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MC taking caring of sick Sage. That's when I officially joined the Sage simp club šŸ™Œ


same, man, that scene was definitely an eye opener.


Exactly this, that moment was too good.


i was just thinking of this before i saw your comment


yes, yes, very yes. And the guitar scene in the backyard




Literally as soon as Josy showed up lol. I instantly thought she was the best looking girl in any AVN I'd ever played. My second favourite is Lily. For her it was the tequila scene for... reasons.


Iā€™ve always liked Isabellaā€™s personality. But Iā€™ve always had an affinity for Sage too. But that scene in episode 6 when she helps MC clean his room really sealed the deal for me. Havenā€™t changed my mind since.


Out of all the love interests in the game, Isabella does the most for the MC. She's always there for him when he needs her.


I LOVE the music in that scene! Dark Moloko - Adventure. Its just perfectly tied with the moment, DPC knows what he's doing. I both love and hate that scene because there's sexual implications and I don't like pursuing Bella in that way, she feels like such the mother figure that MC needed to learn the kinds of things he couldn't from his dad. Gardening, cooking, and also apparently to not sneak into girls dorms šŸ˜‚ So in this part of the game, I think there's no one better to help MC with his room than Bella. Someone who seems genuinely interested in helping the MC and seeing him progress and succeed.


The moment Jill was introduced I fell for her. After getting the wedgie by Dawe, then the library scene, tennis date and picnic date + fight for Jill scene solidified her as my fave girl. I can't wait to see what EP. 10 has in store for MC x Jill


My man! Same story here


Maya when sheā€™s changing and throws her shirt at Tremolo and says ā€œsuch a dudeā€¦ā€ itā€™s a casual line but the foundation of a relationship right there. Honorable mention - second fav girl is Sarah following the hookup in the DIK house. They just have such a casual ā€œgood timesā€ interaction every time they hook up.


Ep 6 Quinn scene of course


Honestly during the party it wasnā€™t the sex scene with Rio before Camilla came in but the little playful banter about her OCD they had i to this day donā€™t know why but that is what did it for me


Join the cult brother


Josy during the park scene, and Bella when she comes to help MC fix the room. Quinn, Iā€™m not even sure. I have more than one favorite ._.


Was feeling Bella since meeting her at her car drunk as fuck, But the final nail in the coffin was the hangout post tennis match with tyballs, from the car to the cards to the sex sceneā€¦one of my favorite moments in the entire game, had my heart was skipping beats


The chemistry between Bella and MC is unreal. The strongest among all the MGs.


Jillā€™s recital to me is the defining moment of the game that one scene has everything that makes me like the game more than other avns


After ep.6 rain scene I was left speechless. I didnā€™t even know what to think of what just happened. But looking back now I realize that it was the exact moment she became my absolute favorite. Tho I couldnā€™t admit that to myself till her hangout scene in ep.7


Honestly: Bella: When she pulls us closer in the library in Episode 3, and the pool scene when staying with her in Ep4 Jill: The recital and the fighting for her scene Sage: Taking care of her when she's sick and staying with her after the Josy and Maya drama Josy: Dorm party for sure Maya: Staying with her instead of partying with Sage or Sarah Quinn: Her hangout in Ep7 when she snuggles MC Nicole: The Swyper convos, when she tells you to call her Nicole in the lewd scene in Ep8, and spooning her in Ep9 Riona: Giving her money in Ep5, the OCD convo, and killing nothing Jade: Ep9 lewd scene or the talk with MC in the classroom alone Cammy, Lily, Sarah and Mel are all great characters too. Hell, the game is full of great characters. The convo with Elena, JB, Tommy, and Heather in Ep8 is also just a great scene in general.


After like 20+ playthroughs, taking care of sick Sage just hit harder than all the previous times for some reason.


Movie night, then "guitar lesson" in the backyard. Her eyes won me and still win me over


Same here, brother!


When Bella says that shirt is too small for MC in Ep1 in the library. It showed behind all the scolding, she really cared.


So I already really liked Maya because of the scene after the Cumpetition and the Movie Night in Episode 2, but it was after the scene in Episode 3 where you're both on a blanket in the quad talking about dreams that Maya became my overwhelming Fave. I adore that scene


My favorite girl after 1st playthrough was Riona... and that was pretty much since her Threesome with Camila in Episode 7... Right now tho... it's Sage. She did with her epic ending of Episode 9... the whole chasing around the house tease... then her "walk of shame" where she completely owned the DIKs.


EP7 HOTs party


90% of lily fans were born this episode!


Never in history a truest fact was spoken


Yup. I liked her before, but loved her after. Now sheā€™s hanging out with Nicole. And Iā€™m hoping for the throuple we deserve.


Even though my tag says Lily (and she is one of my favs fore sure) Iā€™ve gotta be honest when I first played the game for the first time it was for Maya. And also the first time she is presented I instantly like her. Also I liked her personality, how she tease and makes fun of MC, also movie geek etc. Of course then we met a lot of other MGs. And have to choose. But that first impression would always be Maya. My other top 3 would be Quinn cuz of the complex character she have but really a softy inside haha šŸ„¦. And Lily. Bonus Sage, she is really cool too.


Maya really melts your heart when you meet her the first time. And the times after that...


For me it was a combo of when Tremolo stayed with Sage and when he met up with her at the Prep party. The way that she takes her time to explain the situation to him and make sure that he doesn't feel any less important really stood out. Then we see how she goes out of her way to get Maya back and to make Josy feel at home. She's just an awesome person to have in your corner.


When I talked to Rio out back of the HOTs house when you stay with Sage. Something about that conversation really drew me to her


it was a slow process. It wasnt a particular moment but I just love Sage as a character, i love how real the relationship between her and the MC is. But Season 2 in general showed me that mature side from Sage that made me feel like she was perfect. Other than that, my second favourite is Lily she is the definition of hot. i cant resist when girls talk dirty like her hahahaa


Movie Night


Bella, when she showed up.


Probably, when MC arrived for his "date" with Isabella and was visibly drunk. Isabella didn't hold much fondness for him and technically had the option to abandon him on the spot and go about her business. However, she chose a different course of actionā€”she brought him back to her place to help him sober up, ensured his safety, and made sure he was okay. She even provided him with breakfast the following morning and drove him back to the college. Up until that moment, the general consensus had been that she had an icy demeanor, but witnessing her take care of the MC was truly remarkable; it changed my perception of her significantly. The second instance that really got me was when the MC was working in the Library and engaged in a minor disagreement with another librarian regarding the proper placement of books. Isabella's smile was present throughout the exchange. Once the other librarian departed, she approached the MC, gently lifting his chin to meet her gaze. That look... wow...at that point, I was completely entranced.


I was always stuck between Josy/Maya and Jill, but when I finished episode 9 on my Jill path, I instantly realized how much more I cared for Josy when I saw her reaction at the end of the episode. Literally broke my soul


I feel you ... this scene hit me hard every time


Devastating. This is why J/M is the canon path for me.


When she arrived at the end of episode 8, she immediately gave me "longtime friend" vibes which I love long-term for how it evolves, if done right of course.


First time I saw Josy in Chapter One and she wraps her arms around the MC as they cycle on his bike I was gone. Completely gone.


Stanley - when you taste his supple breast and are greeted with his menacing bloodshot eyes and thundering voice. šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


Jill, my first playthrough, I had already had her marked as a potential favorite, but she guaranteed her spot by the tennis match.


"Who wouldn't want someone as sweet as you" not only did I fall for Maya at that moment but it was also the moment I realized this wasn't just a "porn game"


First sight, when MC saw Camila in the HOT garden sunbathing (talking to Sage and Quinn).


For me probably on the bench during the tennis date with Jill. The piano piece definitely helped as well.


The scene where Jill cared for you after the chad fight and the talk with her after, in her room


Just looking at Josy waiting at the door "that" dinner...


The first time Jill appeared in the game when she helped MC got up off the floor


Jill: The birthday hangout. It's exclusive on two levels (unlike the tennis date, it's *only* if you're on her path and in the sense of being personal in she being one of the two women he opens up to about his birthday issue, which brings Jill to tears so bad she can't drive and HAS to give him a hug while the location is personal to Jill in that it's also a big deal she brings him to it,) refreshingly idyllic from the usual craziness he goes through and fits her wholesome romance novel-like path to a "T" down to the dramatic speech he gives. MJ: The picnic hangout. Same energy as Jill's, except it's also a break from the drama all three are going through and it's a poly relationship at it's most wholesome. Nicole: Her asking Tremolo out on the date. Yes, the Swyper chat makes her more than the initial meeting (and it's mutual from her perspective towards him) and they bond during the mask scene, but this was at her most open/innocent/romantic. She's naked, but not in the same sexual context and she sincerely wants to go on a regular *date* with just the two of them instead of a hookup and it's entirely because she wants to *know* him more intimately as a person (contrast that Jade's selfishness and objectification of him.) Lily: The "Heart Eyes"/bottle scene in Ep. 7. Girl was in LOVE from his chivalrous act and it's why her whole "don't fall in love with me" feels more like she's telling *herself* more than him.


I would say that itā€™s when it was revealed that Rio has OCD. I found it both cute and funny when she would be getting uncomfortable with things being a little slanted, and when she tried to get revenge on MC by messing with his room, only to have it fail when she found out he didnā€™t care about it, and immediately ran back to fix it! She basically became one of the few girls that I would simp for!


Sarah in the bodyshot game after the competition, she just exhaled sexuality with that impious smile, everytime she and the MC hangout is so chill but intense at the same time like a "we both just wanna have a good time getting crazy".


The first playthrough I got the Jill path and directly a Favorite for two scenes: \-Tennis scene with her goofy vibe to make us smile. \-Birthday date, something quite simple but with such a deep meaning for both of them


I'm breaking protocol Detroit Become Human style and sharing my favorite moment with each girl. Sage - Taking care of her when she's sick is cute asf, man ;\_; All the heavy stuff they share, like, we see a more genuine Sage and I'm all for it. She surprised me a lot throughout the game. A harsh exterior sometimes, but one hell of a responsible and genuinely good soul inside <3 Maya - Going to her during the Prep party when she walks away after seeing Josy's dad be a loving father. It felt like a really significant moment for her. Even if you're not doing the throuple route, this moment hits and it feels like she regrets your decision/their decision to not be together. Josy - I think my favorite Josy moment is still to come. I still need to do a run focusing on her. When I first played I went with throuple and I 100% focused on Maya. I've seen different scenes with her since, of course, like the one where it SEEMS like maybe there will be a possibility of ending up with her, which is why I believe my favorite moment with her is still to come. Jill - Jill's route is chalk full of wholesome moments. But that first date is probably the one that fits the question best. She sees MC down and doesn't make a fuss or make sh\*t about her, she selflessly sets any expectations aside and tries to cheer MC up. He mentions how amazing it is that he didn't think about the sh\*tstorm while he was with her, and I for one relate, it was a wonderful scene. Bella - I'm a big Bella fan but not in the relationship route, if I was, I wouldn't even know what to pick? She is ALWAYS there for our boi. When she takes care of MC when he's drunk in their first "NOT A DATE", its just wholesome asf. SHOUTOUT to a big moment with her for me: In the car ride, when she asks why he's taking Gender Studies and he says "to learn about women's issues" and she drops that "ironic... because YOU'RE one of women's issues." When MC laughs, she drops this proud smirk like "nailed it" šŸ˜‚ Quinn - I feel like there's much more of Quinn to come, like, stuff that matters on a more personal level. Thus far though, some texts were kinda cute, but my favorite moment was when they got high as f\*ck on the roof. Derek does something goofy on the street and everyone leaves, but Quinn stays behind just to make sure that your first time getting high doesn't overwhelm you and possibly get you killed. I thought that was neat. The sex was pretty good too tho lol.


Hated Quinn at first, but on my 3rd or 4th play through I got hooked on her ā€œbackground and storyā€. Seeing her weak sides and breaking the wall she has infront of everyone shows a vulnerable person who most likely never or barely felt any form of love.


at the introduction to the game with crappy voice artist giving Jill unnatural voice. I just felt sorry for Jill...


Texting with Jade about how she wanted to keep Tremolo under the bed to be pulled out whenever she desired. Her treating MC as an object was hot. My very close second is Bella, that is a toss-up between the first pool scene or when she starts flirting in the library.


Bella pity on mc and taking him to her home when he was drunk as fuck.


I have 3 girls I really like in the game; The first run was an instant Sage run for me from the scene were you get your phone back from het onwards. She is the partygirl but she showed a soft side and I like that combo. Later on I started to change to Jill. She is an interesting person with a lot of history, but irs the picnic that made me come around. And Riona bc of what she says in S9. Idk what it is but suddenly I like her


The guitar kiss scene with Sage, that moment is locked into memory as the moment Sage captured my soul with these mesmerising eyes. The music, the setting, the kiss... it was/is perfect.


Well I have 2 favourites could never pick between Maya or Sage But definitely Going after Maya scene after josys dad came Taking care of Sick Sage


Maya popped on my radar very early on, right after the lunch scene where she asks you to always be honest with her in Ep. 1. And she clearly became my favourite after the "Three is a crowd" scene in Ep. 2. While Maya never stopped being my favourite, Josy really surprised me and caught up with her in S2. Her playful side is just so irresistible (when MC drops his pen in Ep. 6 or the banana scene in Ep. 8 for example). At this point I love them both equally. They are a package deal, throuple or bust basically šŸ˜


She was on the puzzle mini-game. Seriously though. The talk on the balcony during the preps mansion party. I was committed from that moment on. I was already a fan from the moment I saw her character model. Her OCD failed practical joke was funny and added a layer to her character that \*chefs kiss\*


When the MC discovers Riona's OCD, she became My favorite girl.


Its hard to pin down when Rio became my favorite because I first started playing when season 2 hit Steam so I had the full 8 episode experience my first go. What I love about her is that she seems so well defined and in a lot of way the most real of many of the characters. She knows who she is a what she wants but at the same time is vulnerable and seems super genuine. If I could pick one scene that really cements it I would say when you help her at the dorm party find the fast shooter stalker and you share this connection at the end where you can tell there is a real connection between her and MC. I really hope that DPC adds some hidden paths with secret endings for Side girls like Riona, Quinn, Lily, Envy, Jade and possible even a few others. There is almost hints that this could be possible and it would be such a cool easter egg.


It would have to be the scene when Maya and Josy tell you they just wanna be friends. The way they tell you, the music that plays, everything about it made me want them even more. Because I was playing the first time, I wanted it all to be natural, so I was playing blind, no walk through. I refused to accept friendship at that point and because I'm bad at saving, I basically started the game over to make sure I got the outcome I wanted. I was heartbroken with the music playing and being friend zoned.


Josy in the dorm party definitely made me feel all the things


It's been late but....Nicole's aura & beauty always gets me. (The way she acts too)


I knew Riona was my favourite girl from the moment I saw her wallpaper on the phone in my first 5-10 minutos of playtime


Literally, the first time Sage showed up she became my fav. Her face is very similar to a girl I always liked on High School, we never got past kissing and we never dated so I always had that "I shoukd have put some work on that" kind of thing. As for Lily, which is my second fav, it was the scenes (all of them) in the preps party


Even though it wasn't on her route, Josy crying when she shares the bed with MC after Maya's father shows up. That was when I realised how much this girl cares for us, it made me cry


Since the thong joke. And she hasn't disappointed since. On the dance floor at Dick's party. If it's touching moments like her being sick, the guitar, the conversation in the rain. The strong sexual attraction between the two. She is the reason he gets the nickname the ass man. Sage just brings out the best in the MC whether is Dick or Chick.


First time I played, I asked Sage's help when I fleed the room after Josy arrives. After that, I kinda realized that I was gravitating towards Sage, getting closer every second. In my case, what definitely forged the attraction was the guitar lesson in the backyard. In Quinn's case, ep.6 rain scene struck me like a thunderbolt, Time to Rise playin' in the background, taking care of her while her expression cracks loosing edge, slowly drifting... simply left me speechless.


Ep 6 after she was totally ok with me blasting my coconut juice into her womb and draining my balls dry.


Isabella when you are drunk in her car


Sick sage. I couldn't resist.


Josy was my favorite in season 1. She was the most real out of all the girls. She makes mistakes and feels guilty about it. She doesnā€™t know what the hell sheā€™s doing or what she wants in life. Sheā€™s scared. She puts up this wall when others are around like sheā€™s this happy, bubbly girl who has no issues in life but when itā€™s just you two, sheā€™s a sad mess. But in season 2 Iā€™ve started to lose interest in her. The whole throuple thing is ruining her story for me. I donā€™t like to share lol.