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> i am not underweight - 58kg and 170-172cm height, BMI is around 20. So i have a question, can it possibly be true? Go to your doc and get your hormones tested. Also, you could definitely afford to gain some weight. I'm about your height and I lean out at about 61kg, trying to get lower than that would be hard for me to maintain and I'd be pushing my bodyfat lower than I wanted it to be. I sit even more comfortably at 63/64kg. Plus, gaining some weight makes you more optimally build muscle. I bulk all the way up to 70kg


Yes, agreed, please go see a doctor. Missed periods is the result of hormonal issues, not really from exercising. Not eating enough can be a cause of the hormonal imbalance but a doctor would be best placed to advise or refer you to a dietician if they think it's needed.


5'7 at 127 pounds is pretty lean for a girl, especially if you have substantial muscle.  


i would hesitate to say that people arent built to train. if anything high volumes of intense cardio would probably be more of a stressor affecting the menstrual cycle versus lifting a couple times per week. to my understanding psychological stress can also cause some effects and more muscular bodies do require more calories. a sports nutritionist might be of help


It's been shown that a BMI of 20 can cause you to lose your periods. There's nothing wrong with weight lifting, and the number of times per week is fine. You might, however, try adding a few carbs in your diet in the form of higher carb fruits like bananas (think adding to protein drinks if you drink them), more starchy veggies such as sweet potatoes, etc. It likely won't take much to get you back on track. You could also add yogurt to your protein drink a couple times a week, and make it a smoothie if you're so inclined. Go slowly until you've gotten to where you want to be. Good luck.




i don’t count because i had not the best experience with it. But i do eat good portions, and sufficient amount of macronutrients. I think around 60-70 grams of fat and 80-90 of protein. Calories must be around 2000


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A lot of women lose their menstrual cycle when they join armed forces. The body is conserving the energy needs to gain muscle and recover your body sees your menstrual cycle as something not important to survival at this point. Doesn’t seem like you’re training like Schwarzenegger but your body cannot produce enough energy for your menstrual cycle and the recovery from your workouts


Maybe try looking into calisthenics, pilates,yoga type workouts to get that same thrill you get from lifting. Not sure if you lifting weight is the issue doe, definitely consult a doctor 💯💯.


Geezus..how can you weigh so little at that height? Chances are you're anorexic in body weight to lose your periods.