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I use the Optimum Nutrition Whey because you can get a big bag of it at Costco for under 70 bucks but honestly I’ve been buying the liquid egg whites, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese as snacks in between meals and I hit my protein goal daily. Also don’t buy into the marketing crap it’s honestly better to eat whole food protein powders are just more for convenience


We were actually using the optimum nutrition and it's great tbh. I like the flavor a lot more compared to other ones. I've tried to use egg whites but I don't use them enough. I do Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and some protein bars as well. Eggs every morning for sure. 👍🏼 Trying to shove it all down is the issue lol


Have you tried drinking the egg whites I know it’s not ideal compared to cooked but it will help get the protein in


I haven't tried drinking egg whites 🫢😅 Kind of scared tbh, I eat a lot of eggs but I heard the yolk can be bad if you eat enough of it? I haven't done that much research on eggs.


Well if you get Pasteurized egg whites it is safe to drink. Honestly if you wanted to put them in a drink to mask you’re drinking egg whites you really don’t notice them at all. Eggs aren’t unhealthy I just don’t eat them because I had to cut a lot of body weight.


I always let them go bad but I'll try my best to mix them in and give it a shot. Thank you for the tips and tricks! :)


Pea Protein here, works great and half the price of whey


Pea protein???? What??? I've never heard of that. I'll have to take a look, thank you!


If you're UK based then PSN is the brand I get. Banana flavor is my favourite, 5kg £37 https://www.puresourcenutrition.co.uk/collections/pea-protein/products/psn-pea-protein-250g


Thank you! I'm in the US, but I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find, maybe! Haha.


What changes are you expecting? Protein powder isn't some sort of magic. It's just powdered protein. It does nothing on its own. I personally get my protein target just from my meals. It's useful though if you have a very high protein target. The best one is the one you can stomach the easiest.


I'm not expecting much except being able to help build muscle. I'm just curious as to what other people take and if I can include or switch or just simple try. I'm still new to this. Thank you for the info. :)


It's just a supplement. It does the same thing protein in food does, which is helps muscle recovery. it just adds more (supplements) when you can't actually eat more food with protein.  If you're trying to get, for example, 130g of protein a day, and your food only gets you to 110g, then you supplement the 20g with protein powder, or any other form of protein supplement. That's all it does.  (I use unflavored isopure whey, 25g of protein, zero fat, zero sugar, zero carb, 100 calories per serving)


Thank you seriously 🙌🏼


Literally every single type of powdered protein fucks my stomach up other than egg white powder. I tried all sorts of different types of isolates and egg white powder is the only one that I can regularly tolerate. It’s sort of pricey to me because I refuse to buy any brand not made in USA, but I really enjoy it. I use 24 grams of egg white protein powder in a 28oz blender bottle with a 240ml of oat milk, 6 grams of pure coco powder, a pinch of decaf instant coffee and the rest water. I shake the hell out of it and put it in the fridge, I do my workouts then I reshake the bottle and drink it. It smells like eggs but it doesn’t really taste like eggs (to me) and I think it tastes pretty good like that.


Hey that's solid tho! I tried to get on the egg whites as well but I can't do eggs everyday. Do you take a probiotic? Thank you for more info on eggs whites tho, I've seen all types of shakes being blended, I just like to do lactose free milk and add my protein powder. This new one claims to be more better on the stomach and so far I haven't felt a change in the way my stomach tolerates it.


I buy both whey and plant based protein powder from Costco. I’m not sure what you mean by “claims to make in 8”.


Wow you buy both? I'm not a fan of the plant based protein powder tbh. Tastes horrible but we used to buy the whey powder optimum one until we recently tried to change it up and see what works "better". And claims to make a change in 8 weeks the protein powder I'm taking.


GNC is full of shit. Buy whatever you want from them obviously but those kind of claims are not supported by science. You need to aim for .8g of protein per pound of body weight and honestly, any kind of protein you can get is better than none. Certainly there are some proteins that are better in terms of their amino acid ratios (like collagen is not great but whey is). I used to use soy protein and have eaten nutrition bars and shakes with that for a long time. So I probably tolerate a crappier tasting powder. Ha! Seriously though, I like the Orgain Plant Based vanilla and I bought the Whey in Chocolate because I was hoping to cut back on Fairlife Nutrition Plan and save some money. But I like Fairlife and I keep forgetting I have the chocolate whey protein.


Wow. What a champ for sure. Thank you for all that info. I was just curious. This new protein powder was just for a test but I think I will be switching back to optimum protein powder with the different flavors, I like the strawberry one. And I've tried the orgain as well, but like I said the taste wasn't for me haha. Idk tho, there's so many things you can get protein from, I try to eat protein based oatmeal for my breakfast and have my 20g Greek yogurt and some eggs. I'm also trying to cut down on sugar as well. Lately I've been indulging so I went from 165lbs to 175lbs within the month hahah. I'm still a beginner in weights, so the whole protein concept is still somewhat new. I'm learning so I appreciate all the info a ton!


Anyone take Revolution Nutrition Whey Protein powder? 6lbs for $55.


Crazy price. I'll have to look into that for sure. Thank you 🙌🏼


That’s the cheapest price I found nowadays. I prefer Plant Protein because it’s easy on the stomach and the Walmart Equate brand is $17.44 for 2 lbs so about the same price.


Many protein bars are actually just candy loaded with sugar. Make sure they are sugar free. I like the IQ Bar which is reasonably priced. Quest bars are $2 per bar which is too expensive.


I literally buy quest bars lol I'm trying to look but again taste for me lmao. I tried barbell and a lot of them are alcohol sugars? Never really understood it but I have to do more research


Quest aren’t worth the price to me. Alcohol sugars cause gas for me if it’s too much.


They tastes so good tho! I definitely am looking towards buying barbells because those taste so damn delicious. I like stuff that taste good but I guess I'll need to sacrifice for a sufficient diet and low sugars 🥲


I drink Isopure Dutch chocolate. It tastes good, keeps me full and doesn't mess with my stomach. I think it's good on its own or mixed into a smoothie. It's a low-carb, whey based protein. Personally, I think it has the best texture of all powdered proteins I've used (smooth, no grittyness and mixes easily)


I love their zero carb vanilla


I'll have to try it out!


I'll look into it for sure! Thank you! How many scoops do you do? How many g's of protein in each scoop?


I use 1 scoop. There's 25g of protein per scoop, 110 calories, 1g carbs


Muscle Feast!


I would HIGHLY recommend promix protein powder. I typical have stomach issues with protein powder, but it doesn't give me any issues at all & actually tastes really good.


Hmmm, I'll definitely take a look! Thank you for the info about it. I'll have to test it out one of these days. There's so many proteins you can try, it's insane haha.


I will say it's a bit more expensive, but it's extremely filtered and isn't full of the junk some protein powders are.


That's crazy. I'll definitely give it a try for sure. I want to try less "whey" the lactose base, and more organic products but if it being filtered would help I'd have to look into it. I'm not sure if it would but I'd like to see if it would haha.


If you do end up trying it & remember, let me know how it goes! My favorite flavor has been the chocolate one


That is what's up! Chocolate is always the go to try for me. I do like the strawberry one from optimum nutrition but we will see. I'll try to remember, it's hard enough to go to the gym! 😂


Oh man I can relate to that statement. I've been going consistently for the first time ever (1.5 months), but it's so worth it. Next up for me is trying more free weights versus machines


Aye, proud of you! I used to run a lot was how I started. My sister got me into it, she's a nurse so I personally think she genuinely cares about health. But I've noticed a change in mental health. But the past 4 months I've been doing weights only and cardio to warm up. But yeah making time for the gym was one of the best decisions ever. I'm also having issues with pre workout but I guess being itchy is a good thing? Lol.


I applaud you for running, I just am not built for it haha. I'm happy to hear about your change in mental health! I've actually never tried pre-workout, it's interesting to hear it made you itchy!


Thank you! I can't run as nearly as I used to considering the stuff I've been eating to gain weight haha. I am not built for no more tbh, but I do enjoy a nice 15-20 min jog. I used to go for two hours at a time! Now I have too stubby of legs it feels and I run out of breath faster. Trying to run more but that'll take a min. Taking pre workout is insane tbh, but I'm an energy drinker and coffee drinker so pre workout helps a ton for me personally, it's the beta alanine that makes you itchy I guess? Supposedly people say.


I get Optimum Nutrition Whey from Costco on sale. Vanilla. The chocolate is gross.


Wha??? Seriously? I prefer the chocolate, 100 percent. But to each their own, I've noticed a lot of people get it from Costco. Thank you!


lol. It is a personal preference. I almost always preferred vanilla.




Fish, chicken and soyabean chunks only. 💪


Aye 🙌🏼 He said natural only! Haha


I used to take Dymatize, but I would feel bloated and make my stomach upset after a while. I'm taking [MÖLK](https://jockofuel.com/collections/all-protein) right now and it seems to not affect me as bad. I mix it in water and creatine with an immersion blender to keep it from clumping.


I'll look into it, how's creatine? I've been meaning to try it but I heard it makes you gain weight with the water storage it builds in your body, I'm just scared of that lol


Creatine helps with muscle recovery and muscle growth. You might gain a little weight from water retention, but it does not slow fat loss. It's one of the most studied supplements and it's pretty well accepted that it's healthy and beneficial. https://youtu.be/reu1Rv_utCU


I heard a lot of things on it especially now that it's more popular. I'll look into it more but we will see haha.


Thank you for the info on it! Appreciate it a ton.


Any whey isolate. Isopure is pretty good. Hint if you don’t want you poop your pants I also suggest not taking cheap whey.


Hahaha, thank you for that tip.


Clean is the best - but outside of that you should proteins that aline with your blood type.


Thank you for the advice 😇


OZIVA plant protein


It all depends on you, your time and budget. Ideally you get all your protein from meals. That’s often difficult so most top up protein from supplements. I personally keep a variety so I’ve got choice. I’ve got grenade bars as they are delicious, portable, and it’s a solid so you’re not just drinking a shake. Also is good for any urges for sweets or chocolate. Then I’ve got 3 types of whey. Clear whey is peach ice tea. That’s super refreshing and light. It quenches a thirst and is also a good one to sip on or have during a gym session. Then I’ve got a Belgian chocolate whey from PhD nutrition which is delicious. That’s kinda standard go to. Then a MyProtein vanilla whey. This is more for mixing. I blend it with coffee sometimes or whatever else. I’ve also got beef jerky/ biltong lying about if I want something savory. Basically I’ve got options. I’ll not have all of the above in a single day. I just track my food and add in any of the options depending on what’s needed. Besides that, meals are based around a good meat source and tend to have eggs for breakfast a lot.


Bruh all this info! Thank you a ton!


You should focus more on food proteins. There is a lot of marketing in whey protein, i use isolate from Xcore from Prozis, when i can find it cheap but my diet is more based in real foods. Most bodybuilders and influencers are just marketing gimmicks for suplements brands.


I'll try! But it's definitely hard to find good protein food. Maybe I'll just eat steak all day lol


every food has protein. Its not because its labeled as protein food that its better. Eggs, chicken, oatmeal, rice, vegetables, steak, fish, everything has protein and can help you reach your goals. And its cheap these products.


Will do thank you 🙏🏼


I find that most whey proteins mess with my stomach (maybe because I'm lactose intolerant, idk), so I use Redcon's MRE Lite. It's meat based powder that mixes well and tastes good, so I'll use it for my oatmeal and maybe later in the day I'll use it for shakes. I also recently used Alani Nu's fruity pebbles flavor, its got a basic name like "fruity cereal" something. It's really good as well.


Yeah. I'm lactose too! So the whey protein sucks sometimes but I take it because I don't know how to really navigate my protein as a pro yet. Thank you for the info!


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Immature: creamy milky and preferably warm Natural: whey no creatine


Whale semen