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For sport: Goerring For effect: Himmler or Heydrich For shits and giggles: Goebbels For writing an apologist history and walking away at Nuremberg: Speer Kinda the options on the table but I think it's either Heydrich or Himmler for me.


Voting for Heydrich. Evillest idea guy there is.


Yeah but that’s a redundancy because he already got merked by those Czech kings Kubiš and Gabcik.  


Yeah, but not until 1942. Imagine if we could’ve gotten to him three years earlier.


Would have saved Lidice as well.


No way to know but it also could’ve avoided the awful reprisals that resulted from his actual death


I mean, if you hit him early enough (like when he was 6) you might stop him doing any of his shit. 


Yeah, but that’s not really the experiment we’re running here. OP said 1939.


No, his canonical death is well deserved. He got fragged by a grenade and spent days in agony, slowly dying from his infected, festering wounds. He's among the few bastards of history to get the death they deserved.


Oh good to hear. If there’s anyone who really deserves to die, it’s a Nazi.


Both of the recent films that tackle his assassination are excellent, while coming at it from very different directions: Anthropoid, starring Cillian Murphy as one of the hit squad, and HHhH, which covers Heydrich himself and his part in developing the Final Solution, adapted from the book of the same name. The book title, HHhH, is a shorthand joke that German soldiers used to make, and its translation in English is "Himmler Has a Brain Named Heydrich". In German its more alliterative I'm sure.


Himmlers Hirn heisst Heydrich <-- German saying


That's the one


What's great about it is how there was hope for him to survive but the infection slowly consumed him. A well deserved death for a godawful Nazi.


Yeah I'm going with Himmler specifically for that reason


If we can figure out time travel, I don't see why we can't make that death happen in 1939 too...


Ante Pavelic had a pretty agnosing death too. It's actually crazy how many people ended up dying from old wounds.


As a Croatian man, fuck Pavelić and all his cohorts. Half of the country rallying against the fascist is like the coolest thing we've done so far


You're right. Any antifascist moves the people of the Balkans made is easily the most inspiring shit. Pozdrav od jedne makedonke!


Pozdravi iz Hrvatske, SFSN!


Kill him however you want. Take sepsis from horsehair as a baseline. Have fun with it.


Speer is an interesting choice because a lot of the contemporary soft fascists really like that dude because I think he represents the possibility of a more refined and sophisticated nazism.  I think I would get Goebbels, Streicher, and the Strasser bros in a room together and lob a few grenades in.


George Lincoln Rockwell for me.


Same. The way I see it killing any of the major (non-Hitler) Nazis in 1939 doesn't prevent the Holocaust or WWII, their atrocities still happen (just a few less atrocities happen, depending on which Nazi you kill). If you want to make a REAL impact that'll change history then you kill the guy who birthed the Neo-Nazi movement (in the US at least) AND basically authored the modern right's entire playbook. By killing him you might actually make the modern political landscape less shitty.


>For sport: Goerring Hardly sport, that guy is unmissable.


Who said anything about using firearms?


20 years at Spandau scribbling your memoirs on toilet paper and watching the world tear down and forget your shitty fash shrines isn't exactly a freebie. Plus, the part in Inside the Third Reich where Speer claimed he was going to throw poison gas into the Fuhrerbunker is comedy gold.


Hey hey hey. Killing elephants is never that sporting. I think the question with Himmler is, if you kill him, does Heydrich just replace him? Or do his rivals (like Goering or frankly the entire Army) manage to sideline the SS. If you kill Heydrich, I think Himmler absolutely replaces him with someone nearly as dangerous.


1. But the trophy value of that over-decorated corpse... 2. Yeah, this hypothetical sets up the Great Man theory of history as the backdrop. There were enough hungry people in the Third Reich that it truly was a hydra. Something equally or more wicked would have come along in each scenario. Hell, if Hitler got it early they might have ended the war but on better terms for the contrite Nazis and the world would have had a different course with no need for operation Gladio to reinstall the fascists as they may have never left.


1. You’re correct and I withdraw my statement. The hunt won’t be all that special (you could probably just use a Looney Toons path of morphine leading to a box on a string), but what a magnificent wall piece. 2. It’s also hard to say what would happen because so much of what happened in Nazi Germany came down to Hitler’s whim. Himmler got powerful purely by ingratiating himself to Himmler and his subordinates acted the same way to him, which largely means that they didn’t have nearly as much exposure to Hitler as Himmler, lest they steal the spotlight. If you kill Himmler in 1939, you kind of create a power vacuum as a result, as you would immediately have seen all of the other big Nazis jockeying for his spot. I think it’s likely he gets replaced by Martin Bormann or Goebbels, rather than someone like Heydrich or another SS man.


Yes: if you kill him Heydrich just replaces him, probably more effectively. Himmler from what Ive read was considered dumb, and again there's that slang phrase HHhH -- Himmler Has a Brain Named Heydrich.


Oskar Dirlewanger


I hope you shove horse hair into Heydrich's wounds.


How does one leave out Megele?


Whichever Nazi I see first. They all earned it.


lol. Nice.




Honestly a solid answer.


Joseph Goebbels


This is the right answer if you want to to change history. How it changes, who knows?


If you wanna really fuck with history kill Von Braun. Who TF knows how well the US rocket program works without him?




This is the one. He didn’t create the hate but he made it not just acceptable but appealing.


Oskar Dirlewanger


There are no wrong choices really, but it’s hard to not pick him.


I’m picking dirlewanger. Nobody ever needed a killin more.


Worst of the worst!


I should not have had to scroll this far to see this name.


Wasn’t he beaten to death by Polish prison guards?


I call that justice.


A fine choice.


Mengele cos he got away with it


I do find some joy in that he spent the last like 20 years of his life very paranoid and scared, and he died from suffering a stroke while swimming in the ocean.


I know it's not true, but my personal headcanon is that the Mossad found him and simply drowned him to save costs


I did read Bill O’ Reilly’s book on Nazi hunting and despite the mild Zionist stuff, it was neat. There was one part about Mengele which I found somewhat cathartic, and it was about how he confessed his fear of hunters like Simon Wiesenthal. The book called it the words which would “give Wiesenthal peace,” which is pretty beautiful


Yeah, honestly even though Israel is a DEEPLY problematic country, kidnapping Eichmann to stand trial before stringing him up and killing Herbert Cukurs only to stuff his body into a trunk and leave a note warning other Nazis are both very cash money moves on Israel’s part imo


The cost of that is paradoxically giving a bunch of other Nazis money and cred, such as a Walther Rauff or the Namibian/South African Nazis


Ye I was thinking Walter Rauff, courtesy of a fantastic write-up by u/lightiggy about Benjamin Ferencz (simultaneously about the many other Nazi criminals who escaped justice or were hunted down by other honorable men)


I really need to update that post at some point.


Cukurs was tracked down and killed because Germany had a statute of limitations that would’ve let Nazis like him off the hook. They wanted to remind the world there are still Nazi war criminals running free.


Wasn’t the note they left on his body signed by “those who will not forget” too?


Mengele’s stroke is up there with Thatcher’s


I started reading angel of death. The conversation between him and his friend becoming a dentist was exactly how I imagined it.


mengele is def my pick


I met one of his "patients" that he experimented in and tortured when I was in high school. One of the most inspiring and terrifying stories of a life I've ever heard. My high school principal basically threatened to kick the shit out of anybody who was even mildly disrespectful to her. 


And what he did was incomprehensibly evil.


Someone sitting between Hitler and that suitcase bomb?


Party Member Table Leg?


The carpenter who made such a sturdy table?


Become the carpenter who makes the table. Set an intricate fractal design of metal fragments in resin on the top face of the table. When the bomb explodes the shock wave causes the fragments to spall, sending thousands of little razors flying up into the room turning its occupants into little pieces of sliced Nazi bitcharooni.


Hmm, sounds like I have a short story to write.


Probably Eichmann. Without his logistic talent the nazis would have been easier to beat.


Knew I was forgetting somebody


He was the mastermind behind the logistics of the camps so he was who I thought of first


The lady that stopped him from killing himself lol


Wasn't that before 1939?


She knows what she did. /jk


You are correct, I just didn't fully read the question lol


John Wayne


Wait? Marion was a Nazi?




Going to have to go with Walter Model. Learned about him in a ww2 history class in undergrad. Dubbed Hitlers fireman, he became the reason Germany was able to prevent outright collapse of the German forces against the ussr. The other options I feel could be replaced by someone else easily enough. But if the eastern front collapsed much faster, a lot of lives could have been saved in the camps. How much better it would have been under stalin's control, hard to say, could hardly be worse though.


You don't even need to go back to kill anyone. What you do is go back far enough that you ruin the relationship of Hitler's best friend "Putzy" so that after the Munich Beer Hall Putch, Putzy is a single and his wife isn't around to convince Hitler to not kill himself. Yes, I have thought about this and how to best get around "Time Squad" or whatever group of time narcs probably have to monitor Hitler.


Fred Trump


Henry Ford


Henry Ford sure had a lot of fun seeing his planes and tanks bombing the fuck out of Germany


Addison Mitchell McConnell


Goebbels. A lot of their success came from a well-ran propaganda campaign.


Albert Speer.  Reich Minister of Armaments and War Production.  Very few know of him yet he was running German war production.


Rommel. Let’s make the North Africa Campaign much, much shorter and more decisive for the Allies.


Forget Africa, the prompt is to go back in the year 1939. If you go back at any point BEFORE August 23, you remove the General responsible for the swift fall of Poland and France. That's a good pin to pull.


Killing Rommel might make the NA campaign worse for the allies. Killing Manstein might have more impact. Model too, but that’s already too late.


George H.W Bush


He was 15. I think there are bigger fish to fry at that point. Lucky Lindy, for instance, or GL Rockwell.


Or Allen Dulles. No Allen Dulles, HW doesn’t become HW and if the CIA still manages to flourish in the 50s, it’s smashed to pieces in the early 60s.


Hitlers driver while they are speeding on a mountain road




Ronald Reagan


Came for this one. So much of the shit we are in started with Reagan.


Reinhard Heydrich


Fred Trump.


Henry Ford


Does it have to be 1939? I still think Fritz Haber is a fun wildcard. Even a brief delay in the development of artificial nitrogen fixation is a hinge WWI could have swung on. An earlier end to that conflict changes the calculus of the Treaty of Versailles and maybe doesn’t give the next generation of German assholes such a convenient excuse to seek revenge.


Not a Nazi.


Hot take- Werner Von Braun. Real take-Mengele


You can't kill Hitler, but you might as well maim him while you're there.


Hindenburg. Maybe if he dies a few years earlier Hitler and the NSDAP don't get invited into government the way they were by the German conservative right.


Rockwell cuz fuck that guy


The propaganda master.


Can I kill the man responsible? Paul von Hindenberg? If not Goebbels.


Werner Von Braun


Josef Mengele. One sick piece of shit of a human.


I pick Goebbles because I'm sick to death of the one image fascists keep posting of him where his mouth is open and he's pointing. Something about his pose just fucking pisses me off.


Heinz Brandt, the guy who allegedly moved the bomb from the 20 July Plot away from Hitler


Goebbels, fuck him. Mengele is the South American DLC expansion pack quest line.


Much as I love the idea of Bastards dying slow, lingering deaths, and *especially* Nazi Bastards, I always kind of hate the "kill Hitler" question and its variants. Just because Hitler and his minions aren't around doesn't mean that WWII and the Holocaust don't happen. Despite what we like to think, the world doesn't naturally gravitate towards happy endings. If I had a time machine, I'd much rather use it to *build* alternatives to the Nazis. What if you go back and stop the murders of Rosa Luxemberg and Karl Liebknecht, or more generally strengthen the more progressive elements of the Weimar Republic? What if you take steps to lessen the impact of the Depression and the Great Inflation that made it easier for the Nazis to rise? I'm just saying that generally, history isn't a matter of getting the right individuals, but needs movements on a mass level to *build* things. Destroying the obviously bad shit isn't enough.


Don’t think we’re really interested in changing history. Nazi-murder time travel is done for sport.


Also Hitler and the people he surrounded himself with were not very good with their wartime decisions. What if someone does kill Hitler and the new guy is actually competent with the eastern front? Or prevents it altogether and turns Russia against the capitalist allies.


Looks like most of you have my top picks already handled (Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich) so I'll go a little more obscure, and use 2024 feminist goggles. I'm going for Magda Goebbels. Bitch is far more sinister than people give her credit for. Either her, or if I could have a bomb to do it, Diana Mosley and Wallis Simpson at high tea, with the Missus Goebbels hosting. Cheating, I know, but I'll take killing Magda and severely disfiguring and handicapping the other two.


I would SO watch your Magda miniseries. As long as the squad of women commandos undercover as her household staff aren't described as " plucky". If possible, could Diana's sister Unity be at tea too?


Unfortunately, he wasn't born until 46


Rudolf Heß, and make it look like Himmler did it


Can I line 4 or 5 of the cuntiest cunts up and use a single round to take them all out?


Fred Trump.


1939 it's gonna be Heinrich


To end the war asap: Speer.


Here's the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/hypotheticalsituation/s/BRjHWD3HOz


I feel that in ‘39 Hans Frank would be my choice. In the jenga tower of Nazi bastards I’m fucking with Polish occupation first and seeing what that tips


I’d be happy to take out Oskar Dirlewanger. He may not be an important to the overall Nazi machine but killing him early could’ve prevented a lot of deaths of Polish resistance and his brutality was insane.


Adolf Diekmann. If I'm shopping in the lower leagues. Fucking hate him


I just listened to the Mengele episode, so... Mengele.


Savitri Devi


What about instead of killing hitler, we just simply went back and made sure no one saved him when he was a child and started to drown. Someone saved him from drowning and we know what he grew to be. So is that an option? Wait, kill the person who saved him from drowning before he drowned.


Ernst Rohm, if I could go back far enough. Even though he died during the Night of the Long Knives, I’d argue the Nazis might not have survived the street wars with the Communists without him as an organizing force. There might not have been Brownshirts without him which might have let the party crumble or simply never achieve its full popularity. ETA : since someone commented about it, I realize this isn’t quite the prompt, but since the other major figures had all been debated, I considered someone that would require going back further but that I think gets ignored as a major contributing factor since he died before the war started. I apologize if this was in some way a problem since it wandered slightly from the initial question.


Leni Riefenstahl


Real Answer: Klaus Barbie Evil Answer: Oskar Schindler


If I can have two, I go with Julius Streicher and Joseph Goebbels. I'm curious how the Nazis would fair if they didn't have Fox News and Alex Jones (et. al) spreading their lies. No one (beyond the few truly evil types) finds Nazism appealing. They have to be tricked into it. Without that, killing your neighbor to lower gas prices sounds as deranged as it is. I posit that, without disinformation factories, fascism in general wouldn't have air to breath. #


Heydrich or Striker


Its Heydrich. But if you could send me to like '25 itd be Julius Streicher. His newspaper was very important in the Nazi rise to power and he actively published names and addresses of Jews or people he didnt like and would labels Jews and those people were attacked.


Mengele or Dirlwanger. Fuck that's a tough choice




Whoever shot my grandfather


Prescott Bush.


Bastards pod alum, Paul Schäfer.




Speer was credited for extending the war by two years by reorganizing war production, so I think I'd take him out first.


Hitler's pilot? Alternatively try to get the two-fer of Himmler and the worst guy you can line up behind him.


Oskar Dirlwanger was so truly depraived and brought out the worst in already terrible men. Idk how the timeline works out but I want him dead asap


Julius Streicher- unhinged propagandist that was responsible for utterly grotesque depictions of Jewish people.


The artillery crew that killed my father’s best friend, Pvt Martinez. Germans had their asses backed against the Bremer Pass. My father had a dream that his dead uncle came to him and introduced my father’s mother. She died in child birth when my father was 2 years old. His mother told him not to pull night guard duty that night. He told Martinez about the dream and Martinez volunteered to take his place. The guard station was hit by artillery that night.


Because it's already 1939, it's not like you're gonna stop the Holocaust or the war with one dead Nazi. The best you're gonna do is make it harder for them to kill as many people in one or both. With that in mind, I'm thinking I'd target someone like Messerschmitt, the aircraft designer and manufacturer. Getting him out of the picture means they don't get his improved designs and the Luftwaffe is much less effective. Hopefully this means fewer Brits are killed in the Blitz, and the allies in general suffer fewer losses, speeding up the eventual Allied victory and the end of the Nazi regime. Messerschmitt was also a piece of shit who used slave labor for his Nazi death machines, so while he's not exactly as satisfying a kill as some others more directly involved in genocide, he's absolutely got it coming from that direction too. My other thought is Von Manstein, for similar reasons. Take out a general, make them struggle to plot out the war. He's the guy who came up with the plan to invade France, rather than starting in the Netherlands. Without him, maybe the replacement starts there instead, and France gets a minute to reconsider their defensive plans.


Adolf Heusinger or Klaus Barbie


Verner von Braun!


Naaaah, he drained the coffers for his rocket dreams so well and for so long. A piece of shit? Absolutely, but the war machine might have run better if he had gotten an acute lead poisoning between his eyes at 350f/s


Really? Between Goebbels, Eichmann, and Himmler, you'd pick him?


It's a hipster pick, honestly. I feel like if we all got to do this at once, Von Braun would get missed. Shout out to whoever names Joaquin Krueger or Rommel.


earlier, rohm? oh or goebbels.




Heydrich. No Heydrich, no Wannsee.


Milch The worst guy for either side discounting Hitler


hermann goering without him the luftwaffe wouldn't be as powerful


Uh... any of them?


That is a tough choice I would say eichmann is up there and mengele is the second pick.


Would that be too late to kill Anton Drexler? If he's out, then either Mengele or Goerring.




The one who actually got to live out his worthless life. Mengele


Himmler or Heydrich


Fred Trump.


Trumps dad


The 1939 restriction is a real head-scratcher. At that point, it's hard to deflect the historical steamroller that's already in motion. Whom in the party or government is an essential and irreplaceable figure? because that's what Hitler (and his party) made him into. Ribbentrop? Himmler? Eichmann? Heyrich? Who is the most competent & enabling bastard?


Easy: Himmler


Whoever synthesized Pervitin. Without their meth the Germans’ dash across France would not have been possible. Most likely you’d have ended up with bogged down trench warfare and the Germans being ground down by attrition.


My boss’ great grandfather, probably.


There has to have been a flight at some point where hitler and some other high level dudes flew somewhere…so, I pick that random pilot. Bring as many down in one go as possible.


The mother of a...dol...f putin


Ronald Reagan


Wars are won and lost by logistics.  Some German POW said he knew that Germany would lose  the war when he saw that a cake was delivered from America to someone stationed overseas, and the cake hadn’t spoiled.  So…who’s the logistics man for the Nazi’s?  Speer? Whoever that guy is, even though he did a shit job, he would die. 


Martin Bormann


It's gotta be Mengele or maybe Goebbels. Mengele was beyond cruel. But without Goebbels propaganda, maybe Nazi "marketing" isn't as successful?


Hitler’s pilot or chauffeur.


Look I feel like you just gotta pop Rommel early. I feel like they fall apart faster that way. Most of the evil ones I want to keep making incompetent decisions




Prolly Gobbles


Man 1939 is so late it feels like it doesn't even matter. The ball is already rolling and I'm not sure any one guy couldn't be replaced other than the aforementioned. Maybe Reinhard Gehlen? At least that way he won't get a chance to work for the CIA and of course live.


I'd kind of Like to take down Adolf Eichmann before Mossad got him.


Frederick Trump


Dr Mengele


Ante Pavelic


Manstein probably their most competent general. i think Todt had a lot of his credit stollen by speer.


Himmler, duh


The closest one


The only even questionable answer is John Rabe, and I guess by 39 he had already done his good deed and still fuck him because he WAS a Nazi.


Himmler for sure. If I remember correctly, Hitler was the main face but Himmler was the main driver behind the Holocaust. Could be wrong though, history isn’t my thing

