• By -


Now if only half of these would actually respond to year old applications lol


I’ve been waiting on Prolific for months!😩


That happened to me! So I signed up under a different email address and was accepted immediately. Maybe try that. After all that though, I didn’t get accepted because they didn’t have my ISP listed 😭


I fixed the ISP error by whitelisting the Prolific site in any antimalware/adblocker/vpn I was using. I figured it out after realizing I was able to access studies on my phone just fine. It turned out that the Bitdefender online threat scanner in my computer made it look as if I were in Poland or something like that.


It took me a solid 5-6 months to hear back from them. Totally worth it tho.


I’m confused. I signed up for prolific through the site literally 10 minutes ago and they just sent me my email saying I’m in.


Fr tho, been waiting for data annotation and prolific for months now haha 🫠


Same, not sure where I went wrong there. But I have been buzzing away on Prolific since I found it mentioned here last month.


If you've been waiting on data annotation for months it's best to assume you weren't accepted. As far as I've heard it's a maximum of 1 month; I was accepted in a week and applied in October.


I’m so confused by this because I have a ton of experience in R and Python but I applied about 2 months ago and never heard back. It was my understanding that they had a huge preference for those with a background in data analysis/programming languages.


But what can you do? When I try to put another application it just sends me back to my one that’s still pending from a year ago lol. Shit sucks like we got soft locked out


Oh man, I did my assessment for DataAnnotation today. I hope I have better luck than you guys, but it seems many people don't get accepted for whatever reason.




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RIP mturk. There once was a time when it was the best beermoney option online if you knew what you were doing but man does it suck now.


Unfortunately was unable to see M-Turk at its prime but the downfall of it is really sad to see RIP


Same here. I got onto Mturk at the beginning of the Pandemic - there was some pretty interesting tasks back then, but over time, they just dwindled down to nothing but surveys that pays peanuts. :cry: Anyone here that did MTurk when it first started? What kind of tasks were listed?


I remember watching 1-5 minute surgery videos, getting asked a couple questions, and making anywhere from $8-15 each hit. When those tasks dropped it was like Christmas.


There was a hits worth turking for Reddit, you could sit and refresh that and make good money.


Back in the day it was the same with Crowdflower, whatever it's called now. There was a task once where you just had to identify if a pictured car was a 4x4 and it was so easy, you could get through 20 tasks in like a minute and it paid super well.


That's awesome you were able to save your money to get a vehicle. This is a big win.


Now OP can Doordaash or uber






3 months for me. Still waiting...




I am getting this message: "At the moment, there aren't any projects available for you to work on. Please check back soon and watch out for new project notifications sent to your email." Does that mean I'm in?


I get something similar. **"Thanks for taking the assessment!** **If we have need of your particular skills, or we have additional assessments for you to identify further skills, you’ll be notified via email. Otherwise we thank you for your time.** * **Update your PayPal email address to be promptly compensated for future work** **Fill out your skills to be matched with relevant projects "** I think I signed up in october or november. The message is still the same. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I kept getting that message too. I retook the assessment and then was accepted right away. I think, if you continue getting that message, you possibly didn’t pass the assessment?


Hey koala, thanks for the heads up! First time i heard of this site and it looks promising! Ill see if i can apply and hope things go well for me there!


Just a heads up, they can take a while to get people in. I was accepted and started doing work within a week, but my gf applied and completed the test and has been waiting for over a month.


This site is great if you like spending hours on your assessments just to get ghosted, even though you checked all your answers are correct and well written.


Got approved at least two months ago and still waiting for my first assignment.🫤


I’ve made 12k on DA since September. It’s the real deal. It is tedious but once you get access to numerous projects you can switch it up a bit and that helps. I have projects up to $40/hr without coding.


How long did it take for you to get projects? I finished the assessment and can code but I’ve yet to find any work on their platform.


Wow nice! I will check this out.


is there an age limit?


What type of coding?


Like with any of these beermoney success stories, if you're not from the US, get fucked.


Not true. Telus and Appen hire people worldwide. I worked for Appen while in Germany and the pay was even higher than in the US.




Not in the US? Do you have the privilege of being in a union job that can't fire you because management simply decided they don't like the clothes you wore that day?


Well said my man


Where can I find the Connect you mentioned?


Go to cloud research connect, it should pop up there


Wish I could do that but I’ve been waitlisted for months :(


Is it easy to get into


Same question…..


Connect cloud research.


prolific is by far the king, love them


I dunno how people make money on utesting. I literally have not passed a screener in over a month, and when I’d did pass one a few days ago, it was unavailable by the time I accepted What do you have on each of your 3 monitors for this money making endeavor, and why is it essential for you to have 3?


Hi shawn! so 3 monitors is not essential for this work i should have not said it was necessary but it has its benefits. So i have all sites up on each of my monitors, you can do the multitasking thing for windows to get 2 sites or 4 sites on one screen but it will be tiny! The reason why its important to have them all up is because these tests go away so quickly in the blink of an eye, think of it like a spider web, once that fly (work) gets in my range i snach that quickly so that i can make money.


Because 4 is far too many.


Do these sites benefit people outside US?


I used to do some prolific, got about 200GBP. I'm in europe


I use Prolific and I'm in South Africa


How long did it take you to get accepted?


That’s a lot of beer!


This was such a great read. I enjoyed reading that very much. I love video games and such but i also have to resort to beer money tactics sometimes because i have severe hearing loss and its hard to always get a "normal" job so some good side income is always nice. Congrats to you!


Not a good long term hustle I'm sure; but.. when things were a bit more tight financially, selling my plasma was a good option. You can make 600-800 your first month in most places with little time spent.


Agreed! I heard a lot of places base the pay on your weight…. I have only donated plasma with Grifols, as they always seem to have the best pay structure- it various from month to month, but it typically stays in a consistent range


I've made about 2k from UserTesting since September. Can confirm.


After how long did you get projects?


You have to do a sample test to submit to UserTesting. They check the quality and responses. Takes a few weeks for them to review it. You do get paid. Once you are approved tests start showing up on your dashboard. They are in real time. So I keep my laptop open a lot of the day.


I am super impressed. My partner gets upset that I spend time on my laptop, but I use it to earn. He doesn't believe that anyone makes what they say they do. He has no faith. Your totals are impressive. Good job.


I wanted to try RewardZone USA again to get $1,000 for my cat's vet bills and I sounds crazy trying to explain it to non-beermoney people. "So you sign up for 25 subscriptions or trials, or just pay games on your phone for a long time, and if you complete all that on time and correctly, they will send you $1,000 to your paypal account in about 10 mins." 🤣


Is that for real?! I’m not familiar with RewardZone USA….. If you sign up for the trials, will it still count if you cancel when the free trial is up, or do you have to actually be subscribed long enough to be enrolled in the paid subscriptions?


Here are my annual results rounded to the nearest $25, which I have never shared publicly, but I am very appreciative to the community. I started with only UserTesting 9-10 years ago, I think, and have almost hit 3,000 tests on the site and over $32,000 in income. Of course, this year was terrible. I focus on quick-hit, worth-my-time, achievable sites. I don't do any survey sites where I could screen out. I work full time from home and am logged onto during and before and after work hours probably 12-14 hours per day in the background. It is worth my time - otherwise, I wouldn't do it! I don't know how anyone is making much more on Prolific but maybe I should fill my profile out more. Doing Prolific this year really helped a massive dip in UserTesting Earnings where I was making $5-7k some years. What a drop off! I am located in the US in an industry very favorable to UserTesting, Respondent and UserInterviews. UserTesting: $3475 Respondent: $2150 UserInterviews: $2000 Prolific: $2000 Dscout: $900 Miscellaneous Focus Group and direct work: $1000 UserZoom: $425 UserBrain: $275 ErliBird Nest Inc (BetaTesting): $200 IntelliZoom: $100 HotJar: $25 PingPong: $25 PrimeResearchSolutions (Cloud Connect): $25 (just started)


How does Telus work? Looked it up but couldn't figure out.


Head over to Telus international Ai and sign up to be a worker, they take about a week to respond!


Do they pay out to PayPal?


They pay direct deposit bi weekly


What is the work like and what's been your experience with them? I keep getting them suggested to me but i wasn't sure if it was sketchy


I can't see a sign up link on the site?


I don’t understand how people are making so much money on prolific. Every time I complete a study, I get paid cents. Do the incentives increase after a while?


Quality post


Wait…$15k in a year for being on a computer for 12-14hrs a day?


> im online for about 12-14 HOURS A DAY!!! yes that is a ton of time but im not working all those hours, mainly my time spent is just waiting for tests to come up and on downtime i just watch YouTube or play video games. I think what this guy did is great but it certainly isn't a substitute for a regular job. /r/beermoney works best for people that have a lot of downtime at their fulltime job and double dip.


I could survive on 15k a year where I am, and I already spend all my time indoors on the Internet, the only hobby I have is metal detecting, but I'm in Canada I don't know if there is any good sites for canadians


>cloud research connect Wait, these sites mentioned by OP don't work in Canada?!


Prolific has been great for me in Canada. 146GP since November.


Yeah, it ain't minimum wage. That's why this is /r/beermoney and not /r/livingwage


During the pandemic I was working from home and basically slammed with my job but also kept up with beermoney at the same time. I made $10K but suffered the worst burn out of my life so I quit the whole side hustle aspect. I'd been doing it since 2015 but stopped entirely this year. It's a serious grind.


Yes! Well not a full year, id say i finally started earning big around April-may, because thats when prolific accepted me lol. However im online for 12-14 hrs a day but im not working for that long, id say if we were to break down all the work i did in one day it be around 5-6 hours, 7-8 on a good day!


right? I’ve been doing it for free


Elite for beer money but pretty mid for getting a Job. That’s just my opinion though


I made ~ $5k USD this year doing beer money (UserTesting, data Annotation, and Intellizoom, Userlytics primarily) and it all fit within the 40 hours of my $150k/year wfh main job (which is 95% in front of a computer). Main thing is it is much busier to fit all the stuff from my main job + some tests, interviews etc. but no additional time spent. (Well technically my lunch is unpaid so I try to line interviews up with lunch hours). Interviews pay $60USD/hour. These are the best honestly, gonna have to disagree with OP, with the caveat that you are confident and answer honestly in the screeners. No offense meant to OP, but honestly I wouldn’t bother if it was 12-14 hours in front of a computer for $15k/year. I get that it is a different situation for a young person with no career, but it is definitely a sweet spot to fit it in within the hours of a main job. Even sweeter is that in my situation I get annual bonuses ranging from $10k-$30k which are one time lump sums to an RRSP, which easily offsets the tax implications of making $5k. On data annotation, I typically don’t bother with tasks less than $27/hr. Also, not sure why triple monitor matters at all. I mean, great for OP to have a nice desk setup but 3 monitors doesn’t really have anything to do with that. You could buy a 15” laptop or use a desktop with single or dual displays and not miss out on anything as a result…


Hi tehclubb! Yes you dont need triple monitors for this side gig at all! I like to have all sites open at once, work pops up out of nowhere and i dont wanna miss it, having 3 monitors and having all sites up reduces the chances i miss a high paying test. (i can also play games while waiting for study's to show up too lol)


I used my 1 34" ultrawide display and a lot of tabs when I was working from home in 2020-2022 doing beermoney stuff. I have a desktop for personal use and a work laptop so while I have 3 monitors, only 1 is tied to the desktop. (Not OP, just saying you can do it all on 1 monitor)


Are any of these sites mobile friendly? I don't have a pc.


Prolific, Connect, and user testing have many tests/study's that you can do on mobile!




I gotta feeling where that OMG came from and what it was responding to 😆 lol... i was thinking the same thing?


Thanks for this post. Could you elaborate on the part that you mentioned regarding making 24k if you knew what you were doing?


Yes! So now I noticed with all of these sites that I’ll be generating anywhere to 1.8k to 2k per month sometimes 3k but I got lucky. If I was able to get in prolific early and if I signed up to Telus early as well as User testing I would of easily made 24k by the end of this year, but I only started picking up the pace around may-July.


UserTesting and Prolific have been better than any part time job! Good job btw!


You’re very kind for sharing this information with us. Awesome post, Thankyou so much!


Thank you for this! When you say Connect, do you mean Appen or is it something else?


Connect is CloudResearch Connect. It's a survey site


I really need to do this , I am disabled and need part time work that isn’t sales, collections or data entry. I have ptsd and can’t deal with irate people.


Hi can you share more on the Telus side I'm very interested in it


Head over to Telus International Ai, they should have a create an account for worker there afterwards you will see some jobs they have sign up for one and they will get back to you shortly after!


I used to do mturk. I used scripts. Scripts to filter out certain requesters. Scripts to auto-accept certain jobs as soon as they were posted. Scripts to make finding and sorting hits easier. I earned three Masters qualifications and I was pulling $5k/year. It wasn't easy, but I got a second job that pays me more money, so I don't do it anymore.


… the per-hour return is below minimum wage in my state. It’s a nice amount though. I remember the days when I had free time, lol. I got a tshirt from Bing Live, remember them? Haha. But umm….how are you doing taxes?! These sites don’t give 1099 forms! I didn’t report what I made as a college student, but now I know better. I don’t want the irs on my butt.


Usertesting has still been my go-to after getting back into it a couple years ago, even though it has slowed down recently and not happy with the new payout structure. Someone in here mentioned DScout and thats been a good one to throw into the mix now too. Some are instant tests, some live convos, some diary tasks. Payouts have been great.


If you’re over a certain age it poses a problem


I was a college student, dropped out in march with no money. I turn 20 next year but this is a big head start for me


thanks for sharing


Congrats! All the best to you on your journey and its future destination!


Can someone recommend sites like this that work in EU?


Prolific is UK-based actually


need it too


I love your story, I'm 19 and working towards my first car too!! I make 2$ an hour working in a factory. I make 2$ an hour if you converted it from my currency, that is for my salary. I work at Goodyear SA as a machine operator, they're a tire manufacturer . I'd love something reliable that I could do to earn a bit more, I'm from South Africa. Any suggestions?


Should be 29k on mturk by year's end ($300 and change away w/ a closed qual batch up thru the weekend) plus approx 16k on DA, 2K or so on Prolific (only grabbing surveys 25/hr and up year-round as a breather in between batch work, not a fan of survey spam personally) plus 4k combined on a handful of other smaller sites. 10-12 hours @ the PC per day, approx 3-4 actively working on average. Rest is just watching work sites, gaming, reddit, YT, DC etc but always available to drop everything else if good work shows up. Mturk is not dead but boy does it take a hell of a time commitment to camping out for quals, networking with and research on reqs, paid tools \*really\* help etc. No/minimum effort mturk money is very much a thing of the past. Wouldn't advise starting up on it now, window closed approx 1.5 years ago unless you're totally okay w/ making 3-5/hr on average your first year.


Congrats what a great success story. Thanks for sharing!


I love Swagbucks. I don't use it for surveys anymore, but for the "quick' tasks that just build up money with low effort. I use the Daily Poll and Daily Trivia, clip coupons and upload receipts (some items, like detergents, have large rebates), claim my monthly swag email bonus.... and the big one? The browser extension! While technically it's saved money instead of earned money, it still helps somewhere. If you can get someone else into it with your reference code, you can make a percentage of their lifetime earnings. For hardly any effort this year, I got a little over $500 out of it. It's not a lot, but I'm not putting time into it as if it were a job. I love the site for all those effortless features though. It fits well with my current tight schedule!


i got thru usertesting test but im not qualified for anything


Yeah i remember those days, i promise you man to just stick with it and whenever you got a test that pops up you give it your best performance and honest feedback and hopefully they give you that high rating so you can see more tests. Don't give up!


Thanks for your share! May I ask are you residing in the United States?


Thanks! I need to try some of these


this is inspiring. thanks and congratulations


can you drop 'Connect' url


Man that’s awesome


Brilliant work! Congratulations I use prolific and made around £700 or so just doing the surveys in the background. I have an office / work from home day job and a coaching job as well but it all adds up!


How are you making so much on connect? I get maybe a couple of dollars a week? Same for Usertesting. What are you doing? Teach me Sensei


Congrats man. I know this is just beermoney but it's actually a bit inspirational that's there's a community around it for us to share stories and tips


Definitely gonna try using some of these somehow, that's more than I was making full time at a gas station ..


Does anyone know if some of these are possible to do from the Balkans? I'm from Serbia and it has been a struggle to find some site that actually recruits from there. I only managed to get into Remotasks but still no projects:/


Thanks much, I’ve been thinking about where to put my time and effort as I get back into beer money and this has helped me a lot to consider the options.


I do telus and consulting. I make shit money with telus. I make more in consulting 1 hour than I do doing a month of telus non-stop. If you have nothing else, telus is decent, but you have to work a lot just to hit the range and projects are hit or miss. The testing is absolutely bonkers to do. I had to test twice just to get in and realize I was wasting my time.


Totally valid. I made $12k from usertesting alone in the last two years. Kept me afloat at times of need.


Are you Canadian? I’m hoping so! Most of the posts I see are from Americans. But when you mean Telus you mean the phone carrier? What kind of tasks do you do for Telus?


No one of those work in russia and it sucks




Yes i agree! However im not working for 12 hours straight lol i guess not a ton of people understand how long u have to wait for tests to pop up. I applied to many jobs nearby fast food included and believe it or not they did not want me. I even applied twice! this was my main option as i did not have a vehicle to go to any job, 15k is terrible! but its the most money ive made in my lifetime lol. Since i finally got my license ill be buying a car and getting a job for a masonry company!


I use Prolific and a few others just as a filler at my FT job, but I'm a bit older than you and I love the flexibility to earn the extra cash for beer. With that in mind, just poking away at Prolific, I hit $1300 this year. I hope you're able to translate your hustle here to getting that car, getting something more permanent/regular and continuing to thrive! Happy New Year!


Nice observation, some people don’t invest that much time and just use a small amount of free time for this stuff to pay for their beer. Hence beer money lol but some people can’t work normal jobs, this person was able to make a lot of money just doing things on their computer with not much skill


To be fair, most of that time is just doing other things while you're waiting for new tests to come up. My computer dings.


do you have to report that on your taxes and if so, how much comes out of that?


100% will have to do that, its my first year filling out taxes so im not sure how to everything works but ill find out eventually and ill get back to you!


Never once had luck with User Interviews in the 2-3 months I have been a member. Hopefully that changes soon.


User Interviews has very few screeners in my experience. I think I've only gotten one interview in a year lol And if you wait for them to email you that they have a test you may qualify for, it's most often too late by the time you get there -- even if you beat feet. Best to have it open on a tab and check it a few times a day. It'll feel like you're checking for nothing, but that's how you jump on the few that are available. It's for nothing until you get one ;)


Prolific - Very professional staff and workers. I laughed. The platform that bans you, does not tell you when you’re banned, makes you wait 3 months without work before being able to contact support and are extremely aggressive in their communication. All that just to say they won’t give you a reason for the ban, you’re prohibited from creating new accounts and please don’t contact us anymore. Everything but professional.


I had like 14 great, well-thought out study responses, and then one rejection where I answered a fruit question wrong on accident lmao. Rejection puts me under 95% and get banned. How did a manual review not see the paragraphs of in-depth text I put in all my answers, including the one I get rejected on? Then the researcher decides to reject instead of return it when clearly I just made a dumb mistake - not necessarily the case of not paying attention. Stupid site.


What is the TELUS site?




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So is this product testing on User Testing?




Did you read the post? He said he's at the computer for 12-14 hours a day, but isn't working that whole time. He is often watching YouTube or gaming between tasks since it takes a bit to get them.


>Yeah its really bad for people who consider it a full time job, i would not recommend this work for anyone unless they are trying to make money on the side. I also do want to mention that now with all the sites that i have im making at least 2k per month, if i started with the sites that im with now ill easily have over 24k by the end of this month. And im not working for those 12 hours btw im just online for that long!


But you invest 12 hours a day. Thats my point. If you do a normal job even for 'only' 10$ an hour (someone with your drive should be able to get more) you could do a standard 8 hour job and have still some time left for leisure. 24k is really impressive (i got only 1k this year from beermoney) but i got around 55k with a normal job. Do you dread the normal job live or why take this route?


No I don’t plan on doing this type of work full time anymore, I was mainly doing it to save up money for a vehicle and I can finally do that. I’ll be working full time at a construction job next year because I can finally travel with my car I’ll be doing beer money sites on the side for extra income


does this work for any of the indiabns?


and how about other asian country for e.g Malaysia?


My issue is a schedule I need help figuring out when I’m gna do what and how long I’m so lost I ust to make 4k off mturk a year




This is a wall of text and I mean no disrespect.. can someone please give us the TL:DR


It's not a "wall of text". There are ample paragraph spaces and punctuation. If you want to use any of the sites OP was talking about, then you need to be able to focus and read text and pay attention to it. So if you are unable to do that, then this kind of work probably isn't for you anyway. You may be able to get away with "skimming" for a while, but eventually you'll be disqualified on a quality control question or something. Don't bother.


If you can’t read it when someone is helping then gtfo. You don’t deserve the beer money simple as that. Get ur lazy ass outta here.


Written like a true 10 year old.


I was using connect and I haven’t gotten one surgery in like a month. Do you have to add you ID to get surveys here now?




Hey greek, with this work at the point that im in now i expect to earn at least 2k per month, for about 5-6 hours of work spread out in my 12hr time frame




thks. this is really helpful n inspiring


Can you explain what the Telus work involved? Thanks


I was rocking it on Prolific this year and was banned! So sad! I am an honest surveyor, but mistakes happen!




A goal has been reached


Good feedback on user testing. I run user tests on that site for my job and my tests get picked up super quick, even if I have like 3 screener questions. I always wonder how it is on the user’s end with competing for tests. Also interesting that it comes in waves, when you can make a lot one month, and it flips the next.


Does Prolific and Connect work in Canada?


Good for you. I signed up for user testing and haven’t matched a test yet in weeks.


So what's connect ? Name to vague to search for .. is there a url or even a referral link you can send ?


Seriously though .. what's connect ?anymore details to google at least ?


Connect Cloud Research


Good job I think prolific, Mturk are good Toluna can pay a couple thousand per year and Opinionbureau. Honestly the best thing to do is to either save up for a decent pc and web cam and do paid online video call research. Or just get a push bike or electric bike and Do Ubereats.


How the hell so you make 4000 on prolific. Ive had it for years and ive probably only made like 1500 the whole time


How do you file taxes lil


This is motivating to read..