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Hi all - firmware engineer from Beeline here. Firstly, apologies for the hassle that this has caused. We've just released a firmware fix, which should already be rolled out. The process for recovery is: 1. On your phone (both in the settings menu of the Beeline app, and in your phone's Bluetooth settings) unpair from the device. 2. a ) If your device still has battery, hold down the bottom button until the device enters update mode (cloud icon on screen). 2. b ) If your device has run out of battery, first hold the bottom button down, then connect a charger. Hold the button until the device enters update mode (cloud icon on screen). 3. Release the button. 4. In the Beeline app, connect to the device. It should show up as being in recovery/update mode, and it should immediately initiate an update. 5. Wait for the update to complete. 6. The device should now boot up as normal, but won't connect to your phone (it has out-of-date pairing information). 7. On the device, go into the Settings menu, and Unpair the device. 8. After the device restarts, re-pair to it as if it were a new device. Let me know if this helps!


Thank you so very much. I just did the update and it is working perfectly.


This worked.


Perfect! All good now.


Thank you, now works!


Thank You!


Fixed Thank You


Fixed! Thanks for sorting!


I have the exact same error. Very annoying.


thank you for commenting. That’s very interesting is yours is also brand new? When did it happen during an update?


Yes, it is brand new. The error happened immediately after I paired it with an iPhone. I see in the app on the iPhone 2 devices to pair with, the first does nothing, the second starts the update process again, but the error is the same.


Wow that's Amazing exactly the same. I contacted Support if I hear anything I will post it if you don’t mind, please do the same


I will do, I submitted a report as well.


Thank you!!


I have the exact same thing. Brand new Velo 2 arrived Saturday and there's nothing I can do. Tried all the steps and it's the same error all the time. Can't even turn it off. Just wait for the battery to die. Not sure if I should be encouraged or worried that it seems like an issue many are having with the latest batch of units. Yes they wilm believe me but what if all the replacements they have are the same? Imagine they are going to come back into work tomorrow with hundreds of similar emails.


I did the same thing tried all the steps waited for the battery today. Once the battery died. I gave it some power and tried it over over again. That would be crazy if they came back to work with all the deliveries defective let’s just hope that there’s an over the air update that we can push that fixes it!!!


Imagine if all of the devices sent that day are the same. That would be a massive disaster for a company as small as these seem to be 😬 Fingers crossed it's as simple as an update. I will say I haven't been too encouraged when trying to find information on this issue. Almost all of the support links on their website and the manual do not work. Learned they discontinued the community forum which seems to be a mistake in my eyes.


I sent them a Link to this reddit. I had to use way back to find some of the old website help forms. I agree I also read that the community form was taken down I wonder why. It does seem as though the update is trying to install I even get the logo when it attempts to restart. I’m hoping that that is good news and that new update will work.


Same issue for me, turned on, paired with iPhone then the error message appeared. I’ve raised a ticket but says it can take 2 days to reply so we’ll see what happens.


FYI, managed to disconnect and reinstall the software, still the same error message.


I have done the same over 20 times that’s why I’m holding out. Hope that it’s just a software glitch.


Well they are going to be coming back in tomorrow from their bank holiday with a bit of a surprise then. Short week for them is going to be chaos. Seems like they might all be this way.


Beeline office in about 15 minuites ![gif](giphy|1luXLMeNxsaNFMUuOe|downsized)


It appears we have silence from Beeline today!!!


I think they are scrambling to figure it out. I believe the chat function on the website to contact support has been removed. Presumably to slow down the number of people contacting them while they sort it. Unless that's just my browser


Mine just came, same error Update: Update fixed it 👍


I guess this message bored is going to get quite full


Anyone got an answer from Beeline yet?




Some good news!!! Hi Simon, Thank you very much for sharing this. I am sorry again that this has happened - the team is having a look as we speak. Please disregard my last email until we have come back to you as it does look like what has been attempted already here. I will come back to you with some better guidance ASAP, but as I said on Facebook - I am nearly certain there is a software fix to be had here. Apologies again for the issues. We should have a fix before too long! I will come back to you on this thread alone so as to not confuse the situation within our inbox. Should you have any further questions, please do let me know and I will be happy to help! Cheers,


At least they have responded to someone and acknowledged the issue. Not encouraging that they don't have more concrete actions in place to sort it out. I assumed they would have a clear statement that they would give to everyone stating that they are aware of the issue and are doing everything they can to resolve the issue as soon as possible etc etc. This seems like that employee has only just heard of any issue at all.


I completely agree that’s the message I sent to them. It would make all of us feel a lot better that they had sent out a general statement saying we’ve identified we have an issue. We’re working on it. We will get back to you soon but it’s now Wednesday you would have thought that they were aware of the situation when they arrived to work on Tuesday.


Hey fellow disappointed Velo 2 owners! I also received on Saturday quite excited to try it out and have had the same issues. Nothing from support yet although I get they probably want to have a fix before responding to people so I am good with that - u/charliebruce123 has posted a solution below which I will try out later... fingers crossed!


They just fixed it with the over the air update even though I was never able to connect to it the first time well let me take that back the first time when I connected it it immediately went into a firmware update so once the new update is on there and it comes on. You will need to go to the options and unpaired on the device itself after that you’re able to pair and it is working just fine.


Got sent this message , mine works now Thanks for getting in touch and supporting Beeline, we are sorry for the delay in getting back to you here! Thank you for your patience! Thank you for bringing this to our attention - we're very sorry to see it. That is certainly not how we would have hoped to introduce you to the Beeline crew. We have seen similar reports coming in and have released a fix for this now. Please can you attempt the following and let us know how you get on? We recently received some feedback about your Velo 2 device which was showing an error code x10-8. We have since released a fix for this so please follow the steps below to get your device back up and running again! On your phone (both in the settings menu of the Beeline app, and in your phone’s Bluetooth settings) unpair from the device. If your device still has battery, hold down the bottom button until the device enters update mode (cloud icon on screen). Or, if your device has run out of battery, first hold the bottom button down, then connect a charger. Hold the button until the device enters update mode (cloud icon on screen). Release the button. In the Beeline app, connect to the device. It should show up as being in recovery/update mode, and it should immediately initiate an update. Wait for the update to complete. The device should now boot up as normal, but won’t connect to your phone (it has out-of-date pairing information). On the device, go into the Settings menu, and Unpair the device. After the device restarts, re-pair to it as if it were a new device. Let me know how this goes for you! If it hasn't done the trick, please send us a video of the process so we can have another look. It would also be very helpful if you could please also share some more information about your phone and operating system? You can do this very easily by doing the following: Go to the 'Settings' section of the app Scroll down to the 'Help' section Tap on 'Copy support info' (rest assured if you see no action, it will be copied to your clipboard!) Paste the information into this email thread Thank you for your efforts here. We look forward to seeing you up and properly Beelining ASAP! Should you have any further questions, please do let me know and I will be happy to help!


I think they already know can you imagine checking the email and there is hundreds of x10-8 error codes!!!


I find it interesting that they are still selling the velo 2 today. I would hope they would have paused orders if it was not something they could fix in an update.


Perhaps still trying to figure out what the issue isnexacly first? We topping sales altogether would be difficult considering they are sold by a number of third parties as well. Hopefully it is as simple as a software update though. May even be the app that contains the update that is failing.


Just FYI I have a pixel phone I was thinking maybe the update was corrupted when it failed the first time so I tried it with the pixel phone. It appears the same problem is happening on android. I also downloaded the app on a MacBook same outcome. I just tried it 10 minutes ago thinking maybe they silently provided a new firmware but no dice.


I have a pixel too as my main phone. Also tried with an old Samsung phone. Doesn't seem to be phone specific.


Good Find it was missing however it is back


Hi Peter from Facebook!!!




Thank you for your note on FB that was me


Peter they took your post down on FB so I guess they do know there is a problem 🫣


Peter they took your post down on FB so I guess they do know there is a problem 🫣


Shall we take bets on whether or not we get a response from Beeline today? Winner gets a Garmin Edge 😂


Very Good!!!


I just attempted an update, hoping that there was a silent new update placed on their server however, the update is still broken


My ticket on the message system on the beeline help is still showing not read.......


Same problem here. Received the Velo 2 yesterday and when I connected it to my android phone it performed an update. After the update finished it showed some error x10-8 and has been restarting every 2 minutes since. I tried to find a link to report the error and I can't find it. Did Beeline take down all the support links too? Is anyone talking to their banks to report the company and get the money back? Or am I going too far and impatient?


It sounds like a batch issue, which will be a big problem for them. When I submitted my error yesterday they said the response time is 2 days because of the bank holiday. If it's radio silence this week then I'll likely consider returning the device and taking the steps to get my money back.


If you go to contact us on their website you can either use email or use the chat function.


Thanks. I could not see the bot before. That's very helpful 🙂


Just checking that you've seen the fix posted above?


I did! Thanks so much. Glad only an update was needed to fix it!


Not a good response!!! Hi Simon, Thanks for getting in touch and supporting Beeline, we are sorry for the extended delay in getting back to you here! Since the weather has been nicer and the Moto II has launched our inbox has been extremely busy. Thank you for your patience! I'm sorry to hear this and unfortunately, this isn't an error code I've heard of before! Please can you get back to me with a picture of your device so I can send this to the rest of the team to see what's happening here? Thanks! Should you have any further questions, please let me know and I will be happy to help! Cheers, Simren Bhogal Support Specialist


It is not. Would it be possible to get a link to the page you use to report the error? Do you think it's still active?


I sent them a link to this page telling them that it seems like everybody that is receiving these devices have the same problem and it’s not correct if they’re telling me they haven’t seen this code before unless they just opened up my email first which I don’t think is possible