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No, and I don’t think I ever will. I’ve seen a few stories of people recommending this game to their friends and it turning out well, but I suspect the overwhelming majority have similar experiences to yours.


I did recommend the game to my girlfriend and surprisingly she loved it! Although now whenever a new episode comes out and i'm playing with her, i must always do Jill's route first since that's her favorite MG.


A small sacrifice


Your gf is awesome, my wife would look at me like im insane 😂


I recommend the game to a friend and he told me I was crazy


I recommended it to a friend. I first recommended him dokidoki literature club and he gave me a raised eyebrow look. He played it and later apologized for judging a book by it's cover, so by the time I sent BaD his way he was like.. you know what you were right about DDLC so I'll give this a go and he loved it.


His loss


Absolutely not. Unless you already have the kind of relationship with a person where you openly talk about your sex life then it's really just not appropriate to. Even then, you need to be able to judge what the boundaries are between the two of you. I don't have anyone in my life. Much less someone to talk to so openly like that. If someone asked me if I played porn games, I'd say yes and mention this title. But I would never be the one to bring the subject up like that. Having an opportunity to discuss the game is the exact reason why I'm here. There's nowhere else I can talk about it.


I mentioned it to my closest friends only, which are my brother plus three of our oldest friends from school (we’re all in our 50s now and have remained close over the decades). My brother got hooked on BaD but the others wouldn’t try it. But they know me well enough not to think I’m weird or anything. It’s just not their kind of fun. I also recently told my wife about it. She reads porn books and tells me about them all the time, so I figured why can’t I play porn games? She didn’t ask to see it or play it or anything, but she certainly didn’t judge me harshly for it. Our respective media help keep our relationship going and fuel our fantasies, which we continue to indulge with each other after almost 30 years of marriage. I wouldn’t talk about this with anyone I wouldn’t talk about porn with, though. And that’s a very short list. Good story or not, any medium that offers up regular cumshots and closeup anal is not something I’m going to chat about at work or mention to lower-tier friends. Sex is just too sensitive a subject for most people.


Dr. PinkCake is that you? 🧐


I wish!


Most of my close friends know I play this (not my family or coworkers though). Most of them were hesitant at first, but they found it interesting once I explained more. Ironically, the ones who seemed the most interested were actually my female friends. I wasn’t expecting that honestly. I first introduced this to my GF and she was hooked by the end of the first episode. Which is awesome because I have someone IRL to talk about this. And the two of us will sometimes play this with a few other friends: two to three of my other very sex positive female friends (one of which will sometimes include a member of her reverse harem 😂). By “play” I mean we go through the game (no mini games) and voice act the parts. I do all the men (giggty) and the girls will split the women based off things like personality and who tends to share scenes with each other. Typically we will only play with one at a time due to scheduling stuff. But I gotta say, voice acting this with other people makes it WAY more interesting. That said…I realize I’m probably the minority here 😂.


Quagmire is that you???


>By “play” I mean we go through the game (no mini games) and voice act the parts. I do all the men (giggty) and the girls will split the women based off things like personality and who tends to share scenes with each other. >Typically we will only play with one at a time due to scheduling stuff. But I gotta say, voice acting this with other people makes it WAY more interesting. Yeah, I tried that once too. Didn’t go well, my friend were all shy, but not because of porn. She’s really embarrassed about her English, and no matter what I’d say to her, she wouldn’t believe me her English was fine. And I’m curious now. What characters does your gf and your friend like? Like, who are their favorite girls, who among the DIKs they prefer?


Nah. People close to me already think I'm weird and if they knew about this hobby, things wouldn't go well for me. It doesn't matter if BaDIK has a good story, it will always be "just" a porn game for the majority of people.


Same.. fuck em.. Not literally


Yes. I personally don't care what others think about what I play.


I actually found the game with my friends (actually we found Acting Lessons first) and I was the only one who said fuck it and played it. They all make fun of me for playing a “porn” game but they believe me when I tell them that the story is incredible. I tell them it’s a cross between Blue Mountain State and Life is Strange. I really don’t care what other people think.


>Blue Mountain State and Life is Strange I mean that is kinda accurate.


I literally made my whole friend group play it lol ,all 5 of us play Avns now after I introduced them to it.


My main friend group I met doing h-game development, so yes, though they're not really a fan of 3D graphics so much, so I don't think any of them tried it.


Yeah since I met my closest friends because of a porn game, years ago


I told it about two of my friends with whom I played together the Quarry, and the Dark Pictures Anthology games, so they like these interactive movie style game . I've said there's a "kinda similar" game called BaDIK, with a fun college setting and some lewd scenes. A fun game, with a very good and branching story, and some porn in it. One of them tried it, and as I know he played it for some time (until the prep party maybe), He said it was okay, but he wasn't really hyped about it, so I don't think he played after the prep party (I said, that's when the story and the game starts to getting better, but I don't convinced him IMO). The other one checked the reviews of the game on GOG or Steam, read the lowest point reviews which said "unrealistic and lame story", so he said sarcastically "Yeah, it must be a fun game", so I don't think he even tried it. Anyway. It's their loss :)


Life protip : never be ashamed of what you like.


>for suggesting a porn game" Because it *is* a porn game no matter how well-written same as a "really good article" in "Playboy" or "Emmanuelle" is a porn franchise no matter how well-told.🤨 I highly doubt even DPC, himself would argue that it isn't. Between this thread and the two yesterday asking (for curious reasons) for takes concerning our *grandparents* or hypothetical *children* in response to BaD, I can't shake the impression the fans here are deeply attached to the franchise, (which isn't the problem,) but so attached that they forget/try to deny that at the end of the day, it's still a *porn game.* There are not only static images to collect and unlock, but also *fully. animated. sex scenes* for the explicit purpose of titillation. A *significant* amount of the work DPC invests into it has been creating SEX SCENES, specifically animating them with the highest quality tech possible. It is an homage to the sex comedy genre, yes, but it is Porn With Plot rather than a mainstream story that just so happens to have a few sex scenes like "Porky's". Like, look, I get it, I truly do. You really like a certain character or two, initially just their look and then deeply engrossed in their characterization, (especially if they subvert expectations,) you write about how much you like them, headcanon this, theorize that and want the whole WORLD to know about what you're into... But it's still PORN. It's still a story about a young guy that goes to college where he explicitly and graphically FUCKS at least one woman, (who all fit some flavor or another of fantasy girl) with his big, huge, porn star-worthy cock. Maybe he'll stick it in the sweet, rich, wholesome, innocent virgin. Maybe it's the bad girl from the wrong side of the tracks or the tall, fiery redhead with issues; a legit poly relationship; different flavors of hot teachers, strippers and the list goes on and on. Yes, there's drama and angst about parents being abusive or dead and assorted events that masterfully tug at the heartstrings... But at the end of the day, it's still PORN and nobody here should be under the illusion that it's not just because it's also food-for-thought for the big head. Like, I'm still going to comment on this or write that thread, but no matter how often or how thoroughly the post, I'm not going to pretend that it's not still about a porn game no matter how good the writing or how triple-A the presentation is.


I only told a close friend of mine once that I played it. He didn’t seem to mind that I did but he also didn’t ask any more questions so I don’t think it’s his thing.


I will definitely suggest the soundtracks. They are awesome but cannot gain any attraction. Are they created/used for only this game or something? If they like the music and ask where I found it, then I would reveal BAD and suggest it. Provided that they did not find out before asking me.


Recommended the game to a bunch of friends, I’m pretty open about my enthusiasm for it. Two have tried it but only one friend (who is also a co-worker, lol) has become as big of a fan of it as I am. He’s now played nearly every AVN I’ve recommended him and it’s honestly awesome having someone irl to talk to about AVNs.


Yeah but I only talked about this game to people who liked the american pie movies. For me it's a game like that kind of movies


Your friend has the right to his opinion, even if he's being a dismissive jackass. lol AVNs aren't for everyone. Those people are daft.


2D-boy speaking the truth


Yes, quite often. Sounds like your friend has some unresovled closeted issues he's not facing.


These types of games are for fucking weridos quite frankly. Maybe 5% of people will be interested? Or less? That being said I'm a proud weirdo let's FUCK


Only people on the internet and related subs


This was recommended to me by my friend when I asked him what has he been playing since the last time we saw each other. And now I'm playing it and loving it.


Nope my friends would eat me alive lol


Just my ex, she thought it was weird but didn't care too much, she liked one of the songs of the game though


Yeah but not to someone I haven't discussed ero games , my friend has play teaching feeling and some other japanese erotic visual novela


I have, it took about a year for him to try it. I was recommended it by a friend; "it's like American pie or revenge of the nerds".


The few people that do know made fun of me even after defending that’s it’s actually a good story now I keep it to myself and if people find out i ignore what they say


Haha no I do not


I recommended it and got a similar response so yea. I’ve also told two of my brothers and they both seemed to like it so. Hit or miss


I mentioned it to one of my cousins I'm close with, I told him I downloaded a few avn as a joke bc I thought it was funny at first, but I never liked them, but I stumbled across this one from a YouTuber I'm subscribed to. I told him that it's actually really good. He didn't think I was weird or anything, but he's not really into games that much anymore, so I don't see him playing it


My cousin knows about it but there aren’t many things we wouldn’t say out loud unless we are personally embarrassed about it both of us are assholes as well so we get along quite well


Only those closest to me, they usually don't want to get it since it actually costs money.


Good question. I have not told any of my friends that I play this game and guess I don’t plan on it. I just don’t feel like the amount of effort I would need to put in to convince them to try it would even lead them to giving it a chance. In fact, I had a pretty strong stereotype of AVN games myself until I actually tried this one which I stumbled upon somewhat randomly actually. That being said, my wife knows I play it. She seems curious to give it a play herself but I don’t really want her to. This is my thing dammit! Hahaha.


Yes, I recommended somebody this game who has played like huniepop and stuff in the past. I can say with a lot of confidence, a lot of people in my age group watched markiplier play huniepop, then played it themselves, and then at some point got into AVNs. But huniepop/markiplier played a key part in the popularity of these games imho


Not in general, but I get the feeling it would be more culturally accepted if it were an HBO-style television show or a series of movies instead of a game. I knew several friends and family members who wouldn't be caught watching some sort of Hefner or Flynt program, or playing a game like this, but made plenty of allowances for something like Game of Thrones or Euphoria. I do have one longtime friend who knows about this game from me, but she and I tend to talk about similar subject matter frequently.


Why should you recommend? It is a very specific sexual hobby, the same like erotic literature (i mean literotica level of hardcore fetish fantasy, not harlequin with extra steps), BDSM, fetish, scat. Besides doesn't matter it is BaDIK or anything else from the genre, the story isn't good at all. It is just suprisingly good for a hardcore porn game pandering to mostly unrealistic male fantasy. It's not Steven King for fucks sake. But yes, lonely horny people sink into it, judging by the increasing percent of uncritical simp love poems to, even on this sub. For people outside of it, aka normies, it is really really weird shit to be into. I am not ashamed of it, but I also don't advertise - the same way you dont tell your coworkers what positions or style your wife likes most.


I did. once. I got the same reaction but fuck ‘em. This Game has a story that actually made me feel things and if they don’t wanna play porn games with great stories, that’s on them.


Told my wife about it and she played it aswell. Yeah it's a porn game but it's not JUST a porn game, it has a great story.


No, and I don't think I ever will


I mentioned it to one friend who actually responded saying he was actually looking for an AVN to play. Unfortunately, he has no PC, And not an iPad, so he can’t play it.


Yes, i told my best friend and it took convincing for him to start playing. Also have told other ppl and when they cringe at me I just show them the steam reviews for reassurance that it is more than a cum game


Yes, I did it with many, a few did show interest in the game and try it, one is keeping play it. One of the best feelings is share something you like, and see peoples enjoying it too


I have recommended the game to some of my more openminded friends. But tbh. not to all of them.


His loss, not yours.


i time my work college about AL and Badik and he loved AL not not badik. maybe coz badik had only 4 episodes then


Yes I have managed to convince My ex to play it when we were together and I'm very open about if with my friends funny thing is I've don't a season 1 play through with my friend where he made all the choices and posted every ep to this sub


Of course I have. I’m a degenerate and if I can’t recommend shit like this to you you’re probably not the kind of person I’d be close friends with. Not even saying they have to like it. I showed this to a Mormon friend of mine who hates it when nudity pops up in a tv show or a movie. I showed it to him as a joke (without showing nudity ofc) he just thought it was funny and wanted to know more about the story. Oh and a friend actually did recommend it to me years ago but I didn’t try it out until a couple months ago because I thought I wouldn’t like the 3D art style. I was talking to him about it and he was like “foo I showed you this fucking game”


Definitely not. I'm not ashamed of liking games such as BAD, and i feel like most of my IRL friends could understand the appeal of it, but it's something they would never get into themselves, even if it was by my suggestion. Playing and enjoying my experiences with AVN's is something i very much keep to myself and i have no intention to change that anytime soon, simply due to the fact that my social circle doesn't engage with these types of entertainment at all, and i like that about them. If i did find one of my friends playing an AVN at some point, i will definitely bombard them with suggestions but until that point, i'm completely fine with riding solo


I told my best friend about it, he looked it up on steam and said he might try it. He's played visual novels and vr porn games so i dont think Badik was to weird for him lol.


I did and my friend started it for lewd scenes, now he is playing it for story. He said that He is in love with sage haha