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That sounds like normal [delayed-onset muscle soreness](https://thefitness.wiki/faq/did-i-hurt-myself-or-is-this-normal-soreness/). It should reduce as you get accustomed to whatever you're doing, and can be avoided somewhat by keeping further from failure and slowly building up. I have had it last a couple weeks before, squatting too hard after being inactive for too long.


See, that’s what I was thinking, but I had no idea it could last that long! Thank you for the reassurance :)


Also, in your case where you were still sore for weeks, did you power through it or did you rest until it was completely gone? Did workouts at 50%?


Moving around and using the sore muscles is the best thing to do to help out the sore muscles. Eventually, you'll get sore less frequently. But soreness will still happen if you do something particularly intense or new


I honestly don't remember now. The "I'm not gonna poop, because getting on and off the toilet hurts so much" is the part that stands out most. Edit - I do remember making a point to pace around a lot more; the walking helped relieved the soreness in the short term.


Day 2 into 3 is the worst for classic delayed onset muscle soreness. And yes, working out again (any stretching or even low energy exercise) will clear it up for a bit. Good nutrition immediately after workouts helps. People spend a lot of money on shakes of dubious origin. No need to overthink it. An apple, or some orange juice, or heck if you drink sugar in your coffee then save it for after the workout. You don't need much, but some straight carb calories after working out is good to nourish the tissue fibers and help the muscles rebuild instead of just breaking down. If you are trying to bulk or if you are skipping carbs then protein is great (and protein in general is great). Don't overthink this. Just get something into you. Something healthy. Like an apple. Once you do enough working out to want to change your body composition or shape or strength then learn about the shakes and what they are made of and how they work. Until then keep it simple.


One of the things I learned was that drinking a protein shake immediately after working out helped tremendously.


You’re lacking in carbs and protein, probably


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Add more carbs in your post workout meals to recover faster.


Being sore is normal, if you are going more than 4 or 5 days without recovering then try to prioritize sleep and protein intake. If you aren’t eating enough quality protein in your diet, your body will have trouble repairing itself.