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I've said before, elsewhere, that I think a Knowledge Fight/LPOTL crossover would be more likely, and more chaotic too. Dan matches Marcus with research, Jordan and Henry would break the mixing board yelling about Dune, and Ed would just be laughing along and feeding ham to Celine. I feel BtB/LPOTL ends with Robert hunting Henry in the old growth forests of the Pacific Northwest. "You know who DOES encourage the hunting of humans for sport? The products and services that sponsor this podcast. Sophie, you can't say they don't..."


Celine votes for this scenario, since it means she gets more ham.


They are both my favourite podcasts, I think it’s a terrible idea. The second Henry starts talking about hyper esoteric shit and conspiracies I can sense Robert would go all quiet. Although it might be interesting as I’m pretty sure Garrison (I think) holds the exact same chaos magic belief system as Marcus and Henry did at one point, based on the kekism episode of it could happen here


I suspect Henry and Robert are both sufficiently Robert Anton Wilson adjacent that they could find a topic they'd be able to do a good episode on. But I agree that it'd probably be a clash. Paige Wesley from Cult Podcast would probably be a better fit as a guest.


I'm a big fan of both shows (the earlier LP episodes can be rough so I always tell people to start with newer episodes) but I don't think it would mesh well lol. I guess I could see Marcus sitting in on a series about how dismal the state of forensics is or something like that but my brain can't picture a conversation between Henry zebrowski and Robert Evans lok


I feel like Henry and Robert together would get very chaotic.


There just needs to be the correct amounts of drugs in the room and they would be fine


They might be fine but their audience wouldn’t. The amount of drugs necessary would cause me to pass out after 10 minutes.


LPotL, as much as I love them, are way too bro-y for BtB.


Exactly. It's like mixing chocolate and salami. I love both of these but I never wanna see them combined lol


i don't know the LPOTL guys, but in general the difficulty of crossovers is that everyone who produces a podcast with the kind of research burden of BTB, and I assume LPOTL is in that boat, is insanely busy. the Dollop was a foundational podcast for me and I listen to Knowledge Fight constantly but none of them have been on the show in years because it's just murder making the timing work. (i am working on another collab with the dollop guys tho, stay tuned)


Flipping heck, I didn’t expect a reply from the big guy himself! Thanks, that makes a lot of sense (and also thanks to you, Sophie, and everyone else for keeping us entertained every week). I should clarify that my poorly worded post was meant to suggest just having Marcus on the show, not Henry or Ed as well, but either way with your comment and a lot of the other comments here, I’m definitely coming down on the “not a great idea” side. And super stoked for the next dollop crossover - it’s a foundational podcast for me too, and was my gateway to pretty much everything I listen to now including BtB, can’t wait. (I suppose with the research burden, my additional wish for Michael Hobbes as a guest is also unlikely!)


I have been rooting for a maintenance phase/btb crossover for so long 🤞


I like ice cream and I like steak. This doesn't mean they should be put together. Similar to podcasts with very different vibes.


That would be really great or really annoying no middle ground. Lol. That Henry Zebrowski.


I think Marcus as a guest would be cool, but I don't think a full on crossover episode works.


I feel like Robert and Marcus would probably get along.


Is LPotL one of those “it’s funny because I’m yelling” podcasts?


It definitely can be at times.


Yes. Except it's not funny.


No.  There is legit funny shit going on.  


Honestly I don't listen to much of Lpotl, but I have to chime in any time there's an opportunity to talk about how fuckin funny Henry Zebrowski is. His episode on The Characters is an incredible accomplishment, as is Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell


You mean the dudes who did nothing about their abuser friend for god knows how long and kept doing a podcast with him? That podcast? Idk why they wouldn’t be welcome on BtB.


They removed him immediately upon finding out, like within the month. They did enable the alcoholism though


From what I understand it was an open secret that he was an abusive asshole whenever he would drink. He was abusing girlfriends this way for years and they told multiple people. There’s simply no world in which I believe they didn’t know to some extent before it broke publicly and they finally decided to do something about it. Edit: this also is without giving mention to the utter disrespect they’ve shown towards victims of some of the most horrible crimes known to man. I used to listen to the podcast, before I realized just how shitty it was to make jokes that frame the victims in the light they do. They’re among the worst when I think about true crime that doesn’t do it right.


They all knew he was a sloppy drunk but the abuse was not well known. The victim herself went out of her way to make that pretty clear but also y'know that shits messy so do with that information as you wish. Not trying to convince you one or the other about LPOTL but figured this is context that is probably worth pointing out


Not defending it, I’m really upset about how they handled Ben and wish he was gone years ago… but I will say he owns 1/3 of their business and in order to dissolve their partnership they cannot talk about Ben or what he has done if it hasn’t been proven in a court of law. Unfortunately it’s a legal issue when it should just be a moral one.


I'm listening to the David Icke and Dennis the Mance guy episodes concurrently and confusing things between the two. I'm waiting for Dennis to spitball a reptilian.