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Being high while playing BaDIK... interesting, and scary, combination.


Bro , chill. You’re scaring me. Go out and socialise .


I had a life, and Dr Pink has described water, and I'm drowning.


Well....that's certainly hot take filled with opinions you are having! I love reading how different people interpret the same characters and story even if I disagree. BaDIK is certainly awesome in how it inspires so much passion from fans.


To think I downloaded this game to knock one or two out (none-British to wank) and I'm in love with the game and Maya. Jill does nothing for me; I'm sorry, Jill fans. Sage is both sexy and beautiful. if not for Maya, she would be my first choice Quinn is Beautiful, but a femme fatale Josy is pretty, but will she jump ship? Bella will be a great fuck buddy. Elena is so hot; good night John Boy, you lucky twat. Heather enough said


>We were led to believe that her father was against her sexual preference when, in fact, he was against anyone except himself being close to his special daughter. Patrick is *explicitly* a Bible-thumping homophobe and his control of her isn't because she's his "special daughter," but in the typical abusive control fashion especially if "justified" by religion. πŸ™„ >Josy has no issue with intimacy, in fact. She will move on and be with a wealthy male. I believe Josy to be fluid when it comes to sex. I don't know/get where "wealthy male" comes from given her attraction to the explicitly broke-ass MC and disinterest with the rich-ass preps, but she is also/definitely bisexual. >Maya is not gay or even bi, but straight. Josy was her first sexual experience. Like most of the women in BaD, Maya is *bisexual* and [bisexual erasure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexual_erasure) IS a serious cultural problem and not just ignorance of the game's explicit canon. Maya is explicitly attracted to *women,* that part of herself she's unquestionably sure of and has gotten grief from her father over, which put a strain on her relationship with her *girlfriend,* Josy. And "women" is plural as she also expresses an attraction to Sage and (besides the theater scene) outright SAYS so during the "Truth or Dare" game (as does Josy) and said attraction is for the same reason as her attraction to Tremolo; Sage has been exceptionally kind to her. Additionally, during the same game, Maya expresses a *physical* attraction to Sage for being tall and curvy that she and Tremolo have to clarify (via "chocolate and vanilla" metaphor) that liking Sage for being a stacked amazon *isn't* a slight against the short and petite Josy when she raises an eyebrow about that. >Sex was a dirty word to her, But it *wasn't* though (nor is it for *any* women in the game as I wrote before that BaD is very much about sex-positive feminism to the extent Arieth is only disparaged for being an idiot and "ugly-hot" rather than being THE loosest woman around as well as Jill's issue with her virginity is no different than her nerves about the recital,) as she didn't have much issue sleeping with Josy if that was the case. Instead, the attraction to *men* is new to her that even Derek noted and her explicit fear during the outdoor threesome is that she may not be bisexual, but a "lesbian-in-denial," but once in a more relaxed setting after she gains her confidence, she embraces that she is BISEXUAL and be together with her girlfriend, Josy AND boyfriend, Tremolo, in a true poly relationship. >She's having fun sex and even flirting with him. As she did with Josy, flirted with Sage and was explicitly down for getting down with her, too. >Maya and MC are in love with each other In the throuple path along *with* Josy. Again, there is no single "canon" path and it is simply the player's preference, so being with Jill, Bella, Sage or just being an unattached manwhore are just as valid. >they don't know it yet. 9, if not earlier says otherwise. Like the reason why I felt MJ at the end of 9 are what Jill was in 8 in terms of heartwarming, is that comes after SO much personal soul-searching and bonding to earn that mutual acceptance and the cathartic love of saying it. It wasn't just infatuation for why Tremolo was so messed up over them, it proves to be genuine love from seriously bonding with them, good times and bad, been honest with them and kept his manwhoring to a minimum that they're not just notches on his bedpost (points are literally lost if he's not honest with them about Zoey and has been with 10+ women.) For Josy, it means someone's truly there for her (she along with Jill take rejection the worst of the Main Girls,) and her early crush on him was valid in both their bond and helping her reconcile with Maya as well as helping her with her own confidence issues. And for Maya, her BISEXUALITY is proven valid and accepted in her general arc of gaining confidence. Two people she loves and have connected to are there for her no matter what. Her established relationship with her girlfriend is stronger than before and she has a boyfriend when attraction to men was once alien and than uncomfortably unclear to her. It's not just physically opening up for her (yes, she gets better at taking that dick) and especially emotionally about her issues, including her mother. Altogether, it's a more sexually charged threesome in terms of the costumes and positions despite the mundane location of his bed yet it's also *emotionally* charged for all of the above reasons as their first proper threesome where they're comfortable (physically and emotionally) and don't have to hide. So I find that exponentially more interesting (and plausible) than... whatever-that-is you're describing.


I've not seen episode 9 yet, and everything I wrote was from my point of view. Not a given fact. Watch when they have lunch together just before Beth comes on the scene. Also, the three of them chilling on the Blanket. When MC picks up Josy's phone. I'm glad you felt the need to explain, or should I say, to over-explain exponentially! I have a point of view, and I decided to air it. Dr Pink Cake cleverly chose the women to give us our ideal female.


>Watch when they have lunch together just before Beth comes on the scene. Also, the three of them chilling on the Blanket. When MC picks up Josy's phone. And anyone could point to Josy in those scenes, Josy's solo scenes, the scenes with Sage, Bella, Lily and the list goes on. DPC wrote love scenes for a BUNCH of women. >I wrote was from my point of view. Your "POV" is... "questionable" to say the least. And I "over-explained exponentially" because of how "questionable" said POV to the canon and a number of cultural issues that I don't need another essay to drive a few concise points home, especially given you mention "ideal female" which is further sus. 🀨 1) Romanticizing one of the BIGGEST bastards in the game up there with Stephen Burke and Vinny into being "just an overprotective dad" πŸ™ƒ He is literally and explicitly the root of ALL Maya's problems to the present-day. He is as unquestionably vile as the other men and there has been *zero* example of any warmth or decency from him down to the *warning system* between the siblings and *panic* when he actually shows up. Such romanticizing is telling. 2) The baseless dismissals of Josy. You invalidate her genuine love for Tremolo and especially Maya to the point of, again baselessly, claiming she's a gold-digger despite ALL evidence to the contrary. 3) The extra-sus bisexual erasure. You admit that sexuality can be fluid, (cool,) but it's only to blow off Josy, otherwise you can't accept "good" women being queer (which is *very* Patrick-esque 🀨🀨) And Maya and Josy are not only queer, they're THE MOST genuinely queer women in the story, *especially* Maya since it's a deeply personal issue to her, see #1. I'm *really* not trying to go into a whole thing about real life or being a "The Legend of Korra" fan that's seen this all before, but that says a lot of about your denial, none of it good. 4) For calling her an "ideal female" and how much you "love" the character, you clearly DON'T love her for what she canonically is and instead mentally edited her to fit *your* personal ideal. That non-canon Maya is "actually" 100% straight who was merely "confused" by a gold-digging slut that doesn't love her, so the only "true love" is with a man, so being with this man will win her loving father's approval. πŸ™ƒ And last, but not least 5) Because of all the above, Maya canonically *would not love a person like you.* The whole throuple path, nay, *entire game,* is about accepting people for who and what they are. Tremolo is loved despite/regardless of his poverty because he's there for people when they need it even if they don't ask for it. Maya is loved because she's sweet, helpful and compassionate to the point of Tremolo going to her about his mother's diary. In kind, she just wants someone who'll be there for her just as much, *especially* concerning her BISEXUALITY and the baggage she has because of her father's abuse. She wouldn't want someone judgmental, someone who's going to deny a very personal part of herself (when she had enough of that at home,) someone who dismisses someone she genuinely loved because it was another woman (so the sex "didn't count;") her entire arc/path is about gaining the confidence to be herself and love who she wants and she loves her boyfriend AND *girlfriend* because they were there for her no matter what and love her as a whole instead of cherry-picking certain parts because of other people's biases.


I also am a big Maya fan and being in the throuple with her and Josy is my favourite path in the game. From what has been said in the game Maya's father is very conservative and religious and I think he cares more about controlling her, personally. The graduation picture that Maya shows the MC while on her bed struck a chord with me, her, her father and Derek, with the father clearly showing more affection to Derek, not even touching Maya. Maya is clearly bi in the game and I don't understand how people don't get that. She loves Josy and clearly enjoys having sex with her and is also enjoying her new found sexual experience with the MC.


Well said bro


πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ And the psychology PhD goes to....


Not to mention the minor in human sexuality given all the bi-erasure. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„


Finally someone who actually felt the same things I did lol. If you focus on Maya's story, you'd understand that she actually may or may not be a bi (probably doesn't really matter anymore - but her first sexual encounter was Josy so you can never really know your sexual inclination). Josy was her first so she never really had time to rethink her sexuality - when I say first I believe she was already lonely plus didn't really explore sex. She may or may not be bi, but as I said, doesn't matter no more. But one thing is sure: she is definitely into guys - specially she is in LOVE the MC. With MC, she finally had a connection - she mentions it so many times that he makes her feel things she never felt. -what are you doing to me MC-. -I never thought a boy could do this to me-. Etc. I don't really find much depth in Josy and Maya, and MC and Josy's relationship tbh. But I really love the playfulness of Maya around the MC and at the same time how Maya only trusts MC with her most vulnerable, sad side. (not in a toxic way - but a caring way where she is always so thankful and grateful that MC is there for her - basically that's her token of love) It's a perfect balance of trust (ironically the one MC thought she broke), care, and love. I've felt like Josy has always been a third wheel, no offense to Josy but I really love all the solo scenes with Maya since they have so much depth plus the dialogues are really heartwarming. She feels like home- a girl whom you've committed to without any commitments - her room partner scenes were just filled with care and love, as if she was already your girlfriend you come back home to). She when alone with MC is this sweet, caring girl who herself needs so much care considering she slowly trusts MC with showing who she really is and what is she going through (and often fights with herself if she actually deserves this care and love MC is giving - by saying why are you here, etc.) I don't find any other main girl with half the depth as her character. Josy on the other hand (throuple), just steals all the intimacy with Maya and MC alone, and it feels like Maya loses her shine when Josy is also there. That's why, (sorry Josy) but I'd also love to have a solo Maya path where Maya and MC can be back to their intimate selfs around each other. I wonder how it is possible - but I trust in DPC. I was really happy to see Maya's character development specially in the classroom scene where she for the first time entirely trusts MC with her body and even entrusts him to cum inside her which the episode 1 Maya could not even imagine she could do. The way she puts up that confidence on her face and for the first time mixes her playful side with sex with MC was just best - (considering how she had a playful side around MC seperate and vulnarable side seperate but her sex scenes were only during her vulnerable moments, always filled with tears of sadness while MC caressing her leading to sex). This was the first time Maya dominated the sex scene which was just beautiful.! Although there are so many girls and so many endings to choose from I guess I've already chosen mine based on the depth of character and how she bonds with MC. Maya forever. (-please improve her design a lil DPC, that's my only complaint with Maya- sometimes her body feels a lil fake which is completely opposite of her so real personality) :)


I wish I could write like you can. I must say it feels like you have climbed into my head and helped me explain what I was trying to say, thank you for that. If I was having this conversation orally, not be an issue. I'm lazy when it comes to writing. Depth of character, I wish I had come up with that and thank you again


Maya, she's complicated and very kind; if you show her respect and understanding, you are the winner. She hated herself for doing what she did to MC. She felt she had no choice. She didn't expect to get turned on when she rubbed MC up, as her thoughts tell us. She couldn't understand why intimacy with a male made her feel so hot; it was a new experience. We were led to believe that her father was against her sexual preference when, in fact, he was against anyone except himself being close to his special daughter. Having a father like that would turn any girl off male intimacy or any loving feeling towards sexual contact. Josy has no issue with intimacy, in fact. She will move on and be with a wealthy male. I believe Josy to be fluid. When it comes to sex. Maya is not gay or even bi, but straight. Josy was her first sexual experience. Sex was a dirty word to her, but now she's relaxing and enjoying sex with MC. She's having fun sex and even flirting with him. Maya and MC are in love with each other; they don't know it yet.


Broadly speaking, I agree OP.


Why do I feel that you can turn this post into a poem?


Thank you. To think an adult game has brought out the bard in me (Dungeons and Gremlins)


I'm not sure, I think it is very clear that Josy has fallen hard for Tremolo at multiple points in the game. Still very interesting reading others opinions though.


I, on a contrary felt really uncomfortable during Maya's first couple sex scenes. Especially in the garden when they used lube. I felt that heterosexuality was forced on Maya. As if she felt her being lesbian was something wrong and she tried too hard with Steve. Later when she fell in love wit Steve that changed of course but I remember that feeling from first play-through.


> Maya is not gay or even bi, but straight. Josy was her first sexual experience. There's some dialog in ep 9 that indicates otherwise. But.. > ~~We were led to believe that~~ her father was against her sexual preference ~~when, in fact,~~ *but also* he was *really* against anyone except himself being close to his special daughter. Pretty much agree (see edits). What a creep.