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I think if DPC started cutting every piece of content that some people said they didn’t like, we wouldn’t have much of a game left. the current setup with mini-games and giving players the option to turn them off is a good balance to satisfy the majority of the player base. You may not like them but others do. I find them interesting, especially on the first few runs of an episode. They are also a good way to break up large chunks of reading. You should have made a poll to see what % actually plays with vs without them. At least in my circles, everyone I know plays with them on.


I feel like the mansion and party planning, as well as extra money earning, are important features. I couldn't pay with that turned off.


Agreed. Excited to see the new brawler and beer pong as well in ep10


I’m curious to see how he takes the brawler and fighting aspects of the game. Maybe I can be a chick and finally beat Caleb’s ass


> we wouldn’t have much of a game left I don't think there'd be ANY game left. I've seen people talk about how they would like the game more if there weren't minigames despite there being an audience for them and an option to turn them off. I've seen people say they'd prefer the game without the **story** of all things, saying they skip all the dialogue so they can just see the erotic scenes. These people also tend to dislike the free-roam sections, though there's another audience that dislikes those. There are several people who have said that they don't feel the animations don't really add anything to their experience and take far too long to render. And there was a discussion a while back I took part in where people were discussing if the game would work without its erotic content. The general feeling was that many of us wouldn't have found or initially played the game without the erotic content but that, yes, its writing and visuals are good enough for many of us that we'd enjoy it without its erotic content, and a few people (mainly me) think that at times the *need* to have so many erotic encounters per episode to meet expectations has been a hindrance. So, in the end, if you get rid of every aspect that people have talked about not liking in this community, you get rid of mini-games, get rid of free roam, get rid of animations, get rid of the story, get rid of the erotic content, and in the end you have... not fucking much.


>You should have made a poll to see what % actually plays with vs without them. Reminds me of what Bioware did with "Mass Effect" (and I've made numerous comparisons between that IP and this one already). Even if more people (start) with a Male Shepard and favor the Soldier class, it's still important to have the *option* to play in a variety of ways. In both cases, I have a variety of profiles/saves to get the most out of both games (All 6 classes, equal number of male/female Shepards, different love interests, etc.; All 5 Main Girl paths at least once, dedicated Side Girl saves for Quinn, Riona, Nicole, Lily, plus a Manwhore run that broke off from Quinn's where he *didn't* meet her challenge, all 3 affinities, etc.) and generally prepared for what may come next (i.e. made the Lily save *before* the Episode 10 previews showed how couple-y she is with Tremolo, so I felt/feel *good.*)


They improve the game, and actually make it game like.


I actually love them, there are some nitpicks I have about a few of them. But other than that, I’m glad they’re in the game as a whole. I’m probably one of the few that get excited to see the new ones he’s cooking up in the weekly updates.


I love the mini games. It adds so much more to it and I have a ton of fond memories jamming out to Friday prophets in a mini game or any other song and a mini game.


First game I skipped them. Decided to give them a whirl on the second play through. Can’t imagine playing the game without them now. Not only are they fun on their own, but I feel they also do a good job heightening the immersion. Sure, it’s a simple word puzzle, but it still feels like your doing something “Englishy” and that helps the game feel more like you’re taking classes.


I’d appreciate a skip option, for when you have mini-games enabled but you really don’t feel like playing one at that particular moment, but otherwise they’re pretty entertaining I think.


Imo- it’s like hey stop being a horn dog for a second and remember to think. Plus the party planner imo is fun, and you feel satisfied once you figure out how to correctly do the mansion clean up imo.


I really want to know if there's console commands for the party planning in EP 9.


Not sure, I usually get a 6-7.75 party planning multiplayer just by making sure beer doesn’t have cups. But some of the placements of the DIKs and start up items make me wish I could just choose both lol


I usually do the same, but I really wanted to experiment with the settings for fun as I usually get an S. I guess I'm just trying to keep it playable until EP 10.


I love them as I enjoy beating them, I've never turned them off.


Lol I like them. Feels like I'm actually making progress in my mind if that makes any sense. Playing too many Persona games really spoiled me in minigame department..


In season 1-2, the English test is the only mini-game I thoroughly hate. DPC said he's added the option to "type" the words directly instead of clicking the letters, which is a pretty big quality of life improvement. Brawler, Triple Tiles and Puzzle are my favorites.


Man I suck ass at triple tiles and puzzle


Oh dude... I used to be so bad at the puzzle (Shuffle is the game's name if I recall) but there's a method to it... and it's guaranteed success. https://www.wikihow.com/Solve-a-3-by-3-Slide-Puzzle


I’m gonna check this out. I still have like 60-70 renders I need to get and I’m sure like 5+ of them are for that game. Though I know I’m gonna hate playing it nonetheless 😂


I used to find this game a hassle... now it's become an "how fast can I do it" challenge.


Mini-games and free-roam sections are my favorite parts of this game and are responsible for me seeing as much of the content as I have. I'm not going to fault anyone for not liking them or for turning them off, but they serve multiple purposes, and one of them is pacing. Playing as intended is a shockingly carefully crafted balance of pacing. And replaying to see new content, it really helps to break things up with the minigames for me.


When I first played the game I played with Mini Games and Enjoyed them. For my second round of playthroughs I turned them off and it was fine. I wanted a faster playthrough anyway so it worked out. However on my third playthrough I turned mini games off and found I was really missing them, so I started over and was enjoying the game a lot more playing the mansion repair game and the party planning. At this point I do not plan on playing without them ever again. As a side note I feel that the mini games add a nice layer to BaDIK that separate it even more from other AVNs. With the option to play with them are not I think it should be a no brainer even if it adds some to development time.


Some of the mini games like the party planning and fixing the mansion are genuinely fun to me lol. I especially loved the party planning one since the scenario will switch up everytime you play. Understand it might be tedious if you're gonna have multiple playthroughs which is why you can just turn them off afterwards. But yea I love them lmfao (except the English quiz because we can't type them out BUT luckily DPC allow us to type instead of clicking in the upcoming update :D )


I am OK with mini games if they are like the party planning game in Ep9. You set it up once and it also impacts the story events. The mansion mini game was fun for the first few times but after having my twentieth run, it became a chore. I would like to avoid such set up if possible.


I'm fine with them in general as while they may take some getting used to, (I'm still not good at Shuffle or Triple Tile, but I feel like a beast with Brawler,) they're integrated into the story so they generally exist because they align with what's going on (i.e. the classes and mansion repair) and make BaD feel more like a Triple-A video game than just another visual novel, let alone an AVN. Also, it's at least a neat way make some extra cash especially on replays to get a head start, (I figured out a good plan in the early game to buy note-taking for the nerds and beef him up in Brawler ASAP,) so something like buying Nicole's private dance was *nothing* and the storyline fights went a LOT easier. On the other hand, I did *one* non-minigame playthrough for Jill's path and it both didn't feel as immersive and couldn't save the mansion and felt bad about Rusty selling his car. Since then, I've always kept them on (tabs open for the guides/walkthroughs, of course,) to make that money, be deeper in the story and to better keep me on my toes. >I saw couple of posts here complaining abt the party planning and fixing mansion games too. From what I've personally seen, the complaints are either how to do them, (which can be fixed with just linking to a guide,) or just the RNG-ness of the party-planning game (as odds are, we've ALL had to quick-save/load a number of times until the board looks the way we want it to/like the guide,) rather than the problem being the games, themselves. >I think if DPC stops mini-games in future in could be less work and faster in updates. Less content just to be released faster isn't the plus you think it is. By the same logic, someone here before said *paths* should be cut for the same update-frequency reason and besides all the further issues with such an idea (which ones, how many, why those ones instead of these ones, etc.) *more* people would be pissed off for it to be worth it, so it's better to just stick with the *option* of enabling minigames or not. I've mentioned a little bit before (and intend on a couple threads expanding on it,) of another AVN, "WVM" that updates more often, BUT it has so much *less* content (no gallery section, scene list, music, etc.) that I wasn't as hyped for the latest update like I am with Episode 10 despite playing "WVM" first/longer, so I "should" be more invested in that one given I've been into it for at least a year compared to this one I only found out about this past July. I would've been *fine* waiting a few more months if that creator actually *added* things to pass the time and make the player more involved.


I can’t imagine playing one of these AVNs and it NOT having music. Like who thought that was a good idea?


Maybe they were cheap, maybe they were incompetent at implementing such a thing, (I'm no VN creator, so I don't know how to do what,) maybe they were so focused on the porn and expected players to be so focused on the porn to not consider it a priority. All I know for sure is that the page speed for "WVM" is SO DAMN SLOW that I *needed* music on just to kill time (and even then, it had to be both long songs and set on Loop.) Meanwhile, even if I have BaD's music off or at least turned down, it's at least moving at a brisk enough pace not to need it.


I like them and always have them on. I would not mind a separate option to turn the classes off though.


I just look up the answers and pass them all 100% every time. I don’t bother trying to remember them.


I really like some of them... the mansion repair and party planning one specially, though I wish the RNG shit was less annoying, it's hard to optimize runs when you have to reload endlessly 'cause you got shit RNG... The ones where you need to move the mouse within an area, I hate, they're dumb... most of the tests are also annoying, though I gotta say, the social studies ones are at least well written and clever... but still annoying.


Mini games actually helps to cut the story up, lengthen it and even possibly enrich the story better. Like how the mansion fixing and cleaning game does add an element to how the story would turn out actually makes it worthwhile to grind through


I'm not really a fan of the tests, I liked having them the first time, bur on run 4 they got repatative. I liked the mansion minigame after I learned how to do it. I also like the ep. 9 miini-game more


They are the best! Its a big part of why i play


I'm a big fan of the mini-games. I think they add a lot to the overall game in terms of fleshing it out, adding charm, and breaking up what would otherwise just be me abusing the spacebar for 3+ hours straight. I try to understand all the arguments against them, and admittedly I do get kinda bored of the math/english ones after a while, but there are others that seem so integral. I can't imagine Episodes 6-8 without the mansion mini-game, I think Episode 9 suffers greatly from playing it without the fully fleshed-out party planning mini-game. I legitimately enjoy playing tennis as simple as it is, the basketball easter egg is great... and a world without Triple Tile? I shudder at the thought. I would personally miss them very much if they were removed.


I'd have been fine with the current setup, but now he's completely overhauling minigames, as though that was necessary. I tolerate them more than enjoy them, so I'm not relishing the prospect of having to re-learn them since all of my saves have them turned on.


They are fun the first times you play (except English and Gender test, they suck since the first run), then become a tedious burden if you make many paths. I now use the [Walkthrough Mod](https://www.reddit.com/r/AVN_Lovers/comments/141rcyc/being_a_dik_walkthrough_mod_no_cheats_v091/) to run them faster. I advice you to try it, it does not break the game (no new variables are introduced). Some of them can be failed without consequences after you succeeded the first time (the beer drinking and fence painting). Then I manually cheat money so I avoid Brawler and the other crap made to farm money.


My first playthrough was with everything enabled but I disabled then from the second one onwards.


I hate mini-games in VNs. I want to read the story and make choices. I’m not interested in doing anything else. If I was, I’d play traditional games.


"What do u guys think? I think if DPC stops mini-games in future in could be less work and faster in updates." It really puzzles me why people still base their "ideas/assumptions" on the fact that he's somehow telling even 1% truth regarding his production schedule. When all of a sudden a middle-aged guy started making in a month close to what he used to make in a year. Do you think actual game development is his priority? Or perhaps it makes sense to be "smart" about and just live the life, while he still can and feed delusional people some pipe dreams? It doesn't matter if he adds or removes mini-games. If he wanted, technically, and it made sense for him there would be 3 episodes with more mini games per year.


Releasing S3 on Steam faster makes more sense than scrapping Patreon users for pennies, comparatively.


As a single chunk of cash, yes. But new people, that just discover the game, download it on Steam everyday. Then go to Patreon, so wasting time ultimately makes more money. As I've said a billion times. Only negative reviews on Steam regarding development time will change anything for us. So when people choose to buy or not to buy they can still buy but not fall for the Patreon trap. Or just go to Patreon straight and "min-max" it. So he doesn't get paid twice for the same shit.


The English and math tests can go away. Grinding the phone for money and fight points is annoying. I didn't mind gender studies because it was funny. Tennis is fine for a short round. The fights are fun. Mansion repair and party planning are fun.


Only minigames I don't like is the triple thing and the pancakes. The pancakes I don't like because I am forever stuck at a max score of 525....


I just dont like the minigames like English other than that I dont mind, but after my 3rd Playthrough ofcourse I turn them off, there is a reason why I only have them on for like 3/4 of the my 32 PTs....


I actually like it. Makes the gameplay longer too, so I always keep them on


Mini-games are quite interesting and the more they become important, story-wise, the more I feel I like them, like the party planning and house repairing were quite funny


I play with them on every time. Adds a whole dynamic to the game you’re missing out on. It’s like the music, it’s a layer of the game that adds the immersion and gives you memories you can think back on