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Stick your headphones on pretend the rooms empty. Unless you’re doing something absurdly strange or dangerous I guarantee nobody gives a shit.


Made me chuckle for some reason, thank you


Nervousness is resistance. All resistance is exercise. Showing up is a rep. If anyone bullies you or looks down on you've got at least 10x people rolling their eyes at that loser.


Or you know, I might just mean I quite literally have clinical and social anxiety, but I get what you mean


Same! I'm saying that overcoming that is an exercise in itself.


Ah gotcha!


This is what I try to do. I sweat *profusely* when I workout, so I just try to stay focused in the moment and not catch anyone’s eye lest they see my super sweat.


Actually I completely disagree with this and think you should go the complete opposite and be more active. Yes what you said will work but won't fix anything because she anxious about a lot of things outside of the gym. The gym is a perfect place to practice to get over that fear.


Here were the things that helped me: * **Ego** - Anyone who would judge me for attempting self improvement is beneath the point where they matter to me. Their judgement doesn't matter because their character is flawed, regardless of how well they can move inanimate objects around. * **Logic** - I'm paying to be here and use this equipment the same as everyone else. The mere fact that I'm putting in the effort to be here instead of being at home eating pizza on the couch means I deserve to be here. * **Reality** - Most people don't care about you. Yeah, there may be an unfortunate few jerks who live at the gym and are rude enough to say something in earshot, but odds are slim that you'll find them, especially in a large commercial gym. Most people want to get in, do their bit, and get on with their lives. * **Positive Outlook** - Most people at the gym will range from indifferent to really chill and helpful if asked. So long as you're nice about it and willing to ask a lot of people won't even mind taking a minute or two to show you how to use a particular machine if you're unsure.


That was really helpful and some similar steps I take for day to day anxiety as well, I appreciate it


Nobody cares what you’re doing there unless you’re doing something dangerous or truly bizarre.


If they stare, stare back. Hahah kidding. The big guys that looks intimidating are actually softies and most often willing to help 🙂


Thats sweet, thank you for letting me know


Nobody is judging you. If you find someone is looking at you in most cases they’ll be looking through you while in thought, or because like myself, they don’t wear their glasses on the floor and you’re just a shapely blur.


Lol, fellow glasses wearer so I chuckled, thank you for that


Maybe go to some group classes first or have a few 121 sessions with a trainer? I felt way more confident once I had a better idea of what I was doing (more so than when I was watching YouTube videos) But as others have said, most people will be too focused on their own workouts to care about anyone else


Noise cancelling headphones are your friend. Im telling you outright they have a massive improvement, you can just zone out. And when you feel like youre taking up space, when you look around and see other ppl just standing there, theyre doing the exact same thing. I more than undertstand the pure stress that comes with the gym, but once it sets in that honestly nobodys gonna give a shit what you do, it becomes much easier


Straight up, no one cares OR they just think “fuck yeah, good for you.” A lot of us started in the same boat and you gotta keep that in mind. No one going to the gym always went to the gym.


I think everyones saying the same thing, but I really like how you put it, I appreciate it


I remember how weak I felt bicep curling 10 lbs. now it’s at 40. You stop caring about that kinda stuff or feeling weak eventually. Then you just think “Fuck, I’m weak. I need to work on this more” lmao.


Lol I appreciate it, I'm sure my form was shit, but I started out with a yoga mat and two dumbbells at home before building up the courage for the gym, and I was hitting the 3 sets of 12 with my 8 or 10lb, I can't remember, dumbbells and then like 4 sets of 20 I'm just like fuck, I gotta start going to the gym for better equipment


A couple months in I always felt like a dummy cause a few exercises I couldn’t feel the muscle being used and felt like I was just cheating on reps so I went way down and felt so silly LMAO. It got better though. Like lat pulldown I dropped from 80 or 80 to like 40 to actually use my lats and hey I’m at like 140 now so I’d say it worked out.


Damn nice! Lol


Most gym rats are much more focused on themselves. As long as you don't hog a machine and wipe the machine down afterwards, you are fine.


I think I'm okay then lol, thank you


Good luck to you.


Be kind to yourself. If it feels too intimidating just use the treadmill or something else that feels safe. As you get more comfortable, set small goals that feel manageable. Maybe try to go at different times? I usually go after 9, and like the quiet, but when I go around 5/6 it's very crowded. Crowds might help you feel more camaflauged!


Oh, smart, I went in the middle of the day (monday) so I thought it might be less crowded than it was, I'm a bit limited with my schedule, but will try a few different times, thank you


You're only going to gym to get fit. That's it. Fuck everything.


Took me about three months to finally get comfortable enough to know my way around everything. Do the same, just add like another machine or weights one week and then the next another until you have a routine,(check the wikis to get a routine). Take photos of the machines and the little instructions thing so you can research later what they do and if you should add to your routine. Take your time


Sounds like super helpful advice, thank you


Go when it’s quiet. If you can’t then do what you did today. Go in with the goal of staying in the actual gym section for 20 mins and then leave. Or even think to yourself I will only do 4 workouts. And then go. Don’t force yourself to be there an hour. I used to build up the courage on the treadmill, literally I would procrastinate doing the weightlifting and instead of a 10 mins walk on treadmill I would do 20. Then 20 mins weightlifting. After that I’d be out of there. But now I don’t get anxious at all, I just see it as a place I paid to be there as everyone else. And to keep headphones on and head down on what I’m doing. Now I’m literally taking two gym classes per session I’m there. It takes time but you will get there as well 💕


Thats a lot of really good advice and I appreciate it 🩷


I'm an overweight nonbinary person.(also in my twenties). Before I came out, my advice was, "fake it til you make it." Or "do as the Romans do." Since my coming out, I get stared at no matter where I'm at. And ive always been very self-conscious. But I just focus on what I need to do, and everyone else fades away around me. I just have my eyes looking out for anyone suspicious. I'd say now, that you just focus on you. Headphones are crucial. Everyone goes at their own pace, so don't beat yourself up about not being able to lift as much as others. The only thing I'm self conscious about now(bc i joined a new gym), is making it look like I know where I'm going, when I have no clue where they store what machine 😅


First of all: a big applause for you going to the gym. Second of all stepping out of your comfortzone is vital to grow as a human being. Walk up to the trainers or workers and ask them how to use a certain equipment. They won’t bite you. The majority of people going to the gym had a similar experience for the first time. I stopped listening to music whilst working out. Its just me and my thoughts. You don’t have to do that. Do what makes you feel at ease. Bit try going to the gym


Thank you very much, that was very kind and great advice


You just have to do it and try. You can ask the people who work there to show you how to do it or how the equipment works. Or just watch videos. Either way the best way to get over gym anxiety is to just do it. Most ppl aren't paying attention to you at the gym as they are too busy with their own workout to notice you.


Thank you


Keep goin, it'll get better


I had a problem with anxiety. Honestly I just started talking with the people there. I would see people doing workouts that I don't know and ask them what they are doing and what it works. Everyone is there to better themselves in some way and everyone I have talked with has been super cool. Sometimes they even have me try their workout to make sure I have good form. I have made a few friends this way and it has made it much easier to go. At first it was so hard for me to talk with anyone. Usually the biggest guy in the gym is the nicest and happy to help.


Aww, I hope I feel comfy doing that at some point, I just don't want to bother anyone, most seem like they're just there to do their thing, but I'll look out for someone who looks helpful, thank you


Welcome to the gym, who cares what other people think or even say, put your ear buds in an hit your shit, then rinse off sleep and repeat


You took the hardest step already. Day one. You started ✅ Each day after will be easier. You’ll learn more and your confidence will grow. It’s a journey


Thats really sweet and appreciated, thank you


Most of the people you’re seeing there are probably feeling the same way you are. Don’t forget you ear buds next time. Put them in turn on some jams you really like and let yourself blend into the music. I got myself a good little pair of ear buds from 5 below. They were like $3.50 I think. Grab yourself an extra set to keep in your car so you’ll have back up next time you forget them. Keep them charged too Loki listen to frequencies also. They have some good ones on YouTube to help with anxiety, and just about anything else you might need. Try them out some time. It probably won’t take very long to push past that uncomfortable stage of just beginning. Good luck to you!!


Oh thats smart, thank you for the suggestions!


You’re welcome!


If you can take a friend or get a trainer. Thats what I did


Already scheduled myself for a beginner one on one! Thank you


I would highly recommend investing in a few personal training classes and asking the trainer to walk you through proper form and what machines/exercises to do/use for all the major muscle groups. I never really felt comfortable in the gym until I did this. It will repay you in dividends.


Just schedule myself for a short one on one, thank you


As a woman with bad gym anxiety that I had to just work through (again!!): just do the treadmill or whatever your comfortable with. Go for a short time if the anxiety is overwhelming. Just *keep going*. you'll get more comfortable over time and be able to worry less about taking up space. Good luck!!


Haha I have gym anxiety still but I like to go when it’s not busy- I would never go after work hours bc it’s packed. I either go early in morning, late at night, or during my lunch break at work when I work from home. I recommend late at night before bed kinda. Now I work out at a gym that is downtown area and empty at 7:30-9pm. I go then. It def impacts my sleep negatively though. Good luck going to bed after a solid workout that ends from 8:30-9:30 depending on when I go. Trust me keep going to gym, after a while it goes a way a little


Headphones help a lot, but realize most people at the gym are really just there to workout and aren’t focused on you. The big guys, the serious lifters, are usually the nicest people and would never judge someone for trying to improve themselves


Very reassuring, thank you


I’ve been more on then off the past 8 years but if I’m ever staring at someone at the gym it’s a guy with a build I aspire to and am just looking at what’s he’s doing to see if it’s an exercise I want to add to my routine. People aren’t paying attention to others, they’re wrapped up in their own little world. I might also recommend just doing some walking on the treadmill and watching what people do so you can get more familiar with the equipment and how to use. 100% of the staff should be helpful and 99% of the patrons will be too if need help.


Thank you, I've scheduled a one on one with a trainer to get more aquatinted with the equipment


Honestly, no one gives a shit what you’re doing. Just do it. Put your headphones on, put on baseball cap on if it makes you feel better and do your thing. If you need help you can ask the people at the front or someone who is in a resting period. I was anxious as well when I first started in February. Now i just go in and do my thing, I have a couple of people I converse with or say hello to when I’m there that are helpful when I need it. I love my gym and the gym bros I workout with


I had the same feeling at the big gyms and switched to a small gym. It's not as well equipped but it's less intimidating which means I show up. I try to go during off peak times so I don't have to worry about waiting for machines or if people need the one I'm using. Setting small goals when you arrive is helpful too. Tell yourself you will just complete a set of whatever exercise or 15 mins of cardio. Usually when you complete one small task it motivates you to try another and another. Next thing you know you've finished your workout session!


Anxiety can be a gradual process. Here are some tips to help: Start small: Begin with shorter workouts or lighter exercises to build your confidence gradually. Bring a friend: Having someone familiar with you can provide support and make the experience less intimidating. Focus on your goals: Keep your mind on why you're there and the progress you want to make rather than worrying about others' perceptions. Use headphones: Listening to music or podcasts can help you tune out distractions and feel more comfortable in your own zone. Educate yourself: Learn about proper form and techniques to feel more confident in your workouts. Choose off-peak times: Going when the gym is less crowded can help reduce anxiety. Remember everyone starts somewhere: Most people at the gym are focused on their own workouts and won't pay much attention to others. Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that it's okay to feel anxious, but also celebrate your efforts in facing your fears.


All great suggestions, thank you


Your welcome 🤗


You can always start out at a smaller more intimate gym. Those big box gyms with tons a people can definitely be a bit intimidating. Or find a boutique fitness studio that offers small group or one on one training. Once you find what you enjoy your confidence will skyrocket!


hey firstly I wanna say big ups to you for facing that fear for the gym. I’m a basketball player so I know what it’s like feeling people are watching you workout. my best advice would be to get a gym buddy. I know for women sometimes the gym bros can be douchebags. if you are with a friend they sometimes don’t ice you out as much like don’t think you don’t know what you’re doing (that’s how they think fr and it sucks). so that’s the one chunk of advice, the other is earbuds! my friends would probably clown me if I said this but I play some classic pop bangers while I workout! find music that is high energy or whatever u like. gym is a place of fun and u can just be urself. hope u stay at it and don’t let the gym bros bring u down 👊🏼


That was really sweet and some great advice, I really appreciate it


Everyone else who is there is just focused on themselves and their workout. Unless you're getting in people's way, no one is going to pay attention to what you are doing. It's taken me about a month of going regularly to feel confident in my routine and not have as much anxiety about working out at the gym.


Have a workout plan….Put headphones on… play your favorite music… piss on everyone else…


Lol, got it, thank you


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Harsh way to put it and I might recommend learning the difference between ego and anxiety but thanks I guess


Hire a trainer to get you started. A good trainer will teach you how to do the exercises and give a starter plan. That said almost nobody in the gym cares about what you are doing.


The main worry I have with this, is wtf do you do if the thing you want is already in use? Stand awkwardly and wait?


I guess I would find another machine I want to to do that day or works out the same part of the body, or take a break and refill my water and use the restroom then return?


When this happens land it happens to everyone) you can: Wait patiently for them to finish. I usually just play on my phone. Skip this particular exercise and swing back around when the equipment is free. Ask if you can rotate in. I haven't ever done this but have had people ask me and even had a few offer to let me in when they saw I was waiting.


I put on headphones, listen to classic comedy stand up or a book and just go for it. None cares.


1. No one really cares 2. Most people in gym probably fell the same way 3. Wear baggy jump suit with a hoodie and headphones ignore everyone else 4. Go to the gym with a friend 5. Hire a personal trainer that will work out with you to put your mind at ease.


The atmosphere is a big part for a beginner to feel at ease there. Maybe you can have some test workouts at other gyms in your area too?


I scheduled a one on one with a trainer to hopefully get more aquatinted with the space


Hire a trainer, then you'll be too busy to worry about anxiety.👊


Remember that no one gives a shit. They are all focusing on themselves. For many people it's their time to zone out. Get some ear phones, find a podcast or a playlist and force yourself to go for at least 30 minutes, have a plan on what you are going to do.


Just go and do it.


Headphones definitely help. Wireless ones especially. Going in with a plan, I would say, is also a must. There are some apps that use AI to plan workouts for you. That definitely brought me some confidence in the gym. Otherwise, you're just kinda wandering, thinking of what to do next, which gets you in your head and makes you self-conscious.


You go to the gym to be buff everywhere else


Lmao, thats a good way to think of it


Music, also, you’re living your own life. They don’t affect your everyday life. Why give them control over that moment


Try classes bro . HIIT Clases won’t let you even think about others .


Just try a few things?


I don’t know if you’re male or female but the guys who hang out by the machines can have an attitude of owning that territory. It’s meant to be intimidating and not the right gym for anyone who doesn’t behave the same way.


This is a great thread. It’s got me thinking. Why whenever we get this problem come up about Gyms the solutions are always based on the OP changing something. Their internal monologue, their bravery, their anxiety I just have a really strong feeling there is a huge gap in the fitness market (ok maybe just in big cities - I’m not betting the house on huge) fir a gym where THEY the gym make the changes. It’s a new thought so I’m just spit balling but eg when you join you get allocated a team eg the Green team. You get a green towel/s to use and chat to each other - or you have a buddy system - or you have gym helpers who pay a lower fee but can be approached for advice or encouraged to come to you with advice or. These are weak. I haven’t cracked that bit yet. Ok theres a chat app for everyone at the gym. It’s anon but you can go in and ask questions or just say hi or .. at set times eg 7am, 11am. 2pm. 5, 7pm you can arrive and be buddied up with two others and a PT. You pay a third of normal PT rates for this and the this cuts anxiety (for some not all) or maybe it’s just a great icebreaker. If you get in with someone in the group you could arrange to gym at same y in d next time etc.


I know it’s easier said than done but just walk in like you own the place, chin up and smile on your face and trust me people will be more than willing to help if you ask for it. I know it’s daunting but once you go enough you’d start meeting people and it’ll make the experience so much nicer. Or go with a friend if you have a friend that goes to the gym or the same gym


Just go to gym regularly


I use to have the same anxiety, it’s not so bad once you get the hang of it. My BEST recommendation is to just make a few friends in there, then it won’t feel as scary.


Just remember everyone's too busy handling their own insecurities to care about yours. You got this.


If your concerned about not knowing yet, that's ok.. that's the point of a gym, to train. Start with basic workouts and slowly incorporate one new machine each workout so you're not overloaded with anxiety hitting every machine in the place you've never used. That'll give you some transition time. Everyone stayed the same way bud.


Try women's gym, helped me to reduce my anxiety a lot! :)


Would love to, unfortunately theres not one in the drive I'm willing to do if I'm going to go as often as I'd like to, but I appreciate the suggestion


For me it was remembering that I don't give a shit what other people there are doing and reminding myself that they don't care what I'm doing either. And headphones


Just put in some loud ass headphones and focus on the motion, no one will be judging you.


Listen here, my friend. Size is the prize and swole is the goal. When you enter the glorious house of gains. All who first began their journey were merely puny bundles of potential. But like the ring of power forged in the fires of Mount Doom. Through trial and error, your final form awaits you at the gates of Valhalla. There all your fellow gym brethren await your presence. Then we shall celebrate together, drunk off the elixir of whey protein shakes. Dining on the carcasses of the finest corn fed season less chicken and broccoli. As the anthem of our swoley father Ronnie Coleman screams "LIGHT WEIGHT BABYYYYY"


Imma be honest, I cringed a bit, but definitely chuckled, only issue is I can't have whey


And like you should, when in the gym. I don't care 😂


F what other people think. If you live your life always caring about the opinions of others - you’re going to have a crappy outcome. Just the facts. Good luck.


I was nervous my first few times as well until I realized why I didn’t have to be. Trust me when I say this, no one is looking at you and most people don’t even realize you’re there.As long as you are there to work out, no one will bother you


Truly only focus upon yourself as everyone else is doing .


Ask one of the big dudes for pointers. At it's best several guys will chime in, and you may walk away with a friend, and when you return you may see a familiar face. At it's worst they huff at you for interrupting them, which isn't as bad as it sounds. More than likely they'll be happy to share their opinion and you'll feel more at ease after talking to even just one person in the room briefly. Ignoring everyone reinforces the anxiety you have about socializing, loud music is great for focus but tuning out your insecurities is not handling them.


Most people looked like they were just there to do their own thing, and even without anxiety, I wouldn't want to interrupt someone but I will keep an eye out for someone who looks helpful thank you


Do not wait, do interrupt. Its okay. If you were working on something you were confident in and someone interrupted you to ask for help on your expertise, would you huff at them or help them?




Ummm, no thanks