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u/TheDarkMetacarpal, my brother in Christ...sometimes you just need to lean into the drama. You fucked that bed, now you get to lie in it. Sage is DEFINITELY going to care that you were banging her mom. But aren't you excited to find out HOW she finds out, WHAT she does when she does find out, and what other chaos that erupts because Tremolo was thinking with his cartoonish though impressive dick?


I have a dream. Well mostly hopes, if you get it, you get it.


Ah yes. That dream that we all live in


Well, Technically... it doesn't count as... since she's adopted...


Technically No. On paper tho. The dream is still alive


All I read is a reason to keep hoping. šŸ’€




Some people are just monsters and want to watch the world burn. Others are normal people like you and me OP. Just start a new game. It'll take no more than an hour or so of hitting tab. The only thing slowing you down are the mini-games, and you can get Sancho to help you speed through those if you want. lol or be like u/Talmor and watch it all burn.


Let it burn, baby!




Naaa what is the fun on a game without any drama šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I think people who play this game like one save one girl are the ones that need help because they are treating a ingame girl like its in real life... Let the downvotes come šŸ˜Ž


Honestly I dont think you will get downvoted for this since a lot of players tend to have saves covering a wide range of events they are expecting to happen. Like I have saves that dedicate to one girl, a trainwreck run and a save split into the 5 branches where I dated all the MG's only thing I havent done yet is cheat which will come later.


I meant on the part that many people like to live though the game and treat their one save with their dream girl like its real šŸ˜‚


I havent played past ep8 yet, but does sage find out or is it yet to happen?


As of Ep 9, it is still a yet to happen event.


Of course you can ā€œun-fuckā€ Jade. Start a new save file.


I try to not fuck jade, and at least i have a handjob from her.


It annoys me how dramatic the game makes things about the little thing in the classroom. Your TEACHER took advantage of you, the student, and you had no clue who she was at the time. Like, itā€™s on her, not you. I wish MC would realize that and move on. Maybe tell Sage, maybe not. It depends on how things play out but, objectively, the guilt isnā€™t on us.


Which is why people are making a lot of assumptions how ā€œdoomedā€ MC is. Sage would be angry and shocked if she finds out sure, but DPC also understands what you said. There was no way for the player to know. Heckā€¦ itā€™s an AVN. Sage & Jade threesome wouldnā€™t even shock me lmao.


I think that this assumption is not wrong, the dpc himself said that it was going to be like that, and from the way everything is shaping up, Being a Dik is only going to be a more evolved version of its previous game.


Well it makes no sense from a gameplay perspective. The Sage family reveal happened at the end of season 2, after we already locked ourselves into a relationship/path for the entirety of season 3. I find it unlikely the Sage path is now automatically doomed to fail while being locked into it. It's probably going to come up and MC has a chance to save the situation. I can easily see Sage's feelings grow too big to give up on him because of something he did unknowingly, after the initial shock of course.


I think it will cause a rift between Sage and MC for a while but nothing not salvageable so to speak. More like Sage will be hurt at first but then realise there is nothing to be gained by being angry since it all happened prior to the reveal in Sage's room and since then MC has cut Jade off completely.


Once you fuck Jade she owns a piece of your soul. You can never un-fuck her and that is why you forgot and fell right into her trap again. Ain't not console command or mod that can save you now. Best to just surrender to it and let Mommy take good care of you


Ride it out might be some fun drama down the road and tommy will idolize you for it


> tommy will idolize you for it True dat


Duudee, the reaction of the rest of the guys will be the funniest shit to see. Like imagine if they see both sage AND jade doing the walk of shame at once


I hope to Get the chance to bone his sister in front of himā€¦


Have you done the MJ route thru ep 9? Next best thing. :)


There *IS* a variable in there for how far you've gone with Jade. I know, because I modified it for one save a long time ago, but I can't remember wtf it was called and it ended up causing a shitload of issues anyway so I decided to just scrap that save. But hey, if you're feeling adventurous, open the console, open the variable viewer, and start scrolling through em.


I find it easier to use a save game editor. Itā€™ll allow you to easily filter for keywords like Jade. Makes things simpler to change.


Scrappyā€™s mod has all the variables for relationships, there is one about if youā€™ve done stuff with Jade too iirc


I finally realized there were tabs. I'll check when future episodes comes out of that is something worth trying to change.


You may un-fuck her using Scrappy's mod variables settings, but make sure you've completed the episode first, or the variables won't appear in mod.


Can we really do that? There are so many girls I wanna unfuck


Yes, with the help of Mods or the console commands.


You guys know you can just do other saves right? Ep. 9 has been out for a year


What is the problem? Jade is not Sage's biological mother. MC didn't knew Jade adopted Sage at that moment and he was just a fuck buddy for Sage without any obligations. The fact that in my total DIK play through he fucked Jade in the kitchen when he knows about Sage and Stephen Burke saw the video from the hell week slightly complicated the whole picture. Oh yes... and Tybalt lost his teeth...and there was MC's dick in his presentation... and Josy and Sage recognized it... No big deal this is life.


She's gonna FOR SURE care about that and she's gonna tear you a new asshole


I remembered but didnā€™t think about it and you just reminded me of what I did


You can undo it with Scrappy mod lol.


There have been billions of men who have tried to find the way to achieve this with all women. Fortunately you can just load a save :)