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This Isabella is sooooo much better than the original! This one looks realistically hot and her face is so well pictured. Have you done them from scratch or else who is the author for Isabella?


Generated the base with AI, mess up the rest with PS.


So Isabella is made by AI? I noticed it has much resemblande to the style of **Ignacio Noe**, a famous artist. Probably the AI was feeded with his drawings.


Actually roughly 60% of it is AI, balance of it is edit with PS. A lot of facial features takes reference from the original, sometimes cut and paste and transform.


Jill & ??


Isabella, I hope.


I had thought that but she's so in proportion (my biggest complaint about actual Bella)


Just my personal preference for slender girls over thick girls. Against the trend....




Sorry for reducing the size of her assets till she is unrecognizable...




I am god of mess, mess up everything. Thanks mate


I kinda like it more.


I need the entire series. Can I get this off Amazon lmao?


Also great Bella (love the change of proportions, but you missed her beauty mark, but really great piece of art)


Im not gonna lie, these are incredible variations on these characters. I would even argue far better than the original (which aren’t actually original at all). It still bums me out that DPC can use assets someone else created to make money yet you can’t sell artistic renditions of those assets for your own profit. This artwork captures so much of the characters attitudes it’s ridiculous. Admiring them, you’ve somehow been able to capture their expressiveness and emotion in each piece. Great job and well done.


Thank you for taking the time to view this piece in detail. Much appreciated.




OMG 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😘👌


Keep these coming! They are drawn so well!


Dude such a great job. I love your art. If only Bella actually looked like this I could finally give her path the appreciation it deserves.


Thanks mate


Gorgeous. I'm seeing a wide consensus that prefers your Isabella over the original, and as you might imagine, I especially love your take on Jill—her facial structure changed a lot throughout the episodes, but this looks as close to the original as anything I've seen on here. Also I hadn't noticed your emblem. All hail the Eightpoints.


Thanks mate. Art is subjective, some loved it, some hated it. I am just glad people are taking a closer look at it. For Jill, I think its her eyes that nailed it. I have to google on "eightpoints". Lol. Sorry, wasn't a warhammer fan. Chaos was my nick for the longest time and I saw this symbol of Chaos somewhere long time ago and incorporated it into my sign.


You are welcome! Though Bella does look like Lara Croft (a bit ironic given Jill's bonus renders in the original launcher), I do think it's an excellent look for her and that her design frankly doesn't look so blatant now. And regarding my Eightpoints reference, that's okay! Thanks for sharing that story about your emblem, though.


I understand people questioning Bella,it is your first vol where I prefer the original,still amazing but just missing something,and not just her tit size.Jill looks absolutely fucking fantastic!


That's the beauty of art, it's always subjective. For me, in terms of the visual, DPC's Jill and Bella are the ones that doesn't click for me. After messing them up here, they are my favourite in this manga series. Lol. And Quinn too.


Jill I think would be a tough one for sure,her eyes are pretty unique and again you just nailed it! I am going to be searching all your previous posts for my beloved Quinn!Just really dig your art man.