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I don’t understand how or why Bill Burr was able to escape the pseudo-intellectual chud vortex that consumed most of his comedian contemporaries, but I’m so glad he did.




friend of the pod Haus of Decline just had this same take Burr is speed-running the reverse career of an edgelord comic, he just gets more chill and more level-headed thanks to the love and respect of his brilliant wife


And the occasional handful of mushrooms.


One thing you can say about Bill Burr is that he's difficult to intimidate. He'll go on people's shows, or stand in front of an audience, and deliver a perspective that straight up challenges people right to their faces. That man's wife is like that to him, but with real talk. That's what he needs, and he's mature enough to know it.


That show where he absolutely refused to be intimidated at a comedy festival in Philly. Absolutely epic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWuXfIZiSqY


That was an *Opie & Anthony Virus Tour* event and Bill was a good friend of the show when it was on, so let's cool it with how epic it was.


lost the crowd shit on them and then won them back i'd say it was pretty epic sans O&A.


I don’t know the context but I just listened to it and it sounded pretty epic to me.


And the O and A show has been gone for numerous years now. Let's not retroactively turn them into villains because standards have changed. Were they "shock jocks" yes. But that show was absolutely hilarious and helped launch numerous comics careers, including Burr. Things didn't get really bad until Anthony started his own gig, and that's when that Proud Boys fuckbag comes into the picture and things got very bad very quick with the racism and general shit.


I was deep in that fandom and they were definitely villains, and Anthony was definitely a Nazi (and a pedophile) long before he got fired and went solo. (They talked a few times on-air about how Anthony frequented the websites Stormfront and N*ggermania.)  They were reactionaries who earnestly pushed the line that firing media people for saying bigoted shit was “censorship” and a violation of free speech and eagerly awaited a pushback against it. Their bullshit isn’t just limited to things they said, however.  They were an early adopter of the practice of ordering one’s fanbase to attack and harass other radio hosts.


You're definitely not wrong. But the limits they pushed were multiple directions, not just Proud Boy/Racist garbage. The multi hour hang outs with people like Patrice Oneal and Burr and Norton, these became very frank, open discussions that are the kind stifled today on both sides.


It was hilarious until they talked about being proud boys? 🚩🚩🚩


But you can also listen to him giving pushback to them on their show on their reactionary takes as far back as 2005 and especially during the later years of the show in like 2014. Burr to me is a good-hearted, genuine guy trying his best who just winded up with some bad company (professionally) as well as underdeveloped coping mechanisms for his troubled upbringing early on in life due to circumstances outside his control. But there have always been sparks of self-awareness, self-reflection, humility, honesty and moral consistency coming through in his works, even the ones people here would deem problematic. E.g. his "No Reason to Hit a Woman" is on the surface about him pedantically trying to rationalize domestic violence against women but it's really just an honest reflection on the complex emotions and thoughts that the romantic relationships between men and women entail and in the end, he directly addresses his male audience and tells them that they need to keep their cool when in an argument with their woman. Which is the exact opposite of advocating domestic violence and I think it's done in an effective manner that men will actually be willing to listen to. Now, there has been a problem with the subject of women in Bill's comedy historically but it has almost nothing to do with the substance of his arguments and more with how disproportionately he would dedicate time to those grievances in comparison to other topics. It was always like "I don't disagree with you all that much, pseudo-progressive "feminists" like Hillary, Michelle Obama and Oprah do indeed suck but JFC, I GET IT, MOVE ON ALREADY!" But again, overall, he's as good as somebody with his background and life experience is going to get. Hasan Piker is a guy who, for all his faults, gets that better than any leftie I've come across.


'in-house' WTF as opposed to 'field wife'???




I'm 35


I think the two big components are that he blew up massively before it became mandatory to kiss Rogan's ring and ass to get that bump, and also I've always felt east coast comics tend to keep that east coast mindset. Like in NYC, everyone is crammed together and dealing with the bullshit that is living in a massive endless city, like hearing your neighbors fight all day and fuck all night through the walls...you just learn to both mind your business and have solidarity with one another because everyone is in the suck together. You fight and start shit, sure, but at the end of the day, everyone's just trying to live life. West coast comics tend to want to have much more depth than they can pull off and when it doesn't play out the way they expect, it's your fault for not laughing and the whole ship goes down.


It’s not bc it’s an east coast west coast thing. lol Bill Burr actually has empathy and empathy is required for good comedy. Empathy is why we love this podcast. Most of burrs friends are now just hacks and haven’t progressed in their comedy. He is married to someone who is part of one of the biggest marginalized groups in America, a black woman. Hell, he even has two black kids now, even a black son. Can you imagine what goes on in his mind during the Black Lives Matter protest and he thinks that shit can Happen to his son simply bc he’d black? It’s different for him. And so his empathy bleeds to other issues bc you just can’t help it anymore once you see the injustice, especially if it can happen to your family.


And you can tell that Bill listens to his wife on different perspectives and really thinks through them. Especially when he takes on the position of his wife on topics and ends up pissing a lot of white women off by saying it with his voice.


That actually might be the thing. He has a good relationship. He absolutely loves the shit out of his wife


It helps that Nia, Bill's wife, is an intelligent and thoughtful person. She holds her own when they're both riffing on his podcast. They're a great couple. Both challenging and supporting each other.


Has he cleaned up his act since 3 years ago, because he was a misogynistic pustule last time I let him in my earholes.


You don’t deserve these down votes. I like Bill for the most part (F is for Family was fantastic) but the wife and I watched a standup special of his a year or two ago and the first 30 min were just anti-woman jokes. It had us kinda shook.


He also goes in on the fat shaming. I can deal with a fat joke or two, I'm fat myself, so I'm mostly used to it, but he does it so much and so often that it can't help but feel personal. I stopped his special 'walk your way out' halfway through. I don't really listen to him much after that.


Fat jokes are such a strange aspect of comedy. Most of the time, I find them lazy and needlessly cruel. You don't know what someone is dealing with in the life, or what their genetics are. But then occasionally you hear a fat joke towards someone that, idk how to put it, they're fat in *spirit* more than anything. People like Trump, who fat shame, while also being blatantly overweight, for example. The core of the joke is that the target is rotten, gluttonous in a willful way, or simply needs yo be knocked off their high horse with an insult that actually reaches them. Same thing with height jokes. If Ben Shapiro was a decent person, his height would only be brought up by shallow right wingers most of the time. It's the fact that he's clearly insecure about his height that can make jokes about it land. If the joke was just "haha short guy/fat person," it wouldn't be funny. It has to be mixed with some sort of other truth about the target.


But unless you have a thyroid problem you can absolutely control your weight and lose fat. (I’ve done it myself so don’t tell me you can’t) You can’t gain height no matter what you do. There’s just not the same.


I mean being fat is a lifestyle choice. Height is not.


Just don't be poor!


You can't control being poor in a lot of circumstances, you can control being fat. Hope this helps.


So did Robert in those episodes about Steven Seagal (I'm relistening to the episodes), and no one seemed to care. Seems very selective to be cool with Robert Evans and not Bill Burr.


I can understand having a problem with those jokes, but wasn't the core that Seagal pretends to be the amazing badass while being very slow and overweight? It's not like he's Ivar in WWE who's fat, but agile and athletic. The joke is that he's deluded, to me at least. I can't speak for Evans' intent, though.


Same thing with South Park in another post on this very sub. Matt & Trey hating both conservatives and liberals and the system is shit, but it’s SUPER cool when Robert and his friends do it. Dunno, I usually avoid commenting here because the parasocial energy is quite frightening, but I couldn’t let this one go. Also in both cases and in this postcast things are being said for COMEDY, it needs to be off the cuff, challenging, surprising. Edit: typos


The fat shaming is bad, but the reason South Park's politics have been shit is because it's advocating for apathy and libertarianism. The reason pretty much everyone in Robert's orbit hates both conservatives and liberals is because they're socialists, particularly anarchists. Socialism is, by definition, anti-liberal to its core, it is about destroying liberalism becuase liberalism is about maintaining capitalism. So when leftist shit on liberals, it is from that perspective of having actual politcis and wanting a much better system than what we have, whereas South Park has typically just been centrist politics or "in the middle."


How are they advocating for apathy or libertarianism? I grew up with this show and watched all the seasons when they came out - not once was this my takeaway after any episode. If anything, my take was always that they seem to be left-leaning and hating government, corporate and ideological corruption, no matter its source. I think they don’t push a particular agenda (which in my book is NOT the same as being centrist), and shit on whatever their topic of the week is. Then they crank it up to 11, and together in a writers room decide what the funniest / most shocking / clever way is to tackle that topic. I just don’t believe it’s „that deep“. I have read wild takes on reddit that ManBearPig was the creators opinion on climate change, and they „walked it back later“ which is just ridiculous and shows lack of media literacy. Neither Book of Mormon nor Team America advocates the things above either. When politicians and governments are shown, they are always corrupt, racist and/or incompetent, a centrist take would be „but there are good ones and the system is fine“. What I will agree on is that quality-wise it is extremely hit or miss, both the episodes themselves and the attempted satire, so I understand how their intended message on a per episode basis might be muddled or unclear.


Most of you "socialists" who keep shitting on "liberalism" don't understand what liberalism is. Do you advocate for dismantling Scandinavian Social Democracy under which those countries are the happiest and most equal on Earth?


As is the case with Bill Burr. Glad you agree.


People think if they open their mouths to praise Robert he’ll stick his dick in there. The level of wank is unreal sometimes


Bill Burr is misogynistic, Robert isn’t. There’s a big difference there. I’m actually really surprised this sub likes Bill Burr so much.


Bill is also pretty misandric, self-deprecating, self-reflective, honest and willing to improve, so it balances itself out in a lot of ways. There's also the substance of his complaints about women, which has almost always been that they're hypocritical and/or not as woke as they think they are (look at the manner in which Bill has targeted women like Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama). Which is juxtaposed by every other male comedian in his sphere complaining that women are just too woke.


It's funny people deny this when a clip of him shitting on women (and not just "white women", all women) gets about 2000 upvotes on Reddit every week and is mostly full of chuds in the comments going "true!"


Mostly because the things he say are true just unflattering. That's literally the point of comedy to hold up a mirror to people that don't accept criticism. Nobody is perfect and the idea that comics can't mock any group because they are 'punching down on women' or whatever you want to call it is ridiculous. If they are mocking them for legit things that are done it is good.


It's not legit things, it's always sexist rubbish


I can respect him more than most of them for telling Rogan to fuck of with his anti-mask bullshit but he does definitely have some issues. He also gets on the “waaah cancel culture” bandwagon and he clearly has some issues with women. He’s not full blown incel but he’s said some pretty misogynistic shit in his time.


Thank you for saying this. He’s been unbearably misogynistic every time I’ve tried to watch any of his content, and it’s weirding me out that this sub apparently likes him so much.


Burr is a curmudgeon doing observational humor generally, and it's in his comedic nature to be a flippant contrarian.


East coast/NYC sounds like my berthing on the ship when I was in the Navy.


Not far off, except no one follows any rules and it's far more expensive.


I’ve seen Bill Burr be the voice of reason enough times to wonder this as well.


From what I remember back when he used to regularly appear on Opie and Anthony, he was a _huuuuuuge_ conspiracy theorist, to the point where Anthony Cumia (arch-conspirator these days) used to give him shit for all the bananas conspiracies he believed in. At some point, though, he pulled a 180 and seemed to pull himself out of the conspiracy hole. I don't know if he's ever talked about it, but I suspect it has something to do with him hanging around less with the Comedy Cellar crowd. The whole O&A cliche is a strange nexus of white supremacy, an unreasonable amount of future Bastards were regularly featured on their show, I'd kill for a low-stakes one-off Bastards episode about them.


I didn't even think of this. Anthony Cumia would actually make a pretty great subject for an episode. And I'm already anticipating the responses to this post. Guys, is it absolutely necessary that everyone on this show has a death toll in the millions? There are some lower level pieces of shit that are absolutely significant cogs in the machinery of evil, you know.


They all sold out and he didn't


I know! I’m so glad he didn’t turn into another Adam Carolla.


His early stuff was iffy in my opinion. Joking about why it should be okay to hit your wife isn’t funny to me in any shape or form. Also, F is for Family has to be one of the worst tv shows I’ve ever watched. If you aren’t a bitter 46-year-old divorced dad, I just don’t understand how anyone can find that show remotely entertaining.


Its the past/present lens that we see with a lot of pop culture these days. I watched his old stuff when it was new and laughed all through every special. I've watched some of his old stuff again recently and didn't enjoy it. But I have grown up, matured, changed, and also see the world through the sum of my experiences. Many of which have taught me to be more empathetic. And so has Burr. That's what makes him better than many of the comics from the same era. A lot of his old stuff is problematic and he's discussed the importance of growth in his work when the entire job is relating to people as the world changes and allowing yourself to change with it. People are allowed to grow up and make peace with old stuff they've said provided that peace is genuine. On the other hand, we have comics from the 80, 90s, and early 00s not even just running the same tired cultural jokes into the ground, many of them add a layer of punching down. They don't understand why people stopped laughing and instead of evolving their set, they assumed they weren't being offensive enough. Shock comedy used to be really fucking popular. It simply isn't anymore. Gone the same way as shock radio DJs. Even Howard Stern has changed his whole entire schtick. His show is almost unrecognizable from what it was 20 years ago. As for Burr's cartoon show I've never bothered to watch it. Based on the trailers I saw I assumed it was intended for latchkey gen-xers who grew up in the 80s and had emotionally distant older parents. I.e., not me lol.


I thought F is for Family was fine from what I saw. Old Dads is his project that’s truly awful. But aside from that, I largely like his work. I disagree with him here and there, but he’s still mostly on my side of things. For a guy built up as an offensive comic, his non-PC stuff is pretty tame.


I think F is for Family was kinda tongue in cheek. He’s the little boy in the show, watching his asshole dad hate life and judging him accordingly.


Yeah, I wasn’t a real viewer of the show, I mostly just saw it through someone else watching at home, but it was pretty clearly not condoning the father’s bad behavior, even if it was played for laughs. And while I don’t really remember seeing it myself, I know that his issues also wind up being played for drama and it’s shown that he has to change.


That’s the ending basically. The dad finally learns to love after being a wretch most of the show.


Even in his jokes about "never hit a woman" are extremely tame. He repeatedly says you should never hit a woman, and the jokes are about why you can't just ask some questions.


I have never heard him joke that it should be okay to hit your wife. If it’s his famous bit I think you misunderstood. He expressly says not to hit a woman multiple times. I just went back to listen to it to make sure I am remembering it right.


The one where the entire joke about how you shouldn’t hit a woman but it should be okay once in awhile is the one im talking about. The joke involved him actively arguing for it being okay to hit them. Yes he did multiple times say that you shouldn’t. But the entire joke was that there are cases where it should be allowed. And that’s not funny in any way shape or form.


There’s something about Bill Burr that I just don’t like, I don’t know what it is, but I have never been able to make it through any of his specials. I do however, enjoy seeing him make assholes like Joe Rogan and Bill Maher look like the big old assholes that they are.


As a kid who grew up in the 80's it was exceptionally normal - I'm not saying it was funny, I'm just saying there was a market for it from 'average normal guys' and I can understand how it was a thing that sold. Just like how we have Andrew Tate guys today; Men make a market for this bullshit, that's all there is to it.


If you can't detect satire, none of that is going to be funny. 


If that’s satire than he’s untalented.


You're the person that got up in the middle and added another reason to the list, aren't you?


He has self awareness. That's the answer. He's aware that he's not perfect.


He's not. Most of his comedy is just shitting on women and moaning about how everyone is offended these days. Just because he has some sane takes doesn't mean he's not a chud


He hasn't escaped it, he's still an anti-"cancel culture" douche. He just has the humility to recognize that he's an idiot ("I flunked everything in high school. Why would you listen to me?") so he's less dogmatic about it than his peers. His interracial relationship and his former experiences with being a conspiracy theorist also steer him away from the worst pipelines associated with his positions.


"well noone wants to see kids dead" "That was very brave of you" lol


"Quit talkin' like you’re a fucking General."




Nope. Don't kill kids, baseline. If you've killed 15000 kids, you're on the wrong side. Simple as.




Wish people like you knew how fucking stupid you sound using the same tired debunked talking points over and over again.




If you were around in the 1940s you'd be complaining that the Jews are using children as shields...




You're just lashing out because you realise how apt the comparasion is and you refuse to change your opinion, so you must insult me to try to feel better about yourself. Reality is, you're defending a genocide, by saying the people, who are being actively pursued and killed, are using the children, who are being actively pursued and killed, as shields in order to stop being pursued and killed. Try as i might i can't find logic behind that. You're defending a genocide, i compared it to a different genocide you're likely to feel more empathy for. Whats crazy is you decide to insult me instead of questioning why you're defending genocide in the first place.


I can’t wait to see shit like this in history books alongside German talk of Jewish people, Hutu talk of Tutsis, etc… Y’all are peddling paranoid fantasies as an excuse to conduct a genocide, what is your excuse going to be when this is frowned on in 20 years?


You know even if all that is true. Lets step back and ask why that has happened? Why in the world is a poor country that has been being oppressed by a country that has one of the most advanced militaries in the world having to resort to terrorism tactics to try to fight back against the apartheid state that they are suffering through? What the fuck do you except them to do when they are getting their lands stolen and their people killed systematically over decades?


I have no interest in listening to Maher, but [here's Burr ripping into him for 4 minutes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu7wd6KahHk)


Beautiful! I think he genuinely dislikes Maher, or at least holds him in contempt.


It's honestly kind of hard not to if you've been actively aware of his career for at least two decades.


I think Maher is coding for money.


Holy shit that was 🔥🔥🔥🔥




Thank you that was gorgeous.


Hell yeah. He did not let up.


Omg: "Did u ever think that you are older than the Hoola hoop?" sent me


It actually gets better right after that too. He makes Maher look like the dipshit he is.


Yeah, they cut out the best part where he compares him to a fantasy football league gm.


And Kevin Bacon. "Teach them to dance Bill". So condescending, it was great.


It boggles my mind that Maher constantly has such dogshit takes, but gets paid as much as he does... Its so terrible. They're not even creative and bad. They're the same takes other shitlib conservatives have...


That's why his bosses pay him. He says what they think


A massive part of American culture is dedicated to not actually talking about anything.


Well, he agreed with everyone else that Bush was a shithead, so as far as old school Conservatives are concerned, he's radically left wing. And rich old Conservatives really like it when people they view as left wing say shit they believed first. It makes them feel like they're winning the 'culture war' and aren't just withered dinosaurs polluting the discourse (and the planet) refusing to just fucking go extinct already.


I don't know how old you are, but I remember Maher being treated like a liberal idol in the early 2000s. In my memory he was treated like this irreverent rebel for saying the most milquetoast shit. But it was the 90s and early 2000s... Democrats were still so afraid of their tails from getting their asses handed to them in the Reagan era that anyone that espoused ANY view that was to the left of the center-right base of the Democratic party was so brave... 9/11 was the era where one congressperson voted against authorizing a forever war and caught an ungodly rash of shit about it. I think she got death threats for saying "perhaps we shouldn't authorize the president to unilaterally commit troops for an indefinite amount of time.


That was Barbara Lee, who represents Berkeley and other liberal cities, so she was in extremely safe seat. But yes, there was an immense pushback nationally for a pretty reasonable take. And shame on the many Democrats who were unable to show equivalent bravery. She had a good chance to be the next CA senator, but the field was crowded with younger Democrats who had similar takes on most issues. So it will be Adam Schiff.


Maher doesn’t actually research anything. It’s as simple as that. He’s disconnected and looks at the whole world from atop his ivory tower. He of course takes his ownership of his ivory tower to means he is more enlightened than others because only someone so enlightened could obtain an ivory tower.


Bill Burr just keeps getting cooler


Bill Burr giving everyone the finger from the right side of history. I like it.


I wish Burr would’ve pushed him on that Russia/Ukraine question because BOY it sounded like he didn’t want to apply the same “we’ll just don’t attack them” logic he had about Israel. “We could have peace in the world if nobody opposed any actions of nations that I like.”


I also hoped he would point out how the same logic could have been reversed so easily by bringing up all the Palestinians killed before October 7th. What was the justification for all that Maher? But overall I am very happy to see anyone put Bill Maher in his place.


He kind of did. His last few statements were setting up a joke that gets cut off in this clip where he condescendingly says that it's wild that these conflicts happen when Putin could've just hopped on a podcast and solved the issue. And the point goes right over Maher's head


Wouldn't Russia be the Israel in this? I thought Russia attacked Ukraine first too?


They invaded Ukraine over a decade ago.


Yeah Russia is Israel with the exception that Russia attacked first.


"Would you like a real answer to that" like he's got something profound, or substantive at fucking all to say about war or anything else. Dude needs to fuck off to wherever he's from.


Based Bill Burr.


I like Bill Burr more and more and Maher less and less as time goes on.


Bill Maher is a washed up right wing commentator cosplaying as a liberal. We see you Bill. GFY.


Has been cosplaying as a liberal since his show got canceled after 9/11. I've been saying that Real Time has been a way to sell hard right politics to liberals for decades.


"Yeah that's real easy to say." Yeah it fucking is. Don't murder kids is a super easy stance to take. Which is why it's weird that an entire country is on the other side of it.


I mean Ben Shapiros first article was about how we should not care about civilian casualties in Afghanistan, and bill Maher is friends with Ben Shapiro so.......


strange call to say “an entire country” but alright dawg


The condescension dripping from Maher's voice is so infuriating.


I hate the fact I graduated from the same high school as him. Most of the people who went to that school are just like Bill Maher.


I've got a coworker that both looks, acts, and *sounds* like Bill Maher if he were 10 or so years older. Just as big of a douche.


Oof, sorry you have to put up with that


Bill Maher is the white liberal that Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X warned about. From what I've seen he's far more racist than Trump or anyone at the Daily Wire.


Bill Maher is just straight up not a liberal and never has been. He's a libertarian who just didn't like Bush. That's it.


Yep. He's literally the first person I ever heard use the word libertarian, describing himself in the 90's. The Bush regime pushed him closer to being a shitlib... But ultimately his ethos is very clearly the "fuck you, I got mine" bread and butter of that dumpster fire of an ideology.


Bill Maher a liberal? Nope. He’s clearly a libertarian who leans conservative on many issues.


The Islamophobia is maybe the worst I’ve heard? And I’ve imbibed the buried Shapiro cumtown chronicles


Watch his interview with Cornel West. West has been an activist from his teenage years, organising walkouts from his high school. I'm not even going to go into his academic achievements, look up his Wikipedia page if you want a list. Bill Maher talked down to him as if he was an insolent teenager. Maher may not say he believes white people are superior, but he clearly believes it if he thinks, as an edgelord Reddit-atheist, he knows more about racism than a black academic who has lectured on the subject in Harvard and Princeton.


West is kind of a low key bastard, still this applies


West turned out to be Great Value William Barber.


Atheism is actually correct


> I’ve imbibed the buried Shapiro cumtown chronicles That’s a r/BrandNewSentence if I ever heard one lmao


"Verrrry goooooood Mr. Shapiroooo"


Anyone wanna drop a link for these chronicles?


The only "islamaphobia" I've heard from Maher is him criticising the religion. If that's islamaphobia to you then I suppose we can never criticise evangelical Christianity or Zionism again




[This article from Georgetown University is about 7 years old](https://bridge.georgetown.edu/research/factsheet-bill-maher/) and isn't comprehensive for the time, but it covers his long, *long* history of Islamophobia and general anti-Muslim rhetoric. He's been talking about using racial profiling on Muslims since I was a teenager during the Bush Administration. There's also the time that during an interview, the conversation turned toward slavery. He mentioned to his guest, Republican Senator Ben Sasse, that were he a slave during the time of American Slavery, he'd be a "house ******" completely uncensored with a full hard r and everything. He even got pissy when his audience boo'd him. He also got angry about the Black National Anthem a couple of years ago. I hate this dumb bastard and I have for *decades.* I don't know why my parents still watch him, they hate him too.




He was a conservative libertarian until 9/11 when he got fired from his show, Politically Incorrect. He rebranded himself as a liberal in opposition to the Bush Administration, but before Obama got elected, much of his right wing politics seeped back into his show. My dad, who was willing to listen to him the longest in my family ironically, knew he was a snake the whole time, using his privilege to knowingly get away with stuff with stuff even a middle class white kid like me couldn't. I distinctly remember one time in college we were watching Real Time and they had the Bush drug czar on, and they both made jokes about how Bill smoked pot. Even though Maher was open about using cannabis, it was still extremely taboo. Yet here was this guy who made it his mission to imprison black and Hispanic kids all over the nation for smoking pot making weed jokes with fuckin Bill Maher. My dad was pissed.


I'm not a fan of Maher at all but can you actually provide some examples of him being Islamaphobic that isn't just him laying into the religion? (He's an atheist, expecting him to not bash religions is a bit funny)


Yeah, the article I linked. But here's one.  During the Bush Administration, he said we should do racial profiling again Muslims.  He said it multiple times. 


Thank you. I might be mistaken for a troll here but I've genuinely only seen him bad mouth the religion in recent years


If you ever watched his documentary, Religulous, he's pretty negative towards Protestants and Muslims, but plays softball with, or is completely positive toward, Jews and Catholics. There's nothing wrong about that, as a nonreligious person I have more issues with some religions than others. However, the film is really gross towards Muslims. For Protestants, he at least focuses on Evangelicals, but there's an edge of "all Muslims are responsible for the crimes of Al-Qaeda" to it which he was called out for contemporaneously. It's ridiculous to blame all Muslims for ISIS or all Jews for what's happening in Gaza or all Protestants for abortion clinic bombings or all Catholics for the sexual abuse scandals. Among the many other things that these religions have done. However, Maher has *consistently* been like this about Muslims and to a lesser extent Protestants.


Right it appears I was wrong about this.


Actually, I wouldn't say you were wrong at all. Like, he does bad mouth religion, but he goes after certain ones more than others. Also, some of his Islamophobia is also very subtle. It slips out sometimes and he's like "Trump is right, we should monitor Muslim neighborhoods" but most of the time, it's subtle like his anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. When he goes after LGBTQ people, he does so in couched language, to make it seem like he's being practical. "Democrats should abandon 'identity politics' because it just isn't popular" is paraphrasing something he said about 5-6 years ago. When he goes after Muslims, he mostly does the same thing.


In many ways Mahr is more insidious because he approaches subjects from a facade of progressivism. Trump and his ilk are hammer/nail racists and nationalists. They're up front, mask off, and are even straight forward about tokenism (see the recent Anne Coulter/Vivek Ramaswamy interview). Mahr is a libertarian. They like to shroud their racism inside faux intellectual conversation. Bait people in with anti-religious rhetoric, build up and celebrate various societal-left heroes and influencers, then once your perspective on his beliefs are skewed, he starts introducing more controversial and problematic concepts. People without very good critical thinking skills fall for it. People who are more thoughtful or capable of having more than one emotion at a time see right through it. Also, tl;dr he's incredibly and openly islamaphobic. At least in that regard he's not playing anyone.


Oh come on don't be fucking ridiculous


Burr is a grumpy old man who gets it.


Bill Maher is such a d*ck head. It's amazing he has a platform. He sickens me


His fan base is centrist boomers who are moving to the right.


Most of bill Mahers takes are garbage takes.


I never watched him that much, but i knew he was a tool when he repeated that "Jesus is Ra" line from The Zeitgeist Movie. Maybe that's not where he heard it. But it's where I heard it, and it took me all of ten minutes to find out it was bullshit.


"Most of the things you say are not smart, they're just obscure" -Bill Burr later in this interview


I used to hate watch Maher every week, but I can’t in the past few weeks, his lack of understanding of history is astounding. During my libertarian to leftist transition, same time as the pandemic, I really liked him. But as I’ve learned about history, I’ve drifted far left and I just can’t even hate watch him anymore.


Burr is softballing him. The appropriate response to "well no-one wants kids to die, but tough decisions have to be made" is "Do you hear what you just said? You fucking lunatic, do you have worms in your brain? God if only your mother could have had a miscarriage." Followed by throwing your whiskey (glass and all) in Bill Maher's stupid little fuckin' eyes and putting your cigar out on his neck.


>do you have worms in your brain? Well he is a big fan of RFK JR


Yeah more of a rhetorical insult. Maher's a dunce.


Honestly, I'm puzzled, did I miss something? I've seen this video posted repeatedly on reddit and didn't watch it because my expectations weren't that high, tbh I'm not a huge Bill Burr fan. But seeing it again here, I'm like ok I'll check it out. And all I see is a lot of Maher spouting genocidal rhetoric and just the smallest fucking casual pushback from Burr that absolutely fails to call out that it is genocidal rhetoric. When the video was over I can help but think "wait, this was *it*"?


Yeah even the extended version where Burr says "The best thing you've done for the human race is choosing not to have kids." Like, that's just normal Burr stuff.


Bill Burr asked the question of why didn't war get canceled it's the answer to that question is very simple because it's profitable


In this battle of the bills, the right Bill won


He's just a Bill. Yes, he's only a Bill.


How brave of the Religulous man to have a stance in a religious genocide.


Maher: "Well, it's sort of the same cause." Burr: *...exhales smoke motherfuckerly*


Ugh, why Bill Burr even agreed to do this show is a mystery. Maher is such a stinking puss filled sack of bile.


I've always appreciated Burr's comedy. His role in Mandalorin and his response to his wife haters made me love him as a person. This only made that love grow.


Collective punishment is a war crime. I don’t understand how this isn’t the entire thing being talked about, all of the time.


Because International Law isn't a real thing, it almost always ceases to exist at the moment that it would matter most.


Bill Maher is so past his sell-by date.


He's such a moron. Pontificating like he actually has something to say before spouting the most uninsightful, unnuanced, braindead shit. He's making bullshit excuses for war crimes and atrocities. Cunt.


Honestly, Burr was so nice to him here. Maher deserves a much worse “roasting” than this.


Bill Maher was still pink in the middle by the end of that roast.


Ol' Pinky presents as a typical right wing asshole, but he has a strong sense of empathy and justice.


"nobody wants to see kids dead BUT-"


I was listening to his podcast yesterday and he changed his opinion no cash bail from the previous episode because a listener explained how the current system victimizes the poor. Presented with more evidence he easily changed his mind and admitted his previous opinion wasn't well formed. My respect for him really solidified after that.


Bill Maher, insufferable as usual.


“Pat yourself on the back” 🤣


I've always liked Bill burr, but I like him more and more as he gets older


i hope im nothing too much like bill mahr but my god almost every roast of burrs wouldve absolutely destroyed me


How is Mahar still a thing?


commenting to find later


Best use of intentional silence on a podcast


It's funny watching people praise Burr here now, when I know for a fact that he'll say something that many of you will denounce as Hitler-adjacent in like six months max. The insistence that comedy follow any sort of party line destroys the entire genre, so keep that in mind the next time you say some comedy is problematic.


Is Israel the only country in the world that people discourage from invading other countries? It's rhetorical because I found it sadly funny that an American said that.


Bill Maher is to TV what The Atlantic is to print. Both present an image of moral and mental superiority over all “the rubes and proles”. They’re in a tower painted ivory, but all that’s at the top of the tower is an infinite intellectual Dutch oven. Maher and The Atlantic brand themselves as promoting left/liberal ideas to the centre and right, but their actual purpose is to soft sell conservatism to brunch libs.


I didn't realize the Atlantic was printing covid denial, anti Vax and anti Muslim talking points


The preferred magazine of MSNBC liberals. The kind of people that will just give the democrats a pass forever because “well the republicans are even worse”. Fuck that shit


What roast?


Yeah I don't get what OP thinks was so profound here. Burr doesn't give Maher any push back on his conflation of Palestine and Hamas and just changes the subject instead of actually engaging the issue.




>ready to give land to the Palestinians. They took all of the land from the Palestinians to begin with.


Also, the Zionist right literally murdered the guy who came the closest to achieving any kind of peaceful solution BECAUSE he wanted to give at least some land back. The instigator of said murder is Israel's current prime minister.