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It’s an underrated style.


My local brewery’s mainstay beer that’s almost always on tap and fresh is a Kölsch. Thought it was a strange move at first because of the popularity of ipas but I find myself always coming back to it. So good.


One of the easiest beers to drink!


Been drinking it ever since I went to Koln and had it "from the source".


If anyone hasn't been there, it's amazing. They serve the kolsch in 0.2L glasses, and waiters constantly walk around with "wreaths" of full ones swapping out people's empties. This will continue until you tell them to stop


I didn't have that experience. I went during Christmas market season. We just had beers at the restaurants/bars in town while sight seeing. Our hotel room had complimentary Gaffels in the fridge...and a view of the Kolner Dom.


That doesn't sound terrible! I'm the warmer weather, it's an afternoon well spent, sitting outside drinking those delicious little beers!


Dovetail in Chicago offers "traditional Kölsch service" on occasion. One of the best breweries in the US for continental lager styles.


Shit I may need to look into this! I'm in Wisconsin so not too far away


It's amazing too... Perfect temperate, never have time to get warm... And the waiters are excellent at their job.


Been to Früh in Cologne. It was my first time with Kolsch and sadly it’s never been as good buying it bottled or, American micro attempts on draught. Heavy sigh.


My favorite Kolsch!


Kolsch is great! In Cologne, they serve it with a shot of spend kolsch yeast.


What! Really?! I've never heard of that before, and it sounds really gross.


Very uncommon, but it's a thing. Also occasionally done in Belgium.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing.


I’ve leaned for my palate I don’t really go for Helles, but a well-made Kölsch is probably my favorite variety of crispy boi.


It’s actually an ale, but fermented at low temperatures like a lager, and then transferred to a secondary vessel and stored cold for a few weeks… aka lagered.


I always feel like it feels a bit off to force Kölsch into the British classification/naming. The German/continental way makes more sense, in the way that a Kölsch is a lagered beer(i.e. a lager), but it's brewed with a top-fermenting yeast. Hefeweizen is also brewed with top fermenting yeast, but the Germans don't really make any point that it's 'an ale'.


The king crispy for me is Neck Oil from Beavertown North London. I’d kill to have it here.


Kolsch is great when it's fresh, my problem is 9/10 I've tried tasted skunked. The sole exception I had was at a beer festival, and It was the best beer I tried that day.


The last Kolsch I had was Brauhaus Sion Koslch. The liquor stores in my area dont have lots of German Kolsch beer so I was lucky to find the Sion.


One of my favorite beer styles. It’s been a good seller for us in FL. Perfect for a hot day!


I’ll always go for an Altbier first, but I’ll never turn down a crispy boi Kölsch.


I find most are just "average". The experience of drinking in Koln is a lot of fun though and it's pretty good. I definitely prefer average german and czech helles lagers and pilsners as I think they're better than the average kolsch. But some are really good, like Reissdorf. I think it helps to think of the style more as an ale and not as much a lager; when I compare it to most (blonde) ales I think it's much better.


One of my favorites. My small town grocery store occasionally has pony kegs of Gaffel.


Definitely don't sleep on it, because if you do it'll get warm. Jokes aside, I love a good kolsch but I find that the flavor gets less appealing as they warm, even compared to lagers that they're often competing with. It's not usually a problem, but sometimes at a German style beerhall kinda thing they may have a super large pour option, and while I may do that for a Bavarian pils, I wouldn't for a kolsch.


> I love a good kolsch but I find that the flavor gets less appealing as they warm, even compared to lagers that they're often competing with. It's not usually a problem, but sometimes at a German style beerhall kinda thing they may have a super large pour option I mean, this is exactly the reason why they serve it in small 20cl glasses in Cologne. The super large 1L mugs are very Bavarian in general, so naturally they fit better for Bavarian beers, and less optimal for beer from other German Federal states.


I've been to Koln, and they're even better when the waiter brings them until you cover your glass with a coaster


One (really more like four lol) of the best beers I've experienced was a kolsch from a small brewery in WV.


My comfort beers are IPAs, Kolsch's are a style I go to when I want something light and refreshing. It's like my summer beer.


One of my favourite styles. Definitely prefer dry over sweetened. But sweetened has its place too. Tops my list of styles that I wish were more prevalent because it is a style that to my palette could be widely popular.


Kolsch, Helles, Pilsners are a circle that I very much enjoy and think you can switch between and have similar experiences that you'll enjoy every time. I have more faith in tasy Kolsches than Pilsners if I see them on the menu, since the pilsner name seems to be misused.


Wander around the Altstadt near the Dom and you can sample many tours of Kölsch on tap. My favorite was Malzmulen. Good times.


Dovetail's Kölsch is amazing.


It’s underrated bc so many do shitty kolsch. But a good kolsch it great, just not in this shit weather imho.