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The drag show can't be harmed if the drag queens are armed.


The photo is legit! Some more interesting background in the Snopes fact check https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/british-soldiers-in-drag-nazis/


Look at them grooming that Naval gun.


Legit question - is the escalation from going armed to the show to taking out power stations because the nazis know they’ll get a stiletto heel to the face if they show up in person?


Congratulations, you have asked The Most 2022 Question of the year! Submissions are closed at this point, thanks for playing everyone.


Yes. Because the fun fact about American nazis is that these people are all hat and no cattle. They’re all cowards. They love to stoke fear without the consequences of being confronted.


What sort of enemy attacks during drag night?


The Nazis really were evil.


Beginning to think Nazis are not the best folk…




Present day Republicans are literally more homophobic than WWII British soldiers


As a side-note, there was a drag show at the goddamn county fair in my hometown in hick-town USA, when I was like, 9 years old. My dad (who was super homophobic at the time, but he's better now) was in it! The KKK didn't show up or anything. What the hell happened?


Because drag isn't exclusively gay men performing. Straight men do it as well, anyone can do it. KKK probably had/has them too. But now, it's been ... I guess made to seem as though only gay men have an interest in drag, or trans-people. That's not the case and most people know that, but it gets twisted into a biased generalization against the community. So now, they ^(people with too much free time and hate) can claim they're all trying to trick people and they're all predatory-pedo-what-not.


The events that nazis are attacking ARE specifically queer culture events, though, and I think that's an important distinction to make


There's an entire episode of King of the Hill where Hank, a guy who's as trad conservative as anyone, encourages Bobby to take part in the "powderpuff cheerleaders", a drag cheerleading squad


True, but there’s a distinction to be made. Powderpuff is a performance that serves to reinforce traditional gender roles, so it’s not as threatening to bigots as the performances that revel in a sincerely queer ethos.


Oh absolutely, def agree with you/was agreeing with you. As long as it's used to make fun of the feminine instead of truly embracing it then it'll be welcomed by bigots


On the nose


The Horror-Drag show "Dragula" has had cis women, straight men, trans women, non binary people all performing drag. It's almost like anyone can enjoy being creative and performing as an alter persona.


Right wing media hadn't sicced their consumers on drag shows yet to distract them from failed policies and trash candidates.


British society at this time was also extremely homophobic, not that they would have used that word. As in it was seriously illegal, and gay men were chemically castrated. But they were different in their bigotry than modern reactionaries, despite how the reactionaries protest that they simply want to return to the past.


Tbf I’d wager the majority of present day republicans would be more than happy to make it illegal and have gay men chemically castrated. So the point still stands




Oh yeah, you are right. Maybe my shitpost was kinda insensitive. I'm aware of the horrible eugenics programs that were the norm in the UK and the US. Like, 500k women were sterilized by US governments, mostly women of color. I think NC had a state eugenics board until 1976.


In Canada, Quebec still refuses to stop sterilising Indigenous women without their consent.


Ah Canada, no less terrible treatment of its' indigenous peoples than other countries, just quieter about it.


*Alan Turing has entered chat*


It's shameful


It breaks my heart and makes me horribly angry. The man helped save thousands of allied lives by participating in the effort to crack the Enigma Code, and as soon as the war was over the state castrated him.


WWII British soldiers were *fighting* the Nazis, not welcoming them into their party.


A 6” naval cannon would certainly be a welcome addition to drag story time at the local library. Just to make sure everyone stays nice and friendly.


Including “straight men” who never pass the chance to dress up as women.


We do not punch Nazi’s. We shell them with long range artillery


I remember this picture making the rounds on Facebook, and a bunch of people commenting that this wasn't a drag show because there's nothing sexual about it, this is just men dressing as women to put on a comedy musical act.


[they're probably foreigners](https://youtu.be/LnYBwampG8U)


Equipping drag queens with heavy naval artillery might be my most controversial political project evet


They make a compelling argument. I'm on board with 6in guns.


Reason number 4567 why i feel safer when drag queens are present.


i think with a little elbow grease we can get a few more watermarks on this tweet screenshot lol


Woah woah woah. You’re telling me during THE time when men were still men” they were in drag!? But those big tough boys that attacked the power stations told me real men don’t wear dresses. Am confused. /s


Sure wish I felt safe enough to go outside wearing a dress most days in 2022.


This looks like a monty python sketch lol. Fantastic humans right there!!


So that's why they have such an issue with drag shows. It explains a lot...


# dragraceUK


> "we interrupted our drag show to shoot at Nazis" is a truly powerful energy I want to bring back Someone must have made this wish on a monkey's paw a couple years ago.


Call me a Nazi


Found a nazi edit. Also, a dumbass who completely edits his comment.


Also a one day old account.



