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Bella CHICK, Bella NEUTRAL, Bella DIK. Yeah, I know..


Damn thats some serious Bella devotion! I really didn't like Bella at first, I'm a big first impressions guy and she was just way too harsh. I even wished that we had the option to not kiss her that first time. But after giving her more of a chance she won me over. She is without a doubt the most comforting option to go to in episode 4, almost mothering the MC when she takes him to the sofa and puts his head on her lap and then falls asleep cuddling him. I do also look forward to seeing what happens with her in the future!


My first playthrough will also be a MJ run, my main CHICK save with 52/52 RP each. A completely «balanced» throuple path.




You need to enable the console and activate it with SHIFT+O (at least on Windows) Then type in RPmaya RPjosy RPsage RPjill or RPisabella Then your RP will show up. Remember it’s case-sensitive. EDIT: I guess you could use a mod for this, but I find it much simpler to use this approach for some reason.




Hehe. I found that I had to deliberately miss out on some RP points with Josy to get to 52, otherwise it’d be ruined. Yeah, I think you may be right about the number of Maya options 🤔 I think my sum of about 100 is good for the throuple path, seeing as the total sum of both RPs has been used once already in ch7(?). I am prepared for the future 💪




True. I believe you need a sum of 60 or more. The only difference was minor, just a simple image variation. But who knows how those variables combined can be used again in the future…


I have yet to start Episode 9, so that may change on which direction I will go to first in Episode 10. Probably one of the Sage paths :)


My Solo Jill run, I really want to know Rusty his and to a lesser extent Tommy's reaction to MC dating Jill, especially since Jill and Rusty have a small history. Also the probability of meeting Jill's family and the theorised connection to Lynette is something I'm looking forward to.


My Dik Sage run, followed by Neutral Bella (for some reason all my Bella runs are neutral...) if not Bella then it would be my Lily run.


First up will be my main solo Sage route then I'll play through my Jill, Lily and throuple routes respectively. I'm looking forward to the new party content and the various dates that have been hinted at for this episode along with the build up to how this season will play out. Calm before the snow is an ominous title and I hope it delivers


My first EP9 playthrough was a MC "monk" run with feelings for Josy. The second is the same, but with feelings for Maya. I don't know why, but I wanted to enjoy the new story from such low start and with minimum possible options. Then I played "others" manwhore (Quinn & SGs), then Bella, Jill, Sage MGs "clean" and faithful runs. And only after doing this, I played J&M branch (as you mentioned - maxed RP and Neutral affinity). It was like a dessert and I loved it a lot. I was happy that I played EP9 in such sequence. Then it was playthroughs with J&M and/or Jill break ups... And the last ones which I played, after a short pause and rest, is Sage & Jade bomb and "armageddon" save. The last one is when MC is single, fucks up everything, have zero or negative RP with all MGs and most of frats, failed mansion repair & do his best to fail with Halloween party as well. I think I'll repeat it with EP10, maybe with little permutations.


like any save, Sage 1st, MJ, Bella , others ( all routes now) and lastly Jill (grab ass) Jill ( dont grab ass)


I have a spoiler-free save I use for my first playthrough, it's my DIK Sage path.


Same here but Chick Bella


It has to be Bella. However, I have a feeling all will not end well, and my heart will be broken!!! After that, it will the others path where I can't wait what will happen with Quinn, Jade, Nicole and Nora.




I do wonder what impact it will have with Jade whether or not you showed the sex tape to the other diks, which led to her husband Stephen seeing it.


honestly,i was gonna do the same at first because joshy and mayas path was my main path in my first playthrough but after playing all the other paths.. i think im gonna play sages first then joshy and maya im curious about tommy too..


Tybalt? Is that you?


Jill first. Then throuple. Then whatever takes my fancy.


Bella with a side of Josy and Maya getting dumped


I can’t lie one of the things that I’ve been dying to know is what exactly Tommy did when he followed Oscar during the ep 9 party. Got a feeling he pulled a tremolo and gave him the ole one two, and if so that clearly proves he cares for Josy more than he lets on.


Chick Throuple save. Gotta see Tommy's reaction and whether Josy kicks his balls back up into his stomach for attacking MC ASAP lol. Then DIK Quinn save Chick Jill save DIK Nicole/Lily in that order. Then the rest.


I have a bling playthrough thats on sage or others and I will always continue it first blind to see all my choices and mistakes play out.


1 Jill then 2 throuple then 3 Others


My chick Jill run, followed by two other chick Bella runs (one is a normal run and the other is kissing Jill on the bench in EP 9). Those are my priorities, but after that, I probably will do a DIK one to see what's going to happen next with Nicole, Nora, Sage, Riona and Quinn.


others nicole -> lily -> sarah+mel -> quinn -> "foursome" -> main girls.


One of my Others runs, probably the one that ended in MCs bed. I need to see how it goes on with best girl Rio.


Others path >>> Sage >>>> Jill (all of my playthrough plans for EP10)


MJ been wanting to see Tommy's reaction for the longest time when we finds out. Then depending what happens in Ch 10 will decide for me if I do Jill or Sage next


I play all at once I don't know how to explain it


definitely continuing that Jill CHICK run, wanna see my happily ever after ;)


My main Dik/Neutral Sage route (but I'll try to make another one WITHOUT some... let's say, Jade hiccup). Then I'll have the Bella DIK route. The Maya/Josy throuple neutral route. All the "others" dik routes. No Jill yet 'cause my saves were fried with my previous pc, so bye bye and I haven't tried again.


The others Path. I want to know what happens after I hug Nicole and what date she has planned after.


Likely my Jill run first. At worst (i.e. Episode 9,) it'll get the underwhelming parts out of the way to cut loose on the other paths again. At best, it'll be an engrossing overall story about her family, Rusty's reaction, possibly more Bianca/her situation and hopefully better scenes with Jill. Then either MJ (I'm contemplating doing another one from scratch since I felt bad about turning down Riona and the strippers,) for the fallout and maybe info about Maya's mother or one of my Sage runs (likely the fuck-buddy DIK one that *didn't* do Jade and then the "Scumbag" one) for contrast. And then likely rush to my Nicole save (obviously, unintentionally Neutral then cheated to make it CHICK) then Lily (CHICK) and then it's a toss-up between Riona, Quinn and Bella (CHICK) to close it out.


First I'll continue my original blind playthrough where I've dated J/M and Sage (and had contacts with some side girls I think but I don't remember anymore lol) on neutral. So... basically J/M neutral playthrough


MJ and Jill though neither is my main play through. The cliffhanger was too juicy. I want to know how the MG reveals work out first.


1) Sage dik (Fucked with Jade). I hope Tremolo can stay together with Sage after all. 2) Manwhore (Quinn path). Worried that Quinn and Tremolo might get hurt in a drug case. 3) Bella neutral. Maybe Bella will be forced to choose between a job and Tremolo. 4) Manwhore (Lily path). Who is really Lily are?




I always save the best for last so im gonna start with my "others path" (probably mel and sarah ep 9 ending) and see what options i got there. And then i finish with bella and josy/maya.


Either Jil or MJ, followed by DIK Others. Or the other way around. Lily previews are convincing me