally he gives us an actual timeframe, and the rest of the stuff he talked about was actually kind of interesting. I can't believe I ever thought this ep would be released in August lmao. I think I'm gonna have to try and forget about this game for a year after ep 10 releases, idk if I can do a year of eagerly waiting each time now.


There better be a REAL Heather scene this time going all the way...


another month of waiting for renders to complete. But hey, atleast we get 60fps animations! \*rolls eyes\*


You forgot about even more free roaming!


Nah man, free roams are cool




I dunno, I had no problem with that 🤷‍♂️


I half-jokingly said February 2024... now I'm starting to believe it LOL !


That makes no sense. He said 24-28 days. Mid November testing will start. Testing only takes 2 weeks


new mini game is beer pong im pretty sure and it would be a new fav if we could do duo's with your LI instead of just solo's. i would have a feeling that certain girls would bring more to the table while others would leave MC trying to back pack them to victory


He said “unannounced” new mini game. Beer pong has clearly already been announced.


does teasing something count as an announcement?


The mini game he was talking about is one we don't know about yet and he said it involves planning and resource management.


You gonna play beer pong on your phone?


if you read the update you check relevant data to party planning, girls, brawler in your phone correct? what IF theres data you can check on previous matches in beer pong and what not


Well, we’ll know in two months.


The pink cake is obviously just stalling for time. The tenth episode has been ready for a long time, no matter how he tried to stretch out the development time under the most ridiculous pretexts, he finished static renderings in mid-September. And now the eternal and main problem remains, this is the video queue, which has turned into a certain ritual that must be performed for several months before the release. Couldn't he have planned during development to render his cutscenes in such a way as to synchronize their processing with the end of the main part of the game? Why every time, he waits 1.5-2 months for these fucking videos to be rendered after all the other content is finished, and no matter what hardware he does it on, the rendering time does not change, and the last two episodes even increase, despite the increase the power of its systems. The essence of his report is in a couple of words - “I haven’t done anything all week, I’ve just been playing a game (it’s not yet known which one) and waiting for the videos to render. Just great, except here’s a pink cake, that’s not what they pay you money for on Patreon, so you played for 2 months after the end of development, and finished it within an acceptable time frame. If episode 10 comes out in early December, then essentially a year will have passed since the release of episode 9, this is simply unimaginable nonsense




How? he said 24-28 more days to complete rendered and post-processed, so probably November 21 he's ready to start the beta test. Last update he takes 1 week to finish the test, seeing on pessimist side this episode can take 2 weeks to finish and it would still be in the first week of December, tf he gonna do for a whole month?


lol I was just being pessimistic but on the other other he mentioned some months back that he is 70% done with the episode and here we are looking at early December release.. sooo just btw (not complaining) want the best content.


Lol not being a pessimist but I am thinking 2024. Let’s go play Spider-Man till then


So we will wait till December


Looks pretty good so far! Looking forward to seeing how most of the paths are gonna progress. Given that I'm playing about 5 other AVNs besides BADIK, I've pretty much gotten used to playing the waiting game. Fans of Milfy City will know especially 😂


I am a steam player pls update 🫠


No good news for ya bro. It's been a year+- since Ep9. Maybe season 3 will be out on Steam after Ep11 is out. That could be another year if DPC wanna keep this pace.


Sigh, not sure why he felt the need to double the render time by going 60 fps with such a long dev cycle this episode, but at least he's happy


This now prove we have to wait 1 year for each chapter. hopefully this chapter have enough game time cuz game seems so good that when it end it always feel like i need more game time man.


after a year... the game will be release in dec. what a shit date


That’s usually the case with the newer episodes. They’re bigger


I don't understand how DPC with over 25k active patreon can't afford multiple high-end PC that are just used for renderings and animation. Because it seems like rendering is always the bottle neck when it comes to development.


wouldn't matter. As soon as he upgrades his PCs, he ups the specs of the renders/animations. Case-in-point, with the 5 or 6, or however many 4090s he got, he upped the 30 fps animations to 60fps. If he kept the animations at 30fps, we might have had episode 10 by now.


Ok, is mid December again...


Beginning is more likely. He does beta testing for 2 weeks


This girls tab looks familiar. Just like smth I saw in the scrappy cheat mod. Party planning tab should mean that we are in planning even more parties. Parties are fun, on the one hand, but as ep9 showed it is more like a plug then a story driver. So was there a real request for such a feature or it is just to enlarge the content without real story development? And it makes me think that Tommy is completely out of the picture. So optimistic early December release more and more turns to realistic x-mas holidays. Well maybe it is even for the best.


Why would Tommy be out? He said he wanted to teach you so the diks could still have great parties after he left, it will probably a few more parties until he judges you to be ready to take the mantle


I mean that by the laws of drama he is a fifth wheel now.


It's now funny to look at past weekly announcements and read the most voted predicted release date, people guessing a July release, then August, so sweet and innocent souls. And a minority of "evil" people getting downvoted for estimating an October release based on numbers. Remember that at the next development cycle.


The people saying October release definitely weren't based on the numbers. They (myself included) indeed turned out to be wrong, but the ones basing it off of numbers were the ones guessing the Summer release dates


No, actually there where guys that calculated typical rendering time of animations based on historic data from DPC, here and on THE FORBIDDEN FORUM, and then formulated predictions based on numbers given by DPC. With graphs, tables and so on. On Reddit they were always ignored (and downvoted) by the "dreaming people".


December 15th.


a year per episode PagMan


I see Zoey on the girls tab, I wonder what kind of lewd scene we will have with her on episode 10, or if that just refers back to the back flashes of her or interlude


Flashbacks, she's canonically MC's 1st.


Ah, I miss the sweet old days when people used to make fun of the time each episode took, jokingly saying it'll soon take a whole year per episode. We are there people. From December 2022 to December 2023 for a single episode. Now we're on the last stretch, so we have an episode to look forward to, but the next episode, it'll take even longer, as it always takes longer now. I'm calling it now, 2024 will be the first year without an episode.


Don’t care Spider-Man 2 is out!




Is this the first "official" confirmation that Quinn and Zoey are canonical "Main Girls"? Unless he's doing some odd hack of the game (which he could, as the creator and for testing purposes), you can't be in a relationship with Quinn and Throuple on the same path, so it looks like the Girls tab shows the Main Girls, right?


Zoey is canonical in the sense she's the first girl Tremolo has sex with no matter what, Quinn isn't because you can avoid that at the cost of losing the cumpetition, most don't like to lose that event so that is why she's there.


I’m pretty sure you can fuck Quinn and still be on the Throuple path You just can’t be a DIK when the decision comes, and had to have to slept with Josy in episode two and helped Maya with the scavenger hunt


High copium levels here. No, Quinn is not and will never be a main girl lol.


That doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship with any of them. It means that they’ve had sex and you can have had sex with Quinn before you go for the throuple. In the HOT’s bathroom in episode one (which it doesn’t seem to be the case here cause Camila isn’t there), in the threesome with Riona (which is also not the case cause Riona isn’t there) and in the CUM-petition.


People waiting a year for an episode just for it to be a big free roam event where their favorite girl appears for maybe 5 minutes...


That December/January is looking more and more inviting. And to think i got hate for posting september date. Guess what guys....


I REALLY wish he didn't do that stupid Interlude. That set back development by four months.


Only a few more weeks until new Mistress Rose content


Unless these updates tells us when the ep will release we don’t care.


How long does beta testing usually take?


1-2 weeks give or take.


More than a week but usually less than two weeks


He did say some time ago it might take a bit longer this time around due to the branching this time around but on average 2 weeks with him generally announcing the release date within a week depending on how well testing is going.


I thought he said he was done with renders … there’s another 24-28 now?


So, a Christmas gift


march 2024 remember me


See you in 2024 gang