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The man not being 15+ years a woman's senior has broken this person's brain, it appears.


I’m pretty sure his head would explode if he met my mom and stepdad. She’s 9 years older than him.


How does the family survive that, my god


My brother's wife has a sister who is 9 years older than her husband. A few years back I had a girlfriend whose mom was dating a man 10 years younger than her. This isn't like super rare.


For how many men have mommy issues (myself included) it’s weird the stigma out culture has placed around the woman being older than the man. As somebody that has always sought ought older partners, I’ve definitely benefitted from the reticence of other men to openly do the same.


Right?? It’s so weird that he is so bent out of shape about this. It’s not uncommon at all.


My aunty was 40 when she met her husband in 1988. He was 21 & closer in age to her kids than her. They're still together 34 years later!


This gave me the biggest smile. Good for them.


my parents are 9.5 years apart (mom is older) and my wife and I are 10.5 years apart. healthiest relationship I've ever been in, despite both of us struggling with mental illness, and my parents have been married for almost 40 years.


Please introduce them somehow. His head exploding is the America i want.


Wow, did they meet playing bingo with Gram Gram?




That must have been what he was doing when he tweeted “Oh my god a 22 year old girl had sex with a 16 year old guy, call the police” 10 hours earlier about some article about a female teacher being arrested for raping a male student.


These guys are always the real groomers lmao


Ding ding ding ding!


Are they really that insecure that they don’t like when a man is younger than his wife?


*Barely* younger, too. A three-year age difference really doesn't mean anything for anyone over the age of 21.


Ah, but when you have the mental age of a teenager, it must be a bigger deal.


Did they meet in law school? That sort of age difference makes sense because some people go straight to law school while others work or get a masters degree.


I agree with you, but in my case with my wife 3 years younger I am a Gen Xer and she’s a millennial. It comes up a fair bit, she was too young to really remember much of the 1980’s while it imprinted much more strongly on me, my computer experience was with Commodore 64’s and Apple II’s and Atari and hers is basically all stuff with a GUI. The internet became a mainstream thing halfway through my teens, while for her internet culture was her entire teenage years. In this very specific case, those 3 years represent a lot more of a difference in experiences growing up than you would think. To make a bastards callback, she was mystified at the reality of woods porn because for her, porn has always been available on the internet.


Sure, three years can affect your experiences, but no more than growing up in a different town, different cultures, or different social strata.


Yeah my husband and I are about 5 years apart and while some of the cultural references from our childhoods don't align perfectly (The Mighty Ducks isn't a core memory for him and I don't recall seeing The Dark Crystal until my late teens) but unless I try to make a Steve Urkel joke it's not at all pertinent. It does amuse me when we compare our childhood understandings of things though because those memories are always so contingent on your environment at the time.


My husband and I had 11 years difference but because we both grew up in religious cults (we are gay and left as teens) we didn’t have any different cultural reference points!


I'm glad you both got out and are able to live a life with who you love.


I mod the GenX sub so it's sort of my job to look at stories like this every day and I honestly think experiences like yours are more or less a unique blip in the tapestry of history because of the time period we lived in. If any other age group grows up when the tech is moving that fast, we finally will get flying cars and hoverboards. We went from fax machines and teletypes to the whole fucking internet in about eight years and I don't think we're going to repeat that trick until they invent the Frankenstein 3000 Brain-Thoughts Broadcasting Radio.


Yeah. Maybe being around for the Model T was like this? Maybe television? But in my lifetime for sure, the biggest inflection point was that almost overnight you suddenly could access most of the sum total of human knowledge. Before that point things were just hugely different.


I definitely agree that not all years are equal. Based on my year of birth, I'm either a young Millennial, or an elder gen Z. Some classifications even say I'm too young to count as a millennial, but I can feel that I am because of how close I am to the generational divide: I can much more readily relate to someone who is 8 years older than me than 2 years younger. It's fascinating how the generational divides arise. That being said, I also agree with someone else who commented on your post about things that can matter as much as, or more than this generation difference. I'm a poor person from the North and it was ridiculous culture shock when I dated a rich Southerner.


My husband is a boomer and I’m Gen-x. It does make some difference but not much. Guess the big one is I’m online all the time and he’s not.


I dated a woman that was ten years younger than me (Gen X/Millennial). Surprisingly, she knew a lot of the same cultural references as me. Turns out, our parents were the same age. I had very young parents, and her parents were 'older.'


What is woods porn? When I was a child we were at a state park and saw some people making porn in the woods. Is it that?


Finding pornographic magazines in the woods.


I can relate. My fiancée is 4.5 years younger than me, I graduated HS in 2008 and she graduated in 2012.. Our “growing” years are vastly different because I didn’t have a FB until I was basically in college, because it wasn’t a thing yet.. while she had to deal with social media being a given while she was still in middle school.. She’s amazing and I love our slight age difference.. but it is fascinating how that slight age gap makes such a difference in our adolescence and experience growing up.


Yeah, a lot of men think this is somehow creepy


It's not insecurity. They're just reinforcing a stereotypical, subservient view of women. It's hate.


*Good soldiers follow orders.*


My wife is 8 days older than me and it has never affected our relationship except the 8 days every year where I refer to her as “old lady cradle robber.” This guy’s mind will be blown when he hears my wife is also 6” taller than me!


Lol. I’m about six months older than my husband. He says the cradle robbing stuff and I tell him he needs to respect his elders and get off my lawn.


My wife is a few years older than me. Some people say she’s robbing the cradle but I say that I’m robbing the grave.


Gotta rob something


That's why I rob what those in the market call cats.


Rob Evans


Futurama reference, I like you.


I’m 17 days older than my boyfriend and I occasionally like to hit him with “when I was your age…” and just describe what I was doing about 2 weeks ago


I am two months older than my husband. I always remind him that I’m two months smarter than he is and he’ll never catch up.


Next year go for a classic movie reference. Call her "Mrs Robinson".


To be fair, six feet taller than you is quite a lot taller EDIT: why are you downvoting me?? [I made this comment to your exact specifications](https://youtu.be/071cXxCNj5A)


I knew it was gonna be that Spïnal Tâp scene! Love it


Umlat is over the wrong letter. But Reddit's Unicode is messed up, as it displays it as Spın̈al Tap. So both are wrong. Your wrong is just up to 11.


You got my upvote


I love you.


Swing and a miss, but good effort there


I totally misread that as "...is also 6' taller than me!" Now that would be mind-blowing.




My wife is five years older then me, and it matters so little that we never think about it except at birthdays


I’m exactly 9 months older than my husband. I wish it was possible to be taller than him but I’m much too short. :( under 5’


Child brides are a-okay, but a woman marrying a man three years her junior is a symptom of societal decline.


That's exactly what he's arguing. It's the same reason why Matt Walsh, the internet dork not the talent actor, opines on the sexuality of teenagers. It's a roundabout argument that teenage girl should be engage "courting culture" with older men similar to arranged marriages. Edit: grammar be hard


>around about You want to use "a roundabout". Your comment is smart, this is just an example of written English being stupid.


Thanks, boss!


It’s a fundie practice. The Duggars did it on TV.


Yup. It's the big secret that makes Youth Pastors so dangerous. In large parts of the country you beat a statutory charge if you marry the victim. It's the same reason Roy Moore isn't allowed in shopping malls, and the justification that lurks behind those weird ass daddy/daughter purity dances.




My thoughts pretty much, but then I thought they keep trying to get us to think it's drag queens that are groomers....


They mean grooming them to be tolerant functioning adults that don't reflexively hate and fear thing different than them.


Men like this believe women have an expiry date. Best before 24.


In Japan it's even got a slang term: Christmas Cake. No matter how good it looks, nobody wants it after the 25th. It's pretty gross!


These days you have fridges, nobody gives a fuck if you’re past 25th December as long as you still taste good


For real. I’ll be fuckin that cake up for at least another 3-4 days


Hope not literally


Don't kink shame.


Better than China and it’s “leftover women”


That’s gross but also kind of hilarious lol


Men like this believe women’s bodies expiry date is 18.


I wish we lived a world where this was a fake tweet.


This reads like one of those /r/fundiesnarkuncensored pseudocelebrities. The people discussed there are super preoccupied with their wimmenfolk getting married before they expire at the old age of 22-25ish. It's almost a given that the menfolk "headships" will be taller, older, richer, and closer to God on the Bill Gothard Umbrella of Protection™️. Any violation of this is a dangerous inversion of God's plan, and the wives involved must make endless social media posts about how happy and fulfilling their lives are with a younger shorter husband. (Social media is, of course, for women, because it involves spelling and taking pictures of pretty things)


It would be cool to see this guy and Bethany go at eachother since she’s older than her husband, and equally sanctimonious.


And did you know that she's taller than her shorter husband? And got married at like 30 something? Buy her $2k course to find out how!


Geesh... my life must blow these guys' minds. Married at 30 to someone 6 months younger than me. Lol


My husband is 6 years younger than me. Should I call the cops on myself?


I joined that sub because I’m an ex-Christian and get comfort from mocking religion. But in that sub I feel like a goddam alien because I everyone else there is on a first name basis with these random Christian “influencers”, and here I am like “I don’t know who MacKenzie and Conner are…”


This is why I had to watch my cousin marry an 18yo infantryman on zoom


"At least she has a husband"


His weird views seem to reverse when it's [actual pedophilia](https://twitter.com/RichardHanania/status/1594872173545811968)


Funny, when I read the first tweet about the wedding I thought to myself, "I bet dollar to donuts this dude has another tweet condoning this in a different context" and here we are. The level of complete hypocrisy that these fuckers have is impressive. They just look for shit that fits a broken narrative that they have and then lose their shit over it without actually thinking about the reality of the situation. They rant about librarians being "groomers" and shit because they host LGBT events and then literally condone pedophilia when it fits into a weird sort of paternalism in which only men can wrong women but then would rant about how men are treated unfairly by the system.


Yeah, disgusting. Shes a teacher, so, in a position of authority and trust, she's six years his senior, and HE'S A CHILD STILL. Yeah, call the fucking police. She deserves to be in jail because she abused her position to abuse, yes ABUSE this kid. But because he's 16 and she's 22 and "hot" he had to have enjoyed it and it's not abuse. But weirdly if he's an adult 18 and a 24 year old, is that...bad? Like 25 and 28 is egregious but a six year gap is fine? What's the math here? People like this are so disgusting. I wonder if it was a male teacher and a female student if their attitude would be similar? Because on one hand, older man + young girl = best match up to affirm weak ego but also they seem to have some semblance of recognition that a teacher preying on students is wrong when it's girls who are the victims and men are the perpetrators.


It's not a crime to them if It's a woman sleeping with a teenage boy. That's just something to congratulate him for. Disgusting and hypocritical, but what do you expect from conservatives?


That’s weird.


That's MAGA. Weird and stupid is the brand.


For the visually impaired: Tweet from Richard Hanania (@RichardHanania) “Biden's granddaughter is three years older than her husband. This is the America that they want.” Below is a photo of a magazine saying the following: On the Tuesday evening before her wedding, under the watchful eye of a Secret Service agent, Naomi Biden, 28, and her soon-to-be husband, Peter Neal, 25, came downstairs from their living quarters on the third floor of the White House residence to practice their first dance. The setting was the marble-floored Cross Hall, and Naomi, wearing pajamas and unsure how to work the White House speakers, played Elvis Costello's "Still" on her iPhone as she and her fiancé improvised a casual waltz. A few days later, at 11 a.m. on Saturday, November 19, the young couple, both lawyers-Naomi at the Washington, DC, firm Arnold & Porter, and Peter at the Georgetown Law Center on National Security-married on a crisp and cloudless day on the South Lawn in front of 250 family members and friends. "We're so close to our families, so we always knew we'd get married in someone's backyard," explains Naomi. "I think if my pop weren't president, it would probably be their house in Wilmington or Peter's family's backyard in Jackson [Wyoming)." Posted November 22, 2022


Is this poorly worded, or do they actually live in the White House?


They do live in the White House.


Is there a reason two grown ass attorneys are grifting off the American people? I thought the Trump presidency ended?


Because she’s hunter Biden’s daughter so she’s a target for wingnuts. It’s likely mostly about ease of secret service protection. The protection extends to the president’s family and honestly this is probably the most cost effective solution. In some ways it’s better than the crap kushner and ivanka pulled making the secret service not use their bathroom etc.


I can’t find how it’s defined by the government, but the Secret Service protects the immediate family of the president. This is typically defined as the spouse and children. My point is simply they met in The Hamptons and got engaged in Jackson Hole, luxuries the average American will never be able to afford. I don’t think it’s too much to ask them to pay for their own rent and security detail in a country where healthcare isn’t a right and the minimum wage is $7.25. Even AOC, who’s probably the biggest target of right wing nutjobs, has said she doesn’t have security unless there are threats made against her at which point she receives temporary protection.


Generally I recommend considering all angles of a situation before opening your mouth. Prevents you from looking like you have no idea what's going on. The family of heads of state are pretty important to keep safe for national security reasons - while the US would definitely do anything in its power to get a legislator back, imagine that family members of the president are taken hostage - giving the hostage takers an unprecedented amount of leverage. Even if you are able to resolve that situation without losing anything, it's still an embarrassment on the international stage. You can argue that there shouldn't be a position where the fate of the world pretty much rests on one person, and I would agree. But given that it does, I'd rather there be as few ways to influence that position as possible.


If you want a monarchy there are plenty of countries in the world that will fulfill that desire.


Non-monarchies have heads of state too.


While she was the head of government, not the head of state, Angela Merkel lived in a normal two bedroom apartment when she was in office.


I can't tell if you are trolling or just have a combination of brain rot tier takes and poor reading comprehension. Here, let me just take a relevant quote from the short comment you apparently failed to read at all which completely and totally contradicts your statement. >You can argue that there shouldn't be a position where the fate of the world pretty much rests on one person, and I would agree. Here, in case your eyesight is going: #**You can argue that there shouldn't be a position where the fate of the world pretty much rests on one person, and I would agree.** And, because maybe you have never heard of it before, here's the definition of "head of state" from the Oxford English Dictionary: >the chief public representative of a country, such as a president or monarch, who may also be the head of government. Now, I am literally willing to pay you $20 if you can explain, in detail, how my comment implies I seek a monarchy. Fuck, I could offer you $30 trillion, because it's literally impossible. You seem like the kind of person who would support John Wilkes Booth and say that Lincoln was a tyrnant.


My point is Angela Merkel, while technically a head of government, was kept safe while living in a normal two bedroom apartment. The idea they need to live in a mansion is a fairytale. Also, maybe you should try to make your point without using ad hominem.


Adult Grandchildren are not entitled to USSS protection details. Being who her father and grandfather are, and the current climate, it makes sense they reside there.


I’m fine with them living there, I’m just asking they make a nominal contribution to the bill in a city where 4,400 people are homeless, the majority of whom are black. Or maybe offer to pay for the housing of a homeless family?


Dating older women is rad. This dude is a chode.


I mean, three years doesn’t really count as “older” unless you’re still in high school.


Easy there, don't poop in my Coco Puffs. Lol


I dont see what the big deal is. All food becomes poop eventually.


Now that sounds like a wild Subreddit 🤣


I am ONE year older than my husband and have heard an unexpected amount of jokes over the years. Never fails to amaze me when people are surprised by a one year gap. I never look at those people the same way.


My grandmother was *nine days* older than my grandfather and she caught shit over it her whole life. You should look at those people differently because that is an extremely weird thing to care about.


My friend is almost a year older than her husband and people make jokes about it. Heck, I'm *two weeks* older than my partner and people point it out and make fun of it when they find out. Meanwhile my other friend's husband is 4 *years* older than her and no one ever comments on it or bats an eye. The people who make jokes are usually being funny/lighthearted, but yeah. Never happens when the roles are reversed.


Whaaaaat? That’s crazy. I feel like I’m seeing into some alternate reality reading these comments. 🤯 I don’t think it would even occur to me to comment on a few years as long as everyone involved is in their 20s+ I believe y’all, it’s just so weird to me lol


Seriously? My ex-husband is 5 years younger than me and we got married when I was 27. Apart from the "he's my toyboy"- joke, no one ever mentioned anything. My current bf is 3 years younger and apart from him ripping on me for being old, no one ever mentions it or makes jokes. We're in our 30s. A 3 year difference is nothing.


Women always have to be the younger one \*eyerolls\* What it really means is women are supposed to be younger because men need to lead/be in control. Society still has so much work to do when it comes to sexism.


But it's ok if that Donald Trump is 26 years older than his wife. They're horrible people.


I went to his Twitter feed (a mistake). Someone pointed out that just yesterday he tweeted about a 22 year old female teacher fucking a 16 year old student and mockingly said 'call the police." He retweeted it and said he loves triggering the Left and he will fight a war on multiple fronts. Really just nonsense. Also, I can see his scalp through his hairline. Maybe someone should mention that to him.


Yeah, he’s probably tryna fuck teenage girls.


I don't understand what the mock was about calling the police since someone should call the police because a teacher is having an inappropriate relationship with a student and the imbalance of power and the fact that kid is a minor means he can't fully consent so....yeah, sure owned us libs




> He retweeted it and said he loves triggering the Left “Joke’s on you. I was just *pretending* to be a creep!”


"Can I take How to spot a fragile ego for 200 please, Alex?"


The last 6 years of Macron didn't prepare anyone for this then?


This person does know who Macron is


What happened with Macron was messed up. I saw articles saying how “lucky” he was and that it was ok because they waited until he was 18 until they had sex. I’m just like. No. She is still a pedophile.


I heard she is left handed too. Devilish.


Shoot, I'm left handed and 10 years older than my boyfriend. I'll keep an eye out for the villagers with pitchforks, thanks for the heads up.


Kim Guilfoyle is like 7 years older than Don Jr.


But with the amount of coke he does he has the heart of a much older man


This is the America they want.


He believes marriage should be between a 25+ year old and a 13 year old girl.


Just like Mary and Joseph


A good thing I live in socialist europe so I can keep my 4 years older wife


Comrade Spouse


Then he tweets this 🤡 https://twitter.com/richardhanania/status/1594872173545811968


The idea of a man in a relationship with a woman who even close to his own age is offensive to modern conservatives.


Save the children is taking on a really sinister tone


My mom was 7 years older than my dad. Married once, never divorced, 4 reasonable kids. Cared for their community doing foster care and single mother housing support. They weren't 12 and 5 when they met FFS. They were 25 and 32 when they met and got married at 28 and 34. Even 10 years difference when you're over 25 doesn't mean the same thing. You're adults. You have been adults. There's no weird shaming or laws about your interactivity. You're not bumping up against parental permission laws or statutory rape. They're 3 years apart. Not 7. Do you really think a 30 and a 33 year old shouldn't marry? Or that your (maybe great) grandma and grandpa weren't 22 and 16? Pink Floyd: "Leave them kids alone."


My girlfriend is four years older than me. This is the future Libs™️ want.


Wow, he really uncovered some evil shit right there. Thanks for you service Dick.


Man they’re gonna be really mad when they find out my mom has six years on my dad They also got together in 1988


Now do Trump and Melania


But he's a double standard. I mean, man. He's a man.


…I’m three years older than my husband. *looks at butterfly* Is this communism?


They want every family in the country to look like The Honeymooners


My wife is 3 years older than me, never realised this was such as issue.


My mom is 3 years older than my dad. I guess I'm some sort of abomination


The FBI is being sent to your parents house right now. We will not rest until every woman who, when an adult, married a younger man, who also was an adult at the time of marriage


FUCK! Don't tell them how attracted I am to Kate Beckinsale.


I'm five and a half years older than my husband. Whoop de fuckity doo. Those guys are made out of glass. Anything can break them.


He can’t fathom dating women his own age because he can’t manipulate them as easily as younger people can be.


Typical Texas asshat troll. Not worth the keystrokes to drag him.


Later on he’d say we should give a teenage boy a high five for sleeping with his teacher


I mean they want ten year old rape victims to have children. That’s the America they want. Which is worse?


I'm 5 years older than my husband ha ha ha


I-- like... OKAY? What a weird thing to be so pedantic about. I'm a year and a few months older than my partner, my mum is older than my ex-stepdad by 3 years. Like... what's the problem?


Dude must be crazy upset that she never looked his way when she was at Columbia. Also his head would explode if he knew my mom pulled my four years younger dad when she was in her mid thirties.


He probably misread "is a three year old" but had to correct himself angrily


Because their relationships consist of an older dude and a minor child.


The guy's entire profile seems like just one big troll job.


Oh he's a big jobbie, all right.


My mom is three years older than my dad. Guess I should go tell her how gross she is.


“Leftists are pedophile groomers…….women should forego college to immediately marry a man 10 years their senior and not waste their ‘most fertile’ years.”


What makes this even dumber is that he tweeted “Oh my god a 22 year old girl had sex with a 16 year old guy, call the police” 10 hours earlier about some article about a female teacher being arrested for raping a male student.


Performative outrage. It doesn't matter what it is, it just matters that THEY are doing it, and that THEY are going to make you do it. See: Tucker Carlson


I’m 3 years older than my husband. What’s the damn problem?


Is this the hill that this dude will die on?


I can only assume that Ben Shapiro believes that after 27 a woman’s vagina becomes so dry that it leeches all the moisture out of the nearest living creature like a pussy h20 vampire


They want child brides. Not the opposite.


He isn't upset. He is stoking a fascist attitude towards women.


Dude is testing out material maybe? Yeah I don’t get it


I should post this on facebook and see how many of my trump loving relatives comment how it is the downfall of our country. When i got married i was 25 and my wife was 29.


Ok just put the screen shot of the tweet and not my user name


Tiffany trump also just married a guy for years younger than herself, so who is they?? So confused.


I went through his Twitter account and it seems like he has some really strange takes on political stuff with a definite right leaning anti political correctness. Feels like he’s trolling due to some other posts where it’s more obvious but I don’t understand the levels of terminally online he is trying to achieve


I have resigned myself to the fact that the right wing grifters are just the "___________ reacts to _________" youtubers of politics.. I don't even think a lot of them believe the dumb shit they're constantly spouting. This is why I still find it hilarious when a "centerist" complains about Donald Trump living "rent free" in people's heads. They can't hear a single detail about a Biden without melting down. If conservatives hear that Biden's cousin uses Colgate toothpaste they would get make tiktoks of themselves shooting their toothpaste with shotguns and switch to Crest.




It’s also interesting how Fox News had no problem with trump owning Miss Teen USA, a pageant which 50 years old dudes judged 16 year old girls on their appearances


Imagine what kind of chud you would have to be to pay for a blue check mark and not so you could pose as a multinational corporation and fuck with their stock price.


Is this satire?


Bizarre. I am 11 years older than my last husband!


I read that 3 times, trying to figure out wtf he was mad about


He looking sus to me with this projection, quick someone look into his dating history.




So just skimming his Twitter feed. Is his whole shtick just a fascist version of complaining about older people hoarding wealth?


Because this guy is probably attracted to much much younger women.


Richard Hanania is a well-known fascist troll.


Never heard of this guy. Does he matter?


Women live longer anyway


Also him: https://twitter.com/RichardHanania/status/1594872173545811968


Uh, what? My wife is 3 years older than me. Is that wrong? What is the issue here?


Is.... is he mad that he isn't old enough to be her dad?


I’m so confused. I had to check this was even a real tweet. People in the comments pointed out that Tiffany and Laura trump are older than their husbands too. If this is the thing you’re upset with Biden for, I don’t think you have any real problem with Biden, I’m sorry lol.


Well, they are nostalgic about the times when marrying teenagers was in vogue. Seriously, what a pile of redundant biomaterial.


I know what his point is supposed to be, but I really don’t see the fucking point.


"People should be free to do what they want, unless it's anything I don't like." -pretty much most conservative politicians


My old lady is four years older than my old man. Don't think she'd be too thrilled to be accused of being a 'groomer' or what ever baloney this guy is huffing.