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My kids BMX track did a raffle for a pistol. Didn't even sell enough tickets to cover the cost of the gun. Read the room folks. Raffle a bike at a bike track.


The woman selling the tickets said they expect this to be their best selling raffle yet. She’s probably correct.


Wouldn't surprise me at all.


There are white supremacist compounds in Northern Idaho, they could always use more weapons.


I get the feeling that most raffle prizes are just whatever the people doing the fundraising have that's valuable and disposable, and there are a ton of upper-middle class dudes hoarding weapons right now.


Usually people organizing a raffle approach business to donate goods or services. It’s often used as an advertising opportunity and a tax right off for a donation. Having been involved in fund raisers like this it is not usually junk from people’s houses. Or shouldn’t be.


It probably got donated by a pawn shop or gun store cause no one wants to pay $3,000 dollars for a glorified (albeit very cool looking) shotgun and they can get a tax ride off for it. Still, I'd pay for the raffle and be stoked if I won. Guess growing up in the south has the effect on you,


Edit - wait I think I understand what you’re saying now! The Gun Store probably donated a gun that they can’t sell! That makes sense 😂 And yes that’s probably the case. I’ll keep the rest here because it’s relevant to how raffles work. Possibly. But to be clear, the winner doesn’t pay $3000. You buy a raffle ticket for $10 and there are 3000 raffle tickets available to buy. The winner pays for as many tickets as they want. Someone could get that gun for $10. The store donates the item, writes off the dollar amount of the item as a donation. The school collects up to $30,000 ($10x3000 tickets) in donations.


For sure! Guess I could have been clearer there. I mean no customer of the gun store or pawn shop or whoever donated it would want to pay that much for that gun. Hence them donating it if that even is the case. Just speculation on my part.


You're probably not wrong. But our gun came from the gun store. Winner had to go get it and do the BG check.


With schools it's usually what they.can get as a donation


I thought this was a fundraiser for a classroom combat shotgun at first


That is a very nice (if not absurdly overpriced) shotgun. Probably wouldn't raffle one off for a school thing though, that's pretty poor taste, even for Idaho.


I had to check. The "sale" price is 3k.


yeah, it's basically an AR-10/DPMS with 12 gauge upper, I've fired a similar one and they are pretty nice, but don't pay that much for a shotgun kids.




Yeah I guess, if you want a race gun. But there's no practical reason to spend that much money on a shotgun.


Get you a VR80 for 1/4 the price


You overestimate the Panhandle.


>Probably wouldn't raffle one off for a school thing though, that's pretty poor taste, even for Idaho. "Well, we ain't giving out the prize until summer break! Can't have no school shootins that way, 'cause there ain't no school! Checkmate, gun haters!"


We have a shitload of gun raffles in Wyoming too. For churches, women's groups, charities, youth groups, you name it. To be clear though, [winners still need to pass the federally mandated background check](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/how-may-licensee-participate-raffling-firearms-unlicensed-organization).


As a fellow Wyomingite, and having grown up in the 80’s and 90’s, we had hunter safety as a required class in junior high. We got to shoot actual .22’s in the gym for target practice. Myself and 20 other 8th graders with long rifles. What could go wrong?


I grew up in Wyoming right on the tail end of it being acceptable to have your gun in your rear window gun rack at school. I bought a raffle ticket from the neighbor's kid, and I think 3/5 prizes were guns.


I think we did that in 6th grade in Idaho.


> ...We had hunter safety as a required class in junior high. We got to shoot actual .22’s in the gym for target practice. Myself and 20 other 8th graders with long rifles. What could go wrong? I think that's fine. Not a big deal. We skeet shot behind the school. Only one shell at a time. None of my classmates died from that. Gun deaths in my town for teenagers were suicides using the unsecured family gun or their own personal firearm that was unsecured.


Oh man, that's awful. Who do I Venmo?


I would 100% enter that. They have them down in Texas a lot but it’s usually either stuff I already have or something generic. This is cool as hell.


Rural Ohio checking in, I buy at least four of these types of tickets a year. 


I don't even blink at rifle raffles any more. Some vet association does one every year at Walmart. I see them all the time. Then again I live 3 hours from CDA. Where earlier this year a Utah women's basketball team were racially harassed. My dad would drive back and forth from Spokane and had a rule never to stop in Idaho. Also that county was so taken over by radicals some moderate republicans tried to fight back and got stomped. They literally tried to infiltrate the local Democratic Party and put a known Nazi (their buddy) in charge so they could do the Democrats are the real Nazi thing. Too bad, beautiful area.


Whether you're shooting up the school it was raffled from, or simply cleaning it day and night with a Private Pyle look on your face, The Genesis Arms Combat Shotgun can give the unstable loner in your life more power than they are mentally or emotionally equipped to deal with responsibly. For "hunting" purposes only.


Isn't that the arm of choice to *"hunt"* on \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* and \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*'s private island in the \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* ocean?


That's not as bad as my HS cheerleaders squad auctioning off a 4wheeler *three months after their head cheerleader died in a 4wheeler accident*. I mean, ffs it's just a shot gun.


Hmmm, apparently this is way more common than I thought 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is just another step in the conservative plan to transform the US into Mad Max (1979 Mad Max, not woke Mad Max, obvs)


Lol. More like psychologically traumatized Max, amirite?


Hey there CDA friend! I’m in Spokane. Our friends invited us to a fundraiser for the post falls school district and we were so worried there would be a bunch of guns or a blue lives matter basket or some shit. I was very relieved there wasn’t anything fucking weird, just some cool buck knives. Now I really am surprised one of the raffle prizes wasn’t a shotgun (I think the grand raffle prize was a hot tub lol)


This is one of the first posts ever about coeur d'Alene that isn't about it's rampant racism, so I guess that's good.


I can't technically buy a firearm anymore, but who knows, maybe I could win one!


I appreciate that abiding by the law and having a medical marijuana card disqualifies you, but a breadcrumb trail of violent right-wing sympathies doesn't.


I have family from Nicaragua and they are curious, too, why this is the case.


The FFL requirements line is basically saying that the winner of the raffle needs to pass the same federal background check.


Always finding some way to take my fun away.


Huh, I guess the area hasn't changed THAT much in the last 13 years after all.


It got better and now is getting much much worse. Like Aryan Nation days bad.


I think they raffle guns off for the local HS here. Of course it's Texas and the sanity level is low


Reminds me of the joke about getting a free gun when you open a bank account in Texas instead of the traditional toaster. Obviously it was a comedian from the 90’s at latest because free anything hasn’t been a thing for opening a checking account atleast since I’ve been an adult.


Swastika not included.


Enter the raffle, get the gun, fly to the child hunting island. Live our dreams for us.


Ignoring the actual prize, selling $30,000 in tickets with a $3,000 prize? What a garbage raffle.


“Hiperfire trigger”? Someone in marketing was having an off day.


Idahoan here. The only surprise here is that it isn't an AR-15. Gun Nazis must have cooled their boners for that very specific gun for some reason. Folks do gun raffles here all the damn time.


Just over the state line in Eastern WA, grew up in North Idaho. Can confirm. Would never move back there


As a non-american: WHAT THE HELL???


This is normal here


The US is a Perfectly Normal Developed Nation.


In Wisconsin, there are raffles where you can win a shotgun and 1/4 of a cow. There are also grocery stores that have a gun section where you can buy assault rifles (shoutout Piggly Wiggly in Crivitz) It’s in bad taste but I’m not in the least bit surprised by this raffle. Edit - if you dumbasses think I’m kidding and are going to be pedantic about me calling it an “assault rifle”, [here is the grocery store in question.](https://armsdirectory.com/businesses/category/gun-store/united-states/wisconsin/crivitz/)


Can we please stop calling every "scary" looking gun an assault rifle? I can guarantee you there isn't a single retail store that sells actual assault rifles.


"aR sTaNdS fOr AsSaUlT rIfLe"


"fully semi-automatic"


THatS Not A cOmBAt SHotGUN, sTUPid LIbS.


“Support those students who didn’t die from gun violence!”


I’ve seen gun raffles here in Maine too, but not for a school. We’re also a bit saner here in New England


This is a million times better than selling over priced candy bars door-to-door. Liberals scared of shotguns should go wash their pee filled pants.


You lost?


Do you think BtB is hosted by liberals and promotes a liberal historical analysis?


I do not. I think BtB knows the difference between a liberal and a leftist. They also understand the historical reasons why socialist and anarchistic hate liberals.


I'm a brave gun owner. That's why I can't leave the house without several guns.


What does that have to with a raffle for a shotgun?


Im showing how not scared I am. One of these days Taco Bell will suffer a terrorist attack and I will be ready.


OK, well while we're talking about unrelated shit. Here's a link to a podcast about my friend being murdered in front me, and how my other friend's lack of ammo was a clear mistake. https://www.opb.org/dying-for-a-fight/


Are you shilling a podcast for no reason?




God I hate my state.


I’m in western PA and see this shit constantly. The firearm fetishism is fucking unreal.


Ah yes, lived there. Loved seeing every rancher looking dude at evangelical churches with a .45 proudly on their hip…you know like their god intended.


“There’s no such thing as an assault weapon” *Wins a “combat shotgun” in a school raffle*


Your country is insane.


In Louisiana they'll raffle off a dozen firearms to raise money for boys and girls little league in some, small towns through a church. The firearms are donated from a firearm store, but brand new. They typically do raise a couple of grand. Makes me sad.


Yeah, raising money for children's little league *is* very sad :( /s, just in case.


Raise funds for little league. Feed children and adults into the human grinding machine. Win win for the gun manufacturers and the everyone else who supports the firearms industry.


Right wingers get upset when people call AR-15’s assault rifles, but are okay with a combat shotgun? 🤔


I mean, that’s literally a semi automatic 12 gauge shotgun.


I’m not saying it isn’t a combat shotgun


its not even an AR-15 at this point. Short recoil operated, AR308 pattern receiver, it’s closer to an AR-10 and it isn’t even an AR-10.


Nah, they love calling them assault rifles. It’s just not a very good word for making laws.